Papers by Dr. Maria Wikantari

Jurnal bisnis strategi/Jurnal Bisnis Strategi, Jul 31, 2023
This study aims to analyze the effect of customer reviews, product prices and service quality on ... more This study aims to analyze the effect of customer reviews, product prices and service quality on purchasing decisions moderated by brand image. The population in this study is 100 residents of the city of Jakarta, whose criteria have been determined. The sample selection was carried out using a purposive sampling method, by taking 100 Jakarta residents with an age range of 20-40 years as the sample in this study.The analytical techniques used in this study are: 1) Validity Test, 2) Reliability Statistics, 3) Classical Assumption Test consisting of Normality Test, Multicollinearity Test, Heterocystista Test, Autocorrelation Test, 4) Multiple Linear Regression, 5) Hypothesis Test consisting of from Coefficient Test and Partial Influence Test (t) and MRA.The results of this study indicate that customer reviews have no effect on purchasing decisions, this is evidenced by the t value of 0.747. Product prices have a significant effect with a t-value of 0.460. Service quality has a partial effect on purchasing decisions with a t value of 3.378. Customer reviews, product prices and service quality simultaneously influence purchasing decisions with an f value of 4.451. Brand image cannot mediate the relationship between customer reviews, product prices, service quality on purchasing decisions, and none of them are significant
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), Mar 7, 2024
Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Mar 4, 2024
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), Feb 8, 2024

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh likuiditas, leverage dan profitabilitas terhad... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh likuiditas, leverage dan profitabilitas terhadap kebijakan dividen. Variabel independen meliputi likuiditas, leverage dan profitabilitas, dan variabel dependen adalah kebijakan dividen. Objek penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sektor barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dari laporan keuangan perusahaan yang terdaftar di bursa dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda, dan pengujian hipotesis meliputi uji t, uji F, dan koefisien determinasi (R2). Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda diketahui bahwa variabel likuiditas tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kebijakan dividen, variabel leverage tidak berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kebijakan dividen, dan variabel profitabilitas berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada kebijakan dividen. Sedangkan berda...

Yudishtira Journal, Aug 30, 2021
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kritik ekonomi pancasila terhadap fenomena peningkata... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kritik ekonomi pancasila terhadap fenomena peningkatan e-commerce di Indonesia Tahun 2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah Metode yang dilakukan dalam penulisan ini adalah library research, dimana pengambilan data primer dan sekunder untuk pemilihan data yang relevan dengan tema besar dan dianalisis melalui pandangan yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekonomi Pancasila mengalami kesulitan secara menyeluruh, dan harus bersaing dengan laju pasar, permintaan, dan penawaran. Media e-commerce merupakan jembatan penghubung antara pembeli dan penjual, namun mengalami kesulitan untuk memenuhi keinginan penjual. penggunaan e-commerce sebagai penghubung antara pembeli dan penjual, akses internet dapat menjadikan pasar lebih luas. Tidak hanya di level nasional, tapi level internasional melalui sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang lebih tanggap, tangguh, dengan memiliki keterampilan global.

Indonesia Berdaya
Edukasi digitalisasi kepada pelaku UMKM Belimbing kota Depok diharapkan dapat memastikan bahwa pe... more Edukasi digitalisasi kepada pelaku UMKM Belimbing kota Depok diharapkan dapat memastikan bahwa pelaku UMKM dapat memaksimalkan internet sebagai media untuk membantu mengembangkan bisnis mereka. Hal yang paling sederhana dilakukan oleh pelaku UMKM telah membuat web site gratis untuk usahanya. Memaksimalkan website sangat penting untuk memasarkan produknya supaya memudahkan para konsumen untuk membeli produk UKM tersebut. Pelaku UMKM dapat menerima masukan apa yang diinginkan pelanggan terhadap produk yang dijual dan dapat mengevaluasi bisnis mereka setiap waktu dengan komentar para pelanggan. Digitalisasi informasi dengan menggunakan komputer juga dapat didukung oleh peralatan tambahan seperti mesin pemindai atau scanner yang dapat menerjemahkan foto atau gambar di atas kertas yang bersifat analog, kemudian memasukkannya ke dalam sistem komputer dan mengubahnya menjadi gambar atau foto dengan dengan format digital. Telepon genggam juga dapat melakukan digitalisasi informasi berup...

Batara Wisnu : Indonesian Journal of Community Services
The development process is completely initiated by the public community in social activities to m... more The development process is completely initiated by the public community in social activities to make it better is a process of empowerment. Therefore, the target community program is always involved in community empowerment. This is a very urgent process for improving the welfare of the community through improving the economy. One of them can be realized through increasing income activities from Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The MSME empowerment process is implemented through Community Service (PKM) activities providing empirical ideas for real work for the advancement of MSMEs that are more independent. Economic empowerment through MSMEs can create an integrated unity between the role of the campus and the community, especially in RW 07, Padurenan Village, Tangerang City. However, there are problems faced by SMEs including a). Production is only in the manufacture of components or products, b) The lack of competence of SMEs in the application of technology c), Weak ...

