Papers by najeebah noorbhai

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fu... more A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Clinical Psychology. important determinants of women's HIV risk. This research aims to explore adolescent girls' understanding of their identity and heterosexual sexuality. In addition, this study intends to assess the implications that gendered powered relations held for understanding the risks and dilemmas that young women are confronted with in relation to HIV/AIDS contraction. This research presents the findings of a qualitative and quantitative study conducted using a self-constructed questionnaire that was administered to a purposive sample of adolescent girls aged 13-18. Content analysis is used to analyse the data, the aim being to extract themes as they emerged from the data. Some of the following themes were identified as significant in the girls' responses: The physical changes that occur during adolescence were highlighted alongside the viewpoint that adolescence is a time of inconsistency and turmoil. Self-worth was closely linked and related to socially desirable characteristics, and in addition gendered behaviour was widely endorsed amongst these girls. Romantic relationships were an important component of these girls' lives. However, many described their relationships as being less sexual and more emotional in nature. The awareness of sexual readiness and choice hold positive implications for HIV/AIDS. A common consensus existed regarding practicing safe sex and almost all respondents agreed that the onset of sexual intercourse should be postponed until the age of 18 years or older. It appeared that although adhering to feminine stereotyped behaviour could be protective in the sense that it may result in less risky sexual engagement, it however, was also apparent that it could render females less powerful within their heterosexual relationships, thereby increasing their vulnerability to HIV infection. Although only a small proportion of the respondents experienced being forced into a sexual encounter against their will, an underlying fear of sexual coercion or threat nevertheless, emerged. It is concluded that sex education should engage with gender-stereotyped behaviour especially during early and middle adolescence when identities are being formed and developed. The following is an outline of the structure of this research report: Chapter two follows this introduction and provides a review of the related literature concerning adolescent heterosexual romantic relationships. It reviews the factors that put young girls at risk of contracting HIV within the context of their romantic relationships. It identifies the extent of the HIV/AIDS epidemic both internationally and in South Africa, with a particular focus on South African adolescents. The issues of identity development, sexual development, dating and conflict resolution are addressed. It then focuses on the dynamics of coercive sexual practices that may occur in the context of heterosexual relationships. Chapter three presents the methodology of the present study. It begins by discussing the research approach and then goes on to outline the procedure and instruments used, and the data collection method. This is followed by a description of how the data was analysed and is concluded by a discussion of the ethical considerations of this research. Chapter four focuses on the analysis and discussion of the data. Some of the research findings are supported by tables. A discursive commentary is also offered as pertaining to the findings. Finally an overview of the findings is presented; and the different strands of this and the discussion are brought together. Chapter five is the concluding section of the research report. Here, the study is critically evaluated, implications and recommendations are discussed, and finally suggestions for future research are highlighted.

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fu... more A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Clinical Psychology. important determinants of women's HIV risk. This research aims to explore adolescent girls' understanding of their identity and heterosexual sexuality. In addition, this study intends to assess the implications that gendered powered relations held for understanding the risks and dilemmas that young women are confronted with in relation to HIV/AIDS contraction. This research presents the findings of a qualitative and quantitative study conducted using a self-constructed questionnaire that was administered to a purposive sample of adolescent girls aged 13-18. Content analysis is used to analyse the data, the aim being to extract themes as they emerged from the data. Some of the following themes were identified as significant in the girls' responses: The physical changes that occur during adolescence were highlighted alongside the viewpoint that adolescence is a time of inconsistency and turmoil. Self-worth was closely linked and related to socially desirable characteristics, and in addition gendered behaviour was widely endorsed amongst these girls. Romantic relationships were an important component of these girls' lives. However, many described their relationships as being less sexual and more emotional in nature. The awareness of sexual readiness and choice hold positive implications for HIV/AIDS. A common consensus existed regarding practicing safe sex and almost all respondents agreed that the onset of sexual intercourse should be postponed until the age of 18 years or older. It appeared that although adhering to feminine stereotyped behaviour could be protective in the sense that it may result in less risky sexual engagement, it however, was also apparent that it could render females less powerful within their heterosexual relationships, thereby increasing their vulnerability to HIV infection. Although only a small proportion of the respondents experienced being forced into a sexual encounter against their will, an underlying fear of sexual coercion or threat nevertheless, emerged. It is concluded that sex education should engage with gender-stereotyped behaviour especially during early and middle adolescence when identities are being formed and developed. The following is an outline of the structure of this research report: Chapter two follows this introduction and provides a review of the related literature concerning adolescent heterosexual romantic relationships. It reviews the factors that put young girls at risk of contracting HIV within the context of their romantic relationships. It identifies the extent of the HIV/AIDS epidemic both internationally and in South Africa, with a particular focus on South African adolescents. The issues of identity development, sexual development, dating and conflict resolution are addressed. It then focuses on the dynamics of coercive sexual practices that may occur in the context of heterosexual relationships. Chapter three presents the methodology of the present study. It begins by discussing the research approach and then goes on to outline the procedure and instruments used, and the data collection method. This is followed by a description of how the data was analysed and is concluded by a discussion of the ethical considerations of this research. Chapter four focuses on the analysis and discussion of the data. Some of the research findings are supported by tables. A discursive commentary is also offered as pertaining to the findings. Finally an overview of the findings is presented; and the different strands of this and the discussion are brought together. Chapter five is the concluding section of the research report. Here, the study is critically evaluated, implications and recommendations are discussed, and finally suggestions for future research are highlighted.
Papers by najeebah noorbhai