Fakta rendahnya literasi membaca di Indonesia bukanlah isapan jempol semata. Pasalnya, masalah be... more Fakta rendahnya literasi membaca di Indonesia bukanlah isapan jempol semata. Pasalnya, masalah berkaitan dengan rendahnya literasi membaca dialami Bangsa Indonesia mulai pada level internasional sampai lokal. Dalam konteks lokal, salah satu sekolah dasar di NTT, Kabupaten Manggarai, yakni SDI Kusu, ditemukan siswa kelas IV yang belum mampu membaca lancar dan pemahaman. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kondisi literasi membaca yang rendah pada siswa sekolah dasar melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang memicu meningkatnya literasi membaca dengan memaksimalkan penerapan tahap pembiasaan dan pengembangan. Adapun kegiatan tersebut mencakup latihan membaca nyaring, latihan membaca pemahaman, membuat peta konsep bacaan, dan menceritakan kembali isi bacaan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen tes dan observasi. Mitra kegiatan ini yakni SDI Kusu, Kabupaten Manggarai, NTT. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan evaluasi sesuai kegiatan yang telah dilakukan, kemampuan siswa dalam membaca pemahaman dan ...
The main issue discussed in this study is the obstacles that teachers experience in applying a sc... more The main issue discussed in this study is the obstacles that teachers experience in applying a scientific approach in elementary school. One of the main reasons for teacher barriers in applying scientific approaches is the limitation of teachers' pedagogical competence and the teacher's lack of understanding of the scientific approach. The purpose of this study is to describe the obstacles faced by teachers in applying a scientific approach in elementary school and efforts to overcome the obstacles faced by teachers in applying a scientific approach in elementary school. This type of research is literature study research. Data collection techniques using documentation techniques. The results showed that: 1) Teacher barriers in applying a scientific approach in elementary school are found in the five main characteristics of the scientific approach, namely: first, observing; teachers experience bullying because some students participate in observing the problems given by the t...
Application of Scientific Approach in Primary Schools. The rationale for this research is the dis... more Application of Scientific Approach in Primary Schools. The rationale for this research is the discovery of problems related to the low ability of students to present report texts based on observations. based on these problems offered a solution that is the use of a scientific approach, which approach has a characteristic that is a series of processes or stages in learning that must be passed by students. the use of this approach is considered effective to provide solutions to the problems encountered. This approach was chosen because of the recommendations of previous studies. The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of the use of scientific approaches in elementary schools. this type of research is qualitative with descriptive methods. The results showed that the use of a scientific approach in learning can be said to be effective. This can be seen in students' progress in preparing reports based on observations. in addition, students follow well the stages of...
Education is related to learning and the implementation of learning is always related to learning... more Education is related to learning and the implementation of learning is always related to learning methods. The learning method is an ordinary thing that is always discussed and even some people consider it to be an unimportant issue. This study aims to describe the use of peer tutoring methods in helping elementary school students with low abilities. This research uses literature study method. The data collection is done by tracing various relevant literatures. Data were analyzed using descriptive and comparative methods. The results of the study show that the use of peer tutoring methods can improve the ability of elementary school students. The implementation steps are 1) to recruit students with good abilities; 2) capture low-ability students; 3) the formation of heterogeneous groups; 4) determine the material for each group; 4) tutor guidance; 5) determining the schedule of activities; 6) checking the results of peer tutoring activities; 7) follow-up.
Lesson Study as an Innovation for Improving Learning Quality. The quality of the learning process... more Lesson Study as an Innovation for Improving Learning Quality. The quality of the learning process is inseparable from the ability of teachers as planners, implementers, facilitators, and also as evaluators. The effort can be made to improve the quality of learning with the implementation of lesson study. The purpose of this community service activity aimed to the formated of a learning society that consistently and systematically carries out self-improvement, both at the individual and managerial level. The method of implementing this service activity is to socialize the lesson study to the teachers of SMP N IV Langke Rembong, then implement it following the method of implementing lesson study, namely planning, implementation, and reflection. The results of this activity are that teachers can collaborate with their colleagues to design chapters and design lessons, and teachers can carry out learning in the classroom by promoting active, creative, effective, innovative and enjoyable learning.
