This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era t... more This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era to improve children's spirituality and morality. The digital era is an era where everything is instantaneous and fast. In this era, all human activities are carried out online, be it work activities, education and also worship. These online activities have both positive and negative impacts. By using a descriptive-analytical method, in this paper the author discusses the negative impact of online activities on children's spirituality and morality. Spirituas and morality are the main and foremost things for children's lives or things that are very basic for children. Therefore, parents have a very important role in the family to shape the spiritual and moral of the child because good or bad spiritual and moral children depend on the role of parents in the family. In the family, parents must play their role as the first and foremost role in improving children's spirituality and morality through the role of parents as teachers, educators, mentoring, motivators, and role models.
ELEOS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
The purpose of this article is to discuss and analyze the leadership role of Christian religious ... more The purpose of this article is to discuss and analyze the leadership role of Christian religious education teachers for students in the era of disruption. It has become a reality that the era of disruption is marked by rapid technological developments that affect various aspects of human life, one of which is education. This paper emphasizes how Christian education teachers through their leadership can play a role in developing themselves from students in the era of disruption. By using a qualitative approach through literature studies, as well as conducting descriptive analysis supported by various kinds of relevant literature, it can complement the aspects studied. As a result, the leadership role of Christian education teachers needs to provide participatory learning concepts and praxis in terms of spirituality, humanism, and character. Of course, these three aspects must be owned and lived first by Christian education teachers, which are then implemented for students in each learning process.
The global spread of COVID-19 has changed the way people live their daily lives. As a result, the... more The global spread of COVID-19 has changed the way people live their daily lives. As a result, there are various life crises in various aspects, both social, economic, educational, and so on, including spiritual aspects. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to plague human life until now and it is not certain when it will end. The impact of Covid-19 is not only felt physically but there are also people who feel the impact spiritually. The current situation makes many people experience anxiety, worry, fear of becoming hopeless and losing hope as if God is out of hand with human life and God is unable to control it. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the hope of believers in God who has power and sovereignty over all His creations in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic that is still ongoing does not mean that God does not intervene in it, but with His sovereignty everything happens by His will. Thus, nothing escapes God's control. The method used in this research is the library method through literature that discusses the topics raised and connected and then integrated into the Bible.
EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership
Family resilience in over the last years has received special attention because the high divorce ... more Family resilience in over the last years has received special attention because the high divorce rate in Indonesia to increasing. Many families are unable to maintain family resilience because of various background problems, namely; starting from economic problems, disputes, and third person game in the family. In this case, the Christian family is no exception. This can be seen the data that has been obtained from various research results first. This paper aims to explain how the management of Christian Religious Education on family can maintain family resilience by applying management principles so that families are able to maintain harmonious relationship, children have good spiritual qualities, families become the main protectors through rules and supervision and the establishment of effective communication of the goals. This research uses description method and literature review. This means that this research will use various literature references that are directly related to describing the benefits of Christian Religious Education management in maintaining family resilience.
Background Numerous public health campaigns are organized with the goal of improving immunization... more Background Numerous public health campaigns are organized with the goal of improving immunization rates. However, vaccination uptake remains low among certain racial/ethnic minority groups including Hispanic patients. The level of health literacy (HL), ability to recognize the words used, may impact patients’ understanding of health-related messages and consequently health behavior and vaccination. Methods We conducted a HL survey among adult female attendees of a health fair in an underserved area of Los Angeles. Attendees visiting a youth education booth were surveyed using an electronic tool. Respondents were surveyed on their familiarity with and recognition of specific words including: measles, shingles, pertussis, hepatitis, meningitis, stroke, diabetes, pneumonia, and human papilloma virus (HPV). Comparisons were analyzed using chi-squared tests. Results Forty-three women (n=28 Hispanic; n=15 Non-Hispanic) completed the survey. The mean ages of Hispanic and non-Hispanic (pred...
This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era t... more This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era to improve children's spirituality and morality. The digital era is an era where everything is instantaneous and fast. In this era, all human activities are carried out online, be it work activities, education and also worship. These online activities have both positive and negative impacts. By using a descriptive-analytical method,in this paper the author discusses the negative impact of online activities on children's spirituality and morality. Spirituas and morality are the main and foremost things for children's lives or things that are very basic for children. Therefore, parents have a very important role in the family to shape the spiritual and moral of the child because good or bad spiritual and moral children depend on the role of parents in the family. In the family, parents must play their role as the first and foremost role in improving children's spirituality a...
The world is currently facing the covid-19 pandemic which has been shifting most of human daily l... more The world is currently facing the covid-19 pandemic which has been shifting most of human daily life by using digital technology. One that was worried about the teenagers spirituality disruption due to excessive use of digital technology. This paper aimed to study the parenetal's role in the spiritual growth of teenagers during the covid-19 pandemic through a literature study. Through this study, it was concluded that the pandemic period was an opportunity for parents to optimally implement Christian Religious Education in the family due to the large amount of meeting time between parents and teenagers at home. Thus it can be an opportunity for parents to as much as possible improve the spirituality of their teenagers.
