Papers by mohammad parvez

Education means to know the knowledge. Without this, life of human being does not operate. Educat... more Education means to know the knowledge. Without this, life of human being does not operate. Education teaches the lesson of humanity. Education is very necessary for every human being. Education does not mean to get specific skill and get employment. But we say that anybody got education, if he/she has developed from every angle. It is the education which carries human being in the way of success. Education is imparted by the teachers; therefore, teachers and their education i.e. teacher education is of paramount importance. But, unfortunately, in our country, India, so many money minded people are degrading the teacher education under the umbrella of privatization of teacher education. Privatization is the transfer of activities, assets, and responsibilities from government/public institutions and organizations to private individuals and agencies. This paper is a humble attempt to discuss the issues of privatization of teacher education in India. One of important things is that ther...

The objective of this study was to develop the degradation studies of different brands of amytrip... more The objective of this study was to develop the degradation studies of different brands of amytriptyline hydrochloride in market. Forced degradation is a process that involves degradation of drug products and drug substances at conditions more severe than accelerated conditions and thus generates degradation products that can be studied to determine the stability of the molecule. Amitriptyline (AMT) belongs to tricyclic dibenzocycloheptadiene derivatives. It acts primarily as a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, used for the treatment of several psychiatric disorders. This drug was subjected to different stress conditions as per International Conference on Harmonization guidelines (ICH). An ultraviolet UV spectroscopic method was developed for analysis of the drug in the presence of the degradation products. Distilled water was used as a solvents. The amount of degraded drugs was calculated by taking the absorbance at 222 nm. According to the assay limit of USP specified th...

Improving access to health care services has been advocated widely since the Declaration of Alma-... more Improving access to health care services has been advocated widely since the Declaration of Alma-Ata. Despite the efforts to realize this in Ethiopia, it is only in the year 2003 that the intention to take the package of essential health services to the kebele level (smallest administrative unit) was realized through the introduction of the Health Services Extension Program (HSEP). The objective of this study was to explore whether introduction of HSEP has improved the coverage of child health services in the rural areas of Jimma Zone. A cross sectional study was conducted in three randomly selected districts of Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. The data collection was undertaken during the months of May, June and July, 2009. A structured questionnaire was used to interview female heads of sampled households from nine kebeles randomly selected in three Woredas (districts). Data were collected on the socio-demographic characteristics, use of health posts, child vaccination and childhood diarrhea. Checklists were used for record review. Data obtained were analysed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) V14. Only 64.0% of the kebeles had functional health posts, although another 32.0% of the kebeles in the zone had health posts under construction. However, most (93.7%) of the kebeles in the zone already had two health extension workers (HEWs) assigned. Vaccination coverage as measured by DPT3 was 67.9%, and 10% of the under-two year old children included in this survey had diarrhoea during the past two weeks. Of the 34 (51.5%) mothers who sought help during diarrhoeal attacks, 12 (35.3%) of them went to the health post. The first places of treatment seeking were health centres and health posts, with equal proportion for both (43.5%). Treatment was sought within a day or two after commencement of diarrhoea for 70.6% of the children. Thirty nine (69.7%) of the 56 children who were given recommended fluids received oral rehydration solution (ORS) or homemade solution. In addition to continuing efforts to improve coverage, there is a need to ensure that activities are linked with follow up of vaccination, early treatment seeking and proper home management of diarrhoea.

