Papers by msetiawan nanda

Corruption is a violation of social rights and economic rights of the community so that corruptio... more Corruption is a violation of social rights and economic rights of the community so that corruption can be classified as an extraordinary crime (extra-ordinary crimes). Therefore, its eradication must also be carried out in an extraordinary manner (extra-enforcement). Since the enactment of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, villages have been given the authority to manage finances independently. This has only happened since 72 years of Indonesia's independence. On the other hand, this authority is certainly not easy, especially since it has only been three years since the village has learned to manage finances and development independently and self-managed. Along with that, since 2015, 2016 and 2017, various problems have occurred. Conflicts between community groups develop. On the other hand, social relations are tenuous. The potential for conflict is not only triggered by a lack of apparatus resources in managing village finances, but also due to minimal morality and incre...

The right to a fair and impartial trial is a basic right of every human being. This right is univ... more The right to a fair and impartial trial is a basic right of every human being. This right is universal, applies anywhere, anytime and to anyone without discrimination. This has been stated in the 1945 Constitution which states that everyone has the right to recognition, guarantee, protection and legal certainty that is just and equal treatment before the law. Based on these provisions, everyone has the right to a fair and impartial court. Legal aid is believed to be one of the means and efforts to create a fair trial process. However, the legal problem or legal problem that the author wants to examine is the lack of seriousness in the practice of justice, especially criminal justice. One of them is only as a formality, even though these rights and obligations are to defend from the side of legal certainty and justice. Therefore, examining the sociological reasons for the benefits of legal aid for the defendant, namely legal aid only as a formality without providing meaningful defens...

The law is the embodiment of the value of trust, therefore it is natural that the police are expe... more The law is the embodiment of the value of trust, therefore it is natural that the police are expected to be trustworthy in upholding the authority of the law which essentially means upholding the value of trust in society. One of the crimes against forgery of motorized vehicle documents has recently become the target of many four-wheeled vehicles. In answering these problems, this research uses library research and field research. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: 1.) Counterfeiting of motorized vehicle registration certificates occurs due to economic factors, environmental factors and high demand for interest. motorized vehicles on the market. 20 The enforcement of criminal law against counterfeiting of Motorized Vehicle Numbers is carried out to overcome obstacles in law enforcement against counterfeiting of Motorized Vehicle Numbers based on Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation by the Lubuklinggau City Resort Traffic Unit Pol...

Electronic Transaction Information Law Number 19 Year 2016 Amendment to Law Number 11 Year 2008 w... more Electronic Transaction Information Law Number 19 Year 2016 Amendment to Law Number 11 Year 2008 was originally born to protect Indonesian people from cyber crime. Unfortunately, the implementation of this law has experienced many shifts in function. ITE legislation it is now becoming one of the frightening specter is primarily concerned with freedom in a democracy or believes in cyberspace, especially social notably of course this is contrary to the 1945 Constitution, which states everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This research uses normative juridical research. Approach to the problem used in this study include law approach (statute approach), the conceptual approach and the approach of the case. The conclusion that the real purpose of the establishment of Law No. 19, 2016 on information traksaksi electronics to make the Indonesian people safe from all forms of criminal acts of cyber crime, but today the laws ite is used as a tool to stifle freedom of speech, it is a...

