Abstract: Wireless Ad hoc Network is a network where there is no existence of wireless infrastruc... more Abstract: Wireless Ad hoc Network is a network where there is no existence of wireless infrastructure for networking. Thus this kind of network have limited homogenous feature. In sensor networks, building efficient and scalable protocols is a very challenging task due to the limited resources and the high scale and dynamics uses the GRA (Geographic Routing Algorithm) to get this location information. With the availability of GRA, the mobile hosts knows there physical location. One main challenge in design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. We identify the new challenges and opportunities posed by this new networking environment and explore new approaches to secure its communication. We use replication and new cryptographic schemes, such as threshold cryptography, to build a highly secure and highly available key management service, which forms the core of our security framework. In this paper main focus is on time, location, power control and security. In...
Wireless Ad hoc Network is a network where there is no existence of wireless infrastructure for n... more Wireless Ad hoc Network is a network where there is no existence of wireless infrastructure for networking. Thus this kind of network have limited homogenous feature. In sensor networks, building efficient and scalable protocols is a very challenging task due to the limited resources and the high scale and dynamics uses the GRA (Geographic Routing Algorithm) to get this location information. With the availability of GRA, the mobile hosts knows there physical location. One main challenge in design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. We identify the new challenges and opportunities posed by this new networking environment and explore new approaches to secure its communication. We use replication and new cryptographic schemes, such as threshold cryptography, to build a highly secure and highly available key management service, which forms the core of our security framework. In this paper main focus is on time, location, power control and security. In order to ...
A Survey On Model Based Test Case Prioritization Using UML Sequence and Activity Diagram
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2015
Software Testing and Maintenance is the crucial phase of software development life cycle (SDLC). ... more Software Testing and Maintenance is the crucial phase of software development life cycle (SDLC). More than half of the total development cost of a software system is associated with this phase. As the size and complexity of software get increases testing of software also becomes complex and takes more time and cost. Therefore it is required to detect faults as earlier as possible to maintain the software quality. Test cases or scenario prioritization is one of the effective techniques to find error earlier. In this paper, we proposed a combined approach to generate and prioritize test cases using UML Sequence and Activity diagrams. The objective of the project is effective use of UML model for test case prioritization with high fault detection rate and higher testing coverage criteria to reduce time and cost of software testing. (Abstract)
Survey on Test Coverage Analysis in software testing Improving Quality Assurance and Reliability
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2015
Test Coverage is a vital pointer of programming quality and a key piece of programming support. I... more Test Coverage is a vital pointer of programming quality and a key piece of programming support. It helps in assessing the feasibility of testing by giving information on diverse coverage things. even though much research exertion has been put on the most proficient method to get possibility data by either code based testing or precondition based testing, very little has been paid to gauge and examine the scope by covering most extreme number of possibility things. This paper gives an analysis of the momentum test coverage explores led by other specialists for test scope in programming testing. By taking a gander at the current methodologies; holes and uncovered estimation of Test Coverage can be observed additional. Index Term — Code Coverage, Coverage Measurement, Software Testing, Test Coverage, software quality.
Optimal Test Data Generation Using Hybrid Techniques IWD & ACO
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2015
As the complexity is increase in the software industry, generating an effective test data has bec... more As the complexity is increase in the software industry, generating an effective test data has become a necessity. Construction of test data in a software project is one of the major issues in the area of time consuming. The main agenda in the field of testing is to automate the testing process with the help of testing tools. Software testing includes test data generation, test case selection, test suite optimization. In this we proposed a technique Automated software test data generation that applies in IWD & ACO algorithm for generating the test data. Test data generation is done to satisfy all the requirements like functional, non function, business etc. Test data generation in program testing is the process of identifying a set of test data which satisfy the given test condition. In this research work, we propose an approach for automated software test data generation which will evaluating the different format of data on testing performance and estimating the computational factor...
Trajectory means a path followed by a moving vehicles or object. Spatio temporal clustering is a ... more Trajectory means a path followed by a moving vehicles or object. Spatio temporal clustering is a process of grouping objects based on their spatial or temporal similarity. It is also known as Trajectory or mobility data. Existing work have mainly focused on moving object is completely based on clustering algorithms which only gives us that at any particular time how many vehicles are present at any particular location, but it does not generate any useful patterns. In this project we deal with the analysis, pre processing and modeling of traffic data in moving object database for traffic management system. And we are using clustering techniques after that we are classifying our data set to generate useful patterns using C 4.5 Algorithm. In clustering we are using Incremental DBSCAN algorithms because as we know moving data always gets updated these data are dynamic in nature.
