Jurnal Borneo Administrator: Media Pengembangan Paradigma dan Gaya Baru Manajemen Pemerintahan Daerah, Dec 31, 1969
This study aims to analyze the role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in improving ind... more This study aims to analyze the role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in improving individual performance in the public sector from the theoretical and empirical perspective. Data were gathered through a stocktaking technique by collecting and classifying various textbooks and journals as well as a variety of relevant previous studies. This study finds that OCB has a vital role in the individual performance improvement in the public sector. OCB significantly related to individual performance. However, further studies are required to see how significance the relationship between OCB and individual performance in government organizations.
Penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah atas wilayah laut berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 22 Tahun999 meni... more Penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah atas wilayah laut berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 22 Tahun999 menimbulkan perdebatan yang tak kunjung berkahir. Pemberian otonomi atas wilayah laut kepada Daerah seolah terjadi pengkavlingan atau pemetakan wilayah laut yaitu wilayah laut nasional dan wilayah laut daerah. Semua ini harus disikapi dengan penuh kedewasaan oleh segenap komponen bangsa Indonesia yang menghendaki kemakmuran dan keadilan masyarakat dapat direalisasikan. Tujuan tersebut tidaklah membuat pola pemisah atau pemecah (disintegrasi) bangsa Indonesia. Otonomi Daerah atas wilayah laut sesungguhnya bukan merupakan pembagian atas wilayah laut menjadi wilayah laut nasional dan daerah akan tetapi otonomi itu dimaksudkan untuk memberikan kewenangan pengelolaan atas wilayah laut di daerah yang selama ini lebih banyak dinikmati oleh pemerintah Pusat. Dengan berlakuknya Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintah Daerah (Otonomi Daerah), kewenangan daerah Propinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota ...
To build physical needs usually will be easier than to build human resources. The state of develo... more To build physical needs usually will be easier than to build human resources. The state of development in very country will be identified by the state of their human resources. It is, therefore, important to develop human resources to be skilfull in many fields. When economic affairs are considered as the strategic basic of national development program, building human resources must be understood as the most strategic conditions to get the ideals of every nation.
Kajian yang menggunakan pendekatan siklus manajemen yang meliputi : perencanaan kinerja; pelaksan... more Kajian yang menggunakan pendekatan siklus manajemen yang meliputi : perencanaan kinerja; pelaksanaan kinerja; pengembangan kompetensi; evaluasi kinerja; penghargaan; serta motif dan lingkungan kerja, dengan sampel 14 (empat belas) perangkat daerah dengan kriteria: menjalankan urusan wajib pelayanan dasar, dan menjalankan prioritas pembangunan
This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religio... more This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religiosity, job satisfaction, and organizational culture variables on the employees ’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and performance in the Regional Offices ofthe National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) in Indonesia. The population of this research is 198 employees from the four NIPA’s regional offices. The number of respondent as the sample for the survey is 153 employees. An inferential and descriptive statistical tool using SmartPLS software is used to analyze data.The result of the research showed that transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables have no positive and significant influence on OCB. Religiosity variable, however, displayed positive and significant impact, while organizational culture variable showed significant impact on OCB respectively. Transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables showed no significant influence on the emplo...
I n o v a s i a d a l a h s e b u a h keniscayaan. Kemajuan sebuah Negara sangat ditentukan oleh ... more I n o v a s i a d a l a h s e b u a h keniscayaan. Kemajuan sebuah Negara sangat ditentukan oleh inovasi yang d i l akukan . In i be ra r t i i novas i merupakan syarat penting bagi sebuah N e g a r a u n t u k m e n g e j a r ketertinggalannya dari Negara lain. Terlebih era sekarang ini, dimana pe r sa ingan an t a r Nega ra k i an ketat.Bagi Indonesia potensi pasar yang menggiurkan bagi Negara lain perlu disikapi dengan memperbesar arus inovasi di segala bidang. Semua pihak baik pemerintah, dunia usaha dan masyarakat harus secara bersama-sama ikut menggerakkan arus inovasi. Gerakan bersama berinovasi ini jika berhasil akan memberikan nilai tambah yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan daya saing Indonesia dengan negara-negara maju lainnya di kawasan. Apalagi Indonesia saat ini menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean 2015.Tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali bangkit dengan berbagai inovasi di segala bidang. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, penulis berkesempatan melakukan bench marking ke Hong Kong da...
