To increase catfish productivity, the Directorate General of Aquaculture continues to innovate an... more To increase catfish productivity, the Directorate General of Aquaculture continues to innovate and develop technology that results in a more efficient catfish enlargement system. The purpose of this study is to find out the most efficient and economically feasible sangkuriang catfish enlargement system between biofloc and conventional systems. From the results of water quality measurements of temperatures of 25-27oC, pH 7, DO 1.2-2.2, FCR 0.9 and 1.1 are still in the good range. From the financial analysis of the biofloc system the value of RC-Ratio: 1.1 while the conventional system RC Ratio: 1.03. The harvest life of the biofloc system is 80 days and the conventional system is 100 days. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the enlargement of sangkuriang catfish using a biofloc system is more economical in terms of cost and time.
The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) i... more The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) is done by evaluating indicators based on existing data. The data used for indicators' evaluation have to be up to standards and requirements in place. Three out of six domains that are going to be evaluated in this process consist of fish resources, habitats and ecosystems of fish, and also the catching technology of it. The process of evaluating the fisheries performance of Kupang Bay Marine Nature Park has been finished. This research is made to help describe fisheries performance that would be a great consideration for development of sustainable fisheries in collaboration with development of tourism inside the area. Based on results of composite evaluation and analysis, fisheries performance in Kupang Bay Marine Nature Park is categorized as not applying the EAFM enough. This is not only because the real condition on the field is very unsatisfactory, even gradually diminishing, but also because the availability of data needed for research has not been met. In order to guarantee the validity of fisheries performance in the area for the next two years, there are some strategic actions being offered like provision of institution that will manage data integration, formation of observers that will accompany fishermen during fish catching, training for fishermen so they can do data collecting during fish catching, development of integrated research programs, and optimization of fish auction places in relation to data recording for performance evaluation. Active involvement of all parties will hopefully guarantee the improvement of fisheries performance in the next two years.
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2014
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola hubungan kerja ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan te... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola hubungan kerja ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan teripang ditinjau dari fungsi ekonomitelah dilaksanakan pada Bulan April sampai Juni 2011 di Pulau Barrang Lompo, Kota Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan mewawancarai 8 orang ponggawa dan 45 orang sawi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara Purposive Random Sampling. Analisis kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis pola hubungan kerja ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan teripang dan analisis kuantitatif untuk menganalisis pendapatan ponggawa dan sawi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya dua (2) pola hubungan kerja ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan teripang, yaitu berdasarkan suku dan kontrak kerja. Sistem bagi hasil ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan teripang ada dua (2) pola. Padapola pertamaponggawa mendapat bagian 25 persen dari hasil dan 75 persen dibagikan kepada sawi; sedangkan pada pola ke duaponggawamendapat bagian 50 persen dari hasil dan 50 persen s...
Marketing Model of Skipjack Tuna in Kupang Regency.  The study was aimed to identify marketing ... more Marketing Model of Skipjack Tuna in Kupang Regency.  The study was aimed to identify marketing model of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis ) in Kupang City especially in Namosain, Oeba and Oesapa markets . The sample s were selected by using Cluster Random Sampling method .  Descripti ve analysis wa s used to analyse model ofevery marketing channel of Skipjack Tuna. The study disclose d that there were 5 channels in Skipjack Tuna marketing and 2 marketing models. The first model, the fisherm e n made partnership relation with owner of Skipjack Tuna fishing boat as well as the owner of  equipm e nt and trader. T he second model, the fisherm e n had no partershi p . Condusive marketing model for fisherman is still need with support from govermant and other institute. Keyword: Skipjack Tuna, Marketing Model, Marketing Channel
The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) i... more The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) is done by evaluating indicators based on existing data. The data used for indicators' evaluation have to be up to standards and requirements in place. Three out of six domains that are going to be evaluated in this process consist of fish resources, habitats and ecosystems of fish, and also the catching technology of it. The process of evaluating the fisheries performance of Kupang Bay Marine Nature Park has been finished. This research is made to help describe fisheries performance that would be a great consideration for development of sustainable fisheries in collaboration with development of tourism inside the area. Based on results of composite evaluation and analysis, fisheries performance in Kupang Bay Marine Nature Park is categorized as not applying the EAFM enough. This is not only because the real condition on the field is very unsatisfactory, even gradually diminishing, but also because the availability of data needed for research has not been met. In order to guarantee the validity of fisheries performance in the area for the next two years, there are some strategic actions being offered like provision of institution that will manage data integration, formation of observers that will accompany fishermen during fish catching, training for fishermen so they can do data collecting during fish catching, development of integrated research programs, and optimization of fish auction places in relation to data recording for performance evaluation. Active involvement of all parties will hopefully guarantee the improvement of fisheries performance in the next two years.
