One of the characteristics of children with autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has emotiona... more One of the characteristics of children with autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has emotional disorders. This is in accordance with what happened at SD Plus Al-Ghifari. By applying murottal Al-Qur’an therapy which is indirectly able to make children calmer in learning. This study aims to determine the process and effect of murottal Al-Qur’an therapy on emotional disturbances in autistic children. The study methods field research with three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation conducted at SD Plus Al-Ghifari Bandung. According to the helper at SD Plus Al-Ghifari after receiving the murottal Al-Qur’an treatment, the students were able to be calmer and able to follow the instructions from the helper. Al-Qur’an murottal therapy is able to affect emotional disturbances in children with ASD.
Filsafat bisa dimengerti dengan sifat-sifat yang dilahirkan dan melekat padanya dan tanpanya, ia ... more Filsafat bisa dimengerti dengan sifat-sifat yang dilahirkan dan melekat padanya dan tanpanya, ia tak terpahami. Sifat umum yang disebut sebagai karakternya, yaitu radikal, kritis, dan reflektif. Istilah” radikal” dimaknai sebagai bentuk keingintahuan tentang suatu objek secara menyeluruh, mendalam, dan sampai ke penyebab awalnya (First Causal atau first causal). Istilah “kritis” dimaknai sebagai bentuk seni bertanya. Untuk memahami suatu objek, maka sifat kritis mesti dimiliki seseorang untuk sampai pada pemahaman yang tepat tentang suatu objek. “tidak bertanya sesat di jalan”. Kalimat bijak ini sangat cocok disematkan pada istilah tersebut. Sementara, istilah reflektif bisa dimaknai sebagai sikap berpikir yang keras, fokus, dan serius. Tiga karakter tersebut tidak bermaksud membatasi karakter-karakter lain yang lebih spesifik sesuai dengan relasi filsafat dengan objeknya yang lain. Secara umum, Filsafat dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu: Epistemologi, Ontologi, dan Axiologi. Pengertian po...
The hustle and bustle of the modern era, marked by an easy life, is relatively only able to provi... more The hustle and bustle of the modern era, marked by an easy life, is relatively only able to provide physical pleasure, but is unable to provide physical and spiritual happiness. The phenomenon of life that is not balanced with this level of happiness, causes a void. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning and ways of obtaining happiness according to Syeikh Ibnu Atha’illah as-Sakandari, as well as its relevance to human life in the modern era. This research is a qualitative research that uses a library research approach. The analytical method used is a content analysis technique. The conclusion of this study, shows that the happiness referred to by Syeikh Ibnu Atha’illah as-Sakandari divided happiness in two dimensions, namely happiness in the World and happiness in the hereafter. Happiness actually exists in human. Happiness will be realized when humans are able to optimize the potential of the mind and the potential of the heart. The path to happiness can be attained...
This article seeks to explain about the spiritual model as an effort that is passed and taken by ... more This article seeks to explain about the spiritual model as an effort that is passed and taken by humans in understanding and achieving Something Absolute, namely God. The method used is reflective analysis, which describes deeply and comprehensively the potential inherent in human beings that is used in understanding the existence of self and God. Human definitions are very diverse, including: socio-political beings, thinking beings, sentient beings, even godly beings. All of these definitions reinforce that humans are creatures. While the object sought by humans is something that is outside and inside him. In its search, humans exploit the potential of knowledge inherent in themselves, starting from the simplest with empirical experience, then rationalist knowledge, to religious-spiritualist knowledge. With the perfection of potential and knowledge achieved, human beings are placed in two functions that must not be broken, namely to strengthen their pertical and horizontal relation...
This writing is motivated by a very abundant religious culture in Indonesia, including the phenom... more This writing is motivated by a very abundant religious culture in Indonesia, including the phenomenon found in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara which is famous for “Wetu Telu Islam”. It contains the religious system filled with ceremonies and rituals which are accompanied by special symbols that have certain meanings. The method used in this paper is historical descriptive, by systematically explaining the history of the people of Lombok, the cultural patterns of “Wetu Telu Islam”, including its historical figures, doctrine, development, and existence. Then the writer uses structural semiology in analyzing the meaning of symbol elements found in the religious rituals of “Wetu Telu Islam” in Lombok. “Wetu Telu Islam” according to the people of Lombok is a very perfect Islam as it is built from two solid dimensions, namely dzohir and ihsan. For that reason, “Wetu Telu Islam” for them is the teachings of Sufism which emphasize the spirit, and soul. It is the spirit of holistic Islamic teachi...
Banyak jalan menuju Roma. Unkapan ini bisa juga kita gunakan dalam mendapatkan kebenaran. Banyak ... more Banyak jalan menuju Roma. Unkapan ini bisa juga kita gunakan dalam mendapatkan kebenaran. Banyak jaln menuju kebenaran (the Ultimate/Infinitife). Karya Ibn Tufail telah menggambarkan bagaimana pertemuan antara filsafat dan ajaran agama berteman secara harmonis. Keduanya memiliki jalan yang berbeda namun menemukan kebenaran yang sama (al-haqq). Karya ini menggambarkan kepada semua orang bahwa filsafat bisa berselimut dengan tasawuf dan tasawufpun tidak harus alergi dengan filsafat, karena keduanya bersaudara dan saling melengkapi.
