Papers by nizamettin bayyurt

İşletme ve iktisat çalışmaları dergisi, May 19, 2017
Gunumuzde kurumlar yalnizca gorevine endeksli yoneticilere degil, ayni zamanda liderlik yetenegin... more Gunumuzde kurumlar yalnizca gorevine endeksli yoneticilere degil, ayni zamanda liderlik yetenegini on plana cikaran, entelektuel sermayeye ve yenilige onem veren, hizmet alan ve hizmet verenlerin beklentilerini daha iyi karsilamaya calisan, orgutunu bu dogrultuda sekillendirmeye cesaretli ve kararli davranan liderlere ihtiyac duymaktadir. Orgutsel baglilik calisanlarin orgute olan sadakatlerinin ifadesidir ve urun ve hizmet kalitesini artirmasi acisindan onemlidir. Liderlik tarzi orgutsel hedef ve amaclara ulasmada ve calisanlarin etkin calistirilmasinda onemli rol oynamaktadir. Bu baglamda arastirmanin amaci liderlik tarzinin calisanlarin orgutsel bagliligina etkisini incelemektir. Bulgular liderlik tarzi ile Allen ve Meyer’in tanimladigi orgutsel bagliligin her uc alt boyutu, duygusal, normative ve devam bagliligi arasinda anlamli iliskiler oldugunu ortaya koymaktadir.

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 1, 2017
Günümüzde kurumlar yalnızca görevine endeksli yöneticilere değil, aynı zamanda liderlik yeteneğin... more Günümüzde kurumlar yalnızca görevine endeksli yöneticilere değil, aynı zamanda liderlik yeteneğini ön plana çıkaran, entelektüel sermayeye ve yeniliğe önem veren, hizmet alan ve hizmet verenlerin beklentilerini daha iyi karşılamaya çalışan, örgütünü bu doğrultuda şekillendirmeye cesaretli ve kararlı davranan liderlere ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Örgütsel bağlılık çalışanların örgüte olan sadakatlerinin ifadesidir ve ürün ve hizmet kalitesini artırması açısından önemlidir. Liderlik tarzı örgütsel hedef ve amaçlara ulaşmada ve çalışanların etkin çalıştırılmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın amacı liderlik tarzının çalışanların örgütsel bağlılığına etkisini incelemektir. Bulgular liderlik tarzı ile Allen ve Meyer'in tanımladığı örgütsel bağlılığın her üç alt boyutu, duygusal, normative ve devam bağlılığı arasında anlamlı ilişkiler olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.

Biologicals, Nov 1, 2020
Helicobacter pylori CagA protein plays an important role in the severity of the gastric diseases.... more Helicobacter pylori CagA protein plays an important role in the severity of the gastric diseases. Our aims were to clone the cagA 5'- conserved region of the gene, characterize the recombinant CagA (rCagA) protein by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and to use this protein for the detection of anti-CagA antibodies by an ELISA test. Our developed rCagA protein (67 kDa) showed an amino acid sequence homology of 83% and 80% with Western and East Asian type strains respectively. Two anti-rCagA (BS-53, CK-02) mAbs and 2 additional rCagA proteins of smaller sizes (60 kDa, 28 kDa) were developed for epitope determination. The BS-53 mAb recognized all 3 rCagA proteins while CK-02 mAb recognized only 2 of them indicating recognition of different epitopes. An in-house indirect ELISA using rCagA was developed to detect anti-CagA antibodies in sera of 59 patients. The ELISA results obtained when compared to those of the PCR gave a sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 81%, 100% and 88% respectively. We have developed for the first time: a rCagA protein that showed high sequence homology with both Western and East Asian type strains and an indirect ELISA of high performance which can be used to detect anti-CagA antibodies in sera of infected patients worldwide.
Gunumuzde kurumlar yalnýzca gorevine endeksli yoneticilere deðil, ayný zamanda liderlik yeteneðin... more Gunumuzde kurumlar yalnýzca gorevine endeksli yoneticilere deðil, ayný zamanda liderlik yeteneðini on plana cýkaran, entelektuel sermayeye ve yeniliðe onem veren, hizmet alan ve hizmet verenlerin beklentilerini daha iyi karþýlamaya calýþan, orgutunu bu doðrultuda þekillendirmeye cesaretli ve kararlý davranan liderlere ihtiyac duymaktadýr. Orgutsel baðlýlýk calýþanlarýn orgute olan sadakatlerinin ifadesidir ve urun ve hizmet kalitesini artýrmasý acýsýndan onemlidir. Liderlik tarzý orgutsel hedef ve amaclara ulaþmada ve calýþanlarýn etkin calýþtýrýlmasýnda onemli rol oynamaktadýr. Bu baðlamda araþtýrmanýn amacý liderlik tarzýnýn calýþanlarýn orgutsel baðlýlýðýna etkisini incelemektir. Bulgular liderlik tarzý ile Allen ve Meyer’in tanýmladýðý orgutsel baðlýlýðýn her uc alt boyutu, duygusal, normative ve devam baðlýlýðý arasýnda anlamlý iliþkiler olduðunu ortaya koymaktadýr
Economy & Business Journal, Aug 28, 2016
This study attempts to investigate both firm-specific and country specific determinants of corpor... more This study attempts to investigate both firm-specific and country specific determinants of corporate cash holding behaviors in case of Turkish listed 164 manufacturing firms over the period of 2003 to 2013. According to our examination, on average, manufacturing firms hold 7.3 % cash to total assets. The findings of the panel data analysis indicate that large firms, based on their total assets, hold more cash than their smaller counterparts. A positive effect of interest rate and risk on corporate cash holding was observed. Furthermore, negative associations between net working capital, leverage, asset tangibility degree, capital expenditures and cash holding level were captured.

