Papers by muhammad vicky

Jurnal Kajian Pembaruan Hukum
The use of Smart-Contract has a potential to revolutionize aspects of global trade, given its pra... more The use of Smart-Contract has a potential to revolutionize aspects of global trade, given its practical characteristics with complex security systems. The novelty of Smart-Contracts also puts existing regulations to the test despite of legal vacuum. The purpose of this research is to analyze the novelty of this technology that has the potential to be misused, given its novelty which makes Smart-Contract lack comprehensive studies. This lack of study can also be seen in law and regulations that have not anticipated the existence of the Smart-Contract method. The risk of system failure is potentially detrimental in the long term by using of Smart-Contract in Indonesia, given the practicality of business transaction methods. This research uses normative legal research with a conceptual and statutory approach by identifying the potential legal risks of supply chain Smart-Contracts from the perspective of contract law. The results of this study explain that the potential risks of impleme...

Jurnal Kajian Pembaruan Hukum, 2023
The use of Smart-Contract has a potential to revolutionize aspects of global trade, given its pra... more The use of Smart-Contract has a potential to revolutionize aspects of global trade, given its practical characteristics with complex security systems. The novelty of Smart-Contracts also puts existing regulations to the test despite of legal vacuum. The purpose of this research is to analyze the novelty of this technology that has the potential to be misused, given its novelty which makes Smart-Contract lack comprehensive studies. This lack of study can also be seen in law and regulations that have not anticipated the existence of the Smart-Contract method. The risk of system failure is potentially detrimental in the long term by using of Smart-Contract in Indonesia, given the practicality of business transaction methods. This research uses normative legal research with a conceptual and statutory approach by identifying the potential legal risks of supply chain Smart-Contracts from the perspective of contract law. The results of this study explain that the potential risks of implementing Smart-Contract technology not only have an impact on financial aspects but also produce risks resulting from program failures or system errors. This system failure has the potential to be misused and endanger the interests of the parties involved in it. Indonesian legislation in electronic transactions has not specifically regulated the risk of failure or error in the smart contract system. The suggestion in this research is that stakeholders classify Smart-Contract into Indonesian legal rules so that business actors can have steps in mitigating risks arising from the use of Smart-Contract in the supply chain process.
Muhammad Vicky, 2022
Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi tidak hanya berdampak pada sektor inovasi bisnis dan industr... more Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi tidak hanya berdampak pada sektor inovasi bisnis dan industri semata. Sektor pelayanan publik pun termasuk salah satu yang beradaptasi agar bisa menerapkan konsep good governance atau tata kelola pemerintah yang baik. Konsep E-Government adalah salah satu solusi yang banyak digunakan agar pemerintah bisa menerapkan pelayanan publik lebih efektif dan efisien. Namun, tidak hanya dalam melakukan pelayanan publik yang fokus pada empat pendekatan yaitu: pemerintah dengan masyarakat, pemerintah dengan pemerintah, pemerintah dengan sektor bisnis, dan pemerintah dengan aparatur negara. Teknologi E-Government kemudian bisa juga digunakan dalam hal pelestarian lingkungan khususnya dalam hal menjalankan fungsi monev (monitoring and evaluation).
Forbil Institute, 2022
Perubahan iklim adalah sebuah keniscayaan, hari ini isu tersebut bahkan sudah menjadi prioritas k... more Perubahan iklim adalah sebuah keniscayaan, hari ini isu tersebut bahkan sudah menjadi prioritas kebijakan di hampir semua negara. Namun, bagaimana jika kebijakan publik memiliki keterbatasan dalam memecahkan masalah lingkungan? Inovasi sosial kemudian mengambil alih peran kebijakan publik dalam hal menanggulangi dampak perubahan iklim pada lingkungan
Forbil Institute, 2022
Sektor lingkungan merupakan aspek yang harus diperhatikan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh dampak negatif... more Sektor lingkungan merupakan aspek yang harus diperhatikan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh dampak negatif dari kerusakan lingkungan yang bersifat luas. Namun, di satu sisi diperlukan sebuah kebijaksanaan guna menyelaraskan antara lingkungan hidup dan kepentingan ekonomi bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Sektor lingkungan pada dasarnya memiliki sejarah yang cukup erat dengan otonomi daerah. Hal ini menyebabkan aspek lingkungan memiliki rekam jejak sifat otonomi yang beragam. Dimulai dari sentralisasi di tangan pemerintah pusat, dan desentralisasi pasca Reformasi tahun 1998. Saat ini, sector lingkungan memasuki babak baru yang memiliki sifat semi-desentralisasi hal ini dikarenakan adanya perpindahan kewenangan pada sektor tersebut yang tadinya dimiliki oleh pemerintah daerah berubah ke pemerintah pusat pasca Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja.
Cepat atau lambat ketergantungan Indonesia pada energi konvensional akan menemui masalah kedepann... more Cepat atau lambat ketergantungan Indonesia pada energi konvensional akan menemui masalah kedepannya, yang menjadi fokus utama adalah pencemaran lingkungan yang diakibatkan identiknya pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan produksi dan konsumsi energi. Di sisi lain dengan kondisi yaitu jumlah UMKM yang besar dan potensi energi terbarukan sangat potensial, dibutuhkan sebuah skema hulu ke hilir berupa green investment yang bisa mendukung terwujudnya pembangunan atau pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dengan lingkungan atau yang sering dikenal dengan green economy.
Thesis Chapters by muhammad vicky

Universitas Gadjah Mada , 2019
This legal research based on effects from Constitution Number 12 Year 2012 About Higher Eduaction... more This legal research based on effects from Constitution Number 12 Year 2012 About Higher Eduaction on Indonesia education systems includings autonomy on academic and non academic aspects for University. Universitas Gadjah Mada is one of university that have a legal entity as autonomy university than have to implemant the requierments of administrations includings student organization intra university. The advanced development of social science in modern day need more holistic aspect to answers the narrations and the effects of Constitution Number 12 Year 2012 About Higher Eduaction for student organizations intra university administrations. This legal research is based on data and normative empiric facts from law norm, and empiric fatcs based on practice field than will elaborated with social critical theories to answer the main cause of this legal research. Based on data from the research, there are four conclutions. The first is based on the facts and critical analysis of Constitution Number 12 Year 2012 About Higher Eduaction the law instruments is not free from the values because the Constitution Number 12 Year 2012 About Higher Eduaction have a relations with new paradigms on adminsitration that call new public management and this facts change many things includings the structures of univeristy administration systems based on accountingsm and coorpratism. The problems came when the student organization intra univeristy is under university control to reach the main goals of university. the conditions is very complicated because in the same time there is a phenomenon of soft power abbused to silence the student organization intra university with the administrations mechanism based on Constitution Number 12 Year 2012 About Higher Eduaction.
Papers by muhammad vicky
Thesis Chapters by muhammad vicky