An Integrated Model Based Test Case Prioritization Using Uml Sequence and Activity Diagram
In light of quick addition in size and versatile nature of programming applications, more emphasi... more In light of quick addition in size and versatile nature of programming applications, more emphasis is given towards object oriented programming framework, which has any kind of effect to reduction programming cost and construct programming persistent quality, and convenience. In the meantime, presentation of object oriented arrangement and execution methodology draws out some new troubles for programming testing. A couple highlights of object oriented technique like polymorphism, inheritance, dynamic binding and so on makes certain troubles in programming testing methodology. To test such object oriented software system from their use code is to a great degree an incredible procedure due to the deferent characteristics of object oriented strategy. Model based testing of this programming strategy can be productive to recognize the exception in the design stage itself, so that these errors don't spread to distinctive periods of software development life cycle. Software Testing and...
Survey on Test Coverage Analysis in software testing to Improve Quality Assurance and Reliability
Test Coverage is a vital pointer of programming quality and a key piece of programming support. I... more Test Coverage is a vital pointer of programming quality and a key piece of programming support. It helps in assessing the feasibility of testing by giving information on diverse coverage things. even though much research exertion has been put on the most proficient method to get possibility data by either code based testing or precondition based testing, very little has been paid to gauge and examine the scope by covering most extreme number of possibility things. This paper gives an analysis of the momentum test coverage explores led by other specialists for test scope in programming testing. By taking a gander at the current methodologies; holes and uncovered estimation of Test Coverage can be observed additional. Index Term — Code Coverage, Coverage Measurement, Software Testing, Test Coverage, software quality.
For ad hoc networks energy conservation is most important. Utilizing the available limited amount... more For ad hoc networks energy conservation is most important. Utilizing the available limited amount of energy in the available network in the most efficient and reliable way is perhaps the greatest challenge faced by an ad-hoc network. Although there have been lots of protocols proposed to deal with this problem faced, however they do not provide a complete and energy efficient network. In this paper, we develop energy consumption scheme along with security measures that take into account energy consumption due to data packets, control packets and retransmission. We verify that our scheme match the actual energy consumption much better than existing models by simulation. In addition, we demonstrate that a minimum energy routing protocol based on an accurate scheme of ours performs much better than those based on existing models. Keyboards: Power control, Energy efficiency, Wireless networks, Routing,
In the software development life cycle software testing plays a very important role. Software Tes... more In the software development life cycle software testing plays a very important role. Software Testing is a process which is aimed at evaluating the attribute or capability of program or products/system & determining that meets its quality. Software testing is an important technique for assessing the quality & reliability of software product. There is two method for the testing, that is manual testing & automated testing. One of the major difficulties faced in the automated software testing is the generation of test data that is used as input to the component under test. In this, two techniques of generating data that can be used for automated software robustness testing. In this a novel approach is proposed based on the hybrid algorithm Intelligent Water drop algorithm & Ant Colony optimization to generate the test data for a program which combine the best aspects for structural test data generation.
For implementation of global mobile system Location independent Personnel Telecommunication Numbe... more For implementation of global mobile system Location independent Personnel Telecommunication Number (PTN) scheme is very beneficial. For large mobile users Nongeographic PTN scheme may give rise to large centralized database technology. In this paper I proposed multi-tree database architecture which consists of many distributed database subsystems (DSs) where each is a three level tree structure ie DB0,DB1,DB2. In this each database subsystem communicate through their root. This scheme is more advantageous than the traditional HLR-VLR scheme. Here database access time is analysed. Here efficiency and cost is analysed in terms of database access. Results shows that proposed multi tree distributed database architecture will sufficiently support high user density in future mobile network and also that the database access if we use the proposed multi tree distributed database architecture is much less than the traditional HLR-VLR scheme.
The discovery of association rules has been known to be useful in selective marketing, decision a... more The discovery of association rules has been known to be useful in selective marketing, decision analysis, and business management. An important application area of mining association rules is the market basket analysis, which studies the buying behaviors of customers by searching for sets of items that are frequently purchased together. With the increasing use of the record-based databases whose data is being continuously added, recent important applications have called for the need of incremental mining. In dynamic transaction databases, new transactions are appended and obsolete transactions are discarded as time advances. Several research works have developed feasible algorithms for deriving precise association rules efficiently and effectively in such dynamic databases.