Media Manajemen Pendidikan, Aug 6, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujauan untuk mengetahui pemeliharaan sarana UKS di SMA YPI Tunas Bangsa Palemb... more Penelitian ini bertujauan untuk mengetahui pemeliharaan sarana UKS di SMA YPI Tunas Bangsa Palembang, serta mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif degan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan kunci dalam penelitian ini adalah penangung jawab UKS dan informan pendukungnya adalah wakil kepala sekolah bidang sarana dan prasarana, guru dan dokumen/arsip sekolah yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunaakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model analisis Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemeliharaan sarana UKS dilakukan melalui 1) Pemeliharaan sarana UKS sudah bisa dikatakan cukup baik, bisa dilihat dari orang-orang yang menggunakan sarana usaha kesehatan sekolahnya, mereka selalu berusaha bertanggung jawab untuk memelihara sarana usaha UKS; 2) Faktor pendukung pemeliharaan UKS, yaitu a) staf usaha kesehatan sekolah dan siswa memanfaatkan sarana yang ada disana dengan baik; b) jadwal pemeliharaannya sesuai dengan jadwal petugas usaha kesehatan sekolah; dan c) tersedia dua lemari untuk menyimpan sarana UKS; 3) Faktor penghambatnya yaitu a) belum memiliki ruagan khusus untuk penyimpanan sarana UKS; dan b) tidak menggunakan buku pencatatan khusus untuk pemeliharaan sarana UKS sehingga proses pemeliharaannya kurang begitu optimal.

Edukasi digitalisasi kepada pelaku UMKM Belimbing kota Depok diharapkan dapat memastikanbahwa pel... more Edukasi digitalisasi kepada pelaku UMKM Belimbing kota Depok diharapkan dapat memastikanbahwa pelaku UMKM dapat memaksimalkan internet sebagai media untuk membantumengembangkan bisnis mereka. Hal yang paling sederhana dilakukan oleh pelaku UMKM telahmembuat web site gratis untuk usahanya. Memaksimalkan website sangat penting untukmemasarkan produknya supaya memudahkan para konsumen untuk membeli produk UKM tersebut.Pelaku UMKM dapat menerima masukan apa yang diinginkan pelanggan terhadap produk yangdijual dan dapat mengevaluasi bisnis mereka setiap waktu dengan komentar para pelanggan.Digitalisasi informasi dengan menggunakan komputer juga dapat didukung oleh peralatan tambahanseperti mesin pemindai atau scanner yang dapat menerjemahkan foto atau gambar di atas kertas yangbersifat analog, kemudian memasukkannya ke dalam sistem komputer dan mengubahnya menjadigambar atau foto dengan dengan format digital. Telepon genggam juga dapat melakukan digitalisasiinformasi berupa foto, video d...
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE)
The study aims to determine the effect of social media marketing on purchase decisions moderated ... more The study aims to determine the effect of social media marketing on purchase decisions moderated by product quality at McDonald’s/ McD. This research is considered as causal effect research. The respondents are 100 consumers of McD obtained by incidental sampling technique. The results of the data analysis of this research are (1) there is a significant positive effect between social media marketing variables and purchasing decisions, (2) there is a significant positive effect between McD’s product quality variables and consumer purchasing decisions, and (3) there is also a significant positive effect between the purchasing decision variables and social media strengthened by the quality of McD’s products which are able to moderate the two variables.

