Papers by masoud sirati nir
Journal of Military Medicine, Apr 15, 2004

Trauma monthly, Apr 1, 2021
Background: The military nursing profession is one of the 40 most stressful professions worldwide... more Background: The military nursing profession is one of the 40 most stressful professions worldwide, meaning that nurses are under lots of Job Stress (JS). Objectives: This study aimed to investigate JS among military nurses. Methods: This study was conducted using a systematic review. At first, all the papers related to keywords (JS, occupational stress, and military nurses) were searched in the following databases: Google scholar, PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Psycinfo, and Cochrane Database of systematic reviews from 2011 to 2020. Thereafter, all the papers related to JS among military nurses were selected. In terms of the inclusion criteria, the papers related to JS among military nurses were analyzed (n=12). Predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria were as follows: papers related to JS among military nurses, papers published in Persian or English language, types of papers as being original, and available free full text for all the papers. Results: In the initial search, 120 papers were found, of them, after reviewing the titles and abstracts of articles and removing repetitive and nonrelated, 30 possible related articles were investigated. Of these, 18 papers were omitted from the abstract because of lack of access to the original article. Finally, 12 papers were included in this study. In general, the results of these studies showed that the experience military nurses in warfare that help to identify and analyze problems during Wartime, as well as adaptation facilitating and better coping of health care providers in unusual and critical conditions. Conclusion: The study showed that almost whole of papers on JS among military nurses highlighted similar findings regarding stressors among military nurses. Also, they experience a lot of difficulties during wartime, which can be used to identify problems and provide appropriate solutions in similar conditions to generate knowledge in the field of training and preparing military nurses to face critical situations.

ABSTRACT Background and aim:Prenatal care is one of the most confident and basic services to prot... more ABSTRACT Background and aim:Prenatal care is one of the most confident and basic services to protect fetomaternal health. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of physical exercise on level of general health of pregnant women. Materials and Methods:This was a quasi-experimental clinical trial study. The research samples included 60 primigravid women referred to the prenatal-care clinic of Baghiatallah hospital in Tehran. The participants were randomly divided to two experimental and control groups. The experimental group was trained for 1.5-2 hours in groups with 3 to 4 members and then they began to practice. No training was performed for control group. Level of general health of two groups was investigated by general health questionnaire (GHQ-28), before and 8 weeks after the intervention. Data were analyzed by analytic and descriptive statistical testes. Findings:Sixty primigravid women with average age of 26/77 years and average gestational age of 8/13 weeks participated in the study. The education level of majority of participants was highschool diploma and they have no history of exercise during pregnancy. Before intervention, the total scores for GHQ were 38/06 and 29/46 in experimental and control groups, respectively. After intervention, the total scores were 19/2 and 27/5 in experimental and control groups, respectively. T test showed a significant difference between two groups his before and after the intervention (p<0/05). The mean scores for all dimension of general health showed significant difference between two groups of study (p<0/05). Conclusion:Results showed the positive effects of physical exercises on physical and psychosocial dimension of general health of pregnant women. Keywords:Pregnant women, Physical exercise,
Journal of Military Medicine, Jan 15, 2009
... According to ??? Number of samples were estimated as 30 and 40 cases were Studeid. Satisfacti... more ... According to ??? Number of samples were estimated as 30 and 40 cases were Studeid. Satisfaction was evaluated by researcher-made questionnaire in each stage (preintervention, postintervention and follow-up). Patiant's transportation time was measured by chronometer. ...
Journal of nursing and midwifery sciences, 2022

Journal of Military Medicine, Aug 19, 2020
Background and Aim: As a global threat, the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge to psychological res... more Background and Aim: As a global threat, the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge to psychological resilience. Systematic studies by examining and combining all related documents can provide a more complete description of the dimensions of the problem in society. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of various psychological disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This is a systematic review. Studies using different combinations of keywords COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, pandemic, psychological disorders, mental health, psychological consequences were retrieved from different scientific databases Magiran, SID, Iranmedex, Elsevier, Pubmed, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science. These studies were published from December 1, 2019, to May 30, 2020. Twenty-eight studies out of 410 retrieved articles were evaluated and analyzed for data extraction. Results: The analysis of studies revealed that the different types of psychological disorders like stress, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental distress, schizophrenia, sleep disorders and sleep disturbances, vicarious traumatization, internet addiction on moderate to severe in public and medical personnel were recorded during COVID-19 crisis. The frontline health care workers such as nurses were more depressed, anxious, insomniac, and mentally disturbed. Women were more vulnerable to psychological disorders and sleep problems. Young people in the age group between 18 and 30 years old were more likely to experience generalized anxiety disorder and mental distress. Conclusion: COVID-19 has led to high prevalence and a wide range of psychological disorders among individuals and various groups in society, especially in medical personnel. It is essential to provide psychological assistance and training strategies to deal with a variety of these psychological disorders.
Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Apr 1, 2017
Persian version of PSS-10 item was good validity and reliability as well as applicability. This... more Persian version of PSS-10 item was good validity and reliability as well as applicability. This is a good scale for assess perceived stress in patients with headache. This is a feasible scale for using clinicians to investigation rate of stress in patients with headache.

