Papers by marjorie samuel
Revista Digital del Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Oct 4, 2023
Resiliencia pedagógica y aprendizaje situado en el abordaje de brechas educativas pos-pandemia. F... more Resiliencia pedagógica y aprendizaje situado en el abordaje de brechas educativas pos-pandemia. Factor clave en la formación de nuevas generaciones de profesores para Chile. Areté.

Revista Electronica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, Jan 10, 2023
The objective of the study was to know the impact of the components on the teaching and learning ... more The objective of the study was to know the impact of the components on the teaching and learning processes of students of early childhood careers in Chile. To achieve this objective, a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional methodology was followed. The sample consisted of 851 students from the first to the fifth year of the Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education (Early Childhood Education) course from 14 Chilean universities, to whom an adhoc constructed questionnaire was applied, presenting adequate validity and reliability indices. The results show that, at the level of the learning dimension, a low percentage of student's state that teachers do not know their learning needs, which implies that they feel disconnected from the methodology used by teachers. The results obtained indicate the need for university institutions to make greater efforts in relation to learning that includes solid consolidation paths, where not only the tutorial work for the students is consolidated, but also for the professionals involved that implies a true development. of the learnings
Dykinson eBooks, Dec 27, 2022

Acta Scientiae, Apr 16, 2020
Context: Study framed in the area of teacher training. Objective: To analyze the selfinstruction ... more Context: Study framed in the area of teacher training. Objective: To analyze the selfinstruction booklets that elementary education future teachers designed and implemented to teach a subject related to the Numbers and Operations axis. Design: The research follows a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive methodology, using the content analysis method. Setting and participants: Sample composed of 85 preservice teachers who studied Numbers and Operations in Elementary School, attending the first semester of Pedagogy in Basic General Education with Mention in a Chilean university. Data collection and analysis: The activities and conclusions of the booklets are analyzed, considering the units of analysis: implemented learning objective, detected obstacles, type of activities and contexts, assessment of the pedagogical knowledge of the content and general experience. Results: The work emphasizes that future teachers mostly: design booklets associated with the first two years of elementary school; consider the objective associated to counting to 1,000; declare the epistemological obstacle; the activities are exercise-like; activities are posed without context; indicators associated to the subdomains of knowledge of content and of the students, and content and teaching of the pedagogical knowledge model of mathematics are not mentioned; value this resource to encourage mathematics learning. Conclusions: The work with booklets has allowed preservice teachers to approach teaching work for the first time, involving mastery and application of both didactic and knowledge of the subject matter for teaching numbers, which will improve during their training.

Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado
The objective of the study was to know the impact of the components on the teaching and learning ... more The objective of the study was to know the impact of the components on the teaching and learning processes of students of early childhood careers in Chile in times of pandemic. To achieve this objective, a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional methodology was followed. The sample consisted of 851 students from the first to the fifth year of the Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education (Early Childhood Education) course from 14 Chilean universities, to whom an ad-hoc constructed questionnaire was applied, presenting adequate validity and reliability indices. The results show that, at the level of the learning dimension, a low percentage of students state that teachers do not know their learning needs, which implies that they feel disconnected from the methodology used by teachers. The results obtained indicate the need for university institutions to make greater efforts in relation to learning that includes solid consolidation paths, where not only the tutorial work for the st...

Revista BOEM, 2022
O objetivo desta pesquisa é medir a atitude em relação à matemática dos futuros professores da Ed... more O objetivo desta pesquisa é medir a atitude em relação à matemática dos futuros professores da Educação Infantil de uma universidade da zona central do Chile. Para atender a esse objetivo, foi realizada uma investigação de nível quantitativo e descritivo, aplicando a escala de atitudes em relação à matemática. A amostra foi composta por 38 futuros professores de Educação Infantil de uma instituição de Ensino Superior na região central do Chile. Dentre os resultados, destaca-se a pontuação elevada para as afirmações: "Considero a matemática uma disciplina muito necessária nos meus estudos (x: 4,70; s: 0,52) e "A matemática pode ser útil para quem decide seguir uma carreira em “ciências”, mas não para o resto dos alunos” (x: 4,66; s: 0,63). Além disso, as afirmações com o valor médio mais baixo são: "Me diverte falar com os outros sobre matemática" (x: 2,76; s: 1,28) e "Gostaria de ter uma ocupação em que tivesse de usar matemática" (x: 3,13; s: 1,34). Co...

