Papers by muhammad Abubakar
British Library Document Supply Centre eBooks, 1978
Sayyid K??ut??b: A Study of His Critical Ideas. Muhammad Auwal Abubakar University of Edinburgh, ... more Sayyid K??ut??b: A Study of His Critical Ideas. Muhammad Auwal Abubakar University of Edinburgh, 1978.
2021 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry (ICDABI), Oct 25, 2021
In this study, we propose a custom-built deep learning model for detecting pneumonia conditions b... more In this study, we propose a custom-built deep learning model for detecting pneumonia conditions by analyzing radiographs. The hybrid CNN model is trained to classify distinguishable traces of pneumonia into three (3) different categories; bacterial, normal, and viral pneumonia x-ray images. Experiments were conducted using the proposed hybrid CNN approach which is made of several convolution blocks with custom weights and multiple fully connected layers for accurate classification. The proposed deep learning model resulted in an accuracy of 92.9%, which makes it the top-ranking model in comparison to other models in this research.

This thesis is connected with Muhammad al-Nuwa'lhl as a literary critic and it is divided into tw... more This thesis is connected with Muhammad al-Nuwa'lhl as a literary critic and it is divided into two parts. Part one falls into two chapters. The first chapter, serving as a background to the study, gives a broad developmental overview of Modern Arabic Literary Criticism in Egypt until the late 1940s. Chapter two, on the other hand, examines the life and career of al-Nuwalhl and gives a chronological outline of his book-length studies and the kind of reception accorded to them in Arabic literary circles. In part two which falls into four chapters, a synchronic study of al-Nuwalhl's main critical thoughts is attempted along descriptive and analytical lines. However, these thoughts have not been divorced from his predominantly practical criticism. Each of the four chapters in this part is devoted to the study of some specific critical questions or problems which al-Nuwaihl treated, and many of his ideas have been related as much as practicable to similar ideas by other Egyptian critics. Finally, in a brief conclusion an attempt is made to assess al-Nuwalhl's literary criticism and to indicate his debt to
Revista EntreLínguas, Dec 30, 2022

Revista EntreLínguas, Dec 30, 2022
RESUMO: A pesquisa sobre al-Qira'at al-Mutawtirah (modos autênticos de recitação) é muito limitad... more RESUMO: A pesquisa sobre al-Qira'at al-Mutawtirah (modos autênticos de recitação) é muito limitada. Este artigo, portanto, tem como objetivo explorar a retórica de al-Qira'at al-Mutawtirah à luz das manifestações retóricas árabes. Tais manifestações incluem enunciados informativos, interrogativos e declarativos. Os pesquisadores empregaram uma abordagem analítica para analisar as instâncias selecionadas de al-Qira'at al-Mutawtirah no Alcorão, em que tais declarações foram cuidadosamente examinadas. O estudo revelou que a retórica de al-Qira'at al-Mutawtirah se manifesta em seus significados. Os significados de Qira'at podem ser aprofundados quando tentamos descobrir suas manifestações retóricas subjacentes. Além disso, os significados ocultos de Qira'at podem ser descobertos quando combinamos os significados de Qira'at. Previu-se que este estudo pudesse avançar nosso conhecimento sobre o papel dos diferentes modos de citações na compreensão dos significados do Alcorão. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Expressões árabes. Al-Qira'at al-Mutawatirah. Retórica. RESUMEN: La investigación sobre Al-Qira'at al-Mutawtirah (modos auténticos de recitación) es muy limitada. Este artículo, por lo tanto, tiene como objetivo explorar la retórica de al-Qira'at al-Mutawtirah a la luz de las manifestaciones retóricas árabes. Tales manifestaciones incluyen enunciados informativos, interrogativos y declarativos. Los investigadores emplearon un enfoque analítico para analizar los casos de al-Qira'at al-Mutawtirah seleccionados en el Corán, mediante el cual tales declaraciones fueron examinadas cuidadosamente. El estudio reveló que la retórica de al-Qira'at al-Mutawtirah se manifiesta en sus significados. Los significados de Qira'at pueden profundizarse cuando intentamos descifrar sus manifestaciones retóricas subyacentes. Además, los significados

The quest to achieve Service excellence is a global phenomenon, it cut across various range of pu... more The quest to achieve Service excellence is a global phenomenon, it cut across various range of public services. Within the three tiers of the government, local governments are charged with the responsibility of taking care of the environment part of which is its cleanliness and collection of garbage. The contribution of this paper is highlighted in the methodological steps followed in research framework development. The main objective is to provide a blueprint for the development of research framework which guides the entire research process. The research involves both deductive and inductive approach. This implies that the paper dwelt on theoretical and conceptual framework since it is built based on existing body of knowledge and pilot study are applied in the paper to assist in developing a suitable research framework to evaluate service user experience as tool to achieve service excellence in Malaysian LG‟s. The framework provides a procedure for establishing critical areas for enhancing service delivery towards developing FM service user indicator

Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, Oct 15, 2022
_________________________________________________________________________________________________... more ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wound healing process could be disrupted by oxidative stress due to presence of reactive oxygen specie (ROS) around the wound. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the antioxidant properties of bioactive aqueous fraction of M. oleifera for potential wound healing application. Phytochemical screening was conducted using established methods to identify phytochemical composition of the aqueous fraction. Antioxidant activity was evaluated using standard methods of DPPH, phosphomolybdenum, FRAP, nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide scavenging assays. Phytochemical compounds such as tannins, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, saponin glycosides, steroids and volatile oils were found in the bioactive aqueous fraction. The antioxidant assay results showed high antioxidant capacity of aqueous fraction when compared to positive control (standard ascorbic acid). We may therefore conclude that, the capacity to modulate production and quenching of free radicals may contribute significantly to the demonstrated ability of aqueous fraction of M. oleifera to possess pharmacological activity.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Bioengineering and Life Sciences, Apr 13, 2015

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 3, 2015
The global higher education sector has gone through a radical shift in its modus operandi occasio... more The global higher education sector has gone through a radical shift in its modus operandi occasioned by the strategic implication of student loyalty to university given low state funding, globalization and competition among universities around the world. This paper seeks to fill literature gap in relationship marketing studies applied to education sector by modeling relational constructs of student satisfaction and loyalty to the university. A self-administered questionnaire was used to solicit data from 535 students of six federal universities in Nigerian using multi-stage cluster sampling procedure. The Partial least squares method was used to analyze the data collected. The results show that relational constructs of bonding, communication and personalization predict student satisfaction which in turn predicts student loyalty. Theoretical and practical implications as well as directions for future studies are documented in the paper.

International Journal of Management Sciences, 2015
Recent development in the higher education sector warrants that business marketing tools be emplo... more Recent development in the higher education sector warrants that business marketing tools be employed to make academic institutions efficient and competitive. In this study, a model of the impact of relational dynamics on customer loyalty is proposed and empirically validated in an attempt to fill literature gaps. A sample of 416 Nigerian university students, derived based on a multi-stage cluster sampling, participated in the survey which was analyzed using PLS structural equation modelling. Findings suggest that relational dynamics of bonding, personalization, customer satisfaction and trust have significant positive impact on customer loyalty. Further, long term orientation at the level of individual customer moderates the relationship between satisfaction and customer loyalty. Hence, applying a relationship marketing approach in the management higher educational institutions enhances institutional performance.

Australian journal of business and management research, Apr 9, 2013
In the last three decades, ample empirical studies have reported the significant association betw... more In the last three decades, ample empirical studies have reported the significant association between customer satisfaction, customer complaints and customer loyalty in retail banking. However, the findings of such studies are far from conclusive. Initially, interviews and extensive literature review were undertaken to understand the linkages among the constructs. Anecdotal and empirical evidence indicate direct associations between the independent, mediating and the dependent variables. But, the intervening effect of service recovery is neglected by past studies. Thus, this conceptual paper proposes the mediation effect of service recovery on the relationship between customer complaints and customer loyalty in retail bankin. The insights provided by this paper can assist bank managers in addressing the issues of customer switching and loyalty erosion that embattle the banking industry.

Asian Social Science, Dec 29, 2013
In spite of consolidation of Nigerian retail banks, the industry is still embattled by customer c... more In spite of consolidation of Nigerian retail banks, the industry is still embattled by customer complaints, lost of customer confidence and loyalty erosion. Extant literature has amply reported the associations between relational dynamics of trust, bonding, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. However, these reports are contradictory and thus, inconclusive. Meanwhile, literature has argued extensively on the influence of cultural values on customer decision making and buying behaviour. Yet, very little is known of the interaction effect of long-term orientation on the link between trust, bonding and customer satisfaction in retail banking sector. Similarly, while several studies have documented the significant effect of customer complaints on customer loyalty, there is no noticeable research evidence on the intervening effect of service recovery on the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. To fill these gaps, this conceptual paper is written.