Since, the submission of the Sachar Committee Report (2006), several analytical and descriptive s... more Since, the submission of the Sachar Committee Report (2006), several analytical and descriptive studies have been undertaken to analysis the socio-economic and educational conditions of Muslims in India. Many researchers, educationists, thinkers, politicians, policy makers and common Muslims believe that education is the only panacea to eradicate the each and every ails of Muslims, and it is the only mechanism by which not only their status can be raised but also facilitate their entry into better paid job. This paper aims to evaluate the available evidences on the pattern of Muslim participation in education and employment. It is an attempt to see the Muslims ’ participation in education and employment in relation to other Socio Religious Categories of India. Based on different secondary data sets, it attempts to see how the Socio Religious Categories across India have utilised the process of education and achieved educational and employment opportunity higher than the

Proceedings of the IEEE
Over the last decade, dc–dc power converters have attracted significant attention due to their in... more Over the last decade, dc–dc power converters have attracted significant attention due to their increased use in a number of applications from aerospace to renewable energy. The interest in wide bandgap (WBG) power semiconductor devices stems from outstanding features of WBG materials, power device operation at higher temperatures, larger breakdown voltages, and the ability to sustain larger switching transients than silicon (Si) devices. As a result, recent progress and development of converter topologies, based on WBG power devices, are well-established for power conversion applications in which classical Si-based power devices show limited operation. Currently, Si carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are the most promising semiconductor materials that are being considered for the new generation of power devices. The use of new power semiconductor devices, such as GaN high electron mobility transistors (GaN HEMTs), leads to minimization of switching losses, allowing high switching frequencies (from kHz to MHz) for realizing compact power converters. Finally, design recommendations and future research trends are also presented.
The present research aimed to study the marking behaviour of teachers teaching in government and ... more The present research aimed to study the marking behaviour of teachers teaching in government and private schools with respect to certain personal variables. Sample consisted of 104 teachers from Government Schools and 100 teachers from Private Schools at secondary level. Mean, SD and ‘t ’ test were used to analyze the data. Findings revealed no significant difference between the marking behaviour of teachers, teaching in Government and Private Schools, between the marking behaviour of TGT teachers, teaching in Government and Private Secondary Schools, between the marking behaviour of Permanent Teachers, teaching in Government and Private Secondary Schools, whereas, a significant difference was found between the marking behaviour of PGT teachers, teaching in Government and Private Secondary Schools and between the marking behaviour of
☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.

SciMedicine Journal
The ongoing pandemic due to the novel SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) has exerted a great toll on h... more The ongoing pandemic due to the novel SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) has exerted a great toll on human health. The SARS-CoV-2 is the third most pathogenic human CoV after SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, which is classified within the genus Betacoronavirus. Though the actual source of its origin and transmission is still unclear, genetic analysis has shown its very close similarity (~96%) with bat SARS-like CoV. SARS-CoV-2 is a spherically-icosahedral virus with a plus-sense single-strand RNA (~30 kb) genome defined into thirteen open reading frames, which encode 2 non-structural polyproteins, 4 structural proteins and 6 accessory proteins. Of its structural proteins the ‘S1’ subunit of spike (S) contains the cellular ACE-2 receptor binding domain (RBD) whereas the ‘S2’ subunit is required for cell membrane fusion. The membrane (M) protein participates in cell-fusion whereas envelope (E) is necessary for virion assembly and morphogenesis. The non-structural polyproteins (pp1a and pp1b) under...

Learning Community-An International Journal of Educational and Social Development, 2012
Education means to know the knowledge. Without this, life of human being does not operate. Educat... more Education means to know the knowledge. Without this, life of human being does not operate. Education teaches the lesson of humanity. Education is very necessary for every human being. Education does not mean to get specific skill and get employment. But we say that anybody got education, if he/she has developed from every angle. It is the education which carries human being in the way of success. Education is imparted by the teachers; therefore, teachers and their education i.e. teacher education is of paramount importance. But unfortunately in our country so many money minded people are degrading the teacher education under the umbrella of privatization of teacher education. Privatization is the transfer of activities, assets and responsibilities from government/public institutions and organizations to private individuals and agencies. This paper is a humble attempt to discuss the issues of privatization of teacher education in India.