Acta Scientiae, 2020
Context: Study framed in the area of teacher training. Objective: To analyze the selfinstruction ... more Context: Study framed in the area of teacher training. Objective: To analyze the selfinstruction booklets that elementary education future teachers designed and implemented to teach a subject related to the Numbers and Operations axis. Design: The research follows a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive methodology, using the content analysis method. Setting and participants: Sample composed of 85 preservice teachers who studied Numbers and Operations in Elementary School, attending the first semester of Pedagogy in Basic General Education with Mention in a Chilean university. Data collection and analysis: The activities and conclusions of the booklets are analyzed, considering the units of analysis: implemented learning objective, detected obstacles, type of activities and contexts, assessment of the pedagogical knowledge of the content and general experience. Results: The work emphasizes that future teachers mostly: design booklets associated with the first two years of elementary school; consider the objective associated to counting to 1,000; declare the epistemological obstacle; the activities are exercise-like; activities are posed without context; indicators associated to the subdomains of knowledge of content and of the students, and content and teaching of the pedagogical knowledge model of mathematics are not mentioned; value this resource to encourage mathematics learning. Conclusions: The work with booklets has allowed preservice teachers to approach teaching work for the first time, involving mastery and application of both didactic and knowledge of the subject matter for teaching numbers, which will improve during their training.

Formación universitaria, Nov 30, 2023
Esta investigación tiene como propósito el caracterizar las prácticas matemáticas con perspectiva... more Esta investigación tiene como propósito el caracterizar las prácticas matemáticas con perspectiva de género que desarrollan futuras educadoras de párvulos para favorecer la construcción de aprendizajes matemáticos en niños y niñas de prekínder y kínder. Para ello, se siguió una metodología cualitativa, a través de un estudio de casos múltiples, analizando entrevistas y videos de clases. La población en estudio fueron futuras educadoras de párvulos de una universidad chilena, con sedes en Santiago, Talca y Temuco. La muestra, de tipo intencional y voluntaria, estuvo formada por once futuras educadoras de párvulos que desarrollaron su proceso de práctica profesional en niveles transición es decir prekínder y kínder, a quienes se entrevistó y grabó sus clases. Los resultados indican que las futuras educadoras de párvulos manejan elementos relacionados con la perspectiva de género, reconociendo en las familias los mayores transmisores de estereotipos de género. Así mismo, asumen que los contenidos matemáticos referidos al ámbito numérico son más fáciles de abordar desde una perspectiva de género, y que a los niños les es más fácil aprender contenidos matemáticos, por ende, son mejores en esta disciplina. Por otra parte, destacan que en su práctica matemática para promover la perspectiva de género desarrollan actividades lúdicas, usando material concreto y promoviendo el trabajo en equipo.
Se describe un estudio de caso en el que se analizan el posicionamiento inicial de futuros docent... more Se describe un estudio de caso en el que se analizan el posicionamiento inicial de futuros docentes de educacion infantil, cuando se enfrentan al analisis reflexivo de experiencias escolares que desarrollan conocimientos geometricos con ninos de 5 anos. Se realiza un analisis de los textos producidos por los futuros profesores focalizando los procesos de la actividad matematica que ellos reconocen que se desarrollan en las experiencias citadas. Se describen dificultades cuando tienen que usar el conocimiento matematico especifico para la ensenanza. Confirmamos que la competencia docente "mirar profesionalmente" no es innata y que el grupo con el que se ha trabajado se situa en niveles bajos de dicha competencia.
In this work we recognise how a group of future teacher of Early Childhood Education, analyse nar... more In this work we recognise how a group of future teacher of Early Childhood Education, analyse narratives about rich school experiences. We presented a professional task, in which we wanted to see how future teachers recognize initially the potential of the mentioned experiences to promote mathematical processes. We recognise that future teachers give a limited value to the problem-solving process and have difficulties in recognizing the processes of reasoning and proof. We found it is not because of a mathematical previous weak formation, but rather it points to the need of analysing school practices and narratives as good examples of action.

Revista de Investigação e Divulgação em Educação Matemática
El propósito de este trabajo es medir la actitud hacia la estadística de un grupo de futuras maes... more El propósito de este trabajo es medir la actitud hacia la estadística de un grupo de futuras maestras de Educación Infantil de una universidad de la zona central de Chile. Para cumplir este objetivo, se realiza una investigación de tipo cuantitativa y de nivel descriptivo, mediante la aplicación de la escala actitudes hacia la Estadística de Estrada (2002). La muestra que formó parte de este estudio estuvo formada por 38 futuras maestras de Educación Infantil. Se destaca, entre los resultados, una alta puntuación para las afirmaciones: La estadística no sirve para nada (4,95) y La estadística sólo sirve a la gente de ciencias” (4,76), y una baja puntuación para las afirmaciones: A menudo explico a mis compañeros problemas de estadística que no han entendido (2) y A través de la estadística se puede manipular la realidad (2,32). Se concluye la necesidad de generar las instancias formativas en que las futuras maestras mejoren su actitud hacia la estadística, específicamente lo relacio...

