Papers by normala zulkifli

Malaysia aims to achieve a high-income economy by 2020. Hence, a highly skilled workforce is esse... more Malaysia aims to achieve a high-income economy by 2020. Hence, a highly skilled workforce is essential to achieving this goal through enhancement of its TVET graduates. This study is aimed at identifying the pull and push factors affecting student enrolment in the TVET programme at community colleges in Malaysia. This study employed a questionnaire to collect data. A total of 377 students from 11 community colleges in peninsular Malaysia were randomly selected as study sample. In this study, the mean score was used to determine the tendency of factors that influence student enrolment, while the Mann-Whitney U test was used to measure the difference in the mean score of the main factor. The findings show that all push and pull factors significantly influence student enrolment in TVET institutions. The study highlighted career prospect as the main pull factor, while the main push factors comprise students’ interest. The findings also show that there is a significant difference in the ...

IO: Theory eJournal, 2016
This study investigated the East Asia's electronic production network and its evolution from ... more This study investigated the East Asia's electronic production network and its evolution from 1990 to 2010. A network analysis is used to identify the major trade links for both parts and components and final products, and changes in roles, trading partners and network patterns for the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010. The results suggested that the role of Japan and the Korea in the 1990s expanded to becoming exporters of electronic parts and components and final electronics as well as importers of final electronics. In contrast, the role of Malaysia and Thailand seems to have been confined to being exporter of both electronic parts and components and final electronics. Meanwhile, some countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines and China experienced erratic changes in their role, while that of Singapore remains unchanged. The results also indicate that the relocation of Japanese and Korean FDI to lower-labour-cost countries such as China in the 2000s has forced some ASEAN...

This research aims to examine the relationship between the influence of 4P marketing (price, prod... more This research aims to examine the relationship between the influence of 4P marketing (price, product, place and promotion) and spending patterns of households, specifically housewives. The research applies statistical approach by utilizing primary data in this study. Thus, this study emphasizes 4P marketing to assess its influence toward expenditure allocation patterns among housewives. Generally, the analysis suggests that the patterns of housewives’ expenses are influenced by 4P factors. The result further indicates that such factors as, promotion and place, play vital roles and give positive impacts on housewives’ expenditure. Thereby, these two factors, in particular, are crucial in determining the direction of households expenditures incurred by housewives, who are responsible for their families’ spending. Yet, the findings does not deny price as another contributor to spending pattern among housewives. However, the impact is not nearly as important as the effect of promotion a...

The focus of the study was: first; to identify the involvement of B40 entrepreneurs in e-commerce... more The focus of the study was: first; to identify the involvement of B40 entrepreneurs in e-commerce and, second; to analyse the factors influencing their involvement. This quantitative study involved 207 respondents chosen using the snowball sampling technique. All respondents were low-income government sector workers (B40) who were conducting business part-time to increase their income. Information was acquired via questionnaires which had been adapted according to the study’s suitability and adopted from several sources. The finding showed that the respondents were well-informed about the existence of e-commerce. A majority of them only utilised e-commerce for shopping purposes and not for selling purposes even though they had products to be marketed. As for the respondents who sold products online, the most critical factors influencing their involvement were the income increase, broadband facility and knowledge about e-commerce. Regarding the respondents who did not market their pr...

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kelemahan pelajar dalam mata p... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kelemahan pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Ekonomi Asas, SPM. Seramai 2,035 orang pelajar Ekonomi Asas daripada 115 buah sekolah di sekitar negeri Johor telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah soal selidik untuk mengumpul data. Data seterusnya diproses dengan menggunakan pakej SPSS 15.0. Nilai kekerapan, peratusan, dan min dikira untuk menentukan kecenderungan memusat pengaruh sesuatu faktor terhadap pencapaian pelajar. Ujian korelasi digunakan untuk melihat hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang dikaji dengan pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Ekonomi Asas. Keputusan kajian ini menunjukkan enam daripada Japan faktor yang dikaji iaitu faktor minat, faktor sikap, faktor pencapaian lalu, faktor keluarga, faktor persekitaran- sekolah dan faktor rakan sebaya mempengaruhi pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Ekonomi Asas. Seterusnya, kajian ini juga mendapati wujud hubungan antara faktor minat d...

This study aimed to identify the push and pull factors which influence the enrolment of internati... more This study aimed to identify the push and pull factors which influence the enrolment of international students in Malaysian public universities. The sample study consisted of 320 international students who were studying in various academic programmes at Bachelors, Masters and PhD levels in Public Institutions of Higher Learning in Malaysia. The factor analysis method or specifically the factor component analysis was utilised to ascertain whether an item can be categorised according to the same features i.e. measuring the same characteristics as well as deleting items which were not relevant with this study. Additionally, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett Sphericity tests were conducted to measure the significance of each item in the variable used.The findings showed that the factor analysis managed to extract 3 push factors which were the overseas experience factor, the education quality factor and the social factor which influenced the students decision to study abroad to...

This paper examines the role of employees and firm characteristics in determining the Malaysian e... more This paper examines the role of employees and firm characteristics in determining the Malaysian economy’s pay structure. It utilises a uniquely matched firm-worker dataset from one common year (2006), which allows for a more in-depth analysis of worker- and firm-specific effects on the individual worker’s pay. Using this matched data, we are able to estimate the statistical firm effect, but since we only have data for one year, we cannot therefore disentangle aspects of this effect that are due to unobservable worker or firm heterogeneity. And so, we adapted the two-stage estimation strategy proposed by Abowd, Kramarz, and Morgalis (2000) in order to keep any potential simultaneity bias under control. The result indicates that observable worker characteristics and unobserved firm-effects are important elements of pay determination. However, firm-effects seem to explain the variability in pay determination more than observable worker characteristics. In addition, the relationship bet...