This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religio... more This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religiosity, job satisfaction, and organizational culture variables on the employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and performance in the Regional Offices ofthe National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) in Indonesia. The population of this research is 198 employees from the four NIPA’s regional offices. The number of respondent as the sample for the survey is 153 employees. An inferential and descriptive statistical tool using SmartPLS software is used to analyze data.The result of the research showed that transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables have no positive and significant influence on OCB. Religiosity variable, however, displayed positive and significant impact, while organizational culture variable showed significant impact on OCB respectively. Transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables showed no significant influence on the employ...
To build physical needs usually will be easier than to build human resources. The state of develo... more To build physical needs usually will be easier than to build human resources. The state of development in very country will be identified by the state of their human resources. It is, therefore, important to develop human resources to be skilfull in many fields. When economic affairs are considered as the strategic basic of national development program, building human resources must be understood as the most strategic conditions to get the ideals of every nation.
This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religio... more This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religiosity, job satisfaction, and organizational culture variables on the employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and performance in the Regional Offices ofthe National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) in Indonesia. The population of this research is 198 employees from the four NIPA’s regional offices. The number of respondent as the sample for the survey is 153 employees. An inferential and descriptive statistical tool using SmartPLS software is used to analyze data.The result of the research showed that transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables have no positive and significant influence on OCB. Religiosity variable, however, displayed positive and significant impact, while organizational culture variable showed significant impact on OCB respectively. Transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables showed no significant influence on the e...
The implementation of the merit system policy in National Institute of Public Administration (NIP... more The implementation of the merit system policy in National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) since 2015 has recently gained a positive recognition. In 2019, NIPA has got an excellent rating in the Merit System Index published by the Commission of State Civil Apparatus (KASN). The purpose of this research is to explore NIPA’s experience in implementing the merit system processes, what has been done and how to do it. Through an explorative-qualitative approach, data were collected by interviewing key informants as well as document analysis of the merit system implementation process for the last 5 years (2015-2020) and using participation observer technique. The result showed that NIPA has consistently implemented the merit system according to its principles and regulation during its implementation. It is also found that top leaders’ commitment has played a dominant and significant factor in the successful merit system implementation. Keywords: Merit System, Civil Servant, Profe...
Jurnal Borneo Administrator: Media Pengembangan Paradigma dan Gaya Baru Manajemen Pemerintahan Daerah, Dec 31, 1969
This study aims to analyze the role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in improving ind... more This study aims to analyze the role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in improving individual performance in the public sector from the theoretical and empirical perspective. Data were gathered through a stocktaking technique by collecting and classifying various textbooks and journals as well as a variety of relevant previous studies. This study finds that OCB has a vital role in the individual performance improvement in the public sector. OCB significantly related to individual performance. However, further studies are required to see how significance the relationship between OCB and individual performance in government organizations.
Penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah atas wilayah laut berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 22 Tahun999 meni... more Penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah atas wilayah laut berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 22 Tahun999 menimbulkan perdebatan yang tak kunjung berkahir. Pemberian otonomi atas wilayah laut kepada Daerah seolah terjadi pengkavlingan atau pemetakan wilayah laut yaitu wilayah laut nasional dan wilayah laut daerah. Semua ini harus disikapi dengan penuh kedewasaan oleh segenap komponen bangsa Indonesia yang menghendaki kemakmuran dan keadilan masyarakat dapat direalisasikan. Tujuan tersebut tidaklah membuat pola pemisah atau pemecah (disintegrasi) bangsa Indonesia. Otonomi Daerah atas wilayah laut sesungguhnya bukan merupakan pembagian atas wilayah laut menjadi wilayah laut nasional dan daerah akan tetapi otonomi itu dimaksudkan untuk memberikan kewenangan pengelolaan atas wilayah laut di daerah yang selama ini lebih banyak dinikmati oleh pemerintah Pusat. Dengan berlakuknya Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintah Daerah (Otonomi Daerah), kewenangan daerah Propinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota ...
To build physical needs usually will be easier than to build human resources. The state of develo... more To build physical needs usually will be easier than to build human resources. The state of development in very country will be identified by the state of their human resources. It is, therefore, important to develop human resources to be skilfull in many fields. When economic affairs are considered as the strategic basic of national development program, building human resources must be understood as the most strategic conditions to get the ideals of every nation.