Sea fisheries production of Kupang City in 2017 amounted to 25,262.27 tons consisting of 32 types... more Sea fisheries production of Kupang City in 2017 amounted to 25,262.27 tons consisting of 32 types of fish. Until now, information about important marine fish species and their marketing channels in Kupang City are still limited. The purpose of the research is to identificate and inventory important marine fish species and analyze their marketing channels. This research discusses in Kupang City from May to November 2019 The research locations were Oesapa Market, Oeba Fish Market,
Economic analysis of the business development catfish farming in Kota Kupang aims to: feasibility... more Economic analysis of the business development catfish farming in Kota Kupang aims to: feasibility mengetetahui catfish farming comprising: aspects of market , technical , financial , management , institutional involved , the law (kelegalan effort) , socioeconomic and environmental aspects, recognize the catfish farming business development and Plan out effort (Business Plans) cultured catfish .This research used descriptive method. Descriptive method is a method which aims to provide a general, systematic , factual and actual. This descriptive method are two: the descriptive method qualitative and quantitative methods. Implementation of current research in the field is to survey techniques that emphasize the historical data in the bibliography. Sampling techniques / determination of respondents do purposive sampling studies where samples are selected based on judgment. While the considerations taken based on the purpose of the study. Requirements Analysis Investment Business by knowing some aspects of which are: Aspects of the market, Technical Aspects , investment aspect and Aspects of management.
To increase catfish productivity, the Directorate General of Aquaculture continues to innovate an... more To increase catfish productivity, the Directorate General of Aquaculture continues to innovate and develop technology that results in a more efficient catfish enlargement system. The purpose of this study is to find out the most efficient and economically feasible sangkuriang catfish enlargement system between biofloc and conventional systems. From the results of water quality measurements of temperatures of 25-27oC, pH 7, DO 1.2-2.2, FCR 0.9 and 1.1 are still in the good range. From the financial analysis of the biofloc system the value of RC-Ratio: 1.1 while the conventional system RC Ratio: 1.03. The harvest life of the biofloc system is 80 days and the conventional system is 100 days. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the enlargement of sangkuriang catfish using a biofloc system is more economical in terms of cost and time.
The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) i... more The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) is done by evaluating indicators based on existing data. The data used for indicators' evaluation have to be up to standards and requirements in place. Three out of six domains that are going to be evaluated in this process consist of fish resources, habitats and ecosystems of fish, and also the catching technology of it. The process of evaluating the fisheries performance of Kupang Bay Marine Nature Park has been finished. This research is made to help describe fisheries performance that would be a great consideration for development of sustainable fisheries in collaboration with development of tourism inside the area. Based on results of composite evaluation and analysis, fisheries performance in Kupang Bay Marine Nature Park is categorized as not applying the EAFM enough. This is not only because the real condition on the field is very unsatisfactory, even gradually diminishing, but also because the availability of data needed for research has not been met. In order to guarantee the validity of fisheries performance in the area for the next two years, there are some strategic actions being offered like provision of institution that will manage data integration, formation of observers that will accompany fishermen during fish catching, training for fishermen so they can do data collecting during fish catching, development of integrated research programs, and optimization of fish auction places in relation to data recording for performance evaluation. Active involvement of all parties will hopefully guarantee the improvement of fisheries performance in the next two years.
