Abstrac ; Early childhood curriculum contains a set of learning activities through play that can ... more Abstrac ; Early childhood curriculum contains a set of learning activities through play that can provide direct experience for children in order to develop all the development potential possessed by each child. Catron and Allen stated that the curriculum includes answers to questions about what should be taught and how to teach it by providing a plan of play activities program that is based on philosophical about how children develop and learn. Furthermore, it was explained that the play activities program was basically a concrete development of a curriculum. Curriculum development for early childhood is the first step that becomes a benchmark for further learning activities. Steps in developing curriculum in Kindergarten-Pertiwi Kayu Aro are adjusted to the stage of child development which includes the development of values of religious and moral, social and emotional, cognitive, language, physical motor and artistic attitudes. In addition to these development aspects, the curriculum in TK-Pertiwi Kayu Aro is also equipped with a curriculum of local content as a support and complement to the development that integrates with the scientific and regional according to local culture. The steps of curriculum development are: mapping character values, aligning the vision, mission, and goals of the school in accordance with character education, drafting a curriculum, internal and external socialization, and conducting educational trials in the previous school year. The results of the trial are then used as material for revising the education curriculum in the following year which is implemented in the following year's curriculum which is then reduced in the education unit level curriculum (KTSP).
Abstract: Card Games To Increase The Ability to Know the Symbols of Child Numbers and Letters. Th... more Abstract: Card Games To Increase The Ability to Know the Symbols of Child Numbers and Letters. The problem in this study is the lack of learning media used in introducing symbols and numbers in children aged 5-6 years. The purpose of this research is to know the game of card number and letters to the ability to recognize the symbol of the number and letters of children aged 5-6 years in Kindergarten Pertiwi Kayu Aro year lesson 2017 - 2018. The research method used is experiment type one-shot case study. Samples taken amounted to 20 children. The research instrument used the observation guideline with the chek list form. The result of simple linear regression analysis shows that there is a positive influence between the game of number and letter card on the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers and letters. Keywords: card game, number symbol, symbols
Abstrac ; Early childhood curriculum contains a set of learning activities through play that can ... more Abstrac ; Early childhood curriculum contains a set of learning activities through play that can provide direct experience for children in order to develop all the development potential possessed by each child. Catron and Allen stated that the curriculum includes answers to questions about what should be taught and how to teach it by providing a plan of play activities program that is based on philosophical about how children develop and learn. Furthermore, it was explained that the play activities program was basically a concrete development of a curriculum. Curriculum development for early childhood is the first step that becomes a benchmark for further learning activities. Steps in developing curriculum in Kindergarten-Pertiwi Kayu Aro are adjusted to the stage of child development which includes the development of values of religious and moral, social and emotional, cognitive, language, physical motor and artistic attitudes. In addition to these development aspects, the curriculum in TK-Pertiwi Kayu Aro is also equipped with a curriculum of local content as a support and complement to the development that integrates with the scientific and regional according to local culture. The steps of curriculum development are: mapping character values, aligning the vision, mission, and goals of the school in accordance with character education, drafting a curriculum, internal and external socialization, and conducting educational trials in the previous school year. The results of the trial are then used as material for revising the education curriculum in the following year which is implemented in the following year's curriculum which is then reduced in the education unit level curriculum (KTSP).
Abstract: Card Games To Increase The Ability to Know the Symbols of Child Numbers and Letters. Th... more Abstract: Card Games To Increase The Ability to Know the Symbols of Child Numbers and Letters. The problem in this study is the lack of learning media used in introducing symbols and numbers in children aged 5-6 years. The purpose of this research is to know the game of card number and letters to the ability to recognize the symbol of the number and letters of children aged 5-6 years in Kindergarten Pertiwi Kayu Aro year lesson 2017 - 2018. The research method used is experiment type one-shot case study. Samples taken amounted to 20 children. The research instrument used the observation guideline with the chek list form. The result of simple linear regression analysis shows that there is a positive influence between the game of number and letter card on the ability to recognize the symbol of numbers and letters. Keywords: card game, number symbol, symbols
Papers by misrawati 1981
Keywords: card game, number symbol, symbols
Keywords: card game, number symbol, symbols