Papers by nicolae hurduzeu

Quaestiones Romanicae, Jun 9, 2023
Histoire et symbole biblique dans le roman chevaleresque Abstract: (History and biblical symbolis... more Histoire et symbole biblique dans le roman chevaleresque Abstract: (History and biblical symbolism in the chanson de geste) The fall of the Roman Empire happened during the 5 th century under the attack of the German tribes leading to the degradation of the social and political life of Europe and throwing the continent into the Dark Ages for the following centuries. The lack of the cohesion granted by the Roman Empire, as well as the migrations of the barbarian tribes, always in conflict with their neighbors, are just some of the causes that determined the gradual loss of all the great accomplishments of the empire, from agriculture to infrastructure (road network and aqueducts) leading to a general decay of social life and a ruralization of cities. This resulted also in the strong decay of cultural and artistic life, except in the period of Carolingian Renascence. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the church was the only factor of social cohesion and had an immense impact on all layers of political, social, and cultural life. All schools belonged to the church and the only few educated people were clerics who performed various functions in the service of some noblemen. Medieval people lived surrounded by symbols, the most important book was the Bible, and symbols were considered a visible representation of the invisible, the key to the comprehension of the world through understanding the hidden meaning of symbols. Each biblical character of the Old Testament had an equivalent character or event in the New Testament. The church used images as a means of formation and information due to the high level of illiteracy of the people. Symbolism was present in architecture as well, churches being totally symbolic structures, as well as in the political life, from the anointment of kings to the literature of the period, from the chanson de geste to the novel of chivalry. In this communication, we are primarily interested in indicating how some motifs of biblical origin can be used in the chivalric novel Yvain-The Knight with the Lion.
Values, models, education. Contemporary perspectives, 2022

eLearning and Software for Education
The internet represents an exceptional support for history teaching activities as it provides acc... more The internet represents an exceptional support for history teaching activities as it provides access to information from all fields of knowledge and activity, huge research and documenting possibilities, real time information updates, large grounds for imagination, creativity and resolute anticipation all while developing communicational informational processing competencies. According to the Horizon Report Europe 2014 - Schools Edition, the current tendencies in integrating ICT in education target open educational resource (OER) usage, the development of hybrid learning designs and a re-evaluation of the role of the teacher as a mentor and facilitator of the learning process. The access to OERs and various online applications can be a real support for history teachers by helping them improve the design of their lessons so that can engage and motivate students more efficiently. However, it also represents an opportunity for students to learn in a new, exciting way which can lead to ...
Quaestiones Romanicae
Plante magice folosite în ritualul funerar Abstract: (Magical herbs used in funeral rituals) Ever... more Plante magice folosite în ritualul funerar Abstract: (Magical herbs used in funeral rituals) Ever since antiquity several herbs were used in funeral rituals. Some herbs were used to honor the deceased, others were used in magic rituals, but all had the purpose to grant the souls of the dead a successful passage to the other world. There were also herbs who were used by the living as protection against the undead. This habit was forwarded in time to the present day, as the family of the defunct must carefully and dutifully observe many funeral rituals. In this article we try to illustrate the role played by magical herbs in funeral rituals and in guiding the soul to the afterworld.

Current students are surrounded by ICT since an early age, being used to communicate, collaborate... more Current students are surrounded by ICT since an early age, being used to communicate, collaborate and access short informations, generally presented in a visual form. In this context, education should take into account both the informal preconceptions/knowledge of students and their previously acquired competencies, their learning style based on visuals, their need to communicate and collaborate in the virtual environment. There are many strategies one can adopt to encourage students to study history. Perhaps, one of the most effective strategies in the context described above is one in which students are asked to "act as a historian" using specializedresources and applications. This role play would greatly benefit from the access to information as well as the collaborative and presentation advantages offered by modern technology. Examples of research questions that can serve as a basis for authentic learning activities are: What information can be extract by analyzing a h...

Philosophy, Communication, Media Sciences
The use of images is a method specific to art history. However, artistic analyses of images can b... more The use of images is a method specific to art history. However, artistic analyses of images can be used in history classes as well. Knowledge of art history is indispensable to the teacher when using images, photographs or paintings. In history classes, these pictures can become priceless historical sources which help analyze a series of social, political, economic and artistic aspects or mentalities. Portraits, images depicting certain events or scenes of everyday life, landscapes, images of cities, settlements, posters, caricatures etc. belong to this category of images. With the help of these pictures, the studied historical events are materialized, facilitating their perception and comprehension by the students. Such teaching materials deepen the understanding of historical events through the clearer perception regarding the particularities of the events they present.
Papers by nicolae hurduzeu