For any software organization three fundamental and essential requirements are- delivering a soft... more For any software organization three fundamental and essential requirements are- delivering a software product on time, with an agreed level of quality and within budget. Both underestimation and overestimation of software cost may cause adverse effect on s/w quality, budget, schedule, company's business reputation and competitiveness. Thus with the hope of managing project well within budget and schedule, a myriad of cost estimation models have been proposed. This paper proposes a new Computational Intelligence based approach that encompasses merits of 3 techniques namely Particle Swarm Optimization, Analogy Based Estimation, and Genetic Programming. This hybrid approach can effectively enhance the accuracy and prediction power of estimation model.
The World Wide Web is expanding day by day. With the great growth of the Web, it has become a mas... more The World Wide Web is expanding day by day. With the great growth of the Web, it has become a massive challenge for the all-purpose single process crawlers (A crawler is a program that downloads and stores Web pages, often for a Web search engine) to locate the resources that are precise and relevant in an appropriate amount of time, so more enhanced and convincing algorithms are in stipulate. Thus it becomes vital to improve the crawling procedure, in order to finish downloading pages in a sensible amount of time. Web crawler which employs multi-processing to allow multiple crawler processes to run concurrently. We have proposed a resourceful concurrent crawler that is fusion of page rank and concurrent multi-process crawler, offering a means to efficiently crawl the Web and presenting a scalable solution that allows crawl speeds to be tuned as needed.
Abstract:- Trajectory means a path followed by a moving vehicles or object. Spatio temporal clust... more Abstract:- Trajectory means a path followed by a moving vehicles or object. Spatio temporal clustering is a process of grouping objects based on their spatial or temporal similarity. It is also known as Trajectory or mobility data. Existing work have mainly focused on moving object is completely based on clustering algorithms which only gives us that at any particular time how many vehicles are present at any particular location, but it does not generate any useful patterns. In this project we deal with the analysis, pre processing and modeling of traffic data in moving object database for traffic management system. And we are using clustering techniques after that we are classifying our data set to generate useful patterns using C 4.5 Algorithm. In clustering we are using Incremental DBSCAN algorithms because as we know moving data always gets updated these data are dynamic in nature.
Abstract: Wireless Ad hoc Network is a network where there is no existence of wireless infrastruc... more Abstract: Wireless Ad hoc Network is a network where there is no existence of wireless infrastructure for networking. Thus this kind of network have limited homogenous feature. In sensor networks, building efficient and scalable protocols is a very challenging task due to the limited resources and the high scale and dynamics uses the GRA (Geographic Routing Algorithm) to get this location information. With the availability of GRA, the mobile hosts knows there physical location. One main challenge in design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. We identify the new challenges and opportunities posed by this new networking environment and explore new approaches to secure its communication. We use replication and new cryptographic schemes, such as threshold cryptography, to build a highly secure and highly available key management service, which forms the core of our security framework. In this paper main focus is on time, location, power control and security. In...
Wireless Ad hoc Network is a network where there is no existence of wireless infrastructure for n... more Wireless Ad hoc Network is a network where there is no existence of wireless infrastructure for networking. Thus this kind of network have limited homogenous feature. In sensor networks, building efficient and scalable protocols is a very challenging task due to the limited resources and the high scale and dynamics uses the GRA (Geographic Routing Algorithm) to get this location information. With the availability of GRA, the mobile hosts knows there physical location. One main challenge in design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. We identify the new challenges and opportunities posed by this new networking environment and explore new approaches to secure its communication. We use replication and new cryptographic schemes, such as threshold cryptography, to build a highly secure and highly available key management service, which forms the core of our security framework. In this paper main focus is on time, location, power control and security. In order to ...
