Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most commonmedical health problems ... more Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most commonmedical health problems that may occur during pregnancy and may lead to a range ofshort and long-term maternal, fetal as well as neonatal complications. However, recentresearches have revealed that, walking exercise has been considered as a ‘gold standard’in controlling blood glucose level and body mass index among gestational diabeticwomen.Aim: The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of walking exercise oncontrolling blood glucose level and body mass index among gestational diabetic womenSubjects and method: A quasi-experimental study design was utilized at Antenatal Clinic ofObstetric and Gynecological Specialty Center at Mansoura University Hospitals,Mansoura city. A purposive sample conducted on 126 pregnant women diagnosed withgestational diabetes mellitus, The study sample was divided into two groups,interventiongroup (n= 63):practiced walking exercise in addition to routine antenatal care and cont...
Improving quality and safety of maternity care has become a priority for hospitals worldwide in r... more Improving quality and safety of maternity care has become a priority for hospitals worldwide in recent decades. Effective verbal communication among healthcare team members is one of the hallmarks of safe and highly reliable patient care (Butler, Fullerton & Aman, 2020). Nurses and physicians are among the most important health care professional groups in hospital settings. They undertake separate and distinct tasks in clinical practice, yet they are expected to communicate effectively to provide effective and high quality services to all women (Bradley et al., 2019). Significance: Communication related patient safety issues has become a global concern. Disruptive verbal communication between nurses and physicians occurs with alarming frequency (Bohren et al, 2017). A lack of effective verbal communication between nurses and physicians can lead to adverse effects such as hospital readmissions, extended length of stay, preventable injury، and death. In contrast, when the level of communication between physicians and nurses increased, mortality and medication error rates decreased, level of satisfaction increased, desired outcome achieved (Jolly et al., 2019). So, it is very essential step to assess verbal communication skills among health care providers and identify all barriers of communication that may disrupt communicating process (Schmiedhofer et al, 2021). Aim of the study The present study aimed to assess verbal communication skills of healthcare providers in obstetric and gynecological wards.
Background: lower extremities edema is a common complain during pregnancy and associated with dai... more Background: lower extremities edema is a common complain during pregnancy and associated with daily activity limitations. Common intervention to reduce edema includes leg elevation and immersion in water which represents potential interventions to eliminate or minimize some of the functional limitations associated with legs edema during pregnancy. Aim of study: this study aimed to evaluate effect of leg elevation versus water immersion on leg edema in third trimester of pregnancy. Setting: This study was conducted in Antenatal Clinics of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Mansoura University Hospital. Study Design: A quasi experimental, comparative study has been utilized. Sample: purposive sample of 80 pregnant women was randomly chosen and divided into two equal groups for sitting upright in a chair with legs elevated or immersed their legs in water for 20 minutes, Changes in leg volume of edema were assessed by pitting edema techniques immediately preand post-interventio...
Labor management should focus on the goal of delivering a healthy newborn while minimizing discom... more Labor management should focus on the goal of delivering a healthy newborn while minimizing discomfort and complications for the mother. Reflexology is a noninvasive and non-pharmacological method of pain relief. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of foot reflexology on the pain and outcomes of labor for the primiparous women. A quasi-experimental research design was utilized in this study. A total of 120 primiparous women were selected by random sampling from Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. They are divided into two equal study and control groups. Structured interviewing questionnaire, women assessment sheet (Partograph), Numerical Pain Rating Scale, and Satisfaction Rating Scale were utilized to collect data in this study. The result of this study revealed a statistical significant difference between study and control groups regarding mean labour pain score at cervical dilatation 6-8, 9-10 cm, and during third stage of labour. Also, revealed a statistical sign...
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying a modified standard of antenatal care on the ... more This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying a modified standard of antenatal care on the quality of nursing practices and women's satisfaction. Design: A quasi experimental research design was used. Setting: This study was conducted at antenatal clinics at the obstetrics and gynecology center in Mansoura University Hospital, Egypt. Subjects: The study subjects included all nurses working at the antenatal clinic (20 nurses) and a purposive sample consisted of 180 pregnant women selected according to the inclusion criteria. Tools: Four tools were utilized for data collection (Administered Questionnaire Sheet, Structured Interviewing Schedule, Nursing Practices Observational Checklist and Women's Satisfaction Questionnaire). Results: There was an improvement in the total score of nurses’ practices regarding antenatal care and activities post intervention in comparison to before, whereas 99.4% and 84.4% had good total practical score immediately and 3 months post interve...