Corruption is a violation of social rights and economic rights of the community so that corruptio... more Corruption is a violation of social rights and economic rights of the community so that corruption can be classified as an extraordinary crime (extra-ordinary crimes). Therefore, its eradication must also be carried out in an extraordinary manner (extra-enforcement). Since the enactment of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, villages have been given the authority to manage finances independently. This has only happened since 72 years of Indonesia's independence. On the other hand, this authority is certainly not easy, especially since it has only been three years since the village has learned to manage finances and development independently and self-managed. Along with that, since 2015, 2016 and 2017, various problems have occurred. Conflicts between community groups develop. On the other hand, social relations are tenuous. The potential for conflict is not only triggered by a lack of apparatus resources in managing village finances, but also due to minimal morality and increasing public suspicion due to a lack of transparency, the management of village funds provided by the government is often corrupted by irresponsible elements starting with budget inflation, budget abuse, fictitious projects and fictitious financial reports, here the author wants to see how the opportunities and challenges of eradicating corruption in the field of village fund management are. This research uses normative juridical research. The problem approach used in this study includes a statute approach, a conceptual approach and a case approach. The management of village funds is often corrupted by irresponsible elements, this is due to the lack of supervision and morality by irresponsible village heads, this opens up opportunities to commit criminal acts of corruption by the village head because the funds allocated by the state to each village around almost Rp. 1,684,270,802,200..-for the welfare of the village, however, these funds are often misappropriated by practicing budget abuse, embezzlement, fictitious reports, fictitious activities/projects, and inflated budgets. The current challenge in managing village funds by the government and law enforcement officers is getting tougher, this is because there are still many unscrupulous village heads who do not understand the real use of village funds. there is another loss to the state due to corruption.

Electronic Transaction Information Law Number 19 Year 2016 Amendment to Law Number 11 Year 2008 w... more Electronic Transaction Information Law Number 19 Year 2016 Amendment to Law Number 11 Year 2008 was originally born to protect Indonesian people from cyber crime. Unfortunately, the implementation of this law has experienced many shifts in function. ITE legislation it is now becoming one of the frightening specter is primarily concerned with freedom in a democracy or believes in cyberspace, especially social notably of course this is contrary to the 1945 Constitution, which states everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This research uses normative juridical research. Approach to the problem used in this study include law approach (statute approach), the conceptual approach and the approach of the case. The conclusion that the real purpose of the establishment of Law No. 19, 2016 on information traksaksi electronics to make the Indonesian people safe from all forms of criminal acts of cyber crime, but today the laws ite is used as a tool to stifle freedom of speech, it is a setback democracy in Indonesian history that does not comply with national goals ite establishment of legislation in terms of socio-political objectives of the state of Indonesia which is the people's will is not the will of the ruler, here the criminal law policy should be is in harmony with the political goals of the Indonesian state.

The right to a fair and impartial trial is a basic right of every human being. This right is univ... more The right to a fair and impartial trial is a basic right of every human being. This right is universal, applies anywhere, anytime and to anyone without discrimination. This has been stated in the 1945 Constitution which states that everyone has the right to recognition, guarantee, protection and legal certainty that is just and equal treatment before the law. Based on these provisions, everyone has the right to a fair and impartial court. Legal aid is believed to be one of the means and efforts to create a fair trial process. However, the legal problem or legal problem that the author wants to examine is the lack of seriousness in the practice of justice, especially criminal justice. One of them is only as a formality, even though these rights and obligations are to defend from the side of legal certainty and justice. Therefore, examining the sociological reasons for the benefits of legal aid for the defendant, namely legal aid only as a formality without providing meaningful defense in every examination and examining the practices that should be carried out in legal aid in order to provide legal benefits and certainty to legal aid recipients, especially the defendant in obtaining legal assistance. in the Padang District Court Class IA. This research uses an empirical juridical approach, namely the method of approaching the problem by looking at the positive law that applies normatively by connecting the reality in the field, this research uses interview techniques and collects data and tables and is processed by the editing process. Based on the results of research conducted in the jurisdiction of the Padang Class IA District Court, the obstacles for the defendant to obtain legal assistance in the jurisdiction of the Padang Class IA District Court are the imbalance between the number of justice seekers and lawyers or legal aid providers, the number of legal aid providers is insufficient, the process for Obtaining legal assistance is difficult, as for the obstacles we encountered during the process of assisting the defendant, namely the difficulty of communicating with the defendant, constraints in finance or funds, because it requires costs or funds to summon expert witnesses in the examination of witnesses in criminal cases. It is recommended for Advocates to carry out the provision of legal aid even though the legal advisors are still insufficient or inadequate.