As an anti-fertility agent Allium cepa has been used in traditional medicine. However, there is n... more As an anti-fertility agent Allium cepa has been used in traditional medicine. However, there is no scientific report concerning the anti-fertility effect of this plant on male. This study investigated the antifertility effect of Allium cepa on Swiss albino male mice and its teratogenecity on female mice. The antifertility activity was evaluated by cohabitation method. The experiment was carried out for two months.The male Swiss albino mice were treated with methanolic bulb extract of Allium cepa at doses of 400 and 800 mg/kg body weight of the mice. The lower concentrations (400 mg/kg body weight) of methanolic bulb extract of Allium cepa gave temporarily antifertility activity. However, the higher dose (800mg/kg body weight) gave relatively more permanent antifertility activity on Swiss albino mice in comparison with the control. No teratogenic effect was found in pregnant female mice and the delivered litters. The results of this study demonstrate that methanolic bulb extract of A...

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research
The paper focuses on enhancing quality education and academic performance of Indian students thro... more The paper focuses on enhancing quality education and academic performance of Indian students through mobile technology. Quality education is essential for young minds to generate common sense, reasoning, and vision. It is the sole way to convert latent knowledge into wisdom. It combines both personal and social objectives. It is the first and foremost determinant of prosperity, success and opulence. The progress of a nation depends on education imparted in classrooms, so the role of classroom increases to ensure the quality of education significantly. It eradicates ignorance which is the root of all hurdles. It develops reasoning, analytical thinking and decision making. Academic performance is a high indicator of academic recognition and mental health. It contributes much to a student's life, so improving academic performance is mandatory. Technology plays a pivotal role in determining the teaching-learning process engaging, encouraging and favourable from pre-primary to college levels. Technology must take a relevant place in the classroom to enhance the quality of education and academic performance significantly. The smartphone is a unique package of technological and informational advancements compactly. It is an inexpensive, user-friendly, simple, productive, flexible, handy, compact, efficient and personal. It facilitates calculator, calendar, recorder, camera, scanner, collaborative learning, real-time connectivity, data transfer, audiovisual learning and useful applications. It is now equipped with windows and internet too. It assists teachers as well as learners to cope with stress and pressure of teaching and learning. It boosts the quality of education and academic performance while making learning skills accessible, feasible, relevant, exciting and pleasant. It empowers learners unbiasedly. It assists in grasping new paradigms. The chief aim of the teaching-learning process is developing skills and generating knowledge pleasantly rather than tediously and prosaically. Mobiles, notebooks, iPods, iPads and tablets are popular devices for mobile technology.

Journal of Education and Practice, 2013
The progress of a country depends upon the quality of its teachers. They are called nation builde... more The progress of a country depends upon the quality of its teachers. They are called nation builders.A good principal, magnificent building, sound infrastructure and good curriculum are useless, if the teachers in any institution are not with positive attitude towards teaching. Teaching is a very respectable profession but even then not all the teachers who are in this pious profession like it.Many prospective teachers join this profession not by choice but by chance or due to other reasons. They are disinterested towards teaching profession. They just take admission in B.Ed course as second choice,if they fail to seek admission in first choice like M.B.A., or any other courses according to their liking and they are generally dissatisfied throughout the training period.This study was conducted to study the attitudes of prospective-teachers towards teaching profession. A sample of 180 prospective teachers, 90 from private and 90 from publicinstitutions was taken through purposive conv...