Marine and Petroleum Geology
Fluvio-deltaic strata host significant volumes of hydrocarbons in different basins across the wor... more Fluvio-deltaic strata host significant volumes of hydrocarbons in different basins across the world, and are characterized by depositional heterogeneities and varying diagenetic overprints, owing to complex interactions of different depositional processes in diverse sub-environments. An understanding of the heterogeneities at different scales is critical to the prediction of reservoir quality distribution and architecture in these strata. The Campanian-Maastrichtian Gombe Sandstone is one of the targeted reservoirs in recent hydrocarbon exploration in the Northern Benue Trough, NE Nigeria. However, to date, the diagenetic and reservoir quality evolutions of the sandstone are not well understood. In this study, a multi-technique approach (consisting of thin-section petrography, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction analyses) was employed to link depositional facies and diagenesis to reservoir quality. Results of the study indicate that the sandstones are principally arkosic and subarkosic in composition, and were deposited in lower delta front/prodelta, upper delta front/mouth bar, distributary channel, and interdistributary tidal bar/channel depositional environments. The sandstones experienced both shallow burial and some relatively of deep burial diagenesis. Kaolinite is the most abundant eogenetic cement in the sandstones, and was particularly found to be more abundant in the interdistributary tidal bar/channel and lower delta front/prodelta depositional environments due to their significant amounts of reactive detrital feldspars and muscovite precursors, respectively. The interdistributary tidal bar/channel and the distributary channel depositional facies were highly susceptible to siderite cementation, owing to their proximity to organic-rich mudstone lithofacies. Mechanical compaction was more intense in the lower delta front/prodelta than in the interdistributary tidal bar/channel sandstones, due to the presence of high clay matrix content in the former, which enhanced ductility and close packing. The interdistributary tidal bar/channel sandstones form the best reservoir quality because of the very low amounts of detrital pore-filling matrix (average 1%; n = 24) and less compaction compared to the lower delta front/prodelta, upper delta front/mouth bar and distributary channel sandstones. Grain-coating smectitic clays were best developed in the lower delta front/prodelta, upper delta front/mouth bar and distributary channel, whereas they are poorly developed in the interdistributary tidal bar/channel sandstones. The overall low volumes of deep burial, mesogenetic cements in the sandstones (e.g., illite, dickite, and quartz overgrowths) suggest that the Gombe Sandstone spent short residence time in mesogenetic realm before being uplifted. The results of this study would provide useful input data and understanding that can be utilized for forward diagenetic modelling and burial history construction for the subsurface Gombe Sandstone reservoir in the Northern Benue Trough and similar sedimentary formations elsewhere.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
In this study, the chemotherapeutic effect of α-mangostin (AM) was assessed in rats injected with... more In this study, the chemotherapeutic effect of α-mangostin (AM) was assessed in rats injected with LA7 cells. Rats received AM orally at 30 and 60 mg/kg twice a week for 4 weeks. Cancer biomarkers such as CEA and CA 15-3 were significantly lower in AM-treated rats. Histopathological evaluations showed that AM protects the rat mammary gland from the carcinogenic effects of LA7 cells. Interestingly, AM decreased lipid peroxidation and increased antioxidant enzymes when compared to the control. Immunohistochemistry results of the untreated rats showed abundant PCNA and fewer p53-positive cells than AM-treated rats. Using the TUNEL test, AM-treated animals had higher apoptotic cell numbers than those untreated. This report revealed that that AM lessened oxidative stress, suppressed proliferation, and minimized LA7-induced mammary carcinogenesis. Therefore, the current study suggests that AM has significant potential for breast cancer treatment.
2022 5th Information Technology for Education and Development (ITED)

Journal of Radiography and Radiation Sciences
Objectives: To assess the knowledge and practice of Non-accidental injuries (NAI) among radiograp... more Objectives: To assess the knowledge and practice of Non-accidental injuries (NAI) among radiographers practising within Maiduguri Metropolis. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire to elicit information on knowledge and practice of imaging children with Non-accidental injuries. The information elicited from the questionnaire related to the following themes: Demographic characteristics, knowledge and practice of imaging children with NAI. Informed consent was sought from participants. Descriptive statistics (mean, frequencies) were used to analyze the data. Results: A total of 45 questionnaires were distributed to radiographers, and 36 (100%) were completed and returned. A total of 23 (63.9%) were males and 13 (36.1%) were females. The majority 34 (94.4%) of the respondents had good knowledge of NAI. Skeletal survey was the examination commonly requested in children with NAI as reported by 23 (63.9%) respondents, and the majority of the participants 31 (...

We investigated how different doses of microwave irradiation (MR) affect seed germination in Sorg... more We investigated how different doses of microwave irradiation (MR) affect seed germination in Sorghum, including the level of remediation against textile and surgical wastewater (WW) by modulating biochemical and morpho-physiological mechanisms under glutamic acid (GA) application. The experiment was conducted to determine the impact of foliar-applied GA on Sorghum under wastewater conditions. Plants were treated with or without microwave irradiation (30 s, 2.45 GHz), GA (5 and 10 mM), and wastewater (0, 25, 50, and 100). Growth and photosynthetic pigments were significantly decreased in plants only treated with various concentrations of WW. GA significantly improved the plant growth characteristics both in MR-treated and -untreated plants compared with respective controls. HMs stress increased electrolyte leakage (EL), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and malondialdehyde (MDA) content; however, the GA chelation significantly improved the antioxidant enzymes activities such as ascorbate oxi...

European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The Coronavirus disease 2019 has manifested into a global pandemic spreading into almost all the ... more The Coronavirus disease 2019 has manifested into a global pandemic spreading into almost all the countries and territories in the world. Contact tracing, followed by testing and isolation, have been identified as important tools in containing the proliferation of the disease. Because of manual contact tracing limitations, smartphone apps for digital contact tracing have been deployed by authorities in multiple countries. However, many of these apps have faced criticism because of interoperability, privacy and security issues. This paper proposes an open architecture based on blockchain technology that addresses some of these criticisms. It enables interoperability through a publicly-readable consortium blockchain database, preserving privacy by distributing users’ partial identities among multiple decentralised authorities and providing security through digital signature and asymmetric key encryption. In addition, the architecture provides a fast proof-of-authority based consensus a...
International Journal Of Science for Global Sustainability, 2020
Papers by muhammad Abubakar