The law is the embodiment of the value of trust, therefore it is natural that the police are expe... more The law is the embodiment of the value of trust, therefore it is natural that the police are expected to be trustworthy in upholding the authority of the law which essentially means upholding the value of trust in society. One of the crimes against forgery of motorized vehicle documents has recently become the target of many four-wheeled vehicles. In answering these problems, this research uses library research and field research. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: 1.) Counterfeiting of motorized vehicle registration certificates occurs due to economic factors, environmental factors and high demand for interest. motorized vehicles on the market. 20 The enforcement of criminal law against counterfeiting of Motorized Vehicle Numbers is carried out to overcome obstacles in law enforcement against counterfeiting of Motorized Vehicle Numbers based on Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation by the Lubuklinggau City Resort Traffic Unit Police, namely by , giving warnings and warnings to sellers of Motorized Vehicle Registration Numbers not to make sales without a permit because it is a violation of the law, giving seminars to law enforcers to stay on their goals to enforce the law, and trying to increase legal awareness in the community through socialization. It is emphasized in Article 263 of the Criminal Code that the perpetrator will be subject to 6 years in prison.

Tindak pidana korupsi merupakan pelanggaran hak-hak social dan hak –hak ekonomi masyarakat sehin... more Tindak pidana korupsi merupakan pelanggaran hak-hak social dan hak –hak ekonomi masyarakat sehingga tindak pidana korupsi dapat digolongkan sebagai kejahatan luar biasa (ekstra-ordinary crimes). Oleh sebab itu pemberantasannya juga harus dilakukan dengan cara yang luar biasa juga (extra-enforcemen). Pengelolaan dana desa sering kali dikorupsi oleh oknum-oknum tidak bertanggung jawab , hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya pengawasan dan moralitas oleh oknum-oknumm kepala desa yang tidak bertanggung jawab hal ini membuka peluang untuk melakukan tindak pidana korupsi oleh kepala desa sebab dana yang digelotorkan oleh negara untuk masing-masing desa sekitar hampir Rp. demi kesejahteraan desa tersebut, namun dana tersebut sering kali diselewengkan dengan melakukan praktik penyalahgunaan anggaran , penggelapan, laporan fiktif, kegiatan/proyek fiktif, dan penggelembungan anggaran. Saat ini pencegahan telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah namun kurang maksimal sehingga banyak terjadi tindak pidana korupsi dalam pengelolaan dana desa, pencegahan dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengenali modus-modus korupsi didalam pengelolaan dana desa kemudian meningkatkan kapasitas pendidikan kepala desa serta melakukan peningktan kualitas pendamping desa dan yang terkhir melakukan pengawasan yang ekstra dalam pengeloaan dana desa.

