Papers by mauro zampolini
Micheli, S., Corea, F., Brustenghi, P., Todeschini, E., Baratta, S., Zampolini, M., & Pezzella, F. (2013, January). Hemorrhagic stroke and epilepsy: prevalence and associated factors in patients with severe brain injuries. In CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES (Vol. 35, pp. 782-782). ALLSCHWILERSTRASSE 10,...
Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
... I soggetti sottoposti a trattamento robotico mostrano generalmente risultati promettenti per ... more ... I soggetti sottoposti a trattamento robotico mostrano generalmente risultati promettenti per quanto riguarda il recupero motorio, mentre non sempre si osservano miglioramenti significativi nelrecupero funzionale dell'arto superiore e della deambulazione. ... I TUOI DATI. ...

Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 2011
Multiple epidemiological studies have shown that individuals affected by type-2 diabetes mellitus... more Multiple epidemiological studies have shown that individuals affected by type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) carry a 2-to-5-fold higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) when compared to non-diabetic subjects. Thus, biochemical parameters that can be easily and routinely assessed for high-confidence evaluation of diabetic conditions leading to AD (AD-T2DM) are regarded as efficient tools aimed at early diagnosis and, in turn, timely AD treatment. In this regard, the activity of lysosomal glycohydrolases may of use, in light of the implication of these enzymes in early events that underlie AD pathology and an overt correlation, in diabetes, between altered metabolic homeostasis, abnormal glycohydrolase secretion in body fluids, and occurrence of diabetic complications. Based on marked up-regulation previously shown in a peripheral, cell-based model of AD, we selected -Galactosidase, -Hexosaminidase, and ␣-Mannosidase to discriminate T2DM from AD-T2DM subjects. A screen of 109, 114, and 116 patients with T2DM, AD and AD-T2DM, respectively, was performed by testing enzyme activities in both blood plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Compared to age-matched, healthy controls (n = 122), -Galactosidase and -Hexosaminidase activities markedly diverged across the three groups, whereas virtually unchanged values were observed for ␣-Mannosidase. In particular, plasma -Galactosidase and -Hexosaminidase levels were higher in patients with AD-T2DM
L'efficacia della tossina botulinica è prevalentemente valutata con la scala di Ashworth modifica... more L'efficacia della tossina botulinica è prevalentemente valutata con la scala di Ashworth modificata (MAS), nonostante diversi studi hanno dimostrato la sua scarsa sensibilità (1).Scopo di questo studio è quello di dimostrare come la misurazione miometrica del tono muscolare nel trattamento della spasticità muscolare con alte dosi di tossina sia più sensibile e accurata.

Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2012
administration of a neutralizing anti-p40 antibody also resulted in a significant reduction of ce... more administration of a neutralizing anti-p40 antibody also resulted in a significant reduction of cerebral b-amyloid in APPPS1 mice. In the present study, we aim to determine if anti-p40 antibody treatment leads to an improvement in cognitive deficits. Methods: Aged APPPS1 mice were treated with neutralizing anti-p40 antibodies or respective isotype control antibodies by intracerebroventricular application for 8 weeks using mini-osmotic pumps. Mice were behaviorally tested in the Open-Field Test, Novel object recognition and Barnes maze. Ab plaque deposition and microglia number were assessed by immunohistochemical stainings and subsequent stereomorphometric analysis. Alternatively, homogenates from brain tissue were prepared for biochemical analysis of Ab levels by Electrochemiluminescence linked immunoassay. Results: Here we show that treatment with anti-p40 antibodies reverses cognitive impairments of aged APPPS1 mice despite the already well-established disease phenotype in this mouse model at this late time point. Although histological analysis revealed no changes in Ab plaque burden and microglia activation, we found that soluble Ab levels were significantly decreased, which might account for the observed functional effect of the anti-p40 antibody treatment. Conclusions: Our results suggest that inhibition of IL-12/IL-23 signaling reduces cerebral amyloidosis and cognitive dysfunction and poses a novel potential pharmacological target to combat AD.
Riassunto Il trauma cranio-encefalico (TCE) rappresenta, tra le gravi cerebrolesioni acquisite (G... more Riassunto Il trauma cranio-encefalico (TCE) rappresenta, tra le gravi cerebrolesioni acquisite (GCLA), la patologia che richiede più frequentemente trattamento riabilitativo. Lo studio multicentrico GISCAR, condotto nel biennio 2001-2003, ha avuto il compito di valutare, tra l'altro, le caratteristiche dell'intervento riabilitativo in persone con esiti di TCE, mettendo in evidenza quale sia la complessi- tà dell'intervento, ma anche le potenzialità di

Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2013
Alzheimer&amp... more Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of dementia in elderly individuals, is characterized by neurofibrillary tangles, extracellular amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques and neuroinflammation. New evidence has shown that the lysosomal system might be a crossroad in which etiological factors in AD pathogenesis converge. This study shows that several lysosomal enzymes, including Cathepsin B, D, S, β-Galactosidase, α-Mannosidase, and β-Hexosaminidase, were less expressed in monocytes and lymphocytes from patients with a clinical diagnosis of AD dementia compared with cells from healthy controls. In vitro experiments of gain and loss of function suggest that down-regulation is a direct consequence of miR-128 up-regulation found in AD-related cells. The present study also demonstrates that miR-128 inhibition in monocytes from AD patients improves Aβ(1-42) degradation. These results could contribute to clarify the molecular mechanisms that affect the imbalanced Aβ production/clearance involved in the pathogenesis of AD.

Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2008
Background: Epidemiological studies reveal a two-fold increase in the risk of developing Alzheime... more Background: Epidemiological studies reveal a two-fold increase in the risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease (AD) in patients with type II Diabetes. The links between the two disorders are mutual. In effect, patients with AD are also more likely to develop type II Diabetes and have been found to have higher levels of insulinemia and glycemia when compared with healthy controls. Establishing the molecular basis of this link may lead to new research directions for the pharmacological treatment of AD and Diabetes. The aim of our study is the identification of biochemical markers in the early stages of both AD and AD-Diabetes. Methods: We examined the expression of the lysosomal enzymes ␣-mannosidase, -galactosidase, -hexosaminidase, cathepsins D, B, L and S, as well as the ADAM proteins, in AD and AD-type II Diabetes samples (serum, plasma, leukocytes, CD4 ϩ cells). Results: Our data show differences in plasma ␣-mannosidase activity, in plasma and serum -galactosidase activity, and in CD4 ϩ cell -hexosaminidase activity between the two groups of patients included in the study and among patients and healthy controls. Similar results were observed for Cathepsin B and Cathepsin D. Conclusions: In summary, our results indicate the lysosomal enzymes as possible markers in AD and AD-type II Diabetes patients. The expression of metalloproteases appears to be more complex since these proteins show a different pattern of expression between AD and AD-type II Diabetes patients and among patients and healthy controls.
Papers by mauro zampolini