Papers by mudrikah anurohman

Pegawai negeri adalah setiap warga negara Republik Indonesia yang telah memenuhi syarat yang dite... more Pegawai negeri adalah setiap warga negara Republik Indonesia yang telah memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan, diangkat oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan diserahi tugas dalam suatu jabatan negeri, atau diserahi tugas negara lainnya, dan digaji berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku (UU.RI Nomor 43 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pokok-pokok Kepegawaian). Dengan sistem penggajian sekarang ini, mayoritas pegawai negeri sipil di indonesia akan merasa sulit untuk mendukung pemenuhan kebutuhan primer seharihari setiap bulannya, walaupun dalam kategori hidup sederhana. Sistem penggajian ini diyakini merupakan salah satu penyebab timbulnya korupsi. Semakin kompleksnya tuntutan kinerja PNS semakin tinggi pula keluhan masyarakat akan buruknya kinerja pelayanan yang yang diberikan kepada masyarakat. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan beberapa indikator yang mencerminkan buruknya potret kinerja aparat pelayanan publik (yang sebagian besar dilayani oleh PNS) di Indonesia, antara lain pelayanan yang bertele-tele dan cenderung birokratis, biaya yang tinggi (high cost econom, pungutan-pungutan tambahan, perilaku aparat yang lebih bersikap sebagai pejabat ketimbang abdi masyarakat, pelayanan yang diskriminatif, mendahulukan kepentingan pribadi, golongan atau kelompok, termasuk kepentingan atasannya ketimbang kepentingan publik, adanya perilaku malas dalam mengambil inisiatif di luar peraturan, masih kuatnya kecenderungan untuk menunggu petunjuk atasan, sikap acuh terhadap keluhan masyarakat, lamban dalam memberikan pelayanan, kurang berminat dalam mensosialisasikan berbagai peraturan kepada masyarakat, dan sebagainya (Saleh, 2011).

Corona virus is an infectious disease that causes respiratory infections in humans, the most rece... more Corona virus is an infectious disease that causes respiratory infections in humans, the most recently discovered is COVID-19. This virus was first discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019, which later became an outbreak. This virus can attack anyone and will cause death in the sufferer if not treated quickly by medical personnel. Currently, Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic that has spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. All provinces in Indonesia have been infected by Covid-19 where the first confirmation of positive cases in Riau was on March 25, 2020 and continues to increase. As of May 31, 2020, there were 339 positive cases of Covid-19 in Riau province and it is estimated that this case will continue to increase. The total number of patients who died was 19 people, while the number of positive patients was more than those who died, which was 83 people.
The spread of Covid-19 in regencies/cities in Riau has spread to 13 regencies/cities. The city of Pekanbaru is the area with the most confirmed positive Covid-19 as many as 2013 people. Furthermore Siak Regency as many as 22 people. There are 2 regencies and cities that have just been detected positive for Covid-19, namely Kampar Regency and Kuantan Singingi Regency. Meanwhile, the other 3 regencies/cities have no positive cases of Covid-19.
The spread of this virus will certainly be a problem in various sectors if the government does not address it quickly. One of the impacts of the Covid-19 outbreak will be to disrupt the economic sector. The transmission of the impact of this virus on the economy affects the production and expenditure sides of the economy. This is due to restrictions on community activities to prevent the spread of this virus. A number of large companies to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have limited their activities and even stopped producing. People's consumption and purchasing power will decrease if it is not immediately anticipated by the government. Likewise, the plantation sector will be disrupted because it cannot send its products due to disruption of distribution activities. The spread of the Corona virus in Riau will cause a decrease in the growth of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). This is in line with previous research by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) explaining that there has been a decline in economic growth, especially in countries that are China's trading partners. ADB expects world GDP to shrink between 2.3% and 4.8%.
The outbreak of Covid-19 in Riau will disrupt the economy because of the inhibition of community activities. This will also have an impact on GRDP, where Riau's GRDP depends on community activities. The World Bank in its research stated that the impact of the crisis that occurred in Indonesia in 1997 caused a decline in all sectors. However, the plantation sector showed growth of 0.8 percent in 1998. This shows that the plantation sector is a sector that is able to survive in the midst of the crisis. The plantation sector is expected to be able to survive in the face of Covid-19 because the plantation sector is an important sector that contributes the most to GRDP in Riau. In addition, the plantation sector also plays an important role in the supply of food, moreover the distribution route is hampered so that ingredients from outside the region cannot enter. This research will focus on economic planning strategies in tackling the impact of Covid-19 on the plantation sector, because this sector is the largest contributor to GRDP in Riau.