This research is about the influence of Big Five personality and procedural justice to Organizati... more This research is about the influence of Big Five personality and procedural justice to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Big Five personality has effects to OCB. OCB is considered important since the behavior which goes beyond existing formal role expectations in the workplace can improve influences of Big Five personality and procedural justice to OCB. Sample are 105 employees of PT Garuda Indonesia Airways in Jakarta by using convenient sampling method. The researcher uses Five Factor Personality test developed by Buchanan, et al (2005), OCB tes was developed by Podsakoff which was used in the research of Markoczy and Xin (2004) and procedural justice was developed by Byrne which was used in the research of Kamdar, et al (2006). The data was assessed by using SPSS. The result of multiple regression analysis showed that F-test is 43,592 with the significance level of 0,000 < 0,05. It means that there is positive influence of Big Five personality and procedural justice to OCB. Determinant Coefficient showed that 72,7% variances in OCB variables can be explained by Big Five personality and procedural justice variables and the rest 27,3% may be influenced by other variables which are not discussed in this research.
Ecotourism is a prospective sektor of Bengkulu, and ecotourism development is the once focus conc... more Ecotourism is a prospective sektor of Bengkulu, and ecotourism development is the once focus concept to increase economic development. The aim of research is to identify supplay and demand of ecotourism sektor. And object research is Kota Bengkulu as a capital city of Bengkulu and also have a lot of potencial tourism product. Primary datas get from Bps Kota Bengkulu dan Dispar Kota Bengkulu. And secoundary datas get from observation at the research object. Descriptifve metode use to interprate data findings. The result of the research is to facilitate government of Kota Bengkulu to create a grand strategy of ecotourism sektor.
Ecotourism is a prospective sektor of Bengkulu, and ecotourism development is the once focus conc... more Ecotourism is a prospective sektor of Bengkulu, and ecotourism development is the once focus concept to increase economic development. The aim of research is to identify supplay and demand of ecotourism sektor. And object research is Kota Bengkulu as a capital city of Bengkulu and also have a lot of potencial tourism product. Primary datas get from Bps Kota Bengkulu dan Dispar Kota Bengkulu. And secoundary datas get from observation at the research object. Descriptifve metode use to interprate data findings. The result of the research is to facilitate government of Kota Bengkulu to create a grand strategy of ecotourism sektor.

The insurance industry suffers from economic crises. Both insurance prices, paid by consumers, an... more The insurance industry suffers from economic crises. Both insurance prices, paid by consumers, and insurer profitability have swung up and down over several years. Crises affect the purchase of insurance products. Only 5% of the population of Indonesia purchase insurance products. This is a challenge for life insurance industry players, since there are 58 life insurance companies. The insurance industry should find a strategy to carry out lucrative business with the principles of sustainability for both company and customer. The objective of this descriptive research is (a) to explain the problems of the people of Indonesia regarding knowledge of investing in insurance products, and (b) to identify the strategy and solution for the insurance industry to do appropriate business in Indonesia, in conformity with the principles of sustainable development and Indonesian government regulations
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies

This research is about the influence of Big Five personality and procedural justice to Organizati... more This research is about the influence of Big Five personality and procedural justice to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Big Five personality has effects to OCB. OCB is considered important since the behavior which goes beyond existing formal role expectations in the workplace can improve influences of Big Five personality and procedural justice to OCB. Sample are 105 employees of PT Garuda Indonesia Airways in Jakarta by using convenient sampling method. The researcher uses Five Factor Personality test developed by Buchanan, et al (2005), OCB tes was developed by Podsakoff which was used in the research of Markoczy and Xin (2004) and procedural justice was developed by Byrne which was used in the research of Kamdar, et al (2006). The data was assessed by using SPSS. The result of multiple regression analysis showed that F-test is 43,592 with the significance level of 0,000 < 0,05. It means that there is positive influence of Big Five personality and procedural justice to OCB. Determinant Coefficient showed that 72,7% variances in OCB variables can be explained by Big Five personality and procedural justice variables and the rest 27,3% may be influenced by other variables which are not discussed in this research.

ABSTRAK Economic and insurance development in Indonesia exhibits a positive correlation. Life ins... more ABSTRAK Economic and insurance development in Indonesia exhibits a positive correlation. Life insurance companies have been playing the role of financial intermediaries and performing useful functions in our economy. In Indonesia, there are 46 life insurance companies consisting of local, State Owned Government and joint venture. Through various alternative distribution channels, bancassurance is still dominating and the successful one. Given poor level of consumer awareness, strong customer education programs and promotional strategies are the immediate requirements. Developing micro-insurance for rural market is important. Furthermore customer service is the key for the success and life insurance companies should therefore give more attention in post-sales services rather than pre-sales services. This paper shows the important aspects of life insurance marketing activity from a services perspective and highlights the contemporary issues and challenges facing the life insurance companies in product marketing. PENDAHULUAN Pertumbuhan dari sektor jasa telah meningkat dalam dasawarsa terakhir ini. Industri asuransi baik jiwa maupun non jiwa menyumbang sekitar 1,95% terhadap produk domestik bruto negeri ini. Premi bruto yang dikumpulkan mencapai Rp.125,1 triliun sepanjang 2010. Namun demikian di tahun 2010, sumbangan terbesar terhadap pendapatan nasional diberikan oleh industri asuransi jiwa yaitu sebesar 60% (Hermawati, 2013:53). Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan asuransi jiwa di Indonesia antara lain rasio pemegang polis dengan jumlah penduduk, perkembangan premi bruto, dan fluktuasi nilai tukar Rupiah maupun Dollar Amerika. Faktor-faktor ini sangat terkait dengan pola konsumsi masyarakat dan daya beli konsumen serta kesadaran masyarakat akan kebutuhan asuransi jiwa dan tingkat kepercayaan terhadap industri asuransi jiwa.
Papers by Dr. Maria Wikantari