Journal Papers by marta silva

A complete UHF radio-frequency identification (RFID)-based system capable of localizing individua... more A complete UHF radio-frequency identification (RFID)-based system capable of localizing individual blood bags inside storage cabinet drawers is presented. It was developed to demonstrate the improvement possibility of current blood stock management systems and as the submission to the 2014 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest: Antennas for RFID Application. The system is composed of a cabinet model, a transceiver unit, and a PC with the controlling software. A new implementation of pseudolocalization principle is used to localize the blood bags that are equipped with dedicated passive tags designed to be resilient to blood proximity and small size. The detector antennas are placed at the drawers bottoms and additional passive tags are utilized to identify individual locations in each drawer. The transceiver unit is made from off-the-shelf commercial electronic boards and wirelessly controlled by software run on the PC. The entire system is small, transportable, battery powered, and low cost.
Papers by marta silva

Investigacao, Jun 17, 2011
Adolescência, do latim adolescere (crescer) é uma fase da vida que pode ser definida em sua dimen... more Adolescência, do latim adolescere (crescer) é uma fase da vida que pode ser definida em sua dimensão psicobiológica, histórica, política, econômica, social e cultural. A experiência sexual precoce vem juntamente com o uso esporádico do contraceptivo, nas primeiras e nas subsequentes relações sexuais, tendo como consequências a gravidez precoce, as DSTs e a paternidade. Há anos a gravidez na adolescência vem ocupando o cotidiano dos profissionais da saúde, ela é estudada em todos os seus aspectos, da etiologia à prevenção, mas normalmente é relacionada à adolescente grávida, deixando de lado seu parceiro, que pode ser também adolescente. A paternidade adolescente permanece praticamente inexplorada no meio científico em geral. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer o significado da paternidade na adolescência entre estudantes universitários que a vivenciaram. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa. A coleta de dados realizou-se através da entrevista não estruturada. O tratamento dos dados baseou-se na análise de conteúdo, por meio da qual se delinearam dois núcleos de sentido: 1) entre o choque e o afeto; 2) orientação sexual e contracepção. Os resultados apontaram que apesar de eventuais dificuldades estruturais e pessoais, os adolescentes parecem ter conseguido superá--las, tiveram a família a seu lado e assumiram a gestação da parceira. O exercício da paternidade por adolescentes pode ser uma experiência positiva plena de emoções nas quais se destacaram o apego, o afeto e a cumplicidade com o filho; eles se mostraram bons pais, independentemente da fase de transição pela qual estavam passando. Consideramos que esta pesquisa despertou mudanças em nosso olhar com relação à paternidade dos adolescentes e que a mesma pode ser repassada aos profissionais de saúde e desta forma, prestar uma assistência mais humanizada aos pais adolescentes.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2016
Resumo O artigo tem por objetivo descrever as lesões no trânsito segundo características demográf... more Resumo O artigo tem por objetivo descrever as lesões no trânsito segundo características demográficas, utilização de equipamentos de proteção, uso de serviços de saúde, limitação de atividades e incapacidades. Estimou-se o percentual de envolvimento em acidentes de trânsito com lesões, o de uso de equipamentos de proteção, o uso de serviços saúde, limitação de atividades habituais, incapacidades e sequelas, segundo escolaridade, raça-cor, sexo, idade e região de residência. O uso de cinto de segurança na população adulta foi de 79,4% e 50,2%, nos bancos da frente e de trás, respectivamente; o de uso do capacete entre os condutores e passageiros de motocicleta foi respectivamente de 83,4 e 80,1. Equipamentos de segurança são menos usados nas regiões Norte e Nordeste e na zona rural. Relataram acidente de trânsito no último mês 3,1%, sendo maior no sexo masculino 4,5%, nas pessoas de escolaridade de nível fundamental completo e médio completo, adulto jovem e de raça-cor parda. Entre o...