Papers by mudrikah anurohman
The spread of Covid-19 in regencies/cities in Riau has spread to 13 regencies/cities. The city of Pekanbaru is the area with the most confirmed positive Covid-19 as many as 2013 people. Furthermore Siak Regency as many as 22 people. There are 2 regencies and cities that have just been detected positive for Covid-19, namely Kampar Regency and Kuantan Singingi Regency. Meanwhile, the other 3 regencies/cities have no positive cases of Covid-19.
The spread of this virus will certainly be a problem in various sectors if the government does not address it quickly. One of the impacts of the Covid-19 outbreak will be to disrupt the economic sector. The transmission of the impact of this virus on the economy affects the production and expenditure sides of the economy. This is due to restrictions on community activities to prevent the spread of this virus. A number of large companies to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have limited their activities and even stopped producing. People's consumption and purchasing power will decrease if it is not immediately anticipated by the government. Likewise, the plantation sector will be disrupted because it cannot send its products due to disruption of distribution activities. The spread of the Corona virus in Riau will cause a decrease in the growth of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). This is in line with previous research by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) explaining that there has been a decline in economic growth, especially in countries that are China's trading partners. ADB expects world GDP to shrink between 2.3% and 4.8%.
The outbreak of Covid-19 in Riau will disrupt the economy because of the inhibition of community activities. This will also have an impact on GRDP, where Riau's GRDP depends on community activities. The World Bank in its research stated that the impact of the crisis that occurred in Indonesia in 1997 caused a decline in all sectors. However, the plantation sector showed growth of 0.8 percent in 1998. This shows that the plantation sector is a sector that is able to survive in the midst of the crisis. The plantation sector is expected to be able to survive in the face of Covid-19 because the plantation sector is an important sector that contributes the most to GRDP in Riau. In addition, the plantation sector also plays an important role in the supply of food, moreover the distribution route is hampered so that ingredients from outside the region cannot enter. This research will focus on economic planning strategies in tackling the impact of Covid-19 on the plantation sector, because this sector is the largest contributor to GRDP in Riau.
The spread of Covid-19 in regencies/cities in Riau has spread to 13 regencies/cities. The city of Pekanbaru is the area with the most confirmed positive Covid-19 as many as 2013 people. Furthermore Siak Regency as many as 22 people. There are 2 regencies and cities that have just been detected positive for Covid-19, namely Kampar Regency and Kuantan Singingi Regency. Meanwhile, the other 3 regencies/cities have no positive cases of Covid-19.
The spread of this virus will certainly be a problem in various sectors if the government does not address it quickly. One of the impacts of the Covid-19 outbreak will be to disrupt the economic sector. The transmission of the impact of this virus on the economy affects the production and expenditure sides of the economy. This is due to restrictions on community activities to prevent the spread of this virus. A number of large companies to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have limited their activities and even stopped producing. People's consumption and purchasing power will decrease if it is not immediately anticipated by the government. Likewise, the plantation sector will be disrupted because it cannot send its products due to disruption of distribution activities. The spread of the Corona virus in Riau will cause a decrease in the growth of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). This is in line with previous research by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) explaining that there has been a decline in economic growth, especially in countries that are China's trading partners. ADB expects world GDP to shrink between 2.3% and 4.8%.
The outbreak of Covid-19 in Riau will disrupt the economy because of the inhibition of community activities. This will also have an impact on GRDP, where Riau's GRDP depends on community activities. The World Bank in its research stated that the impact of the crisis that occurred in Indonesia in 1997 caused a decline in all sectors. However, the plantation sector showed growth of 0.8 percent in 1998. This shows that the plantation sector is a sector that is able to survive in the midst of the crisis. The plantation sector is expected to be able to survive in the face of Covid-19 because the plantation sector is an important sector that contributes the most to GRDP in Riau. In addition, the plantation sector also plays an important role in the supply of food, moreover the distribution route is hampered so that ingredients from outside the region cannot enter. This research will focus on economic planning strategies in tackling the impact of Covid-19 on the plantation sector, because this sector is the largest contributor to GRDP in Riau.