Papers by nageswararao sirisala

International journal of computer networks and applications, Jun 1, 2024
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are the infrastructure less networks. In MANETs due to node's mob... more Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are the infrastructure less networks. In MANETs due to node's mobility there is frequent change of topology and nodes are provided with limited energy sources. Due to these reasons nodes may behave selfishly means they may deny forwarding other nodes' packets in order to save their energy. Hence it pivotal to compute the nodes' trust in MANETs for establishing reliable and secure communication paths. In MANETs, low trustworthiness of routes can significantly impact network performance. Therefore, it is strongly advisable to incorporate the trustworthiness evaluation of a node when considering it as an intermediate node. In this paper an Eigen Vector based Trust Model (EVTM) is proposed for ensuring QoS in establishing routing paths between source and destination. The proposed method constructs the global trust matrix and is used to compute the dominant eigen trust vector. It ranks the each intermediate node between source and destination based on node's fitness degree. Through experiments conducted in the ns-2 simulator, the method demonstrates superior performance across various metrics, including throughput, packet delivery ratio, packet delay, energy consumption, and packet drop. Notably, its consistent high performance, irrespective of the number of mobile nodes, underscores the effectiveness and scalability of the Eigen-based trust model in fostering trustworthy routing paths in MANETs.
International journal of scientific research in science, engineering and technology, 2017

Computers, materials & continua, 2023
The rise of social networking enables the development of multilingual Internet-accessible digital... more The rise of social networking enables the development of multilingual Internet-accessible digital documents in several languages. The digital document needs to be evaluated physically through the Cross-Language Text Summarization (CLTS) involved in the disparate and generation of the source documents. Cross-language document processing is involved in the generation of documents from disparate language sources toward targeted documents. The digital documents need to be processed with the contextual semantic data with the decoding scheme. This paper presented a multilingual crosslanguage processing of the documents with the abstractive and summarising of the documents. The proposed model is represented as the Hidden Markov Model LSTM Reinforcement Learning (HMM lstm RL). First, the developed model uses the Hidden Markov model for the computation of keywords in the cross-language words for the clustering. In the second stage, bi-directional long-short-term memory networks are used for key word extraction in the cross-language process. Finally, the proposed HMM lstm RL uses the voting concept in reinforcement learning for the identification and extraction of the keywords. The performance of the proposed HMM lstm RL is 2% better than that of the conventional bi-direction LSTM model.

nternational journal of communication networks and information security, Apr 17, 2022
In mobile adhoc netwotk (MANET), a node's quality of service (QoS) trust represents how much it i... more In mobile adhoc netwotk (MANET), a node's quality of service (QoS) trust represents how much it is reliable in quality. QoS trust of a node is computed based on its multiple quality parameters and it is an interesting and challenging area in MANETs. In this work, QoS trust is evaluated by taking into consideration quality parameters like node residual energy, bandwidth and mobility. The proposed method "Recommendations Based QoS Trust Aggregation and Routing in Mobile Adhoc Networks-QTAR" is a frame work. Where the trust is established through four phases like QoS trust computation, aggregation, propagation and routing. The Dempster Shafer Theory (DST) is used for aggregation of trust recommendations. In the network, trust information is propagated through HELLO packets. Each node stores the QoS trust information of other nodes in the form of trust matrices. We applied matrix algebra operations on trust matrices for route establishment from source to destination. The time and space complexity of proposed method is discussed theoretically. The simulation is conducted for the varying of node velocity and network size, where the proposed method shown considerable improvement over existing protocols.

2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2021
Heart attack disease is one of the leading causes of the death worldwide. In today's common m... more Heart attack disease is one of the leading causes of the death worldwide. In today's common modern life, deaths due to the heart disease had become one of major issues, that roughly one person lost his or her life per minute due to heart illness. Predicting the occurrence of disease at early stages is a major challenge nowadays. Machine learning when implemented in health care is capable of early and accurate detection of disease. In this work, the arising situations of Heart Disease illness are calculated. Datasets used have attributes of medical parameters. The datasets are been processed in python using ML Algorithm i.e., Random Forest Algorithm. This technique uses the past old patient records for getting prediction of new one at early stages preventing the loss of lives. In this work, reliable heart disease prediction system is implemented using strong Machine Learning algorithm which is the Random Forest algorithm. Which read patient record data set in the form of CSV file. After accessing dataset the operation is performed and effective heart attack level is produced. Advantages of proposed system are High performance and accuracy rate and it is very flexible and high rates of success are achieved.