A Survey On Model Based Test Case Prioritization Using UML Sequence and Activity Diagram
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2015
Software Testing and Maintenance is the crucial phase of software development life cycle (SDLC). ... more Software Testing and Maintenance is the crucial phase of software development life cycle (SDLC). More than half of the total development cost of a software system is associated with this phase. As the size and complexity of software get increases testing of software also becomes complex and takes more time and cost. Therefore it is required to detect faults as earlier as possible to maintain the software quality. Test cases or scenario prioritization is one of the effective techniques to find error earlier. In this paper, we proposed a combined approach to generate and prioritize test cases using UML Sequence and Activity diagrams. The objective of the project is effective use of UML model for test case prioritization with high fault detection rate and higher testing coverage criteria to reduce time and cost of software testing. (Abstract)
Survey on Test Coverage Analysis in software testing Improving Quality Assurance and Reliability
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2015
Test Coverage is a vital pointer of programming quality and a key piece of programming support. I... more Test Coverage is a vital pointer of programming quality and a key piece of programming support. It helps in assessing the feasibility of testing by giving information on diverse coverage things. even though much research exertion has been put on the most proficient method to get possibility data by either code based testing or precondition based testing, very little has been paid to gauge and examine the scope by covering most extreme number of possibility things. This paper gives an analysis of the momentum test coverage explores led by other specialists for test scope in programming testing. By taking a gander at the current methodologies; holes and uncovered estimation of Test Coverage can be observed additional. Index Term — Code Coverage, Coverage Measurement, Software Testing, Test Coverage, software quality.
Optimal Test Data Generation Using Hybrid Techniques IWD & ACO
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2015
As the complexity is increase in the software industry, generating an effective test data has bec... more As the complexity is increase in the software industry, generating an effective test data has become a necessity. Construction of test data in a software project is one of the major issues in the area of time consuming. The main agenda in the field of testing is to automate the testing process with the help of testing tools. Software testing includes test data generation, test case selection, test suite optimization. In this we proposed a technique Automated software test data generation that applies in IWD & ACO algorithm for generating the test data. Test data generation is done to satisfy all the requirements like functional, non function, business etc. Test data generation in program testing is the process of identifying a set of test data which satisfy the given test condition. In this research work, we propose an approach for automated software test data generation which will evaluating the different format of data on testing performance and estimating the computational factor...
Trajectory means a path followed by a moving vehicles or object. Spatio temporal clustering is a ... more Trajectory means a path followed by a moving vehicles or object. Spatio temporal clustering is a process of grouping objects based on their spatial or temporal similarity. It is also known as Trajectory or mobility data. Existing work have mainly focused on moving object is completely based on clustering algorithms which only gives us that at any particular time how many vehicles are present at any particular location, but it does not generate any useful patterns. In this project we deal with the analysis, pre processing and modeling of traffic data in moving object database for traffic management system. And we are using clustering techniques after that we are classifying our data set to generate useful patterns using C 4.5 Algorithm. In clustering we are using Incremental DBSCAN algorithms because as we know moving data always gets updated these data are dynamic in nature.
An Integrated Model Based Test Case Prioritization Using Uml Sequence and Activity Diagram
In light of quick addition in size and versatile nature of programming applications, more emphasi... more In light of quick addition in size and versatile nature of programming applications, more emphasis is given towards object oriented programming framework, which has any kind of effect to reduction programming cost and construct programming persistent quality, and convenience. In the meantime, presentation of object oriented arrangement and execution methodology draws out some new troubles for programming testing. A couple highlights of object oriented technique like polymorphism, inheritance, dynamic binding and so on makes certain troubles in programming testing methodology. To test such object oriented software system from their use code is to a great degree an incredible procedure due to the deferent characteristics of object oriented strategy. Model based testing of this programming strategy can be productive to recognize the exception in the design stage itself, so that these errors don't spread to distinctive periods of software development life cycle. Software Testing and...
Survey on Test Coverage Analysis in software testing to Improve Quality Assurance and Reliability
Test Coverage is a vital pointer of programming quality and a key piece of programming support. I... more Test Coverage is a vital pointer of programming quality and a key piece of programming support. It helps in assessing the feasibility of testing by giving information on diverse coverage things. even though much research exertion has been put on the most proficient method to get possibility data by either code based testing or precondition based testing, very little has been paid to gauge and examine the scope by covering most extreme number of possibility things. This paper gives an analysis of the momentum test coverage explores led by other specialists for test scope in programming testing. By taking a gander at the current methodologies; holes and uncovered estimation of Test Coverage can be observed additional. Index Term — Code Coverage, Coverage Measurement, Software Testing, Test Coverage, software quality.