Emotional intelligence has been as an important factor for decreasing job stress and better use o... more Emotional intelligence has been as an important factor for decreasing job stress and better use of coping strategies in nurses. Therefore, it appears essential to improve the emotional intelligence in nurses. However, it appears that use of Neuro linguistic programming strategies can be help in this regard. In this research, we aimed to examine the effect of NLP strategies on nurses' emotional intelligence and its components. Consequently, in this clinical trial study had been done on 60 male and female nurses; it had been done in the form of experimental and control group in the Iran in 2013. There was significant difference between the average of the total score of emotional intelligence in nurses before intervention and after intervention in experimental group (P<0.001). Also this difference was significant in the average of the scores related to emotional intelligence components especially in self-management and management of the relationship in experimental group (P<0.05). Our results show that training of NLP strategies had positive and significant effect on emotional intelligence and its components, so teaching these guidelines in the form of educational workshop in clinical environment to nurses despite their special job requirement is recommended.

International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Jul 1, 2009
Introduction: Anxiety is a common phenomenon after all surgical operation. Complementary methods ... more Introduction: Anxiety is a common phenomenon after all surgical operation. Complementary methods as foot reflexology massage and Bensone relaxation cause comfort, tranquility, correction of physical function disorder, change of physiological responses and decrease of fear with signs of disease. Researchers purposed to study the effect of foot reflexology massage and relaxation on decrease of anxiety. Method: This study was a quasi-experimental three group clinical trial. Community search was women with abdominal surgical operations. Method of sampling was convenience non probable. Samples placed in three groups of foot reflexology massage and relaxation as test and a witness group. Spielberger scale used to measure the anxiety and data analyzed by descriptive and analytic statistics. Results: After using foot reflexology massage and Bensone relaxation, anxiety decreased significantly between mean of foot reflexology massage and witness groups; and between relaxation and witness groups (p<0.05). Comparing the mean of anxiety did not show a significant difference after foot reflexology massage and relaxation (P>0.05). Conclusion: Foot reflexology massage and relaxation are effective on decreasing the anxiety after women abdominal surgical operation and so recommended to use as complementary methods for decreasing anxiety.

ABSTRACT Back Teb-e-Janbaz (Iranian Journal of War and Public Health Volume 4, Number 3, , Pages ... more ABSTRACT Back Teb-e-Janbaz (Iranian Journal of War and Public Health Volume 4, Number 3, , Pages 52-61 Comparison the effect of training of conflict resolution and management of emotional intelligence on Life satisfaction’s spouses of war veterans affected psychological disorders Authors: ahmad Amerioun More Features Abstract Introduction: Warfare makes addition to adverse and psychosomatic disorders on combatants alsoit puts their families exposed to dangerous and problems. This study performed on object foromparison the effect of training conflict resolution and management of emotional intelligence on life satisfaction’s spouses of veterans affected psychological disorders..Methods and Materials: This is a quazi experimental study of clinical trial type that carried out on90 veterans spouse in Baqiyatallah hospital (a.s) and Sadr psychiatric center. They were taken byrandomization into two intervention groups (conflict resolution and emotional intelligence training) and control group. The education program was developed for conflict resolution group at three sessions in two hours in three weeks and five sessions in two hours in five weeks . However, control group didn’t any training. The life satisfaction in three groups determined by Life satisfaction questionnaire at before, and after training (first six weeks after intervention i.e. follow up andsecond six weeks after intervention i.e. final phase). Results: The results showed that there wasn’t significant difference in total mean rank of life satisfaction before intervention between conflict resolution , management of emotional intelligence and case groups (p0/05) . Also there wasn’t a significant difference between three groups after intervention in first six weeks (p0/05). Whereas There was significant difference between mean rank of life satisfaction in three groups at final phase(p=0/001). Also the Toki test showed that there was significant difference between case group and two other groups (p‹0/05) but there wasn’t significant difference between conflict resolution and management of emotional intelligence groups. Discussion: Considering the results of this study which explanatory the influence two techniques ofintervention on life satisfaction. Therefore it is recommended that be used the conflict resolution skill and management of emotional intelligence programs to promotion the health level and life satisfaction’s veterans families. Keyword management of emotional intelligence Life Satisfaction Conflict resolution SWLS Questionnaire

Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2019
Context: As a common debilitating illness, cancer is among the leading causes of child mortality ... more Context: As a common debilitating illness, cancer is among the leading causes of child mortality in developed and developing countries. Cancer diagnosis for children is considerably stressful for their parents. Resilience is a key factor behind effective coping with cancer-related problems. This study evaluated resilience and its predictors among the parents of children with cancer. Aim: This study evaluated resilience and its predictors among the parents of children with cancer. Settings and Design: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study was conducted in 2017 on 400 parents of children with cancer in Tabriz Children's Hospital, Iran. Methods: A demographic questionnaire and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale were used to collect the data. Parents were conveniently recruited from Tabriz Children's Hospital. Statistical Analysis: Data were analyzed using the SPSS for Windows program (v. 16) via descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Results: The mean sc...

Aims: The stress of workplace and night shift is associated with changes in serum cortisol levels... more Aims: The stress of workplace and night shift is associated with changes in serum cortisol levels that can cause physical and mental disorders in nurses. Considering the importance of nurse health and patient safety, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of oral glucose intake on cortisol levels in night-shift nurses. Methods: In this experimental study done in 2011, 60 male nurses of two educational hospitals in Tehran were selected by purposive sampling method and were divided into two groups. Cortisol and blood glucose concentration were measured in both groups at 4 a.m. Afterward, the case group received 75gr of oral glucose dissolved in 250ml of water in syrup form and the control group received just the same volume of water. Again the blood glucose and cortisol concentrations were measured in both groups after an hour with glucometer and ELISA test. Data were analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, independent and paired T-test and Pearson correlation test by SPSS 15 software. Results: Plasma cortisol concentrations in both case and control groups reduced an hour after glucose intake. Although cortisol levels were different in both groups after the intervention, the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusion: Although blood glucose level is effective on body cortisol secretion cycle, no significant correlation exists between the intake of glucose-rich meals at the end of a night-shift and reduction of cortisol concentrations.

Journal of Military Medicine, 2018
Background and Aim: Exposure to traumatic events in veterans can impair performance, such as the ... more Background and Aim: Exposure to traumatic events in veterans can impair performance, such as the inability to work independently and the malfunctioning of self-care activities. Impairment and lack of self-care in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) leads to physical health problems and, consequently, a decrease in their quality of life. Self-care can be effective with the implementation of health measures in the process of recovery and health of these patients. The purpose of this study was to identify the preventive factors of self-care for war veterans with chronic PTSD. Methods: This qualitative research was conducted by conventional content analysis. Twelve veterans with chronic PTSD and their 13 caregivers participated, using purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out with 18 individual interviews and two group interviews, which were profound and semi-structured. The analyses included eight steps: typing interview texts; identifying semantic units; codi...

Frontiers in Psychology
BackgroundMeasuring the outcomes of palliative care plays an important role to improve the qualit... more BackgroundMeasuring the outcomes of palliative care plays an important role to improve the quality, efficiency, and availability of these services in patients with cancer. Using valid, reliable, and culturally appropriate tools has a considerable role to measure these outcomes. This study aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the translated version of the Palliative care Outcome Scale (POS).MethodsThis methodological study was conducted in two outpatient clinics related to Shohada Tajrish and Baqiyatallah hospitals in Tehran in 2019–2020. The translation was done using the Forward-Backward approach after gaining permission from the developer. Face validity was tested with 10 patients with cancer through cognitive interviewing, as well as content validity with four experts. Construct validity was performed by (n = 203) exploratory factor analysis and confirmation (N = 150). To assess the reliability, internal consistency was assessed by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient...

Journal of Military Medicine, 2016
Background and Aim: There are burnouts among nurses due to high exposure to multiple stressors am... more Background and Aim: There are burnouts among nurses due to high exposure to multiple stressors among nurses in military environments for various reasons. Basically due to the military nature of the environment and less flexibility these nurses experience more burnouts. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the rate of burnout in military nurses. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the studied population included the nurses and assistants in all medical wards which were randomly selected from a military hospitals in Tehran in June 2015. Data collecting instruments were demographic questionnaire and Maslach Burnout Inventory. Data were analyzed by SPSS 19 software and descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency) and inferential statistics, including Pearson correlation coefficient and chi-square. Results: In this research, 400 patients were studied. The average age of the military nurses were 36/45 ± 8/34 years and 69 percent of the participants were male. ...
Papers by masoud sirati nir