This study examined factors that might motivate employees to engage in social innovation. The obj... more This study examined factors that might motivate employees to engage in social innovation. The objectives of this study were to identify the relative importance of factors that impact Employee Social Intrapreneurial Behavior (ESIB) in the manufacturing sector in Albania using an AHP approach and to select the best practice that can improve Employee Social Intrapreneurial Behavior (ESIB) on a company basis in the same sector by merging a linguistic method with the AHP approach. A questionnaire was designed to collect expert viewpoints. A standardized AHP scale ranging from 1 to 9 was used in the questionnaire. Fifteen managers and experts from four important manufacturing companies in Albania (Everest Shpk., Kamëz, Albania; Lufra Shpk., Lushnje, Albania; Ajka Shpk., Lushnje, Albania and F&M Shpk., Tirane, Albania) were contacted, and eleven of them expressed an interest in engaging in our study by ranking the importance of various criteria and sub-criteria. The findings suggest that t...

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
This study aims to explore the relations between governance and agricultural performance of count... more This study aims to explore the relations between governance and agricultural performance of countries. Data Envelopment Analysis was used to find out agricultural performance of 81 countries at first stage. Panel data regression was employed in the second stage to assess the relations between performance levels of countries and their governance. Six governance indicators namely; voice and accountability, control of corruption, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and political stability and violence were analyzed in this stage. Findings show that firstly, governance indicators are highly correlated with each other. Secondly, developed countries are more efficient and have better governance than developing and undeveloped countries. Finally, a quadratic form of regression was the fitting model that is the marginal effects of good governance on performance are increasing in high values of governance.
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 2016
He received his PhD in Management from Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University. He has taught in Kyrgy... more He received his PhD in Management from Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University. He has taught in Kyrgyzstan. His research interests span from entrepreneurship, foreign direct investment to finance.
Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, 2013
Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing

International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2020
Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been the ruling and biggest party in Turkey (AKP) since i... more Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been the ruling and biggest party in Turkey (AKP) since it has been established in 2002 and Republican People’s Party (CHP) has been the main opposition party (CHP) since then. These two parties receive about 75% of all the votes and half of the voters are females. To our knowledge, there is no such a study focusing on women’s party preferences in Turkey. Additionally, this is one of the very few studies in Turkey concerning voters’ party preferences. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap in the literature. In this study, the important attributes of women in party selection decisions are analyzed. Center-periphery and social mobility theories are the two main theories explaining Turkish political life. The analyzed ideological, cultural, religious, social, economic and demographic characteristics of women supporters are selected according to these theories. Machine-learning techniques are employed as predictive tools. Results show that ...

Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 2015
This study aims to understand the effects governance indicators on the agricultural efficiency us... more This study aims to understand the effects governance indicators on the agricultural efficiency using European countries as a tool. It focuses on the efficiency of EU countries together with Turkey. In the first stage Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Index are used to derive efficiency scores and the Total Productivity Change in time for 24 countries during the study period. A panel data Tobit regression is employed in the second stage to assess the key governance indicators explaining the observed variations in the efficiency levels. Four governance indicators namely, voice and accountability control of corruption, government effectiveness and regulatory quality together with the control variables; agricultural exports, education, research and development expenditures are analyzed in this stage. Findings show that the average efficiency of EU countries was slightly increased during the study period. The impact of voice and accountability, the share of R&D in GDP and the share...

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2012
An activity-based screening approach led to the identification of a novel glycoside hydrolase fam... more An activity-based screening approach led to the identification of a novel glycoside hydrolase family-13 pullulanase gene (pul13A) from a psychrophilic bacterium. The recombinant enzyme exhibited a deduced peptide sequence of 1440 amino acid residues and was produced in a heterologous host in Escherichia coli. Purification from inclusion bodies was achieved by a six-step dialysis protocol enabling mild refolding of the urea-denaturated protein followed by affinity-and size-exclusion chromatography under native conditions. Pul13A is a type-I pullulanase, which is capable of hydrolysing ␣-1,6-glycosidic bonds in pullulan to produce maltotriose, while maltose and intermediate oligosaccharides are produced from soluble starch and amylopectin. The recombinant enzyme exhibited typical properties of cold-adapted proteins including low thermostability at elevated temperatures. It showed a temperature optimum at 35 • C, while at 10 • C residual activity (25%) remained. The optimal pH was in the range of 6.0-7.0, with Pul13A being stable at neutral and basic pH, but not in the acidic range. Catalytic activity was increased in the presence of divalent cations calcium and cobalt and both metal ions were also able to restore catalytic activity of EDTA-chelated enzyme samples. Pul13A represents the first type-I pullulanase from a psychrophile that has been produced in recombinant form. Moreover, its favourable enzymatic properties make this enzyme a potential candidate for industrial applications such as starch degradation for ethanol based biofuel production.
European Journal of Economics, Finance …, 2008
In this paper, the efficiencies of manufacturing companies of China, one of the countries (BRIC: ... more In this paper, the efficiencies of manufacturing companies of China, one of the countries (BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China) that are expected to dominate the world economy in 2050s, and Turkey, that is an attracting emerging market1 ... Keywords: DEA, CCA, ...
European Journal of Economic and Political Studies, 2011
We analyze whether foreign-owned firms perform better financially than domestically-owned firms i... more We analyze whether foreign-owned firms perform better financially than domestically-owned firms in manufacturing sector in Turkey. The impacts of several firm indicators like age, size, assets, R&D, expenses, and firm risks on the four corporate performance measures, ROE, TFP, BEP and ROA are investigated by a panel data model. We focus on effects of foreign ownership on firm performance. Although there is no much study on this issue in Turkey, contrary to the findings of former studies, our results reveal that there is no significant difference between the performances of foreign-owned and domestically-owned firms.

Attracting international students is crucial for a country's economy as well as tourism, cult... more Attracting international students is crucial for a country's economy as well as tourism, culture and country brand. When international students choose a university for their education, they consider the quality of the university and the image created by the country where the university is located. However, country image can often be overshadowed by the quality of the university. Therefore , university selection studies cannot rank countries’ attractiveness impartially. There are many studies regarding university selection. Nevertheless, not many studies can be found in the literature focusing on country selection/attractiveness regardless of university features. The present study aims to explore the attractiveness of countries for international postgraduate students. On the other hand, country selection for students is a difficult decision-making problem because a variety of criteria exists to consider. In this study, ten criteria have been compiled from the literature on st...
The aim of this paper is to compare the relative efficiencies of manufacturing companies of China... more The aim of this paper is to compare the relative efficiencies of manufacturing companies of China, one of the BRIC countries (BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China) that are expected to dominate the world economy in 2050s, and Turkey, that is an attractive emerging market (Morgan ...

The literature on quality contains numerous case studies of successful companies and de-scription... more The literature on quality contains numerous case studies of successful companies and de-scriptions of quality concepts and quality improvement programs. The purpose of this study is to determine the critical factors of total quality management in the healthcare sector and to measure the effect of critical factors of total quality management on business performance in small and medium size hospitals in Turkey. The instrument used in this study was developed to identify critical factors (areas) of total quality management in the hospital industry. The technique of canonical correlation analysis is employed to investigate this relationship. To measure the eight dimensions of total quality management, thirty items were measured by using a five point Likert scale, ranging from “very low” to “very high”. Performance of the hospital was measured using by subjective measures based on hospital administrators ’ perception of how their organization performed relative to the competition. Data a...
Both the success and continuity of an organization depend on its performance. Measuring the perfo... more Both the success and continuity of an organization depend on its performance. Measuring the performance of an organization means evaluating the level to which organizational goals have been attained. Generally, profitability is used to evaluate companies, but a single measure of performance can not provide a clear concentration on the critical mission of organizations. The aim of this study is to find out the relations between the variables that can measure performance of companies and variables that can affect these performance variables and then to explain the relations between the two groups in the context of the Turkish manufacturing industry.
Papers by nizamettin bayyurt