This study aims to describe the results of the exploration of ethnomatematics forms and their rel... more This study aims to describe the results of the exploration of ethnomatematics forms and their relationship with geometric concepts at elementary mathematics in the culture of the Manggarai community, Flores, East of Nusa Tenggara. This study uses a qualitative approach. Researched data was obtained from community activities and artifacts. Data collection techniques are observation and interviews. The data was analyzed by the technique proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results of the study show that the shapes of ethnomatatics in the culture of the Manggarai community are explored in weaving activities, traditional ceremonies, webbing, household equipment, buildings, farming activities, and traditional musical instruments. The various ethnomatematics forms relate to geometric concepts at elementary mathematics which include concepts of triangles, rectangles, rhombus, hexagons, circles, beams, cones, and tubes.
The quality of the learning process is inseparable from the ability of teachers as planners, impl... more The quality of the learning process is inseparable from the ability of teachers as planners, implementers, facilitators, and also as evaluators. The effort can be made to improve the quality of learning with the implementation of lesson study. The purpose of this community service activity aimed to the formated of a learning society that consistently and systematically carries out self-improvement, both at the individual and managerial level. The method of implementing this service activity is to socialize the lesson study to the teachers of SMP N IV Langke Rembong, then implement it following the method of implementing lesson study, namely planning, implementation, and reflection. The results of this activity are that teachers can collaborate with their colleagues to design chapters and design lessons, and teachers can carry out learning in the classroom by promoting active, creative, effective, innovative and enjoyable learning.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan siswa sekolah dasar berkaitan d... more Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan siswa sekolah dasar berkaitan dengan materi pembelajaran menghitung dan membaca di SDI Kenda. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan tambahan jam pelajaran bagi siswa yang memiliki kemampuan rendah terkait menghitung dan membaca. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan (Action Research). Tindakan tersebut dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dan setiap tindakan diawali dengan perencanaan, pemberian treatmen (tindakan), observasi, dan refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pemberian tambahan jam pelajaran bagi siswa yang berkesulitan membaca dan menghitung dapat dikatakan efektif. Hal ini terbukti pada nilai yang diperoleh siswa pada setiap pertemuan, yakni adanya peningkatan dari pemberian treatmen I, II, dan III
MELESTARIKAN KEARIFAN LOKAL DAERAH MANGGARAI MELALUI KEGIATAN MENDONGENG PADA ANAK SEKAMI USIA SD... more MELESTARIKAN KEARIFAN LOKAL DAERAH MANGGARAI MELALUI KEGIATAN MENDONGENG PADA ANAK SEKAMI USIA SD DI PAROKI SANTU NIKOLAUS KELURAHAN GOLO DUKAL : Storytelling is a form of oral tradition as a means of communication and recording the events of life or human civilization of the past. Fairy tales are one of the places to preserve local wisdom. As for the fairy tale here is the fairy tale of the Manggarai area. Manggarai fairy tales were chosen with the aim of introducing various local wisdoms contained in these tales. this activity aims to; 1) introducing various local wisdoms in the Manggarai area to children of primary school age; 2) growing love for various local wisdoms in the Manggarai area; 3) grow and develop children's mental and ability to speak in frontother friends.in its implementation, this activity goes through several stages namely; 1) preparation stage which includes coordination of the service team, contacting partners, determining the schedule of activities, and p...
Research on the dating behavior of teens at boarding houses in Ruteng City consists of two parts ... more Research on the dating behavior of teens at boarding houses in Ruteng City consists of two parts - research on high school teenagers and college’s students teenagers. This report focuses on the results of research to students living at boarding houses. This study was designed to describe the dating behavior of teenage boarders in the Ruteng, Manggarai Regency. Sexual dating behavior that drives this research is about emerging forms of thinking about sexual drive for couples. Various forms, such as holding hands, hugging, kissing, touching sensitive body parts, and sexual intercourses. Based on this concept, dating behavior is grouped into 4 activities, dating, necking, petting, and intercourses. Getting data, the team used survey by quantitative approach. Data collection techniques consisted of questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Questions related to student dating behaviors. Questionnaire was supported by interview and observation. The total participants were 320 students...