Formación universitaria, 2021
En este estudio se busca caracterizar el conocimiento especializado sobre gráficos estadísticos p... more En este estudio se busca caracterizar el conocimiento especializado sobre gráficos estadísticos por 102 futuras maestras de educación infantil en Chile. Se sigue una metodología cualitativa, de nivel descriptivo, basada en el análisis de contenido. Particularmente, se reportan cuatro ítems que valoran aspectos de este subdominio del modelo MKT (Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching) relacionados con manifestar un conocimiento profundo y específico, y representar con exactitud ideas sobre gráficos estadísticos. Los resultados muestran que las participantes presentan errores en la definición de gráfico estadístico, identificación de conceptos vinculados al gráfico de barras, así como a los cálculos y predicciones basados en la información representada. Se concluye que las futuras maestras de educación infantil manifiestan escasos conocimientos sobre gráficos estadísticos, definidos en los estándares orientadores para estas carreras en el contexto chileno.
Edma 0-6: Educación Matemática en la Infancia, 5(1), 21-32, Jun 24, 2016
Se presenta una investigación orientada a reconocer posicionamientos de futuros maestros de educa... more Se presenta una investigación orientada a reconocer posicionamientos de futuros maestros de educación infantil cuando analizan tareas escolares que involucran conocimientos geométricos y son desarrolladas por niños de 5-6 años. Se analizan en detalle como estudio previo, las respuestas de tres futuros docentes a una tarea profesional. Los resultados muestran que domina una perspectiva superficial sobre cómo deben interpretarse las acciones de los niños y evidencian algunas aproximaciones sobre sus concepciones y su interpretación de las matemáticas a enseñar, mostrando que la idea de visualización y conceptualización de patrones como la simetría son procesos cognitivos complejos y muy desconocidos. Palabras clave: educación infantil, formación de maestros, simetría, visualización.
Avances de Investigación en Educación Matemática, 2013
Este artículo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que pretende analizar el conocimiento m... more Este artículo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que pretende analizar el conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza que pone en juego el profesor al enseñar los números racionales. Presentamos la relación teórica que se está utilizando para identificar componentes de conocimiento matemático que el profesor manifiesta en su acción docente, correspondencia que se fundamenta en el modelo de conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza y en el análisis didáctico. Concluimos, ejemplificando con el análisis de episodios de clase.
Avances de Investigación en Educación Matemática, 2013
Este artículo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que pretende analizar el conocimiento m... more Este artículo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que pretende analizar el conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza que pone en juego el profesor al enseñar los números racionales. Presentamos la relación teórica que se está utilizando para identificar componentes de conocimiento matemático que el profesor manifiesta en su acción docente, correspondencia que se fundamenta en el modelo de conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza y en el análisis didáctico. Concluimos, ejemplificando con el análisis de episodios de clase.

Background: As it is important to link the disciplines to real contexts, it is necessary to propo... more Background: As it is important to link the disciplines to real contexts, it is necessary to propose teaching-learning strategies based on diverse situations, inside or outside the mathematical field. This study considers strategies and conceptions of teaching in contextual mathematics used by basic education teachers in the Maule Region, Chile. Objectives: Establish beliefs of basic education teachers in this region about the use of contexts in the mathematics teaching and learning processes. Design: Mixed in nature, considering the collection of quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously. The descriptive research design uses closed and open questions to collect data. The closed questions, presented on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, exploring five dimensions related to the mathematical topic in context were: 1) processes, 2) skills and 3) mathematical contextualisation, 4) national curriculum and 5) favourable/unfavourable conditions to work in context. Settings and Participants:...

Education and Information Technologies
Computational thinking in the educational environment has awaken a rising interest, having been i... more Computational thinking in the educational environment has awaken a rising interest, having been included as part of the curricula from the very beginnings of education. Programmable robots have become a valuable positive resource in order to succeed in the development of computational thinking, demanding proper training from kindergarten teachers and trainees in order to be able to teach robotic programming. This article has the purpose to 1) identify the frequent errors made by trainee kindergarten teachers when solving a series of robotic problems in a computational thinking module, which develops in the course of Didactics of Mathematics and 2) determine the level of comprehension of the robot concept acquired by the trainees when solving robotics problems. The research developed in a qualitative methodology manner; the data used for this article were collected through the solving of five robotic problems and an open-ended question that had to be answered by each of the 25 participants individually. The results showed that, in general, the most frequent error appeared in problems in which movements were set in a Euclidean space of two dimensions. That is to say, the problems' solving required a selection of different commands: turn, moving forward and/or backwards. Moreover, more than half of the participants who answered the open-ended question succeeded in owning the robot concept once they had solved the problems.
Papers by marjorie samuel