Kajian yang menggunakan pendekatan siklus manajemen yang meliputi : perencanaan kinerja; pelaksan... more Kajian yang menggunakan pendekatan siklus manajemen yang meliputi : perencanaan kinerja; pelaksanaan kinerja; pengembangan kompetensi; evaluasi kinerja; penghargaan; serta motif dan lingkungan kerja, dengan sampel 14 (empat belas) perangkat daerah dengan kriteria: menjalankan urusan wajib pelayanan dasar, dan menjalankan prioritas pembangunan
This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religio... more This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religiosity, job satisfaction, and organizational culture variables on the employees ’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and performance in the Regional Offices ofthe National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) in Indonesia. The population of this research is 198 employees from the four NIPA’s regional offices. The number of respondent as the sample for the survey is 153 employees. An inferential and descriptive statistical tool using SmartPLS software is used to analyze data.The result of the research showed that transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables have no positive and significant influence on OCB. Religiosity variable, however, displayed positive and significant impact, while organizational culture variable showed significant impact on OCB respectively. Transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables showed no significant influence on the emplo...
I n o v a s i a d a l a h s e b u a h keniscayaan. Kemajuan sebuah Negara sangat ditentukan oleh ... more I n o v a s i a d a l a h s e b u a h keniscayaan. Kemajuan sebuah Negara sangat ditentukan oleh inovasi yang d i l akukan . In i be ra r t i i novas i merupakan syarat penting bagi sebuah N e g a r a u n t u k m e n g e j a r ketertinggalannya dari Negara lain. Terlebih era sekarang ini, dimana pe r sa ingan an t a r Nega ra k i an ketat.Bagi Indonesia potensi pasar yang menggiurkan bagi Negara lain perlu disikapi dengan memperbesar arus inovasi di segala bidang. Semua pihak baik pemerintah, dunia usaha dan masyarakat harus secara bersama-sama ikut menggerakkan arus inovasi. Gerakan bersama berinovasi ini jika berhasil akan memberikan nilai tambah yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan daya saing Indonesia dengan negara-negara maju lainnya di kawasan. Apalagi Indonesia saat ini menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean 2015.Tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali bangkit dengan berbagai inovasi di segala bidang. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, penulis berkesempatan melakukan bench marking ke Hong Kong da...
This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religio... more This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religiosity, job satisfaction, and organizational culture variables on the employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and performance in the Regional Offices ofthe National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) in Indonesia. The population of this research is 198 employees from the four NIPA’s regional offices. The number of respondent as the sample for the survey is 153 employees. An inferential and descriptive statistical tool using SmartPLS software is used to analyze data.The result of the research showed that transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables have no positive and significant influence on OCB. Religiosity variable, however, displayed positive and significant impact, while organizational culture variable showed significant impact on OCB respectively. Transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables showed no significant influence on the employ...
To build physical needs usually will be easier than to build human resources. The state of develo... more To build physical needs usually will be easier than to build human resources. The state of development in very country will be identified by the state of their human resources. It is, therefore, important to develop human resources to be skilfull in many fields. When economic affairs are considered as the strategic basic of national development program, building human resources must be understood as the most strategic conditions to get the ideals of every nation.
This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religio... more This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religiosity, job satisfaction, and organizational culture variables on the employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and performance in the Regional Offices ofthe National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) in Indonesia. The population of this research is 198 employees from the four NIPA’s regional offices. The number of respondent as the sample for the survey is 153 employees. An inferential and descriptive statistical tool using SmartPLS software is used to analyze data.The result of the research showed that transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables have no positive and significant influence on OCB. Religiosity variable, however, displayed positive and significant impact, while organizational culture variable showed significant impact on OCB respectively. Transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables showed no significant influence on the e...
The implementation of the merit system policy in National Institute of Public Administration (NIP... more The implementation of the merit system policy in National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) since 2015 has recently gained a positive recognition. In 2019, NIPA has got an excellent rating in the Merit System Index published by the Commission of State Civil Apparatus (KASN). The purpose of this research is to explore NIPA’s experience in implementing the merit system processes, what has been done and how to do it. Through an explorative-qualitative approach, data were collected by interviewing key informants as well as document analysis of the merit system implementation process for the last 5 years (2015-2020) and using participation observer technique. The result showed that NIPA has consistently implemented the merit system according to its principles and regulation during its implementation. It is also found that top leaders’ commitment has played a dominant and significant factor in the successful merit system implementation. Keywords: Merit System, Civil Servant, Profe...
Papers by mariman darto