This study examines the result of the effect of Abusive Supervision (AB) on Organizational Citize... more This study examines the result of the effect of Abusive Supervision (AB) on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with the mediating role of Organizational Justice (OJ). Data were collected from individuals working in the private sector firms of Pakistan. A total of 275 questionnaires were distributed among respondents. To test the proposed hypotheses, the technique of structural equation modeling was used. AMOS-22 was used for the analysis and the results affirmed the direct and indirect effects of the Abusive supervision on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior along with the significant effect of partial mediation. It is evident from the results that perceived organizational justice strongly mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, this study furnishes several future directions for academic scholars and practitioners.
Psychosocial hazards present in workplaces are being actively investigated by researchers from mu... more Psychosocial hazards present in workplaces are being actively investigated by researchers from multiple domains. More research and resources are required to investigate the debilitating consequences of these hazards in the developing and underdeveloped countries where this issue remains one of grave concern. This study aims at investigating the psychometric properties of Malaysian version of Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire for reliability and validity purpose. The Malaysian version of COPSOQ is a multidimensional questionnaire; it comprises of 7 major formative constructs and 28 variables with an additional inclusion of two variables which are organizational loyalty and physiological health biomarkers (blood pressure and body mass index) that explicate a reflective construct which has 93 items all catering to assess psychosocial determinants present in workplace environments. Each formative second-order construct is further categorized into different reflective first-order con...
The purpose of this research is to address practical issues regarding the prediction and preventi... more The purpose of this research is to address practical issues regarding the prediction and prevention of turnover intentions of highly skilled employees by focusing on Perceived Organizational Support and two of its outcomes i.e. Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement. Data was collected from different banks of Lahore i.e; Bank of Punjab, Habib Bank Ltd., Meezan Bank, Alfalah Bank, Standard Chartered, UBL, and MCB were visited. This crosssectional study has used a quantitative technique in order to collect data from a sample size of 300 respondents. In this study, item response theory is used to select the sample size. To collect the data, the questionnaires were distributed among bankers. The response rate was 93% (i.e. 280 out of 300). Results show that Perceived Organizational support has a high impact on turnover intention whereas the organizational commitment and work engagement both can support the Perceived organizational support. Whereas if Perceived organizational support is increased with the help of Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement there will be less turn over intentions in the Organization.
This study examines the result of the effect of Abusive Supervision (AB) on Organizational Citize... more This study examines the result of the effect of Abusive Supervision (AB) on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with the mediating role of Organizational Justice (OJ). Data were collected from individuals working in the private sector firms of Pakistan. A total of 275 questionnaires were distributed among respondents. To test the proposed hypotheses, the technique of structural equation modeling was used. AMOS-22 was used for the analysis and the results affirmed the direct and indirect effects of the Abusive supervision on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior along with the significant effect of partial mediation. It is evident from the results that perceived organizational justice strongly mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, this study furnishes several future directions for academic scholars and practitioners.
Psychosocial hazards present in workplaces are being actively investigated by researchers from mu... more Psychosocial hazards present in workplaces are being actively investigated by researchers from multiple domains. More research and resources are required to investigate the debilitating consequences of these hazards in the developing and underdeveloped countries where this issue remains one of grave concern. This study aims at investigating the psychometric properties of Malaysian version of Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire for reliability and validity purpose. The Malaysian version of COPSOQ is a multidimensional questionnaire; it comprises of 7 major formative constructs and 28 variables with an additional inclusion of two variables which are organizational loyalty and physiological health biomarkers (blood pressure and body mass index) that explicate a reflective construct which has 93 items all catering to assess psychosocial determinants present in workplace environments. Each formative second-order construct is further categorized into different reflective first-order con...
The purpose of this research is to address practical issues regarding the prediction and preventi... more The purpose of this research is to address practical issues regarding the prediction and prevention of turnover intentions of highly skilled employees by focusing on Perceived Organizational Support and two of its outcomes i.e. Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement. Data was collected from different banks of Lahore i.e; Bank of Punjab, Habib Bank Ltd., Meezan Bank, Alfalah Bank, Standard Chartered, UBL, and MCB were visited. This crosssectional study has used a quantitative technique in order to collect data from a sample size of 300 respondents. In this study, item response theory is used to select the sample size. To collect the data, the questionnaires were distributed among bankers. The response rate was 93% (i.e. 280 out of 300). Results show that Perceived Organizational support has a high impact on turnover intention whereas the organizational commitment and work engagement both can support the Perceived organizational support. Whereas if Perceived organizational support is increased with the help of Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement there will be less turn over intentions in the Organization.
Papers by nazish imtiaz