The present study aimed to evaluate effect of early maternal-newborn skin contact during third st... more The present study aimed to evaluate effect of early maternal-newborn skin contact during third stage on child birth outcomes. Design: Aquasi experimental research design was used. Setting: This study was conducted at Labor and Delivery Unit at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Mansoura University Hospitals Egypt. Subjects: This study included 180 parturient women who were selected by purposive sampling technique and were divided into 90 parturient women who received skin to skin contact (SSC) during third stage of labor and 90 parturient women who received routine hospital care according to the inclusion criteria. Tools: Five tools were used for data collection; namely (structured interviewing schedule, APGAR Newborn Scoring Chart, The new born body temperature chart, Observational checklist for assessment of first breastfeeding and Lickert Scale for assessment of maternal sat is faction). Results: The duration of third stage of labor was shorter, the amount of blood loss was ...
Background: The PLISSIT model is a tool for both assessing and managing a patient’s sexuality con... more Background: The PLISSIT model is a tool for both assessing and managing a patient’s sexuality concerns. It is thought that an intervention plan prepared within the framework of the PLISSIT model will guide maternity nurses in solving sexual problems of diabetic women and providing integrated care and help them to express their sexual problems. this study was aimed to evaluate the effect of PLISSIT model sexual counseling on sexual function among women with diabetes. Research design: A quasi-experimental study design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at Gynecological and Diabetic Clinics at Ain Shams University Hospital. A purposive sample technique was used to recruit one hundred and ten (110 ) diabetic women in the study. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups control and intervention based on the following inclusion criteria; educated women with type 2 diabetes mellitus in reproductive age, they indicate to be dissatisfied about their sexual functioning and that t...
Background: Family planning is the key for preventing the social, economic and health consequence... more Background: Family planning is the key for preventing the social, economic and health consequences that result from unintentional pregnancies. Women's preferences for various contraceptive methods vary due to many factors. Aim: The study was aimed to assess women preference for family planning method. Study design: A cross sectional design was used. Settings: The study was conducted at the hospital and all seven family planning units in mitSalsil centrer ;namely: (Center for Motherhood and Childhood Care, Family Medicine Center in New Kufr, Family Medicine Center in Algjafra, Union Unit, Unit El Jawaber, glasses unit and Unit of Crimea). Sample type: A convenience sample. Study sample:Two hundred and six women who attended the aforementioned family planning units through aduration of six months from July 2017 to December 2017. Tool: A structure interviewing schedule was used. It consists of three parts: Part one to identify socio-demographic data, obstetric, gynecological, medical, surgical history, part two questions to assess woman preferences of FB method and factors influencing contraceptive preference, part three questions to assess woman received enough counseling from the nurse regarding family planning methods. Results: The family planning methods preferred by women were the hormonal method (94.1%), (58.7%)preferred oral contraceptives, (30%) preferred injectable while (5.3%) preferred implants. Other non-hormonal family planning methods were IUD (40.7%) and lactational (9.7%). The two major factors that affected contraceptive preference were husband communication (53.9%) and religious affiliationsehoch (32%). Conclusion: The study concluded that family planning method preferred by women was the hormonal contraceptives whereas the least preferred method was lactational amenorrhea. Oral contraceptives were the most frequently preferred due high efficacy, easy use and reversibility. Recommendation: Information, education, and communication activities regarding family planning services should be strengthened by the MOH and target women before marriage,Family Planning programs (IEC) should target women before marriage in every possible way to teach those types, indications, adverse effects and reasons for choice of contraception methods.
This study was aimed to assess association of cesarean delivery with occurrence of placenta previ... more This study was aimed to assess association of cesarean delivery with occurrence of placenta previa. Design: Cross section design was utilized. Setting: The study was carried out at high risk unit at Mansoura University Hospital. Subjects: A purposive sample carried out for 139 pregnant women who were selected according to the inclusion criteria. Tool: Structured Interviewing Schedule. Results: The incidence of placenta previa among pregnant women with history of previous cesarean delivery was 100.00%. More than half of studied women had previous history of three and more cesarean delivery. There was highly statistically significant relation between the number of previous cesarean delivery and the types of placenta previa. There was statistically significant relation between the number of previous cesarean delivery and abnormal placental adhesion. conclusion: The study concluded that there was highly association between cesarean delivery and occurrence of placenta previa. Recommendat...
