Papers by luiza marinescu
Journal of Romanian Literary Studies, 2017
Journal of Romanian Literary Studies, 2014

1. Gh. Asachi şi vocaţia întemeierii Clasic al culturii române înainte ca aceasta să îşi fi defin... more 1. Gh. Asachi şi vocaţia întemeierii Clasic al culturii române înainte ca aceasta să îşi fi definit reperele de evoluţie spirituală în modernitate, Gh. Asachi avea să îşi exerseze talentul literar cu un sonet în limba italiană, In occasione del volo aerostatico dell'illustre Donne, la signora Blanchard (În ocazia zborului aerostatic a madamei Blanchard) publicat în Giornale del Campidoglio la 26 decembrie 1811. Autorul a menţionat în momentul traducerii în limba română a sonetului endecasilabic inspirat de Petrarca, că acesta a fost "întreprins la Roma în 1811, când în ceri se vedea cometa cea mare". Preocupat de studiul astronomiei şi al matematicilor, Gh. Asachi tocmai devenise membru extraordinar al Societăţii literare din Roma, după ce îşi susţinuse doctoratul în filozofie şi avea pregătire de inginer şi de arhitect, pentru că studiase la Lemberg sau Lvov. Inspiraţi de Sophie Blanchard aveau să scrie despre ea şi Jules Verne primul său roman în 1863, Cinci săptămân...

Jane Austen's novels convey an idea of everyday existence centered on the experiences of marr... more Jane Austen's novels convey an idea of everyday existence centered on the experiences of marriage and family life. It is frequently remarked that more than almost any other novelist, Jane Austen can be read and reread with increasing delight. This quality comes from the sentence-to-sentence brilliance of the novels, which speaks of the moment-to-moment brilliance, the transitory meaning, of everyday life she describes.A cardinal attribute of the novel genre is the acknowledgement of ordinary life. Except in the novel, and occasionally in satire and comic drama, the conventional everyday life of unexceptional persons is not represented in literature. In this fidelity to everyday, less than heroic existence, the novel as genre has always had a special relationship to women's history. From its inception, women have made up the major audience and often the major subject of the novel. Austen drew on Richardson in her delineation of a feminine consciousness.What is a feminine cons...
Language and Literature: Modernization and Modernity, 2015, ISBN 978-973-163-679-5, págs. 83-94, 2015

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2017
The present study shows the results of the chronic test in evaluating the response of lumbricidae... more The present study shows the results of the chronic test in evaluating the response of lumbricidae under the action of different concentrations of Alleato 80WG. The earthworm samples were taken from a plot of land cultivated with maize. Survival, biomass and aluminum content bioaccumulated in earthworms have been analyzed. Five replicates were carried out for each experiment. The survival rate showed maximum values (100%) for V5 (control sample), and (200 mg kg-1) (p=1) for V4. The other three concentrations (V2=500 mg kg-1 ; V3=400 mg kg-1 ; V4=300 mg kg-1) resulted in a significant decrease in survival compared to the control sample (V5). The trend line showed a significant decrease in survival with increasing concentration of toxic (R 2 =0.798; p<0.0001). All samples subjected to toxic indicated lower values of individual biomass (g). The aluminium amount was low in the underlayer/soil where earthworms were collected. The amount of aluminum bioaccumulated by earthworms increased with increasing the concentration of toxic (R 2 =0.839; p=0.029).

1. Dans la tradition de la littérature romantique La littérature de Bucura Dumbravă s'inscrit... more 1. Dans la tradition de la littérature romantique La littérature de Bucura Dumbravă s'inscrit dans la tradition de la littérature romantique descriptive d'Alexandru Vlahuţă, Alexandru Odobescu, Calistrat Hogaş, Nicolae Iorga, selon le témoignage d'Emanoil Bucuţa, l'un de ses amis: […] créature de sapin et de pierre, Bucura Dumbravă, le Livre des Montagnes à la main, […] avait transformé la randonnée dans un tel crédo, qu'elle était arrivée à avoir la croyance théosophique dans le voyage des âmes et dans la métamorphose (Bucuţa 1932b: 255). Elle reste un exemple de survie dans la culture par l'écriture géométrique et durable, par la confrontation permanente entre l'intelligence et le Destin, par la capacité d'inclure l'avenir avec pleine lucidité et par la compréhension totale du fait que la perfection humaine fait celle de la nature. Ses mots démeurent aujourd'hui une exhortation de vivre la vie comme une ascension, de la comprendre comme une ...
Journal of Romanian Literary Studies, 2016