Revista Latino Americana De Enfermagem, 2007
This study aimed to identify and analyze notifications of domestic violence against children regi... more This study aimed to identify and analyze notifications of domestic violence against children registered at the Regional Health Services in Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil; the limitations imposed to health professionals' actions and the meaning of domestic violence against children in the health professionals' routine. The notifications registered between 2001 and 2002 were characterized in order to better understand this reality and also to support the collected data through the qualitative approach. There is a predominance of negligence cases 45%, while 26% of the notifications related to physical violence and 14% to suspected sexual violence. Social workers registered the highest number of notifications, 46%. Based on the social agents' discourse, we identified two empirical categories: "interfaces of the violence" and "fear".

Revista Ibero Americana De Estudos Em Educacao, 2013
RESUMO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as práticas de atividades educativas em saúde, n... more RESUMO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as práticas de atividades educativas em saúde, no contexto escolar de Educação Básica, realizada por estudantes do curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem. Este trabalho é parte integrante de um projeto maior, denominado Ensinando e Aprendendo Saúde na Educação Básica, inserido no Grupo de Pesquisas Educação em Saúde/Enfermagem, da EERP/USP. Os jovens universitários, inseridos na escola para o desenvolvimento de um projeto de extensão e cultura, registraram as atividades educativas voltadas à saúde desenvolvidas por eles na escola. Os dados registrados foram submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo, técnica de análise temática, proposta por Bardin. Os resultados apontam que esta inserção tem possibilitando aos alunos, docentes e profissionais das escolas básicas, maior consciência e explicitação das possíveis ações referentes aos enfermeiros na escola. Apontam ainda a importância da parceria entre enfermeiros e escolas públicas.
Revista Dialogo Educacional, 2009
Revista Latino Americana De Enfermagem, Oct 1, 2008
European Journal of Cell Biology, 2004
The expression and subcellular localization of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 or 2 (ERK1... more The expression and subcellular localization of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 or 2 (ERK1/2) homologues (HLERK1/2) during the process of organogenic nodule formation in Humulus lupulus var. Nugget was studied using antibodies specific for ERK1 and ERK2, and for ...
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem, 2009

Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, Jan 29, 2015
The development of human cell models that can efficiently restore hepatic functionality and cope ... more The development of human cell models that can efficiently restore hepatic functionality and cope with the reproducibility and scalability required for preclinical development poses a significant effort in tissue engineering and biotechnology. Primary cultures of human hepatocytes (HHs), the preferred model for in vitro toxicity testing, dedifferentiate and have short-term viability in two-dimensional (2D) cultures. In this study, hepatocytes isolated from human liver tissue were co-cultured with human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) as spheroids in automated, computer-controlled, stirred-tank bioreactors with perfusion operation mode. A dual-step inoculation strategy was used, resulting in an inner core of parenchymal liver tissue with an outer layer of stromal cells. Hepatocyte polarization and morphology as well as the mesenchymal phenotype of BM-MSCs were maintained throughout the culture period and the crosstalk between the two cell types was depicted. The viability...

GUERRA, D., ARMUA-FERNANDEZ, M.T., SILVA, M., BRAVO, I., SANTOS, N., DEPLAZES, P., MADEIRA DE CARVALHO, L.M. (2013) - Taeniid species of the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) in Portugal with special focus on Echinococcus spp. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 2, 5... Taeniid species of the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) in Portugal with special focus on Echi... more Taeniid species of the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) in Portugal with special focus on Echinococcus spp. q a b s t r a c t Taeniid species represent relevant pathogens in human and animals, circulating between carnivorous definitive hosts and a variety of mammalian intermediate hosts. In Portugal, however, little is known about their occurrence and life cycles, especially in wild hosts. An epidemiological survey was conducted to clarify the role of the Iberian wolf as a definitive host for taeniid species, including Echinococcus spp. Wolf fecal samples (n = 68) were collected from two regions in Northern Portugal. Taeniid eggs were iso-lated through a sieving-flotation technique, and species identification was performed using multiplex-PCR followed by sequencing of the amplicons. Taenia hydatigena (in 11.8% of the samples), Taenia serialis (5.9%), Taenia pisiformis (2.9%), Taenia polyacantha (1.5%) and Echinococcus intermedius (Echinococcus gran-ulosus 'pig strain', G7...