The aim of this study is to explore the nature of East Asia’s automobile production networks by m... more The aim of this study is to explore the nature of East Asia’s automobile production networks by means of social-network methods. In this paper, we have also developed a domination degree index (DDI) and domination intensity index (DII) to measure the dominating power of each East Asian country in the automobile networks. The results suggested that the networks of East Asia’s automobile industry are expanding over time both in terms of the number of links in the network as well as the strength of those links. This result indicates that both export and import of automobile products in this region increase significantly over time. In addition, Japan has emerged as the main player, both in the case of auto parts and components (P&C) and final automobiles. The Republic of Korea has also emerged as the second most important player in East Asia’s final automobile networks, while China has become the second most important player in East Asia’s auto P&C networks. Even though Thailand is the ...

Meskipun pernikahan merupakan aspek penting bagi membina sesebuah keluarga dan masyarakat yang ha... more Meskipun pernikahan merupakan aspek penting bagi membina sesebuah keluarga dan masyarakat yang harmoni, pelaksanaannya pada masa kini dilihat semakin sukar terutamanya dari segi perbelanjaan perkahwinan. Justeru, kajian ini memberi fokus untuk mengenal pasti corak perbelanjaan perkahwinan menurut perspektif Islam. Ini termasuklah aspek mas kahwin, walimah al-urus dan elemen sampingan yang lain. Borang soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian dengan melibatkan seramai 214 responden di sekitar Kuala Lumpur yang dipilih secara rawak. Hasil kajian mendapati perbelanjaan perkahwinan dalam kalangan graduan masa kini berada di tahap yang tinggi terutamanya dalam elemen-elemen sampingan. Beberapa cadangan turut diketengahkan di akhir bahagian kajian untuk rujukan bagi kajian-kajian akan datang. Despite marriage being an important aspect in building a harmonious family and community, its implementation at present time appears to be more difficult especially when it comes to wedding ex...

Research in World Economy
The aim of this study is to investigate empirically the factors that determine the level of autom... more The aim of this study is to investigate empirically the factors that determine the level of automobile trade in East Asian countries by taking into account government policies as well as the role of MNEs. To do so, in this study we include dummies of import substitution industrialisation (ISI) and export orientation industrialisation (EOI) policies as well as Japanese FDI as additional explanatory variables in our augmented gravity models. We found that GDPs, distance, per capita income, FTA, government policies, language and FDI are the determinants for the development of automobile industry in each country in East Asia. In the case of auto P&C, apart from economic size, the role of government through trade policy (i.e., FTA) and industrial policies as well as the role of MNCs are the major contributors to the development both exports and imports of East Asian countries. In the case of final automobiles, the role of FTA and language seems to be unimportant. Nonetheless, the role of...

Research in World Economy
This paper examines empirically the nature of the impact of the exchange rate on import, export a... more This paper examines empirically the nature of the impact of the exchange rate on import, export and economic growth in Malaysia from 2009 until 2018. The objective of this study is to investigate the long-term and short-term relationship between endogenous and exogenous variables and also to identify the effects of exchange rates on dependent variables including imports, exports and the Gross Domestic Product (DGP) that represent the productivity of the country. This study further focuses on investigating the impact or the role of export in drive the county economic growth. In achieving these objectives, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) testing procedure is used to test the presence of unit root. In order to investigate the incidence of long run relationship between the data series, the Johansen Juselius Cointegration Vector is utilized. The Granger Causality in Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) framework is employed to differentiate between short run and long run causal effects...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
The implementation of the SME Masterplan 2012-2020 for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is... more The implementation of the SME Masterplan 2012-2020 for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is expected to raise contribution share to total exports in gross domestic product (GDP) by 2020 in Malaysia. In this regard, the role of information, communication and technologies (ICT) is inevitable. This paper has two objectives. First is to identify the types of ICT device and network used by SMEs and their levels of ICT usage. Second is to determine their levels of exporting activity. Questionnaire is a main instrument for the data collection. Respondents consist of 14 SMEs. Sample size was determined after the discussion with the staff of SME Corp. Malaysia in the head office in Kuala Lumpur in this year, 2018. Majority of SMEs are from Selangor, followed by Perak and Kedah. Tablets/smartphones are the most popular types of ICT device among the respondent SMEs. In general, most respondents have only a moderate level of ICT usage in their business operations. Meanwhile, their level of exporting activity is very low. Ignoring this issue would hinder the achievement of economic growth. Therefore, even though this study is rather small, it provides a foundation of knowledge for further research on ICT usage performance of SMEs with the aim of increasing their level of exports in future.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2017
This research aims to examine the relationship between the influence of 4P marketing (price, prod... more This research aims to examine the relationship between the influence of 4P marketing (price, product, place and promotion) and spending patterns of households, specifically housewives. The research applies statistical approach by utilizing primary data in this study. Thus, this study emphasizes 4P marketing to assess its influence toward expenditure allocation patterns among housewives. Generally, the analysis suggests that the patterns of housewives' expenses are influenced by 4P factors. The result further indicates that such factors as, promotion and place, play vital roles and give positive impacts on housewives' expenditure. Thereby, these two factors, in particular, are crucial in determining the direction of households expenditures incurred by housewives, who are responsible for their families' spending. Yet, the findings does not deny price as another contributor to spending pattern among housewives. However, the impact is not nearly as important as the effect of promotion and place on housewives' spending. There exists a positive relationship between price and housewives' spending whereby, as price increases, housewives' expenses are likely to rise, as well. In addition, a positive relationship, between price and spending patterns among housewives, affects inflation rate at micro level. Nonetheless, in this case, product is not an important factor in influencing the pattern of housewives' expenditure.
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance
Papers by normala zulkifli