International Journal of Research, 2017
These days, it is extremely easy for a man to take in his/her area with the profit of an Global P... more These days, it is extremely easy for a man to take in his/her area with the profit of an Global Positioning System (GPS) empowered creation. A Location based Service (LBS) is a beginning and creating innovation for versatile clients. However a few of the people (might be individual or gathering) don\'t wish to uncover their area based generally data to benefit providers or outsider merchants, on account of keeping up their security. a pristine system is acquainted with give benefit amongst supply and goal people to distribute the ideal meeting reason areas securely with none security issues, alluded to as PPFRVP (Privacy Preserving legitimate Rendoz-Vous Point). The PPFVRP approach is utilized to show the potential arrangement of meeting reason areas (n-Locations) amongst supply and goal and allow the client to bring the fascinating thing. The ensured Hash algorithmic run is utilized by the supply complete for figure technique and offers the Meeting reason areas to the end. Need...
This book covers the recent research trends in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs). It explains the tr... more This book covers the recent research trends in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs). It explains the trust management methods in MANET through trust computation, aggregation, propagation and prediction. This book has a detailed discussion on soft computing methods in MANETs like fuzzy logic, fuzzy petrinets, Concurrent Reasoning Algorithm (CRA) and Dempster Shafer Theory (DST). This book explains the need of service oriented architecture in MANETs. It covers the different service discovery and composition methods. This book helps the students and researchers to understand the current trends in MANETs and to do the quality research.

International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a decentralized and infrastructure less network where a nodes ca... more Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a decentralized and infrastructure less network where a nodes can communicate with other nodes within the access region. Due to mobility node can enter and leave a network at any moment. Due to unstable nature of MANETs, the provision of Quality of Service (QoS) to the applications is a difficult task. In this paper, fuzzy logic enabled QoS multicast routing is proposed. Here energy, bandwidth and link expiry time are considered as a QoS parameters. The existing methods lost their performance in handling multi constrained QoS protocols, since defining the dynamic priorities among the multiple QoS parameters is not a trivial task. In the proposed method “Fuzzy Logic Aware QoS Multicasting in MANETs with Load Balance-FQML”, this issue is overcome by using fuzzy logic. The Competency Factor of each intermediate node along the route is calculated by aggregating it’s QoS parameters using fuzzy inference system. In the classical multicast protocols, some o...

International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 2017
Evaluation of node's trust value is certainly advantage in mobile Adhoc networks (MANETs) where t... more Evaluation of node's trust value is certainly advantage in mobile Adhoc networks (MANETs) where the applications run efficiently by involving trustable nodes only. The proposed method "A Novel QoS Trust computation in MANETs using Fuzzy Petri Nets-QTFPN", evaluates node trust value based on its quality of service (QoS) parameters. Here the MANET is represented as Dynamic Adaptive Fuzzy Petri Nets (DAFPN) model with concurrent reasoning algorithm (CRA). In which delivery of each packet from node to node requires evaluation of certainty factor (μ) using fuzzy expert system. This fuzzy inference system uses QoS parameters as fuzzy input variables namely energy, bandwidth, node mobility and reliability. In the routing process the intermediate node's trust values are evaluated based on certainty factor. The concurrent reasoning algorithm can strengthen the proposed method in selection of quality path to destination and reestablishment of path in case of path breaks. The proposed method performance is analyzed theoretically in terms of time and space complexities. The simulation results are taken against node velocity and network size, where the proposed method outperforms the existing protocols.