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya, 2017
A. PENDAHULUAN Hinduisme merupakan pandangan dunia yang sangat filosofis. 1 Sebagai agama, Hindui... more A. PENDAHULUAN Hinduisme merupakan pandangan dunia yang sangat filosofis. 1 Sebagai agama, Hinduisme merupakan agama tertua di Asia,
One of the characteristics of children with autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has emotiona... more One of the characteristics of children with autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has emotional disorders. This is in accordance with what happened at SD Plus Al-Ghifari. By applying murottal Al-Qur’an therapy which is indirectly able to make children calmer in learning. This study aims to determine the process and effect of murottal Al-Qur’an therapy on emotional disturbances in autistic children. The study methods field research with three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation conducted at SD Plus Al-Ghifari Bandung. According to the helper at SD Plus Al-Ghifari after receiving the murottal Al-Qur’an treatment, the students were able to be calmer and able to follow the instructions from the helper. Al-Qur’an murottal therapy is able to affect emotional disturbances in children with ASD.
Filsafat bisa dimengerti dengan sifat-sifat yang dilahirkan dan melekat padanya dan tanpanya, ia ... more Filsafat bisa dimengerti dengan sifat-sifat yang dilahirkan dan melekat padanya dan tanpanya, ia tak terpahami. Sifat umum yang disebut sebagai karakternya, yaitu radikal, kritis, dan reflektif. Istilah” radikal” dimaknai sebagai bentuk keingintahuan tentang suatu objek secara menyeluruh, mendalam, dan sampai ke penyebab awalnya (First Causal atau first causal). Istilah “kritis” dimaknai sebagai bentuk seni bertanya. Untuk memahami suatu objek, maka sifat kritis mesti dimiliki seseorang untuk sampai pada pemahaman yang tepat tentang suatu objek. “tidak bertanya sesat di jalan”. Kalimat bijak ini sangat cocok disematkan pada istilah tersebut. Sementara, istilah reflektif bisa dimaknai sebagai sikap berpikir yang keras, fokus, dan serius. Tiga karakter tersebut tidak bermaksud membatasi karakter-karakter lain yang lebih spesifik sesuai dengan relasi filsafat dengan objeknya yang lain. Secara umum, Filsafat dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu: Epistemologi, Ontologi, dan Axiologi. Pengertian po...
The hustle and bustle of the modern era, marked by an easy life, is relatively only able to provi... more The hustle and bustle of the modern era, marked by an easy life, is relatively only able to provide physical pleasure, but is unable to provide physical and spiritual happiness. The phenomenon of life that is not balanced with this level of happiness, causes a void. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning and ways of obtaining happiness according to Syeikh Ibnu Atha’illah as-Sakandari, as well as its relevance to human life in the modern era. This research is a qualitative research that uses a library research approach. The analytical method used is a content analysis technique. The conclusion of this study, shows that the happiness referred to by Syeikh Ibnu Atha’illah as-Sakandari divided happiness in two dimensions, namely happiness in the World and happiness in the hereafter. Happiness actually exists in human. Happiness will be realized when humans are able to optimize the potential of the mind and the potential of the heart. The path to happiness can be attained...
This article seeks to explain about the spiritual model as an effort that is passed and taken by ... more This article seeks to explain about the spiritual model as an effort that is passed and taken by humans in understanding and achieving Something Absolute, namely God. The method used is reflective analysis, which describes deeply and comprehensively the potential inherent in human beings that is used in understanding the existence of self and God. Human definitions are very diverse, including: socio-political beings, thinking beings, sentient beings, even godly beings. All of these definitions reinforce that humans are creatures. While the object sought by humans is something that is outside and inside him. In its search, humans exploit the potential of knowledge inherent in themselves, starting from the simplest with empirical experience, then rationalist knowledge, to religious-spiritualist knowledge. With the perfection of potential and knowledge achieved, human beings are placed in two functions that must not be broken, namely to strengthen their pertical and horizontal relation...
This writing is motivated by a very abundant religious culture in Indonesia, including the phenom... more This writing is motivated by a very abundant religious culture in Indonesia, including the phenomenon found in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara which is famous for “Wetu Telu Islam”. It contains the religious system filled with ceremonies and rituals which are accompanied by special symbols that have certain meanings. The method used in this paper is historical descriptive, by systematically explaining the history of the people of Lombok, the cultural patterns of “Wetu Telu Islam”, including its historical figures, doctrine, development, and existence. Then the writer uses structural semiology in analyzing the meaning of symbol elements found in the religious rituals of “Wetu Telu Islam” in Lombok. “Wetu Telu Islam” according to the people of Lombok is a very perfect Islam as it is built from two solid dimensions, namely dzohir and ihsan. For that reason, “Wetu Telu Islam” for them is the teachings of Sufism which emphasize the spirit, and soul. It is the spirit of holistic Islamic teachi...
Banyak jalan menuju Roma. Unkapan ini bisa juga kita gunakan dalam mendapatkan kebenaran. Banyak ... more Banyak jalan menuju Roma. Unkapan ini bisa juga kita gunakan dalam mendapatkan kebenaran. Banyak jaln menuju kebenaran (the Ultimate/Infinitife). Karya Ibn Tufail telah menggambarkan bagaimana pertemuan antara filsafat dan ajaran agama berteman secara harmonis. Keduanya memiliki jalan yang berbeda namun menemukan kebenaran yang sama (al-haqq). Karya ini menggambarkan kepada semua orang bahwa filsafat bisa berselimut dengan tasawuf dan tasawufpun tidak harus alergi dengan filsafat, karena keduanya bersaudara dan saling melengkapi.
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya, 2017
A. PENDAHULUAN Hinduisme merupakan pandangan dunia yang sangat filosofis. 1 Sebagai agama, Hindui... more A. PENDAHULUAN Hinduisme merupakan pandangan dunia yang sangat filosofis. 1 Sebagai agama, Hinduisme merupakan agama tertua di Asia,
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