For ad hoc networks energy conservation is most important. Utilizing the available limited amount... more For ad hoc networks energy conservation is most important. Utilizing the available limited amount of energy in the available network in the most efficient and reliable way is perhaps the greatest challenge faced by an ad-hoc network. Although there have been lots of protocols proposed to deal with this problem faced, however they do not provide a complete and energy efficient network. In this paper, we develop energy consumption scheme along with security measures that take into account energy consumption due to data packets, control packets and retransmission. We verify that our scheme match the actual energy consumption much better than existing models by simulation. In addition, we demonstrate that a minimum energy routing protocol based on an accurate scheme of ours performs much better than those based on existing models. Keyboards: Power control, Energy efficiency, Wireless networks, Routing,
In the software development life cycle software testing plays a very important role. Software Tes... more In the software development life cycle software testing plays a very important role. Software Testing is a process which is aimed at evaluating the attribute or capability of program or products/system & determining that meets its quality. Software testing is an important technique for assessing the quality & reliability of software product. There is two method for the testing, that is manual testing & automated testing. One of the major difficulties faced in the automated software testing is the generation of test data that is used as input to the component under test. In this, two techniques of generating data that can be used for automated software robustness testing. In this a novel approach is proposed based on the hybrid algorithm Intelligent Water drop algorithm & Ant Colony optimization to generate the test data for a program which combine the best aspects for structural test data generation.
For implementation of global mobile system Location independent Personnel Telecommunication Numbe... more For implementation of global mobile system Location independent Personnel Telecommunication Number (PTN) scheme is very beneficial. For large mobile users Nongeographic PTN scheme may give rise to large centralized database technology. In this paper I proposed multi-tree database architecture which consists of many distributed database subsystems (DSs) where each is a three level tree structure ie DB0,DB1,DB2. In this each database subsystem communicate through their root. This scheme is more advantageous than the traditional HLR-VLR scheme. Here database access time is analysed. Here efficiency and cost is analysed in terms of database access. Results shows that proposed multi tree distributed database architecture will sufficiently support high user density in future mobile network and also that the database access if we use the proposed multi tree distributed database architecture is much less than the traditional HLR-VLR scheme.
The discovery of association rules has been known to be useful in selective marketing, decision a... more The discovery of association rules has been known to be useful in selective marketing, decision analysis, and business management. An important application area of mining association rules is the market basket analysis, which studies the buying behaviors of customers by searching for sets of items that are frequently purchased together. With the increasing use of the record-based databases whose data is being continuously added, recent important applications have called for the need of incremental mining. In dynamic transaction databases, new transactions are appended and obsolete transactions are discarded as time advances. Several research works have developed feasible algorithms for deriving precise association rules efficiently and effectively in such dynamic databases.
For any software organization three fundamental and essential requirements are- delivering a soft... more For any software organization three fundamental and essential requirements are- delivering a software product on time, with an agreed level of quality and within budget. Both underestimation and overestimation of software cost may cause adverse effect on s/w quality, budget, schedule, company's business reputation and competitiveness. Thus with the hope of managing project well within budget and schedule, a myriad of cost estimation models have been proposed. This paper proposes a new Computational Intelligence based approach that encompasses merits of 3 techniques namely Particle Swarm Optimization, Analogy Based Estimation, and Genetic Programming. This hybrid approach can effectively enhance the accuracy and prediction power of estimation model.
The World Wide Web is expanding day by day. With the great growth of the Web, it has become a mas... more The World Wide Web is expanding day by day. With the great growth of the Web, it has become a massive challenge for the all-purpose single process crawlers (A crawler is a program that downloads and stores Web pages, often for a Web search engine) to locate the resources that are precise and relevant in an appropriate amount of time, so more enhanced and convincing algorithms are in stipulate. Thus it becomes vital to improve the crawling procedure, in order to finish downloading pages in a sensible amount of time. Web crawler which employs multi-processing to allow multiple crawler processes to run concurrently. We have proposed a resourceful concurrent crawler that is fusion of page rank and concurrent multi-process crawler, offering a means to efficiently crawl the Web and presenting a scalable solution that allows crawl speeds to be tuned as needed.
Abstract:- Trajectory means a path followed by a moving vehicles or object. Spatio temporal clust... more Abstract:- Trajectory means a path followed by a moving vehicles or object. Spatio temporal clustering is a process of grouping objects based on their spatial or temporal similarity. It is also known as Trajectory or mobility data. Existing work have mainly focused on moving object is completely based on clustering algorithms which only gives us that at any particular time how many vehicles are present at any particular location, but it does not generate any useful patterns. In this project we deal with the analysis, pre processing and modeling of traffic data in moving object database for traffic management system. And we are using clustering techniques after that we are classifying our data set to generate useful patterns using C 4.5 Algorithm. In clustering we are using Incremental DBSCAN algorithms because as we know moving data always gets updated these data are dynamic in nature.
Papers by neelabh sao