This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era t... more This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era to improve children's spirituality and morality. The digital era is an era where everything is instantaneous and fast. In this era, all human activities are carried out online, be it work activities, education and also worship. These online activities have both positive and negative impacts. By using a descriptive-analytical method, in this paper the author discusses the negative impact of online activities on children's spirituality and morality. Spirituas and morality are the main and foremost things for children's lives or things that are very basic for children. Therefore, parents have a very important role in the family to shape the spiritual and moral of the child because good or bad spiritual and moral children depend on the role of parents in the family. In the family, parents must play their role as the first and foremost role in improving children's spirituality and morality through the role of parents as teachers, educators, mentoring, motivators, and role models.
ELEOS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
The purpose of this article is to discuss and analyze the leadership role of Christian religious ... more The purpose of this article is to discuss and analyze the leadership role of Christian religious education teachers for students in the era of disruption. It has become a reality that the era of disruption is marked by rapid technological developments that affect various aspects of human life, one of which is education. This paper emphasizes how Christian education teachers through their leadership can play a role in developing themselves from students in the era of disruption. By using a qualitative approach through literature studies, as well as conducting descriptive analysis supported by various kinds of relevant literature, it can complement the aspects studied. As a result, the leadership role of Christian education teachers needs to provide participatory learning concepts and praxis in terms of spirituality, humanism, and character. Of course, these three aspects must be owned and lived first by Christian education teachers, which are then implemented for students in each learning process.
The global spread of COVID-19 has changed the way people live their daily lives. As a result, the... more The global spread of COVID-19 has changed the way people live their daily lives. As a result, there are various life crises in various aspects, both social, economic, educational, and so on, including spiritual aspects. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to plague human life until now and it is not certain when it will end. The impact of Covid-19 is not only felt physically but there are also people who feel the impact spiritually. The current situation makes many people experience anxiety, worry, fear of becoming hopeless and losing hope as if God is out of hand with human life and God is unable to control it. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the hope of believers in God who has power and sovereignty over all His creations in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic that is still ongoing does not mean that God does not intervene in it, but with His sovereignty everything happens by His will. Thus, nothing escapes God's control. The method used in this research is the library method through literature that discusses the topics raised and connected and then integrated into the Bible.
EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership
Family resilience in over the last years has received special attention because the high divorce ... more Family resilience in over the last years has received special attention because the high divorce rate in Indonesia to increasing. Many families are unable to maintain family resilience because of various background problems, namely; starting from economic problems, disputes, and third person game in the family. In this case, the Christian family is no exception. This can be seen the data that has been obtained from various research results first. This paper aims to explain how the management of Christian Religious Education on family can maintain family resilience by applying management principles so that families are able to maintain harmonious relationship, children have good spiritual qualities, families become the main protectors through rules and supervision and the establishment of effective communication of the goals. This research uses description method and literature review. This means that this research will use various literature references that are directly related to describing the benefits of Christian Religious Education management in maintaining family resilience.
Background Numerous public health campaigns are organized with the goal of improving immunization... more Background Numerous public health campaigns are organized with the goal of improving immunization rates. However, vaccination uptake remains low among certain racial/ethnic minority groups including Hispanic patients. The level of health literacy (HL), ability to recognize the words used, may impact patients’ understanding of health-related messages and consequently health behavior and vaccination. Methods We conducted a HL survey among adult female attendees of a health fair in an underserved area of Los Angeles. Attendees visiting a youth education booth were surveyed using an electronic tool. Respondents were surveyed on their familiarity with and recognition of specific words including: measles, shingles, pertussis, hepatitis, meningitis, stroke, diabetes, pneumonia, and human papilloma virus (HPV). Comparisons were analyzed using chi-squared tests. Results Forty-three women (n=28 Hispanic; n=15 Non-Hispanic) completed the survey. The mean ages of Hispanic and non-Hispanic (pred...
This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era t... more This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era to improve children's spirituality and morality. The digital era is an era where everything is instantaneous and fast. In this era, all human activities are carried out online, be it work activities, education and also worship. These online activities have both positive and negative impacts. By using a descriptive-analytical method,in this paper the author discusses the negative impact of online activities on children's spirituality and morality. Spirituas and morality are the main and foremost things for children's lives or things that are very basic for children. Therefore, parents have a very important role in the family to shape the spiritual and moral of the child because good or bad spiritual and moral children depend on the role of parents in the family. In the family, parents must play their role as the first and foremost role in improving children's spirituality a...
The world is currently facing the covid-19 pandemic which has been shifting most of human daily l... more The world is currently facing the covid-19 pandemic which has been shifting most of human daily life by using digital technology. One that was worried about the teenagers spirituality disruption due to excessive use of digital technology. This paper aimed to study the parenetal's role in the spiritual growth of teenagers during the covid-19 pandemic through a literature study. Through this study, it was concluded that the pandemic period was an opportunity for parents to optimally implement Christian Religious Education in the family due to the large amount of meeting time between parents and teenagers at home. Thus it can be an opportunity for parents to as much as possible improve the spirituality of their teenagers.
Papers by meyva polii