Premiere Educandum : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar dan Pembelajaran, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan instrumen tes hasil belajar matematika dengan melihat ting... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan instrumen tes hasil belajar matematika dengan melihat tingkat kesukaran butir soal, validitas dan reliabilitas, serta indeks daya beda butir. Penelitian ini melibatkan 30 peserta didik kelas VI SDK Wae Mata Kecamatan Lembor Kabupaten Manggarai Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan. Instrumen yang dikembangkan berorientasi pada HOTS dengan bentuk tes uraian. Untuk menentukan tingkat kesukaran butir tes digunakan formula yang dikembangkan oleh Candiasa, validitas butir tes menggunakan formula Carl Pearson, koefisien reliabilitas menggunakan formula Alpha Cronbach, dan indeks daya beda butir menggunakan formula Ferguson. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba diperoleh (1) tingkat kesukaran butir pada kategori sedang; (2) terdapat 5 butir yang valid sedangkan 2 butir lainnya direvisi; (3) koefisien reliabilitasnya 0,79 pada kategori tinggi; dan (4) indeks daya beda butir semuanya berkategori baik. Dengan demikian instrumen yang...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health and Agriculture, ICEHHA 2021, 3-4 June 2021, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
Mathematics learning in elementary schools which is oriented to the formation of creative thinkin... more Mathematics learning in elementary schools which is oriented to the formation of creative thinking skills has not become a priority for teachers in schools. This development research aims to produce ethnomathematical-based teaching materials that are Oriented to the formation of students' creative thinking skills on aspects of fluency, flexibility and originality. This research was conducted in Manggarai Regency involving 55 teachers from 11 subdistricts. The collection technique uses questionnaires related to needs analysis and also expert validation in terms of grammar and design. The results showed that in the aspect of material content there were 70.91% of teachers requiring ethnomathematical teaching materials. In the orientation aspect of creative thinking development, most teachers (90%) want 1) teaching materials that include examples of problems that guide the formation of students' creative thinking skills; 2) contains student worksheets based on ethnopedagogical problems in this case the Manggarai culture; and 3) contains elements of traditional games; 4) contains the tools and materials needed to improve the ability of mathematical representation according to the context of the material presented. In the assessment aspect, 89.1% revealed that in measuring the achievement of student competence in geometry material, it was not yet oriented to measuring higher order thinking or HOTS and oriented to creative thinking. As in the aspect of the level of urgency of development, there are 92.73% giving the perception that the development of ethnomathematical-based teaching materials is very important. It can be concluded that it is important to develop ethnomathematical-based teaching materials according to the needs of teachers and students in Manggarai district and to shape the creative thinking skills of elementary school students.
Fakta rendahnya literasi membaca di Indonesia bukanlah isapan jempol semata. Pasalnya, masalah be... more Fakta rendahnya literasi membaca di Indonesia bukanlah isapan jempol semata. Pasalnya, masalah berkaitan dengan rendahnya literasi membaca dialami Bangsa Indonesia mulai pada level internasional sampai lokal. Dalam konteks lokal, salah satu sekolah dasar di NTT, Kabupaten Manggarai, yakni SDI Kusu, ditemukan siswa kelas IV yang belum mampu membaca lancar dan pemahaman. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kondisi literasi membaca yang rendah pada siswa sekolah dasar melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang memicu meningkatnya literasi membaca dengan memaksimalkan penerapan tahap pembiasaan dan pengembangan. Adapun kegiatan tersebut mencakup latihan membaca nyaring, latihan membaca pemahaman, membuat peta konsep bacaan, dan menceritakan kembali isi bacaan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen tes dan observasi. Mitra kegiatan ini yakni SDI Kusu, Kabupaten Manggarai, NTT. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan evaluasi sesuai kegiatan yang telah dilakukan, kemampuan siswa dalam membaca pemahaman dan ...
The main issue discussed in this study is the obstacles that teachers experience in applying a sc... more The main issue discussed in this study is the obstacles that teachers experience in applying a scientific approach in elementary school. One of the main reasons for teacher barriers in applying scientific approaches is the limitation of teachers' pedagogical competence and the teacher's lack of understanding of the scientific approach. The purpose of this study is to describe the obstacles faced by teachers in applying a scientific approach in elementary school and efforts to overcome the obstacles faced by teachers in applying a scientific approach in elementary school. This type of research is literature study research. Data collection techniques using documentation techniques. The results showed that: 1) Teacher barriers in applying a scientific approach in elementary school are found in the five main characteristics of the scientific approach, namely: first, observing; teachers experience bullying because some students participate in observing the problems given by the t...