Biotechnology progress, Jan 20, 2015
Anchorage-dependent cell cultures are used for the production of viruses, viral vectors, and vacc... more Anchorage-dependent cell cultures are used for the production of viruses, viral vectors, and vaccines, as well as for various cell therapy and tissue engineering applications. Most of these applications currently rely on planar technologies for the generation of final biological products. However, as new cell therapy product candidates move from clinical trials towards potential commercialization, planar platforms have proven to be inadequate to meet large-scale manufacturing demand. Therefore, a new scalable platform for culturing anchorage-dependent cells at high cell volumetric concentrations is urgently needed. One promising solution is to grow cells on microcarriers suspended in single-use bioreactors. Towards this goal, a novel bioreactor system utilizing innovative Vertical-Wheel™ technology was evaluated for its potential to support scalable cell culture process development. Two anchorage-dependent human cell types were used: human lung carcinoma cells (A549 cell line) and h...

Jornal de pediatria, Jan 27, 2015
To estimate the prevalence of bullying among Brazilian students from the aggressor's perspect... more To estimate the prevalence of bullying among Brazilian students from the aggressor's perspective and to analyze its association with individual and contextual variables. This was a cross-sectional population-based study carried out with data from the National Survey on Student Health. A total of 109,104 students attending eight grade in public and private schools were included. Data were collected through a self-applied questionnaire. A model of association between bullying and variables in the following domains was tested: sociodemographics, risk behaviors, mental health, and family context. Univariate and multivariate analyses were also performed. The prevalence of aggressors in bullying situations was 20.8%. The following variables remained associated in the final multivariate model: male gender (OR: 1.87; 95% CI: 1.79-1.94), lower participation of 16-year-old students (OR: 0.66; 95% CI: 0.53-0.82), and students from private schools (OR: 1.33; 95% CI: 1.27-1.39). Most aggress...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Treatment of childhood injuries and violence in public emergency services]](
Cadernos de saúde pública, 2015
This study aimed to analyze the profile of treatment for accidents and violence involving childre... more This study aimed to analyze the profile of treatment for accidents and violence involving children under 10 years of age in Brazil in the year 2011. This was a cross-sectional descriptive study in 71 emergency services in the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS), located in the national capital and 24 state capitals. Data were obtained from the Ministry of Health's system of sentinel surveillance services for Violence and Accidents (VIVA Survey). The highest proportion of injuries (67.4%) occurred inside the child's home. Among unintentional injuries, falls were the most frequent (52.4%), followed by running into objects or persons (21.8%) and traffic injuries (10.9%), especially as passengers (bicycles were an important means of transportation involved in the injuries). The vast majority of unintentional injuries are avoidable, and educational measures should be adopted, especially with parents, teachers, the community, and health workers, calling attention to the...

Stem cells translational medicine, Jan 15, 2015
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have an enormous potential as a source for cell replacement th... more Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have an enormous potential as a source for cell replacement therapies, tissue engineering, and in vitro toxicology applications. The lack of standardized and robust bioprocesses for hESC expansion has hindered the application of hESCs and their derivatives in clinical settings. We developed a robust and well-characterized bioprocess for hESC expansion under fully defined conditions and explored the potential of transcriptomic and metabolomic tools for a more comprehensive assessment of culture system impact on cell proliferation, metabolism, and phenotype. Two different hESC lines (feeder-dependent and feeder-free lines) were efficiently expanded on xeno-free microcarriers in stirred culture systems. Both hESC lines maintained the expression of stemness markers such as Oct-4, Nanog, SSEA-4, and TRA1-60 and the ability to spontaneously differentiate into the three germ layers. Whole-genome transcriptome profiling revealed a phenotypic convergence be...
Dalton Trans., 2015
The redox properties of key cytochromes from Geobacter sulfurreducens are used to present an over... more The redox properties of key cytochromes from Geobacter sulfurreducens are used to present an overview for extracellular electron transfer pathways.