makalah penemuan hukum, 2018
1. Hakim berperan untuk penemuan hukum (rechtsvinding) ketika ia menganggap bahwa ketika terjadi ... more 1. Hakim berperan untuk penemuan hukum (rechtsvinding) ketika ia menganggap bahwa ketika terjadi kasus perkara yang dianggap sudah diatur dalam undang-undang namun terjadi kekaburan hukum didalam setiap pasal-pasalnya hakim dapat mengambil kesimpulan sebagai penemuan hukum.
2. Penemuan hukum ini dilakukan melalui metode Interprestasi Hukum dengan Penafsiran Gramatikal, Penafsiran Sistematis, Penafsiran Historis, Penafsiran Sosiologis, Penafsiran autentik, Penafsiran ekstensif, dan Penafsiran restriktif..
3. Bahwa penistaan agama bisa membuat perpecahan dalam suatu kelompok sosial karena menyangkut dimensi keyakinan batin orang atau kelompok terhadap agama yang dianutnya. Seperti diatur dalam Pasal 156 a KUHP barang siapa dengan sengaja dimuka umum mengeluarkan perasaan atau melakukan perbuatan yang pada pokoknya bersifat permusuhan, penyalahgunaan atau penodaan terhadap suatu agama yang dianut di Indonesia dengan maksud supaya orang tidak menganut agama apapun juga, yang bersendikan ke-Tuhanan Yang Maha Esa.
Tujuan kepailitan pada dasarnya memberikan solusi terhadap para pihak apabila Debitor dalam keada... more Tujuan kepailitan pada dasarnya memberikan solusi terhadap para pihak apabila Debitor dalam keadaan berhenti membayar/tidak mampu membayar utang-utangnya. Kepailitan mencegah/menghindari tindakantindakan yang tidak adil dan dapat merugi semua pihak, yaitu: menghindari eksekusi oleh Kreditor dan mencegah terjadinya kecurangan oleh Debitor sendiri.
Kepailitan dengan lelang memiliki hubungan yang saling terkait satu dengan yang lain, secara umum lelang merupakan salah satu cara pelaksanaan eksekusi dalam kepailitan. Hubungan kepailitan dengan lelang dapat dilihat pada tahap pemberesan harta pailit dan keadaan insolvensi.
M. Nanda Setiawan, 2018
Tujuan kepailitan pada dasarnya memberikan solusi terhadap para pihak apabila Debitor dalam keada... more Tujuan kepailitan pada dasarnya memberikan solusi terhadap para pihak apabila Debitor dalam keadaan berhenti membayar/tidak mampu membayar utang-utangnya. Kepailitan mencegah/menghindari tindakantindakan yang tidak adil dan dapat merugi semua pihak, yaitu: menghindari eksekusi oleh Kreditor dan mencegah terjadinya kecurangan oleh Debitor sendiri.
Papers by msetiawan nanda
2. Penemuan hukum ini dilakukan melalui metode Interprestasi Hukum dengan Penafsiran Gramatikal, Penafsiran Sistematis, Penafsiran Historis, Penafsiran Sosiologis, Penafsiran autentik, Penafsiran ekstensif, dan Penafsiran restriktif..
3. Bahwa penistaan agama bisa membuat perpecahan dalam suatu kelompok sosial karena menyangkut dimensi keyakinan batin orang atau kelompok terhadap agama yang dianutnya. Seperti diatur dalam Pasal 156 a KUHP barang siapa dengan sengaja dimuka umum mengeluarkan perasaan atau melakukan perbuatan yang pada pokoknya bersifat permusuhan, penyalahgunaan atau penodaan terhadap suatu agama yang dianut di Indonesia dengan maksud supaya orang tidak menganut agama apapun juga, yang bersendikan ke-Tuhanan Yang Maha Esa.
Kepailitan dengan lelang memiliki hubungan yang saling terkait satu dengan yang lain, secara umum lelang merupakan salah satu cara pelaksanaan eksekusi dalam kepailitan. Hubungan kepailitan dengan lelang dapat dilihat pada tahap pemberesan harta pailit dan keadaan insolvensi.
2. Penemuan hukum ini dilakukan melalui metode Interprestasi Hukum dengan Penafsiran Gramatikal, Penafsiran Sistematis, Penafsiran Historis, Penafsiran Sosiologis, Penafsiran autentik, Penafsiran ekstensif, dan Penafsiran restriktif..
3. Bahwa penistaan agama bisa membuat perpecahan dalam suatu kelompok sosial karena menyangkut dimensi keyakinan batin orang atau kelompok terhadap agama yang dianutnya. Seperti diatur dalam Pasal 156 a KUHP barang siapa dengan sengaja dimuka umum mengeluarkan perasaan atau melakukan perbuatan yang pada pokoknya bersifat permusuhan, penyalahgunaan atau penodaan terhadap suatu agama yang dianut di Indonesia dengan maksud supaya orang tidak menganut agama apapun juga, yang bersendikan ke-Tuhanan Yang Maha Esa.
Kepailitan dengan lelang memiliki hubungan yang saling terkait satu dengan yang lain, secara umum lelang merupakan salah satu cara pelaksanaan eksekusi dalam kepailitan. Hubungan kepailitan dengan lelang dapat dilihat pada tahap pemberesan harta pailit dan keadaan insolvensi.