Pregnancy has many physical, psychological and emotional stressors but with the presence of socia... more Pregnancy has many physical, psychological and emotional stressors but with the presence of social support, it can be alleviated. Aim: The present study aimed to assess stressors and social support among pregnant women. Subject and Method: The study followed a descriptive design on 180 pregnant women who were chosen randomly. Setting: The study was conducted at Antenatal Clinics in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Center at Mansoura City, Egypt from the start of September 2015 to the end of March 2016. Data collection tools: Three tools of data collection were used including; A structured Interviewing Questionnaire Schedule, A–Z Stress Scale, and Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ6). Results: The study revealed that majority of the pregnant women stressors were (93.9%, 90.0% &77.8 %) concerned to increase in the prices of everyday goods, feeling unwell during pregnancy, and household responsibilities. Most pregnant women were supported by their mother in all common stressful events. Rec...
Background: Lumbopelvic pain is a substantial problem and can have a significanteffect on the pre... more Background: Lumbopelvic pain is a substantial problem and can have a significanteffect on the pregnant women's daily activities. Aim: Evaluate the effect of an educationalsession regarding sitting pelvic tilt exercise on pregnant women's knowledge and intensityof lumbopelvic pain. Subjects and Method: A quasi-experimental research designconducted on 70 pregnant women with lumbopelvic pain who chosen by a purposivesample. Setting: Antenatal Clinics at Obstetrics and Gynecology Center in MansouraUniversity Hospital in Egypt. Tools of data collection: There were three tools for datacollection: Tool I: Structured Interview Schedule. Tool II: Structured KnowledgeQuestionnaire. Tool III: Numeric Rating Scale. Results: There were highly statisticallysignificant differences between the pregnant women's knowledge pre, immediate and after 2weeks of intervention (P< 0.001). Also, there were highly statistically significantdifferences between the intensity of lumbopelvic pain pre...
Background: Knowledge of danger signs among pregnant women is the firstessential step in acceptin... more Background: Knowledge of danger signs among pregnant women is the firstessential step in accepting appropriate and timely referral. Also, it is important inimproving maternal and fetal health outcomes. Aim: The present study aimed to assessknowledge and practices of pregnant women toward danger signs of pregnancy. Methods:A descriptive study design was utilized at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department andClinics at Mansoura General Hospital on 242 pregnant women who had been chosen bysystematic random sampling technique. Three tools were used for data collection; astructured interview schedule, danger signs knowledge assessment schedule and dangersigns practices assessment questionnaire. Results: pregnant women total knowledge scoreof danger signs was poor in 57.9% of them while fair in 29.3% and good in less than12.8% of them, during pregnancy the most commonly identified danger signs were vaginalbleeding (69.8%) followed by severe abdominal pain (56.20%) and sever vomiting (55.4%)....
Background: Lumbopelvic pain is frequent and disabling condition in pregnancy and causing problem... more Background: Lumbopelvic pain is frequent and disabling condition in pregnancy and causing problems in everyday activities, such as walking, lifting, climbing stairs and sitting. Aim: To evaluate the effect of practicing sitting pelvic tilt exercise on the intensity of pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain. Subjects and Method:A quasi-experimental research design conducted on 70pregnant women with lumbopelvic pain who chosen by a purposive sample. Setting: The study carried out at Antenatal Clinics at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Mansoura University Hospital in Egypt. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used for data collection: Tool I: Structured Interview Schedule to assess the general characteristics, obstetric history of pregnant women and characteristics of lumbopelvic pain. Tool II: Numeric Rating Scale to assess the intensity of lumbopelvic pain pre and post intervention. Results: The findings of the present study illustrated that, there were highly statistically significant differences between the intensity of lumbopelvic pain Pre and post intervention (P< 0.001). Conclusion: The study hypothesis was accepted which indicated that practicing sitting pelvic tilt exercise during pregnancy had a positive effect on reducing the intensity of lumbopelvic pain. Recommendations: The present study findings recommended that, the pelvic tilt exercise should be performed regularlyas a part of the routine antenatal care.
Quality of antenatal care is one of the four pillars of safe motherhood initiative (SMI), along w... more Quality of antenatal care is one of the four pillars of safe motherhood initiative (SMI), along with clean delivery, essential obstetric care, and family planning. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of antenatal care services among pregnant women at Mansoura governmental hospitals. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive design was utilized.
Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common medical health problems... more Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common medical health problems that may happen during pregnancy and may lead to a range of short and long-term maternal, fetal as well as neonatal complications. However, effective management and education on GDM self-care measures improve pregnancy outcomes for both women and their neonates.Aim: The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of utilizing developed gestational diabetes mellitus guideline on pregnancy and childbirth outcomes.Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was used at Antenatal Clinic of Obstetric and Gynecological Specialty Center at Mansoura University Hospitals, Mansoura city. A purposive sample of 126 pregnant women diagnosed with GDM, assigned to the intervention group (n = 63) who utilized the Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Guideline (GDMG) of care in addition to routine antenatal care and control group (n = 63) who followed routine antenatal care only. Tools: Three tools were use...
Childbirth is physiological process that needs no intervention. Cesarean delivery should only con... more Childbirth is physiological process that needs no intervention. Cesarean delivery should only conduct when normal delivery is contraindicated to protect mothers and infant's health. Nowadays, a Cesarean Section has become a culture for escaping pain. Therefore this study aimed to evaluate the effect of healthy instructions on reducing pregnant women's fear of normal delivery and preferences for cesarean delivery. A quasi-experimental design was used. A purposive sample of 64 pregnant women was selected and divided randomly into two equal groups, 32 in each group. The study was carried out at Antenatal clinics of Obstetrics and Gynecology Center of Mansoura City. Three tools were utilized for data collection; an interviewing questionnaire and Childbirth Attitudes, Childbirth Fear Associated Factors Questionnaires to assess degree of women's fear of normal delivery and preferences for cesarean delivery. Level of fear was assessed pre and post healthy instructions. The study findings revealed that both groups were significantly different regarding the fear of normal delivery after intervention. It was obvious that before intervention more than half of both groups had preference for Cesarean Section while after intervention, vaginal delivery was the first preference of both groups. This study concluded that, healthy instructions by video and lecture educational methods were effective in making a decision on normal delivery, lessening the fear of normal labor, and diminished the incidence of elective cesarean delivery. The present study recommended to apply healthy instructions by video and lecture educational methods for raising their awareness to distinguish among normal delivery and cesarean section on large number of pregnant women for reducing fear from normal delivery and preferences for cesarean delivery.
Background: decreased fetal movement (DFM) is a common problem among pregnant women. It has long ... more Background: decreased fetal movement (DFM) is a common problem among pregnant women. It has long been recognized that posture in late pregnancy can have a profound effect on maternal hemodynamic. Left lateral tilt position allowsto displace the uterus from the inferior vena cava and thus improves maternal hemodynamic and gas exchange. Aim: evaluate the effect ofleft side lying down on the intrauterine fetal resuscitation among pregnant women with reduced fetal movements. Method: Design: Quasi- experimental research design. Setting: study conducted at Obstetrics and Gynecology department of EL - Mansoura University Hospital. Subjects: A purposive sampling technique was used was used to select study subjects {N=80 } of pregnant womencomplaining from reduced fetal movements in third trimester selected according to the inclusion criteria. Tool: one tool was used for data collection, itconsists of three parts (Socio – demographic data, obstetrical history andfetal movements recording card). Results: There was a highlystatistically significant difference of fetal movements among intervention group post intervention than the control group, the mean offetal movements was (3.25+1.5 versus 2.9+1.3 respectively).Conclusion: Maternal rest in left lateral position improved fetal movements. Recommendations: Pregnant women complaining from decreased fetal movements in third trimester should be instructed about the important of rest in left lateral position to establish proper fetal movements.
This study aimed to assess the effect of birthing ball exercises during pregnancy on the first st... more This study aimed to assess the effect of birthing ball exercises during pregnancy on the first stage progress of labor. Methods: This study followed a quasi-experimental research design. Setting: The study was conducted at the Antenatal clinic of Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist center and labor unit at Mansoura University Hospitals from August 2017 to July 2018. The study sample was 150 pregnant females admitted to the antenatal clinic in the previously mentioned setting. Tools: Tool I-structured interview questionnaire to assess general characteristics of women and obstetrical data for women. Tool II: Exercise schedule card designed & used by the researcher which recorded time of total pregnancy visits, types ,times & numbers of birthing ball exercises that done in every session for pregnant women were practiced birthing ball exercises.
Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most commonmedical health problems ... more Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most commonmedical health problems that may occur during pregnancy and may lead to a range ofshort and long-term maternal, fetal as well as neonatal complications. However, recentresearches have revealed that, walking exercise has been considered as a ‘gold standard’in controlling blood glucose level and body mass index among gestational diabeticwomen.Aim: The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of walking exercise oncontrolling blood glucose level and body mass index among gestational diabetic womenSubjects and method: A quasi-experimental study design was utilized at Antenatal Clinic ofObstetric and Gynecological Specialty Center at Mansoura University Hospitals,Mansoura city. A purposive sample conducted on 126 pregnant women diagnosed withgestational diabetes mellitus, The study sample was divided into two groups,interventiongroup (n= 63):practiced walking exercise in addition to routine antenatal care and cont...
Improving quality and safety of maternity care has become a priority for hospitals worldwide in r... more Improving quality and safety of maternity care has become a priority for hospitals worldwide in recent decades. Effective verbal communication among healthcare team members is one of the hallmarks of safe and highly reliable patient care (Butler, Fullerton & Aman, 2020). Nurses and physicians are among the most important health care professional groups in hospital settings. They undertake separate and distinct tasks in clinical practice, yet they are expected to communicate effectively to provide effective and high quality services to all women (Bradley et al., 2019). Significance: Communication related patient safety issues has become a global concern. Disruptive verbal communication between nurses and physicians occurs with alarming frequency (Bohren et al, 2017). A lack of effective verbal communication between nurses and physicians can lead to adverse effects such as hospital readmissions, extended length of stay, preventable injury، and death. In contrast, when the level of communication between physicians and nurses increased, mortality and medication error rates decreased, level of satisfaction increased, desired outcome achieved (Jolly et al., 2019). So, it is very essential step to assess verbal communication skills among health care providers and identify all barriers of communication that may disrupt communicating process (Schmiedhofer et al, 2021). Aim of the study The present study aimed to assess verbal communication skills of healthcare providers in obstetric and gynecological wards.
Background: lower extremities edema is a common complain during pregnancy and associated with dai... more Background: lower extremities edema is a common complain during pregnancy and associated with daily activity limitations. Common intervention to reduce edema includes leg elevation and immersion in water which represents potential interventions to eliminate or minimize some of the functional limitations associated with legs edema during pregnancy. Aim of study: this study aimed to evaluate effect of leg elevation versus water immersion on leg edema in third trimester of pregnancy. Setting: This study was conducted in Antenatal Clinics of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Mansoura University Hospital. Study Design: A quasi experimental, comparative study has been utilized. Sample: purposive sample of 80 pregnant women was randomly chosen and divided into two equal groups for sitting upright in a chair with legs elevated or immersed their legs in water for 20 minutes, Changes in leg volume of edema were assessed by pitting edema techniques immediately preand post-interventio...
Labor management should focus on the goal of delivering a healthy newborn while minimizing discom... more Labor management should focus on the goal of delivering a healthy newborn while minimizing discomfort and complications for the mother. Reflexology is a noninvasive and non-pharmacological method of pain relief. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of foot reflexology on the pain and outcomes of labor for the primiparous women. A quasi-experimental research design was utilized in this study. A total of 120 primiparous women were selected by random sampling from Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. They are divided into two equal study and control groups. Structured interviewing questionnaire, women assessment sheet (Partograph), Numerical Pain Rating Scale, and Satisfaction Rating Scale were utilized to collect data in this study. The result of this study revealed a statistical significant difference between study and control groups regarding mean labour pain score at cervical dilatation 6-8, 9-10 cm, and during third stage of labour. Also, revealed a statistical sign...
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying a modified standard of antenatal care on the ... more This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying a modified standard of antenatal care on the quality of nursing practices and women's satisfaction. Design: A quasi experimental research design was used. Setting: This study was conducted at antenatal clinics at the obstetrics and gynecology center in Mansoura University Hospital, Egypt. Subjects: The study subjects included all nurses working at the antenatal clinic (20 nurses) and a purposive sample consisted of 180 pregnant women selected according to the inclusion criteria. Tools: Four tools were utilized for data collection (Administered Questionnaire Sheet, Structured Interviewing Schedule, Nursing Practices Observational Checklist and Women's Satisfaction Questionnaire). Results: There was an improvement in the total score of nurses’ practices regarding antenatal care and activities post intervention in comparison to before, whereas 99.4% and 84.4% had good total practical score immediately and 3 months post interve...