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
In Image processing, Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images are inherently affected by speckle nois... more In Image processing, Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images are inherently affected by speckle noise, which visually degrades the appearance of the images and may severely affect the quality of SAR image interpretation tasks like object detection or target detection, instance segmentation and image analysis. Hence SAR image Despeckling becomes a hot research issue. In this paper, the proposed method Total Variation (TV) Denoising is used to address this issue. It is applied to SAR imagery to decrease the noise. It is a filtering method which works efficiently. The process of decreasing the speckle noise is known as Despeckling. When there is noise in the image the actual data is affected. The actual meaning of noise is unwanted signal. Noise is an undesirable by-product in an image that disturbs the original image. On removal of noise, it results in the noise free SAR image. The Land Use Land Cover (LULC) analysis of a SAR image can be accurate when there is no noise in the SAR image....
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Sustainable Communication Networks and Application, 2021
Managing Security Services in Heterogenous Networks, 2020

Int. J. Commun. Networks Inf. Secur., 2016
In mobile adhoc netwotk (MANET), a node’s quality of service (QoS) trust represents how much it i... more In mobile adhoc netwotk (MANET), a node’s quality of service (QoS) trust represents how much it is reliable in quality. QoS trust of a node is computed based on its multiple quality parameters and it is an interesting and challenging area in MANETs. In this work, QoS trust is evaluated by taking into consideration quality parameters like node residual energy, bandwidth and mobility. The proposed method “Recommendations Based QoS Trust Aggregation and Routing in Mobile Adhoc Networks-QTAR” is a frame work. Where the trust is established through four phases like QoS trust computation, aggregation, propagation and routing. The Dempster Shafer Theory (DST) is used for aggregation of trust recommendations. In the network, trust information is propagated through HELLO packets. Each node stores the QoS trust information of other nodes in the form of trust matrices. We applied matrix algebra operations on trust matrices for route establishment from source to destination. The time and space ...
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 2019
2014 IEEE Global Conference on Wireless Computing & Networking (GCWCN), 2014
Security and Quality are the two major aspects in MANETs to be addressed. Many articles have addr... more Security and Quality are the two major aspects in MANETs to be addressed. Many articles have addressed these aspects independently. Very few have concentrated on the trade off between security and quality of MANETs, but lost their performance. The proposed method WBTQ (Weightage Based Trusted QoS Protocol) focuses on both the issues in parallel, it is providing secure environment by evaluating each node's trustworthiness in the network instead of using high computational encryption algorithms without losing its performance. The WBTQ is the extension of OLSR protocol where node trust values and QoS metrics are propagated in the network through the HELLO packets. This protocol provides a flexible and feasible approach to the user in choosing a better route by giving weightage to Quality and Trust values.

2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT)
MANETs are distributed wireless networks with uncertain infrastructure. In MANETs, Quality of Ser... more MANETs are distributed wireless networks with uncertain infrastructure. In MANETs, Quality of Service provisioning is the most exciting area. Establishing the route to the destination with trusted intermediate nodes in terms of quality parameters is the major task, because of node mobility and lack of central administration. In multi-constrained QoS provisioning, more than two QoS requirements are to be satisfied until the end of the application. A QoS protocol has to attain the equality among the preference of multiple QoS parameters. Defining the priorities among them is a difficult task in MANETS, which depends on dynamic network conditions. Some methods are proposed, where they used static weights to the quality parameters and not capable of adopting dynamic topology changes. The proposed Trusted QoS model (TQM) uses fuzzy inference mechanism to accomplish this task. It takes QoS parameters like Bandwidth, Energy, minimum delay, reliability and link expiry time as input variable to calculate trust value of a node. This paper assures that data transmission is done through trusted nodes only.

2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), 2021
The procedure of translating images of handwritten, typewritten, or typed text into a format reco... more The procedure of translating images of handwritten, typewritten, or typed text into a format recognized by computers is called Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Editing, indexing, searching, and storage space reduction are the uses of Optical Character Recognition. This is done by scanning the picture of the text character-by-character first, then processing the scanned image and eventually converting the image of the character into character codes, such as ASCII. To translate text in an image into text format, the Optical Character Recognition system is used. There are three key aspects of OCR approach: pre-processing, character recognition, character segmentation and presentation of data. Convolutional Neural Network is a deep learning method which is used for character recognition. In this paper, CNN layers, architecture and implementation of CNN architecture are discussed. Here the CNN (VGG-16) model is trained over Telugu character data set which covers maximum of 1600 chara...
2021 2nd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT)
Papers by nageswararao sirisala