The present study was designed to investigate in vitro cytotoxic, anthelmintic and thrombolytic a... more The present study was designed to investigate in vitro cytotoxic, anthelmintic and thrombolytic activities of crude methanol extract of Holdina cordifolia bark. Evaluation of cytotoxic activity was done using the brine shrimp lethality bioassay, anthelmintic activity was done by counting of paralyzed time and death time on the aquarium worm Tubifex tubifex. The clot lysis activity was done to evaluate thrombolytic activity. The crude methanol extract of Holdina cordifolia bark showed significant cytotoxic potential (LC value = 236.68μg/ml) comparing with that of standard vincristine sulphate (0.825μg/ml). It also produced a significant anthelmintic activity in dose dependent manner compared with standard drug levamisole. At the higher dose of crude extract 20mg, the time taken for paralysed was 14 minutes and 17 seconds but 18 minutes and 06 seconds were taking for death. In the case of standard drug levamisole, at higher dose 1mg where paralysed time was 3 minutes and 30 seconds bu...
Antacids were the mainstay of treatment for acid-peptic disorders until the advent of Hreceptor a... more Antacids were the mainstay of treatment for acid-peptic disorders until the advent of Hreceptor antagonist and proton pump inhibitors. We attempted to compare the activity of the different antacid tablets formulation by using acid-base neutralization reaction studies. This experiment based on acid-base neutralization reaction studies between independent variable (sample of antacid) and dependent variable (amount of acid needed to neutralize the antacid). The tablet code no. D neutralizes highest (7 ml) of acid solution and lowest (1.2 ml) was neutralizing by antacid code no. C. The sequences of antacid according to amount of acid required to neutralization was D> E> B> A> C. This in-vitro study may help in the deepest research works such as design and discovery of new antacid formulation.

Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2011
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh is prestigious world fame Central University of India, it occu... more Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh is prestigious world fame Central University of India, it occupies a distinct position among Indian Universities and its contribution to nation building is very significant. It attracts students from all over the world especially Africa, West Asia and South East Asia. In this Investigation an attempt has been made to find out the opinion of teachers and the students of the A.M.U., Aligarh towards the Academic problems of AMU, and to suggest various remedial measures. A sample of 65 teachers and 177 students was taken randomly from almost all faculties of AMU; the opinionnaires used are developed by the investigators to collect information regarding the academic problems of the A.M.U., Aligarh. In this study investigators made an effort to draw certain findings on the basis of interpretation and analysis of data.

ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially in edu... more ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially in education sector, has been increased to empower the educational activities. Computer as an integrated part of ICT has become a very crucial and handy tool to perform the various required educational activities. All the ladders of education system have their own ways and purpose to use the computer based applications in their set up. So, computer education has become mandatory in every walks of the life. Educational activities at any level cannot be performed effectively until and unless one seeks help from the computer based applications. For an effective use of computer, one should have proper attitude towards computer as well as computer education. That is why the present study aims to investigate the computer attitude of under-graduate students of S cience and S ocial Science streams. A sample of 100 (male = 50, female = 50) was drawn by using standardized Computer Attitude Scale, accord...
A seizure prediction method is proposed by extracting global features using phase correlation bet... more A seizure prediction method is proposed by extracting global features using phase correlation between adjacent epochs for detecting relative changes and local features using fluctuation/ deviation within an epoch for determining fine changes of different EEG signals. A classifier and a regularization technique are applied for the reduction of false alarms and improvement of the overall prediction accuracy. The experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and provides high prediction accuracy (i.e., 97.70%) with low false alarm using EEG signals in different brain locations from a benchmark data set. Keywords—Epilepsy, Seizure, Phase Correlation, Fluctuation, Deviation.

Journal of Education and Practice, 2015
Education system of India is full of intricacies of different nature. Every ladder of education h... more Education system of India is full of intricacies of different nature. Every ladder of education has its own problems and prospects. However, attempts have been taken to lessen complexities. From ages, time to time commissions have been constituted to improve and remove the anomalies of Indian education system especially, ensuring quality and uniformity in India education system. Idea of Quality assurance cell has not only been mooted out but also implemented across the national level. Ensuring uniformity in Education System, especially at Under-Graduate level, Choice-Based Credit System has been confirmed mandatory. But the nature of Indian education system is much diverse and encompasses inherent problems of diversity in implementing the uniform system of evaluation. Present education system of India has got spread across the country in the form of Primary Education, Secondary Education and Tertiary Education. The last one of education sector has much importance in the process of d...
Papers by mohammad parvez