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2014
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola hubungan kerja ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan te... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola hubungan kerja ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan teripang ditinjau dari fungsi ekonomitelah dilaksanakan pada Bulan April sampai Juni 2011 di Pulau Barrang Lompo, Kota Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan mewawancarai 8 orang ponggawa dan 45 orang sawi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara Purposive Random Sampling. Analisis kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis pola hubungan kerja ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan teripang dan analisis kuantitatif untuk menganalisis pendapatan ponggawa dan sawi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya dua (2) pola hubungan kerja ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan teripang, yaitu berdasarkan suku dan kontrak kerja. Sistem bagi hasil ponggawa sawi pada usaha perikanan teripang ada dua (2) pola. Padapola pertamaponggawa mendapat bagian 25 persen dari hasil dan 75 persen dibagikan kepada sawi; sedangkan pada pola ke duaponggawamendapat bagian 50 persen dari hasil dan 50 persen s...
Marketing Model of Skipjack Tuna in Kupang Regency.  The study was aimed to identify marketing ... more Marketing Model of Skipjack Tuna in Kupang Regency.  The study was aimed to identify marketing model of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis ) in Kupang City especially in Namosain, Oeba and Oesapa markets . The sample s were selected by using Cluster Random Sampling method .  Descripti ve analysis wa s used to analyse model ofevery marketing channel of Skipjack Tuna. The study disclose d that there were 5 channels in Skipjack Tuna marketing and 2 marketing models. The first model, the fisherm e n made partnership relation with owner of Skipjack Tuna fishing boat as well as the owner of  equipm e nt and trader. T he second model, the fisherm e n had no partershi p . Condusive marketing model for fisherman is still need with support from govermant and other institute. Keyword: Skipjack Tuna, Marketing Model, Marketing Channel
The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) i... more The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) is done by evaluating indicators based on existing data. The data used for indicators' evaluation have to be up to standards and requirements in place. Three out of six domains that are going to be evaluated in this process consist of fish resources, habitats and ecosystems of fish, and also the catching technology of it. The process of evaluating the fisheries performance of Kupang Bay Marine Nature Park has been finished. This research is made to help describe fisheries performance that would be a great consideration for development of sustainable fisheries in collaboration with development of tourism inside the area. Based on results of composite evaluation and analysis, fisheries performance in Kupang Bay Marine Nature Park is categorized as not applying the EAFM enough. This is not only because the real condition on the field is very unsatisfactory, even gradually diminishing, but also because the availability of data needed for research has not been met. In order to guarantee the validity of fisheries performance in the area for the next two years, there are some strategic actions being offered like provision of institution that will manage data integration, formation of observers that will accompany fishermen during fish catching, training for fishermen so they can do data collecting during fish catching, development of integrated research programs, and optimization of fish auction places in relation to data recording for performance evaluation. Active involvement of all parties will hopefully guarantee the improvement of fisheries performance in the next two years.
Sea fisheries production of Kupang City in 2017 amounted to 25,262.27 tons consisting of 32 types... more Sea fisheries production of Kupang City in 2017 amounted to 25,262.27 tons consisting of 32 types of fish. Until now, information about important marine fish species and their marketing channels in Kupang City are still limited. The purpose of the research is to identificate and inventory important marine fish species and analyze their marketing channels. This research discusses in Kupang City from May to November 2019 The research locations were Oesapa Market, Oeba Fish Market,
Economic analysis of the business development catfish farming in Kota Kupang aims to: feasibility... more Economic analysis of the business development catfish farming in Kota Kupang aims to: feasibility mengetetahui catfish farming comprising: aspects of market , technical , financial , management , institutional involved , the law (kelegalan effort) , socioeconomic and environmental aspects, recognize the catfish farming business development and Plan out effort (Business Plans) cultured catfish .This research used descriptive method. Descriptive method is a method which aims to provide a general, systematic , factual and actual. This descriptive method are two: the descriptive method qualitative and quantitative methods. Implementation of current research in the field is to survey techniques that emphasize the historical data in the bibliography. Sampling techniques / determination of respondents do purposive sampling studies where samples are selected based on judgment. While the considerations taken based on the purpose of the study. Requirements Analysis Investment Business by knowing some aspects of which are: Aspects of the market, Technical Aspects , investment aspect and Aspects of management.
Papers by naharuddin sri