1 Objective: to identify the characteristics and reasons reported by Brazilian students for schoo... more 1 Objective: to identify the characteristics and reasons reported by Brazilian students for school bullying. Method: this cross-sectional study uses data from an epidemiological survey (National Survey of School Health) conducted in 2012. A total of 109,104 9th grade students from private and public schools participated. Data were collected through a self-applied questionnaire and the analysis was performed using SPSS, version 20, Complex Samples Module. Results: the prevalence of bullying was 7.2%, most frequently affecting Afro-descendant or indigenous younger boys, whose mothers were characterized by low levels of education. In regard to the reasons/causes of bullying, 51.2% did not specify; the second highest frequency of victimization was related to body appearance (18.6%); followed by facial appearance (16.2%); race/color (6.8%); sexual orientation 2.9%; religion 2.5%; and region of origin 1.7%. The results are similar to those found in other sociocultural contexts. Conclusion: the problem belongs to the health field because it gathers aspects that determine the students' health-disease-care continuum.

Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
In occupational accidents involving health professionals handling potentially contaminated materi... more In occupational accidents involving health professionals handling potentially contaminated material, the decision to start or to continue prophylactic medication against infection by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has been based on the ELISA test applied to a blood sample from the source patient. In order to rationalize the prophylactic use of antiretroviral agents, a rapid serologic diagnostic test of HIV infection was tested by the enzymatic immunoabsorption method (SUDS HIV 1+2, MUREX) and compared to conventional ELISA (Abbott HIV-1/ HIV-2 3rd Generation plus EIA). A total of 592 cases of occupational accidents were recorded at the University Hospital of Ribeirão Preto from July 1998 to April 1999. Of these, 109 were simultaneously evaluated by the rapid test and by ELISA HIV. The rapid test was positive in three cases and was confirmed by ELISA and in one the result was inconclusive and later found to be negative by ELISA. In the 106 accidents in which the rapid test was ne...
Revista portuguesa de pneumologia
Megaoesophagus resulting from achalasia is a rare but serious cause of airway obstruction. The ex... more Megaoesophagus resulting from achalasia is a rare but serious cause of airway obstruction. The exact aetiology remains unclear. Achalasia normally presents as weight loss, dysphasia and regurgitation but frequently considerable oesophageal distension can occur without complain and very rarely cause of achalasia presents with stridor or respiratory distress. The authors presents a 19 -year old young lady who had respiratory symptoms and had been treated as a cause of chronic asthma, was found by us to have oesophagus achalasia. She had complained of cough, dispneia and had a pulmonary function studies that showed a severe airway obstruction. After surgery the symptoms disappeared and she had a marked improvement in the flow-volume curve. Oesophagus achalasia should be considered as one of the differential diagnoses of airway obstruction.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Amiodarone induced pulmonary fibrosis--a clinical case report]](
Revista portuguesa de pneumologia
Amiodarone is an antiarrhytmic drug and it is used to treat supraventricular or ventricular rhyth... more Amiodarone is an antiarrhytmic drug and it is used to treat supraventricular or ventricular rhythm disturbances. Nevertheless it is not free of side effects. Amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity is one of them and is relatively rare (5 to 10% of cases) and can be fatal. There are several cumulative factors that may enhance susceptibility to pulmonary toxicity, such as advanced age and pre-existing pulmonary dysfunction. We present a case study of amiodarone-induced toxicity (pulmonary fibrosis) in an 81-year-old man. The patient had been treated with amiodarone for five years in daily dose 200 mg/day. After withdrawing the drug and systemic corticosteroid therapy, clinical, functional and radiological improvement was observed. This case confirms the needs of a vigilant monitoring and early diagnosis of the adverse effects of amiodarone therapy, and the difficulty of diagnosing it due to the nonspecificity of symptoms, clinical findings, and test results.
Journal Papers by marta silva
Papers by marta silva