Application of Scientific Approach in Primary Schools. The rationale for this research is the dis... more Application of Scientific Approach in Primary Schools. The rationale for this research is the discovery of problems related to the low ability of students to present report texts based on observations. based on these problems offered a solution that is the use of a scientific approach, which approach has a characteristic that is a series of processes or stages in learning that must be passed by students. the use of this approach is considered effective to provide solutions to the problems encountered. This approach was chosen because of the recommendations of previous studies. The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of the use of scientific approaches in elementary schools. this type of research is qualitative with descriptive methods. The results showed that the use of a scientific approach in learning can be said to be effective. This can be seen in students' progress in preparing reports based on observations. in addition, students follow well the stages of...
Education is related to learning and the implementation of learning is always related to learning... more Education is related to learning and the implementation of learning is always related to learning methods. The learning method is an ordinary thing that is always discussed and even some people consider it to be an unimportant issue. This study aims to describe the use of peer tutoring methods in helping elementary school students with low abilities. This research uses literature study method. The data collection is done by tracing various relevant literatures. Data were analyzed using descriptive and comparative methods. The results of the study show that the use of peer tutoring methods can improve the ability of elementary school students. The implementation steps are 1) to recruit students with good abilities; 2) capture low-ability students; 3) the formation of heterogeneous groups; 4) determine the material for each group; 4) tutor guidance; 5) determining the schedule of activities; 6) checking the results of peer tutoring activities; 7) follow-up.
Lesson Study as an Innovation for Improving Learning Quality. The quality of the learning process... more Lesson Study as an Innovation for Improving Learning Quality. The quality of the learning process is inseparable from the ability of teachers as planners, implementers, facilitators, and also as evaluators. The effort can be made to improve the quality of learning with the implementation of lesson study. The purpose of this community service activity aimed to the formated of a learning society that consistently and systematically carries out self-improvement, both at the individual and managerial level. The method of implementing this service activity is to socialize the lesson study to the teachers of SMP N IV Langke Rembong, then implement it following the method of implementing lesson study, namely planning, implementation, and reflection. The results of this activity are that teachers can collaborate with their colleagues to design chapters and design lessons, and teachers can carry out learning in the classroom by promoting active, creative, effective, innovative and enjoyable learning.
This study aims to describe the results of the exploration of ethnomatematics forms and their rel... more This study aims to describe the results of the exploration of ethnomatematics forms and their relationship with geometric concepts at elementary mathematics in the culture of the Manggarai community, Flores, East of Nusa Tenggara. This study uses a qualitative approach. Researched data was obtained from community activities and artifacts. Data collection techniques are observation and interviews. The data was analyzed by the technique proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results of the study show that the shapes of ethnomatatics in the culture of the Manggarai community are explored in weaving activities, traditional ceremonies, webbing, household equipment, buildings, farming activities, and traditional musical instruments. The various ethnomatematics forms relate to geometric concepts at elementary mathematics which include concepts of triangles, rectangles, rhombus, hexagons, circles, beams, cones, and tubes.
The quality of the learning process is inseparable from the ability of teachers as planners, impl... more The quality of the learning process is inseparable from the ability of teachers as planners, implementers, facilitators, and also as evaluators. The effort can be made to improve the quality of learning with the implementation of lesson study. The purpose of this community service activity aimed to the formated of a learning society that consistently and systematically carries out self-improvement, both at the individual and managerial level. The method of implementing this service activity is to socialize the lesson study to the teachers of SMP N IV Langke Rembong, then implement it following the method of implementing lesson study, namely planning, implementation, and reflection. The results of this activity are that teachers can collaborate with their colleagues to design chapters and design lessons, and teachers can carry out learning in the classroom by promoting active, creative, effective, innovative and enjoyable learning.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan siswa sekolah dasar berkaitan d... more Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan siswa sekolah dasar berkaitan dengan materi pembelajaran menghitung dan membaca di SDI Kenda. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan tambahan jam pelajaran bagi siswa yang memiliki kemampuan rendah terkait menghitung dan membaca. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan (Action Research). Tindakan tersebut dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dan setiap tindakan diawali dengan perencanaan, pemberian treatmen (tindakan), observasi, dan refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pemberian tambahan jam pelajaran bagi siswa yang berkesulitan membaca dan menghitung dapat dikatakan efektif. Hal ini terbukti pada nilai yang diperoleh siswa pada setiap pertemuan, yakni adanya peningkatan dari pemberian treatmen I, II, dan III
MELESTARIKAN KEARIFAN LOKAL DAERAH MANGGARAI MELALUI KEGIATAN MENDONGENG PADA ANAK SEKAMI USIA SD... more MELESTARIKAN KEARIFAN LOKAL DAERAH MANGGARAI MELALUI KEGIATAN MENDONGENG PADA ANAK SEKAMI USIA SD DI PAROKI SANTU NIKOLAUS KELURAHAN GOLO DUKAL : Storytelling is a form of oral tradition as a means of communication and recording the events of life or human civilization of the past. Fairy tales are one of the places to preserve local wisdom. As for the fairy tale here is the fairy tale of the Manggarai area. Manggarai fairy tales were chosen with the aim of introducing various local wisdoms contained in these tales. this activity aims to; 1) introducing various local wisdoms in the Manggarai area to children of primary school age; 2) growing love for various local wisdoms in the Manggarai area; 3) grow and develop children's mental and ability to speak in frontother friends.in its implementation, this activity goes through several stages namely; 1) preparation stage which includes coordination of the service team, contacting partners, determining the schedule of activities, and p...