The present study aimed to evaluate effect of early maternal-newborn skin contact during third st... more The present study aimed to evaluate effect of early maternal-newborn skin contact during third stage on child birth outcomes. Design: Aquasi experimental research design was used. Setting: This study was conducted at Labor and Delivery Unit at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Mansoura University Hospitals Egypt. Subjects: This study included 180 parturient women who were selected by purposive sampling technique and were divided into 90 parturient women who received skin to skin contact (SSC) during third stage of labor and 90 parturient women who received routine hospital care according to the inclusion criteria. Tools: Five tools were used for data collection; namely (structured interviewing schedule, APGAR Newborn Scoring Chart, The new born body temperature chart, Observational checklist for assessment of first breastfeeding and Lickert Scale for assessment of maternal sat is faction). Results: The duration of third stage of labor was shorter, the amount of blood loss was ...
Background: The PLISSIT model is a tool for both assessing and managing a patient’s sexuality con... more Background: The PLISSIT model is a tool for both assessing and managing a patient’s sexuality concerns. It is thought that an intervention plan prepared within the framework of the PLISSIT model will guide maternity nurses in solving sexual problems of diabetic women and providing integrated care and help them to express their sexual problems. this study was aimed to evaluate the effect of PLISSIT model sexual counseling on sexual function among women with diabetes. Research design: A quasi-experimental study design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at Gynecological and Diabetic Clinics at Ain Shams University Hospital. A purposive sample technique was used to recruit one hundred and ten (110 ) diabetic women in the study. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups control and intervention based on the following inclusion criteria; educated women with type 2 diabetes mellitus in reproductive age, they indicate to be dissatisfied about their sexual functioning and that t...
Background: Family planning is the key for preventing the social, economic and health consequence... more Background: Family planning is the key for preventing the social, economic and health consequences that result from unintentional pregnancies. Women's preferences for various contraceptive methods vary due to many factors. Aim: The study was aimed to assess women preference for family planning method. Study design: A cross sectional design was used. Settings: The study was conducted at the hospital and all seven family planning units in mitSalsil centrer ;namely: (Center for Motherhood and Childhood Care, Family Medicine Center in New Kufr, Family Medicine Center in Algjafra, Union Unit, Unit El Jawaber, glasses unit and Unit of Crimea). Sample type: A convenience sample. Study sample:Two hundred and six women who attended the aforementioned family planning units through aduration of six months from July 2017 to December 2017. Tool: A structure interviewing schedule was used. It consists of three parts: Part one to identify socio-demographic data, obstetric, gynecological, medical, surgical history, part two questions to assess woman preferences of FB method and factors influencing contraceptive preference, part three questions to assess woman received enough counseling from the nurse regarding family planning methods. Results: The family planning methods preferred by women were the hormonal method (94.1%), (58.7%)preferred oral contraceptives, (30%) preferred injectable while (5.3%) preferred implants. Other non-hormonal family planning methods were IUD (40.7%) and lactational (9.7%). The two major factors that affected contraceptive preference were husband communication (53.9%) and religious affiliationsehoch (32%). Conclusion: The study concluded that family planning method preferred by women was the hormonal contraceptives whereas the least preferred method was lactational amenorrhea. Oral contraceptives were the most frequently preferred due high efficacy, easy use and reversibility. Recommendation: Information, education, and communication activities regarding family planning services should be strengthened by the MOH and target women before marriage,Family Planning programs (IEC) should target women before marriage in every possible way to teach those types, indications, adverse effects and reasons for choice of contraception methods.
This study was aimed to assess association of cesarean delivery with occurrence of placenta previ... more This study was aimed to assess association of cesarean delivery with occurrence of placenta previa. Design: Cross section design was utilized. Setting: The study was carried out at high risk unit at Mansoura University Hospital. Subjects: A purposive sample carried out for 139 pregnant women who were selected according to the inclusion criteria. Tool: Structured Interviewing Schedule. Results: The incidence of placenta previa among pregnant women with history of previous cesarean delivery was 100.00%. More than half of studied women had previous history of three and more cesarean delivery. There was highly statistically significant relation between the number of previous cesarean delivery and the types of placenta previa. There was statistically significant relation between the number of previous cesarean delivery and abnormal placental adhesion. conclusion: The study concluded that there was highly association between cesarean delivery and occurrence of placenta previa. Recommendat...
