This research is aimed to describe the process of implementing the Audiolingual method for Mandar... more This research is aimed to describe the process of implementing the Audiolingual method for Mandarin pronunciation practice by students of class XI MIPA (Mathematic and Natural Sciences) 3 at SMAN 6 Malang and the students' responses to the applied method. The research was qualitative research using a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The data sources in this research were 17 students of class XI MIPA 3 at SMAN 6 Malang. Moreover, the researcher played the role as the main instrument in the data collection that was supported by other instruments such as observation sheets and questionnaire sheets. Based on the result, it can be seen that the learning process using the Audio-Lingual method ran well and smoothly. Besides, students also responded that the applied method could increase their enthusiasm and confidence in learning Mandarin language. In addition, the method might help them practice pronouncing Mandarin tones properly.
This research is aimed to describe the process of implementing the Audiolingual method for Mandar... more This research is aimed to describe the process of implementing the Audiolingual method for Mandarin pronunciation practice by students of class XI MIPA (Mathematic and Natural Sciences) 3 at SMAN 6 Malang and the students' responses to the applied method. The research was qualitative research using a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The data sources in this research were 17 students of class XI MIPA 3 at SMAN 6 Malang. Moreover, the researcher played the role as the main instrument in the data collection that was supported by other instruments such as observation sheets and questionnaire sheets. Based on the result, it can be seen that the learning process using the Audio-Lingual method ran well and smoothly. Besides, students also responded that the applied method could increase their enthusiasm and confidence in learning Mandarin language. In addition, the method might help them practice pronouncing Mandarin tones properly.
Papers by merlyn fitria