Research on the dating behavior of teens at boarding houses in Ruteng City consists of two parts ... more Research on the dating behavior of teens at boarding houses in Ruteng City consists of two parts - research on high school teenagers and college’s students teenagers. This report focuses on the results of research to students living at boarding houses. This study was designed to describe the dating behavior of teenage boarders in the Ruteng, Manggarai Regency. Sexual dating behavior that drives this research is about emerging forms of thinking about sexual drive for couples. Various forms, such as holding hands, hugging, kissing, touching sensitive body parts, and sexual intercourses. Based on this concept, dating behavior is grouped into 4 activities, dating, necking, petting, and intercourses. Getting data, the team used survey by quantitative approach. Data collection techniques consisted of questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Questions related to student dating behaviors. Questionnaire was supported by interview and observation. The total participants were 320 students...
Premiere Educandum : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar dan Pembelajaran, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan instrumen tes hasil belajar matematika dengan melihat ting... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan instrumen tes hasil belajar matematika dengan melihat tingkat kesukaran butir soal, validitas dan reliabilitas, serta indeks daya beda butir. Penelitian ini melibatkan 30 peserta didik kelas VI SDK Wae Mata Kecamatan Lembor Kabupaten Manggarai Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan. Instrumen yang dikembangkan berorientasi pada HOTS dengan bentuk tes uraian. Untuk menentukan tingkat kesukaran butir tes digunakan formula yang dikembangkan oleh Candiasa, validitas butir tes menggunakan formula Carl Pearson, koefisien reliabilitas menggunakan formula Alpha Cronbach, dan indeks daya beda butir menggunakan formula Ferguson. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba diperoleh (1) tingkat kesukaran butir pada kategori sedang; (2) terdapat 5 butir yang valid sedangkan 2 butir lainnya direvisi; (3) koefisien reliabilitasnya 0,79 pada kategori tinggi; dan (4) indeks daya beda butir semuanya berkategori baik. Dengan demikian instrumen yang...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health and Agriculture, ICEHHA 2021, 3-4 June 2021, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
Mathematics learning in elementary schools which is oriented to the formation of creative thinkin... more Mathematics learning in elementary schools which is oriented to the formation of creative thinking skills has not become a priority for teachers in schools. This development research aims to produce ethnomathematical-based teaching materials that are Oriented to the formation of students' creative thinking skills on aspects of fluency, flexibility and originality. This research was conducted in Manggarai Regency involving 55 teachers from 11 subdistricts. The collection technique uses questionnaires related to needs analysis and also expert validation in terms of grammar and design. The results showed that in the aspect of material content there were 70.91% of teachers requiring ethnomathematical teaching materials. In the orientation aspect of creative thinking development, most teachers (90%) want 1) teaching materials that include examples of problems that guide the formation of students' creative thinking skills; 2) contains student worksheets based on ethnopedagogical problems in this case the Manggarai culture; and 3) contains elements of traditional games; 4) contains the tools and materials needed to improve the ability of mathematical representation according to the context of the material presented. In the assessment aspect, 89.1% revealed that in measuring the achievement of student competence in geometry material, it was not yet oriented to measuring higher order thinking or HOTS and oriented to creative thinking. As in the aspect of the level of urgency of development, there are 92.73% giving the perception that the development of ethnomathematical-based teaching materials is very important. It can be concluded that it is important to develop ethnomathematical-based teaching materials according to the needs of teachers and students in Manggarai district and to shape the creative thinking skills of elementary school students.
Papers by mariana jediut