Papers by stefania mazzone
Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica, 2001

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jul 25, 2022
The article investigates, through a reconstruction of the theoretical debate surrounding the natu... more The article investigates, through a reconstruction of the theoretical debate surrounding the nature of power, the legal legitimacy of sovereignty. Beginning with an elaboration of the origins of political and juridical modernity, around the concept of the State, the essay highlights and defines the nature of national sovereignty's resistance to the challenges of emerging subjectivities, bearers of rights. From these considerations, I investigate the development of the concept of the 'state of exception' as an emergency of sovereignty, against the prospect of contamination. In doing so, I highlight the emergence of a hypothesis of sovereignty as a constituent natural right, along with its deterritorializing function. A concept of sovereignty that takes up the practice of the 'other' Spinozistic modernity in the concept of multitude as opposed to that of the people. A new proposal for universal citizenship, within the European tradition
Revista Jurídica (FURB), Aug 12, 2019
The aim of this inquiry is the reconstruction of a hermeneutic circularity among some of the pure... more The aim of this inquiry is the reconstruction of a hermeneutic circularity among some of the purely psychological categories of Paul Ricoeur's elaboration and the key concepts of his moral, legal and political analysis. This is trying to highlight the theories and the intellectual comparisons of the theoretical aspects of Ricoeur, finding its results in a more explicitly legal-social context, in an excursus aimed at the hypothesis of a categorical rhizomatic foundation of Paul Ricoeur's political thought.

L’articolo intende evidenziare attraverso l’analisi di alcune opere specifiche di Paul Ricoeur -q... more L’articolo intende evidenziare attraverso l’analisi di alcune opere specifiche di Paul Ricoeur -quelle che indagano i rapporti tra storia e verita, identita e oblio-la relazione in cui l’autore pone la costruzione dell’identita individuale in quanto processo metaforico e performativo e quella dell’identita collettiva in quanto espressione drammatica, con i processi narrativi, che riguardano le percezioni individuali e le raffigurazioni sociali. Ne consegue una teoria della rappresentazione dell’alterita, della costruzione identitaria e della narrazione della sovranita che impiega le categorie ermeneutiche ed euristiche di una fenomenologia in trasformazione dinamica. In questa prospettiva, si rinviene la posizione funzionale di concetti in definizione quali la memoria, il ricordo, l’oblio, in relazione al rapporto tra l’individuo e la sua storia, cosi come di una comunita col proprio racconto. Ne emerge una concezione della sovranita quale metafora di identita in bilico che Ricoeur ...
The essay aims to investigate the roots of the political hermeneutics of the term orexis in the w... more The essay aims to investigate the roots of the political hermeneutics of the term orexis in the way Aristotle uses it from the biological and anthropological subjects, up to the sociological and narrative ones with respect to the individual-city relationship. A theory of desire as anthropological perfection based on a conception of a democratic and dynamic City, in the terminological context of the Greek polis. The article develops in this area a comparison with two concepts: the Platonic eros understood as lack, and the dimension of the individual sociality in Aristotle interpreted as fullness.
The focus of this essay is on Bernard Lazare as one of the first authors to speak of antisemitism... more The focus of this essay is on Bernard Lazare as one of the first authors to speak of antisemitism as a movement that, despite the emancipatory laws, was seriously spreading not only in France, but also in other European countries and in North Africa, especially Algeria. The aim of this article is to focus the attention on the role of Lazare as the first Jewish intellectual who was aware of the danger for the Jews, and studied the phenomenon to understand it and contain it. The stress is on the origin and development of the analysis of the issue in young Lazare, to provide a clear indication of how the author himself still needed time to deal with some of the features that antisemitism was assuming, especially outside France.
SocietàMutamentoPolitica: Rivista Italiana di Sociologia, 2020
The essay wants to investigate the social, political, anthropological dimension of the vision of ... more The essay wants to investigate the social, political, anthropological dimension of the vision of Deleuze and Guattari around the rhizomatic concept of migration starting from the elaboration of Mille piani. It reconstructs, as a priority, the definition of human mobility in a nomadic dimension, according to the interpretative keys of post-structuralism. So we compare the method with the concept of barbarism, to then identify the actuality of the definitions of war machine and molecular dimension of democracy with respect to the molar dimension of capital. It is a question of verifying, therefore, the overall timeliness of the elaboration of Deleuze and adjustments with respect to the theoretical problems posed by migrations understood not only historical sense but, above all, anthropological and social sense.

espanolEl articulo hace un recorrido hermeneutico politico y filosofico del papel del ensenante e... more espanolEl articulo hace un recorrido hermeneutico politico y filosofico del papel del ensenante en la era de la cibercultura y la sociedad actual. Se afronta esta tematica segun las indicaciones de la tradicion de las ciencias sociales y el posestructuralismo frances. Partiendo de la definicion de “General Intellect” en Marx, pasando por “lo inmaterial” de Gorz, hasta la “inteligencia colectiva” de Levy, se analizara la propuesta de los arboles conceptuales como instrumentos de formacion y experimentacion para la formacion de los individuos y las comunidades por parte de especificas agencias formativas. Se propone, asi mismo, la revalorizacion del papel social de la escuela EnglishThe article aims to reconstruct a path of political and philosophical hermeneutics concerning the pedagogical theme of the profile and the role of the teacher in the era of cyberculture and social knowledge. This issue is dealt with according to the indications of the tradition of social sciences and Frenc...
L’articolo intende ricostruire le categorie filosofiche e politiche che da Spinoza a Hume si sost... more L’articolo intende ricostruire le categorie filosofiche e politiche che da Spinoza a Hume si sostanziano in una letteratura di “altra modernita”. I due pensatori in sede politica, infatti, ipotizzano una tipologia di democrazia costituente irriducibile all’unita della sovranita, dove il conflitto piuttosto sembra essere la chiave di nuovi e piu avanzati equilibri. Dal conatus moltitudinario di Spinoza, all’idea costruttiva e aperta delle istituzioni sociali in Hume, si costruisce la possibilita di sviluppo di una piu potente idea di repubblicanesimo. Cosi il piano d’immanenza inaugurato dall’opera dei due autori segna fortemente gli esiti propulsivi della modernita.
Tabanque. Revista Pedagógica
El artículo hace un recorrido hermenéutico político y filosófico del papel del enseñante en la er... more El artículo hace un recorrido hermenéutico político y filosófico del papel del enseñante en la era de la cibercultura y la sociedad actual. Se afronta esta temática según las indicaciones de la tradición de las ciencias sociales y el posestructuralismo francés. Partiendo de la definición de “General Intellect” en Marx, pasando por “lo inmaterial” de Gorz, hasta la “inteligencia colectiva” de Lévy, se analizará la propuesta de los árboles conceptuales como instrumentos de formación y experimentación para la formación de los individuos y las comunidades por parte de específicas agencias formativas. Se propone, así mismo, la revalorización del papel social de la escuela.
Papers by stefania mazzone