Conference Presentations by norsaadah nasirudin

e-Prosiding Persidangan Antarabangsa Sains Sosial dan Kamanusiaan Kali Ke-4 2019 (PASAK 2019) , 2019
Dasar Tarbiah Pegawai Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS) adalah bertujuan meranc... more Dasar Tarbiah Pegawai Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS) adalah bertujuan merancang dan melaksanakan program pembangunan tarbiah dan etika yang melibatkan pegawai dan kakitangan KUIS. Dasar ini adalah sejajar dengan persetujuan yang dicapai dalam mesyuarat Ahli Lembaga Penasihat Masjid Al-Azhar kali pertama bagi tahun 2017 yang bersidang pada 29 Mac 2017. Objektif kepada dasar tarbiah pegawai dan kakitangan KUIS ini adalah untuk memberi kefahaman Islam yang syumul, pembentukan pemikiran dan tindakan melalui nilai-nilai Islam, membangunkan jati diri yang mencerminkan KUIS sebagai IPT Islam dan menyemarakkan biah solehah di KUIS melalui pengamalan etika kerja berteraskan Islam sama ada melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran mahupun urusan harian pentadbiran. Bagi memastikan keberkesanan kepada pelaksanaan dasar ini, pelbagai strategi dibincangkan khususnya pembangunan usrah. Metodologi yang dilaksanakan pada peringkat ini bergantung kepada jenis aktiviti yang dijalankan seperti usrah umum, usrah gabungan mahupun usrah secara berkumpulan. Oleh yang demikian hasil penulisan ini akan meninjau dapatan dari soal selidik yang telah diedarkan kepada para pegawai KUIS pada 3 April 2018.
Papers by norsaadah nasirudin

International Journal of Mosque, Zakat And Waqaf Management (Al-Mimbar)
Community concerns about persons with disabilities in mosques have not been adequately addresse... more Community concerns about persons with disabilities in mosques have not been adequately addressed. This is based on a survey conducted in 2018. Respondents for this study were selected using a targeted sampling method consisting of 328 Klang Valley respondents. The study showed that community and disabled groups' perception of mosque facilities was moderately high, averaging 3.39. Therefore, the facilities provided by mosque facilities can continue to be improved, for example by displaying subtitles on television screens for sermons and Friday prayer lectures. Through verbal and non-verbal communication, it is hoped that the results of this study will make the community aware of the treatment of persons with disabilities in mosque facilities, both formal and informal. Few people with disabilities have the opportunity to attend mosques, but communities need to be sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities, especially when conducting obligatory prayers and Friday prayers.

Konflik antara agama merupakan perkara yang sensitif dalam sebuah negara yang mempunyai masyaraka... more Konflik antara agama merupakan perkara yang sensitif dalam sebuah negara yang mempunyai masyarakat daripada pelbagai latar belakang. Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang menjadikan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan perlu berperanan dalam kerangka Islam bagi menghadapi konflik ini. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini bertujuan menjelaskan pendekatan fiqh al-ta’ayusy atau disebut sebagai interaksi harmoni dalam menangani konflik antara agama. Kajian ini dilakukan berdasarkan penulisan lalu dan disesuaikan dengan isu berkaitan konflik antara agama di Malaysia. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa al-ta’ayusy dalam Islam mempunyai tiga pendekatan utama iaitu dialog antara agama, dakwah dan penerimaan agama lain. Selain itu, al-ta’ayusy juga tertakluk kepada beberapa syarat di mana umumnya adalah berkaitan kemuliaan agama Islam itu sendiri dan kepentingan bermuamalah dengan bukan Islam secara baik serta mementingkan keharmonian sejagat. Penerimaan terhadap masyarakat berlainan agama juga terhad kepada perkar...

Facing The Plural Society In Malaysia Through Comparative Religion: A Preliminary ReviewSince Mal... more Facing The Plural Society In Malaysia Through Comparative Religion: A Preliminary ReviewSince Malaysia got its independence around 60 years, it has known as a country which had a plural society not even the variety of language but also the variety of religiousity and ethnic. This has shown that the plurality in Malaysia has been a long time. Unfortunately, in facing this plural society seems difficult for some Muslims in Malaysia because of lacking knowledge in terms of approaching dan communicating with this group. Hence, the objective of an article is to review the Islamic responses regarding on the functions of comparative religion in confronting the plural society in Malaysia. The methodology of this article is basically qualitative which focusing on the literatures. The findings showed that comparative religion is important for Malay Muslim to learn and understand more about other people in Malaysia.

Creative Education, 2019
The implementation of tahfiz programme in polytechnics is aimed towards producing highly marketab... more The implementation of tahfiz programme in polytechnics is aimed towards producing highly marketable graduates and skilled human capital in technical and vocational education (TVE). This programme is developed to integrate worldly and ukhrawi knowledge to produce professional huffaz who are skilled and competent, conforming to the needs of the ummah and the nation. In line with the current global development and demand, the curriculum for polytechnic's tahfiz programme is developed in collaboration with Darul Quran (DQ) to produce dynamic and deductive semi-professional workforce. The combination of the core courses, elective courses and the institution's compulsory courses becomes the essential components for the curriculum. Elements like the programme synopsis, programme overview, delivery methods, assessment methods and referencing, complement the main aspects of the programme proforma. Strategic approach to be considered in order to comply with the standard curriculum demand of tahfiz programme in TVET institutions; small number of students, lack of promotions, and limited number of trained lecturers are among the main challenges that need to be addressed in the future.

Al-Banjari : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
The field of Comparative Religion is getting more attention from most scholars in the world, incl... more The field of Comparative Religion is getting more attention from most scholars in the world, including Malaysia. This is parallel with the nature of the Malaysian community which is diverse. The more one knows of the knowledge in comparative religion, the more one is sensitive when interacting with the people of other religions. Hence, in the context of university students in Malaysia, how far is their level of knowledge in comparative religion? This study is going to analyse on the level of knowledge among public university students in Selangor towards the field of comparative religion. This is based on the respondents’ demography which are gender, age, state originality, secondary education, department of study and the phase of the study in university. The method employed is quantitative which used the Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS) For Windows (version 22.0) and the findings are analysed descriptively. The result shows that Min distribution is a high 4.04 Over...
Conference Presentations by norsaadah nasirudin
Papers by norsaadah nasirudin