Pregnancy has many physical, psychological and emotional stressors but with the presence of socia... more Pregnancy has many physical, psychological and emotional stressors but with the presence of social support, it can be alleviated. Aim: The present study aimed to assess stressors and social support among pregnant women. Subject and Method: The study followed a descriptive design on 180 pregnant women who were chosen randomly. Setting: The study was conducted at Antenatal Clinics in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Center at Mansoura City, Egypt from the start of September 2015 to the end of March 2016. Data collection tools: Three tools of data collection were used including; A structured Interviewing Questionnaire Schedule, A–Z Stress Scale, and Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ6). Results: The study revealed that majority of the pregnant women stressors were (93.9%, 90.0% &77.8 %) concerned to increase in the prices of everyday goods, feeling unwell during pregnancy, and household responsibilities. Most pregnant women were supported by their mother in all common stressful events. Rec...
Background: Lumbopelvic pain is a substantial problem and can have a significanteffect on the pre... more Background: Lumbopelvic pain is a substantial problem and can have a significanteffect on the pregnant women's daily activities. Aim: Evaluate the effect of an educationalsession regarding sitting pelvic tilt exercise on pregnant women's knowledge and intensityof lumbopelvic pain. Subjects and Method: A quasi-experimental research designconducted on 70 pregnant women with lumbopelvic pain who chosen by a purposivesample. Setting: Antenatal Clinics at Obstetrics and Gynecology Center in MansouraUniversity Hospital in Egypt. Tools of data collection: There were three tools for datacollection: Tool I: Structured Interview Schedule. Tool II: Structured KnowledgeQuestionnaire. Tool III: Numeric Rating Scale. Results: There were highly statisticallysignificant differences between the pregnant women's knowledge pre, immediate and after 2weeks of intervention (P< 0.001). Also, there were highly statistically significantdifferences between the intensity of lumbopelvic pain pre...
Background: Knowledge of danger signs among pregnant women is the firstessential step in acceptin... more Background: Knowledge of danger signs among pregnant women is the firstessential step in accepting appropriate and timely referral. Also, it is important inimproving maternal and fetal health outcomes. Aim: The present study aimed to assessknowledge and practices of pregnant women toward danger signs of pregnancy. Methods:A descriptive study design was utilized at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department andClinics at Mansoura General Hospital on 242 pregnant women who had been chosen bysystematic random sampling technique. Three tools were used for data collection; astructured interview schedule, danger signs knowledge assessment schedule and dangersigns practices assessment questionnaire. Results: pregnant women total knowledge scoreof danger signs was poor in 57.9% of them while fair in 29.3% and good in less than12.8% of them, during pregnancy the most commonly identified danger signs were vaginalbleeding (69.8%) followed by severe abdominal pain (56.20%) and sever vomiting (55.4%)....
Background: Lumbopelvic pain is frequent and disabling condition in pregnancy and causing problem... more Background: Lumbopelvic pain is frequent and disabling condition in pregnancy and causing problems in everyday activities, such as walking, lifting, climbing stairs and sitting. Aim: To evaluate the effect of practicing sitting pelvic tilt exercise on the intensity of pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain. Subjects and Method:A quasi-experimental research design conducted on 70pregnant women with lumbopelvic pain who chosen by a purposive sample. Setting: The study carried out at Antenatal Clinics at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Mansoura University Hospital in Egypt. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used for data collection: Tool I: Structured Interview Schedule to assess the general characteristics, obstetric history of pregnant women and characteristics of lumbopelvic pain. Tool II: Numeric Rating Scale to assess the intensity of lumbopelvic pain pre and post intervention. Results: The findings of the present study illustrated that, there were highly statistically significant differences between the intensity of lumbopelvic pain Pre and post intervention (P< 0.001). Conclusion: The study hypothesis was accepted which indicated that practicing sitting pelvic tilt exercise during pregnancy had a positive effect on reducing the intensity of lumbopelvic pain. Recommendations: The present study findings recommended that, the pelvic tilt exercise should be performed regularlyas a part of the routine antenatal care.
Quality of antenatal care is one of the four pillars of safe motherhood initiative (SMI), along w... more Quality of antenatal care is one of the four pillars of safe motherhood initiative (SMI), along with clean delivery, essential obstetric care, and family planning. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of antenatal care services among pregnant women at Mansoura governmental hospitals. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive design was utilized.
Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common medical health problems... more Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common medical health problems that may happen during pregnancy and may lead to a range of short and long-term maternal, fetal as well as neonatal complications. However, effective management and education on GDM self-care measures improve pregnancy outcomes for both women and their neonates.Aim: The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of utilizing developed gestational diabetes mellitus guideline on pregnancy and childbirth outcomes.Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was used at Antenatal Clinic of Obstetric and Gynecological Specialty Center at Mansoura University Hospitals, Mansoura city. A purposive sample of 126 pregnant women diagnosed with GDM, assigned to the intervention group (n = 63) who utilized the Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Guideline (GDMG) of care in addition to routine antenatal care and control group (n = 63) who followed routine antenatal care only. Tools: Three tools were use...
Childbirth is physiological process that needs no intervention. Cesarean delivery should only con... more Childbirth is physiological process that needs no intervention. Cesarean delivery should only conduct when normal delivery is contraindicated to protect mothers and infant's health. Nowadays, a Cesarean Section has become a culture for escaping pain. Therefore this study aimed to evaluate the effect of healthy instructions on reducing pregnant women's fear of normal delivery and preferences for cesarean delivery. A quasi-experimental design was used. A purposive sample of 64 pregnant women was selected and divided randomly into two equal groups, 32 in each group. The study was carried out at Antenatal clinics of Obstetrics and Gynecology Center of Mansoura City. Three tools were utilized for data collection; an interviewing questionnaire and Childbirth Attitudes, Childbirth Fear Associated Factors Questionnaires to assess degree of women's fear of normal delivery and preferences for cesarean delivery. Level of fear was assessed pre and post healthy instructions. The study findings revealed that both groups were significantly different regarding the fear of normal delivery after intervention. It was obvious that before intervention more than half of both groups had preference for Cesarean Section while after intervention, vaginal delivery was the first preference of both groups. This study concluded that, healthy instructions by video and lecture educational methods were effective in making a decision on normal delivery, lessening the fear of normal labor, and diminished the incidence of elective cesarean delivery. The present study recommended to apply healthy instructions by video and lecture educational methods for raising their awareness to distinguish among normal delivery and cesarean section on large number of pregnant women for reducing fear from normal delivery and preferences for cesarean delivery.
Background: decreased fetal movement (DFM) is a common problem among pregnant women. It has long ... more Background: decreased fetal movement (DFM) is a common problem among pregnant women. It has long been recognized that posture in late pregnancy can have a profound effect on maternal hemodynamic. Left lateral tilt position allowsto displace the uterus from the inferior vena cava and thus improves maternal hemodynamic and gas exchange. Aim: evaluate the effect ofleft side lying down on the intrauterine fetal resuscitation among pregnant women with reduced fetal movements. Method: Design: Quasi- experimental research design. Setting: study conducted at Obstetrics and Gynecology department of EL - Mansoura University Hospital. Subjects: A purposive sampling technique was used was used to select study subjects {N=80 } of pregnant womencomplaining from reduced fetal movements in third trimester selected according to the inclusion criteria. Tool: one tool was used for data collection, itconsists of three parts (Socio – demographic data, obstetrical history andfetal movements recording card). Results: There was a highlystatistically significant difference of fetal movements among intervention group post intervention than the control group, the mean offetal movements was (3.25+1.5 versus 2.9+1.3 respectively).Conclusion: Maternal rest in left lateral position improved fetal movements. Recommendations: Pregnant women complaining from decreased fetal movements in third trimester should be instructed about the important of rest in left lateral position to establish proper fetal movements.
This study aimed to assess the effect of birthing ball exercises during pregnancy on the first st... more This study aimed to assess the effect of birthing ball exercises during pregnancy on the first stage progress of labor. Methods: This study followed a quasi-experimental research design. Setting: The study was conducted at the Antenatal clinic of Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist center and labor unit at Mansoura University Hospitals from August 2017 to July 2018. The study sample was 150 pregnant females admitted to the antenatal clinic in the previously mentioned setting. Tools: Tool I-structured interview questionnaire to assess general characteristics of women and obstetrical data for women. Tool II: Exercise schedule card designed & used by the researcher which recorded time of total pregnancy visits, types ,times & numbers of birthing ball exercises that done in every session for pregnant women were practiced birthing ball exercises.
Papers by nahed khedr