1. Ion Luca Caragiale despre Stultitiae Laus şi modernitatea media Longevitatea operei lui Ion Lu... more 1. Ion Luca Caragiale despre Stultitiae Laus şi modernitatea media Longevitatea operei lui Ion Luca Caragiale provine din surprinderea principalelor repere ale modernizării societăţii româneşti, într-o operă utilă umanităţii de pretutindeni şi de oricând, pentru a descifra resorturile vieţii democratice orientate de un anumit stadiu al dezvoltării media. Într-o lume în care comunicarea re-creează societatea, Ion Luca Caragiale a înţeles rapid cum scena vieţii româneşti de la sfârşitul veacului al XIX-lea devenea şi una a informaţiei, a comunicării prin imagini, în care totul se putea cuantifica şi se putea transmite prin alte mijloace decât până atunci. Într-o Scrisoare către Emil D. Fagure, datată 19 septembrie 1909, autorul mărturisea că notaţiile sale vor fi valabile şi vor trebui repetate încă multă vreme până când lumea românească să le înţeleagă şi să le aplice cu adevărat: Să nu te miri că se potrivesc cuvintele înţeleptului de acu o sută treizeci de ani cu starea de azi a ar...
Comparative Literature Studies, 2017

Après la récente émergence mètre carré de livres consacrés à l'œuvre de Ion Luca Caragiale (P... more Après la récente émergence mètre carré de livres consacrés à l'œuvre de Ion Luca Caragiale (Pârvulescu: 2011) l'auteur du matériel revient à l'étude de l'écrivain classique, par la description de son travail dans le monde de l'écriture et des documents de rédaction (Marinescu: 2005 et Marinescu 2005b). Cette étude présente les grands thèmes de la modernité qui caractérise les médias littéraires d'Ion Luca Caragiale: 1. Ion Luca Caragiale sur stultitiae laus et la modernité media 2. Ion Luca Caragiale et les fonctions medias dans la société roumaine à la fin du XIXème siècle 3. La gazette de (des) (in)/formation 4. Ion Luca Caragiale sur les nouvelles de la presse et leur fonction d'interprétation 5. Ion Luca Caragiale sur la fonction instructive-éducative des gazettes 6. Ion Luca Caragiale sur le divertissement et le spectacle des gazettes 7. Ion Luca Caragiale sur les gazettes et le déclanchement des mécanismes de solidarité 8. Caragiale sur l'histoi...

Radiography of a moving world, Opportunities in research projects and e-learning in the case of R... more Radiography of a moving world, Opportunities in research projects and e-learning in the case of Romanian literature analyzed the influence of the digitalization of millions of documents, books and newspaper from Romanian literature, brought to reality by the project Dacoromanica/Biblioteca digitală a Bucurestilor ( as a social innovation, over the research projects and developing e-learning programs, in the case of the university education. The hiatus, the discontinuity, the pause or the interruption in knowledge, caused by the changing the medium of writing, (which was a characteristic of many centuries in which the evolution of Romanian writing was mentioned) was replaced in our century by a change of the paradigm: the digitalization of the libraries. As a new Noah’s ark going upon the face of the waters, the digitalization of national patrimony offers opportunities in research projects and in e-learning studies. The paper illustrates the intercultural missi...

Self/other distinction and self-recognition are important skills for interacting with the world, ... more Self/other distinction and self-recognition are important skills for interacting with the world, as it allows humans to differentiate own actions from others and be self-aware. However, only a selected group of animals, mainly high order mammals such as humans, has passed the mirror test, a behavioural experiment proposed to assess self-recognition abilities. In this paper, we describe selfrecognition as a process that is built on top of body perception unconscious mechanisms. We present an algorithm that enables a robot to perform non-appearance self-recognition on a mirror and distinguish its simple actions from other entities, by answering the following question: am I generating these sensations? The algorithm combines active inference, a theoretical model of perception and action in the brain, with neural network learning. The robot learns the relation between its actions and its body with the effect produced in the visual field and its body sensors. The prediction error generated between the models and the real observations during the interaction is used to infer the body configuration through free energy minimization and to accumulate evidence for recognizing its body. Experimental results on a humanoid robot show the reliability of the algorithm for different initial conditions, such as mirror recognition in any perspective, robot-robot distinction and human-robot differentiation.

Medicine is an ever-changing science. Medical writings are reinventing their new genres. In a glo... more Medicine is an ever-changing science. Medical writings are reinventing their new genres. In a global world, which is dissolving its outlines and is re-inventing its traditions, the idea of a queer genre: the healing literature has the destiny to reveal secret spiritual affinities between two books: Healing Emotions: Conversations with Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions and Health, edited with a foreword by Daniel Goleman (1997), and John E. Upledger's Your Inner Physician and You. CranioSacral Theraphy and SomatoEmotional Release (1999). A new genre of literature illustrates the complex effects of the dynamics of cultural globalization, by exploring the relation between gender and development, language, historiography, education and culture. The case study is structured in the following chapters:1. Why a Literary Genre Is Involved in Gender Studies?Usually, a literary genre is defined as a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, c...
Papers by luiza marinescu