Papers by Mohan Krishna Redlapalle, MD

After our winter break, I had the opportunity to analyze a fascinating case report for the Studen... more After our winter break, I had the opportunity to analyze a fascinating case report for the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Therapy at the University Clinical Hospital No. 1, Sechenov University in Moscow, Russia. My professor, Professor Yulia Alexandrovna Lutokhina, asked me to analyze a published research study on the "Safety and Immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines in Patients With Chronic Liver Diseases (CHESS-NMCID 2101): A Multicenter Study". I delved into the overall design of the study to explain why it yielded the results it did.
Overall, analyzing this research provided me with a deeper understanding of the importance of vaccination in vulnerable patient populations and the need for ongoing research to ensure equitable access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines for all individuals.
Link to the paper is as follows:
Demographic rates 2009 2020 Birth Rate 21.76 18.2 births/1,000 population Death Rate 6.23 7.3 dea... more Demographic rates 2009 2020 Birth Rate 21.76 18.2 births/1,000 population Death Rate 6.23 7.3 deaths/1,000 population 2009 Expectation of life (Life expectancy): Both sexes (total population)-69.89 men-67.46 Women-72.61 The difference between expectation of men's and women's life is 5.15 years 2020 Expectation of life (Life expectancy): Both sexes (total population)-69.7 years men-68.4 years Women-71.2 years The difference between expectation of men's and women's life is 2.8 years

Health care-Dealing with the 2 nd most populous country in the world-INDIA Health care is a word ... more Health care-Dealing with the 2 nd most populous country in the world-INDIA Health care is a word mostly misunderstood and used in place of palliative medical care. The two are poles apart. This is very important, both for the lay man and the administrators, to make a clear distinction between the two, lest there should be mal-administration of health strategies in society. Health is a state of holistic well-being of man, enabling min to be enthusiastic, to be creative in society for his own good as well as for the good of other, the latter more important than the former in social context. In the words of Richard Smith, the former editor of the British medical journal and the present editor of the case journal, health id a state where man I able to "work and love." The conventional definitions of health really do not fit as they are all negative in their connotation like absence of physical disease. Even Sigmund fraud had a defined health as a state of work and love. On the contrary, palliative medical care is trying to fix the broken pieces of a formally healthy man into a whole again. There is a further confusion here in that it is sometimes called curative medicine, in the place pf palliative care. Cure, we rarely, if ever!
For reference.
Class 12
Drafts by Mohan Krishna Redlapalle, MD
While the word geography is derived from Greek and literally means "to write about the earth," th... more While the word geography is derived from Greek and literally means "to write about the earth," the subject of geography is much more than describing "foreign" places or memorizing the names of capitals and countries.
Teaching Documents by Mohan Krishna Redlapalle, MD

An opportunity arose for me to analyze a case report for the Student Scientific Society of Facult... more An opportunity arose for me to analyze a case report for the Student Scientific Society of Faculty Therapy, Faculty Therapy department, University Clinical Hospital No. 1, Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia, which I saw as a great way to start the year. The clinical case report published by the team at The Thoraxklinik Heidelberg, a pulmonary specialist clinic and part of the Heidelberg University Hospital, is located in the Heidelberg district Rohrbach. The paper is titled “Clinical characterization of a novel alpha1-antitrypsin null variant: PiQ0Heidelberg”. My teacher, Professor Yulia Alexandrovna Lutokhina, asked for a student to present such an interesting clinical case. I took up the role and gave a presentation during the meeting.
In summary, the paper presented a 77-year-old patient with a null mutation of the SERPINA1 gene (PiQ0Heidelberg) who had severe COPD despite not being a heavy smoker. My presentation generated a lot of interest, leading to a lengthy discussion about the underdiagnosis of Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and the potential benefits of augmented therapy for patients. This experience reinforced the importance of considering various possibilities for diagnosis and treatment.
The link to the paper is as follows:
A presentation that i gave for the session at the Surgical Science Club at mu University. Surgica... more A presentation that i gave for the session at the Surgical Science Club at mu University. Surgical Anatomy and Blood Supply of Pancreas
A Short overview of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy- Mohan Krishna Redlapalle
Coronary angiogram, is the "gold standard" for the evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD). A... more Coronary angiogram, is the "gold standard" for the evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD). A coronary angiogram can be used to identify the exact location and severity of CAD.
Life after a Stroke What is a Stroke? • A stroke is a type of brain injury. Symptoms depend on th... more Life after a Stroke What is a Stroke? • A stroke is a type of brain injury. Symptoms depend on the part of the brain that is affected. People who survive a stroke often have weakness on one side of the body or trouble with moving, talking, or thinking. • Most strokes are ischemic strokes. These are caused by reduced blood flow to the brain when blood vessels are blocked by a clot or become too narrow for blood to get through. Brain cells in the area die from lack of oxygen. In another type of stroke, called hemorrhagic stroke, the blood vessel isn't blocked; it bursts, and blood leaks into the brain, causing damage. • Strokes are more common in older people. Almost three-fourths of all strokes occur in people 65 years of age or over. However, a person of any age can have a stroke.
A Summary on Psychosomatic disorders. Turns out nearly 60% of the diseases are cause by psychosom... more A Summary on Psychosomatic disorders. Turns out nearly 60% of the diseases are cause by psychosomatic influences.
This document contains extra questions for the concept "TRANSPIRATION".
Papers by Mohan Krishna Redlapalle, MD
Overall, analyzing this research provided me with a deeper understanding of the importance of vaccination in vulnerable patient populations and the need for ongoing research to ensure equitable access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines for all individuals.
Link to the paper is as follows:
Drafts by Mohan Krishna Redlapalle, MD
Teaching Documents by Mohan Krishna Redlapalle, MD
In summary, the paper presented a 77-year-old patient with a null mutation of the SERPINA1 gene (PiQ0Heidelberg) who had severe COPD despite not being a heavy smoker. My presentation generated a lot of interest, leading to a lengthy discussion about the underdiagnosis of Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and the potential benefits of augmented therapy for patients. This experience reinforced the importance of considering various possibilities for diagnosis and treatment.
The link to the paper is as follows:
Overall, analyzing this research provided me with a deeper understanding of the importance of vaccination in vulnerable patient populations and the need for ongoing research to ensure equitable access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines for all individuals.
Link to the paper is as follows:
In summary, the paper presented a 77-year-old patient with a null mutation of the SERPINA1 gene (PiQ0Heidelberg) who had severe COPD despite not being a heavy smoker. My presentation generated a lot of interest, leading to a lengthy discussion about the underdiagnosis of Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and the potential benefits of augmented therapy for patients. This experience reinforced the importance of considering various possibilities for diagnosis and treatment.
The link to the paper is as follows: