maria karastergiou
my holistic healing approach integrates my inner guidance, my professional training in different disciplines: Psychology (Bachelor in Canada), Genetic psychology (Masters in France), Clinical Psychology (Masters in France), Philosophy, Pedagogy (PhD in France), my personal growth through different healing practices (psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Time Therapy etc), my research in Eastern contemplative approaches of self growth, my deep experiences, inspiration and acquired wisdom from the practice of my spiritual path, and, finally, my heart connection with my Spiritual Teacher.
What are the similarities among Western and Eastern Teachings? What are the Common Foundations of Eastern and Western Teachings? How they have inspired and influenced each other? What is the Source from which the foundations of all the Light Teachings are emerging? The answers to the above questions transformed my being!
From a scientific and academic professional career, after an epiphany my life shifted to a heartful path!
Following my Heart allowed me to dive into life’s magic, beauty and mystery....
Once I dived into the depths of life, swimming in shallow water was no longer an option. Conventional life, polluted cities, traffic, lack of prana, meaningless discussions, superficial relations, and shallow thinking were replaced by a heartful path! Listening to my Heart changed my life. The more I cherished and worshiped the Temple of my Heart, the more I was able to purify my feelings, deepen, refine and share them.
Even my approach to meditation was no longer just sitting with a straight spine and closed eyes in stillness and silence. Life itself became meditation. Walking, talking, traveling, reading, writing, singing, dancing, breathing were no longer unconscious repetitive patterns, conditioned reflexes, moments of absence…Being fully present, vibrant, awake, aware, and conscious; feeling grateful; beautifying my surroundings, saturating them with good vibes, unconditional love and pure thoughts transformed my life. Alive and vibrant, Nature became my teacher, my connection with the wilderness, with Mother Earth, with the Universe empowered my life!
Living as an earthly being, identifying only with my physical body, was so confining! The cosmic energies started exalting my life! Gradually my existence was “upgraded”. From earthly, ephemeral and impermanent, it became cosmic, permanent and infinite. Entering in a timeless space without borders, my consciousness unfolded and expanded, receiving nourishment from the vastness, the cosmic energy, the intense planetary rays, the higher radiations, the Higher Beings—from Infinity!
So I left my comfort zone and went to India! My journey brought me initially to the West, then to the South, and finally to the North. Living in the Himalayas for almost five months every year uplifted my spirit, multiplied my strength and awakened my consciousness. A new life started in India, devoted to the service of humanity, to a soulful and fiery journey. Through my research and publications I want to share the wisdom acquired through my research on Ancient Greek philosophers, as well as Eastern philosophies and teachings.
From India, the homeland of yoga and spirituality, the country of Enlightened Beings, the land of beauty and achievements of the spirit, I send you heart greetings! I call you to the Light, to the path of Beauty, to the art of ethical living, to self-perfection and unlimited attainment, to experience the three worlds as one!
Maria Karastergiou
my holistic healing approach integrates my inner guidance, my professional training in different disciplines: Psychology (Bachelor in Canada), Genetic psychology (Masters in France), Clinical Psychology (Masters in France), Philosophy, Pedagogy (PhD in France), my personal growth through different healing practices (psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Time Therapy etc), my research in Eastern contemplative approaches of self growth, my deep experiences, inspiration and acquired wisdom from the practice of my spiritual path, and, finally, my heart connection with my Spiritual Teacher.
What are the similarities among Western and Eastern Teachings? What are the Common Foundations of Eastern and Western Teachings? How they have inspired and influenced each other? What is the Source from which the foundations of all the Light Teachings are emerging? The answers to the above questions transformed my being!
From a scientific and academic professional career, after an epiphany my life shifted to a heartful path!
Following my Heart allowed me to dive into life’s magic, beauty and mystery....
Once I dived into the depths of life, swimming in shallow water was no longer an option. Conventional life, polluted cities, traffic, lack of prana, meaningless discussions, superficial relations, and shallow thinking were replaced by a heartful path! Listening to my Heart changed my life. The more I cherished and worshiped the Temple of my Heart, the more I was able to purify my feelings, deepen, refine and share them.
Even my approach to meditation was no longer just sitting with a straight spine and closed eyes in stillness and silence. Life itself became meditation. Walking, talking, traveling, reading, writing, singing, dancing, breathing were no longer unconscious repetitive patterns, conditioned reflexes, moments of absence…Being fully present, vibrant, awake, aware, and conscious; feeling grateful; beautifying my surroundings, saturating them with good vibes, unconditional love and pure thoughts transformed my life. Alive and vibrant, Nature became my teacher, my connection with the wilderness, with Mother Earth, with the Universe empowered my life!
Living as an earthly being, identifying only with my physical body, was so confining! The cosmic energies started exalting my life! Gradually my existence was “upgraded”. From earthly, ephemeral and impermanent, it became cosmic, permanent and infinite. Entering in a timeless space without borders, my consciousness unfolded and expanded, receiving nourishment from the vastness, the cosmic energy, the intense planetary rays, the higher radiations, the Higher Beings—from Infinity!
So I left my comfort zone and went to India! My journey brought me initially to the West, then to the South, and finally to the North. Living in the Himalayas for almost five months every year uplifted my spirit, multiplied my strength and awakened my consciousness. A new life started in India, devoted to the service of humanity, to a soulful and fiery journey. Through my research and publications I want to share the wisdom acquired through my research on Ancient Greek philosophers, as well as Eastern philosophies and teachings.
From India, the homeland of yoga and spirituality, the country of Enlightened Beings, the land of beauty and achievements of the spirit, I send you heart greetings! I call you to the Light, to the path of Beauty, to the art of ethical living, to self-perfection and unlimited attainment, to experience the three worlds as one!
Maria Karastergiou
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Books by maria karastergiou
La partie methodologique consiste a etudier la dynamique du biculturalisme des enfants de couples "mixtes" a travers les familles franco-helleniques (F/H). Le niveau du bilinguisme de leurs enfants, les strategies communicatives au sein de la famille, les enjeux d'une education preelementaire bilingue, biculturelle, sont analyses. Cette analyse a ete faite a partir d'un ensemble d'etudes de terrain menees aupres d'enfants F/H qui habitent a Paris et a Athenes ; les premiers "prescolarises" en milieu francais ou F/H les deuxiemes, notamment en milieu francais (ils frequentent une "mini-school" grecque un apres-midi par semaine). Cette etude est fondee sur un recueil de donnes effectues a l'aide de questionnaires destines aux parents des enfants F/H qui frequentent les centres d'accueil preelementaires F/H et d'un enregistrement video des activites de ces etablissements.
L'analyse des resultats a montre que quand les deux milieux (familial et preelementaire) sont bilingues, biculturelles les enfants sont equilibres et le niveau du bilinguisme des enfants est satisfaisant. A l'inverse, quand le milieu preelementaire est monolingue (soit francais, soit hellenique) le niveau du bilinguisme des enfants n'est pas satisfaisant. Le facteur ecole bilingue joue ainsi un role significatif dans l'obtention d'un haut niveau de bilinguisme. Ces conclusions ont fourni la base pour aborder une pratique psychopedagogique interculturelle. Il est necessaire de promouvoir cette psychopedagogie "sur mesure" pour les enfants bi/multilingues, bi/multiculturels qui s'appuie sur la Pedagogie Imterculturelle.
Dr Maria Karastergiou (Author)
In Stock.
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Book Description
Publication Date: July 24, 2012
In the traditional, monocultural societies the motif of death and rebirth appears: death of an era, a monocultural norm, a homogeneous society, and rebirth of a new conception of the human condition, a heterogeneous, intercultural one... A world where travel, the globalised market, the influence of digital culture, … in synergy with the improvised daily lives of heteroclite people around the globe, who deviating from ordinary forms of relating create a new reality ! Everything moves with lighting speed, ever changing & contributing to bring closer people from different backgrounds, from heterogeneous origins, from diverse parts of the globe… Love succeeds to overcome the obstacles of ethnic limitations. A new energy which is not concerned by visas, doesn’t care about passe ports, flows across borders, is circulating in this new era & brings transformations. Connects people from different origins, cultures, languages & promotes the intercultural or mixed unions!!! Those people, especially their children, are the architects of a different world. They are the ambassadors of universal peace & the diplomats of universal love. The creators of a less racist, more creative, less conservative, more compassionate way of life. They follow their own paths by improvising their lives. Their creations unite different concepts, norms, values, patterns, behaviors, ideas, philosophies... Influenced both by the West as well as from the East they love change, transformation, mutations. 'Synthesis' is their motto. They approach life in a more universal, heterogeneous, non prejudiced, eclectic, subtle, refined way. They are the creators of a new approach of Being. Thus, in our era, we witness the beginning of a regeneration of the human race through mixture of the East with the West, the North with the South, through union of different worlds, cultures, languages, accents … Everything is changing, moving, flowing and nothing is what it appears to be...
Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Dr Maria Karastergiou ever since she was young, she has been fascinated by cross-cultural issues. She has conducted numerous researches across Europe on intercultural communication, intercultural relationships, bi/multi-lingual & bi/multi-cultural parental upbringing etc. She studied Psychology, Sociology & Education in Canada (Concordia University, Bachelor) as well as in Paris (Masters & PhD, Université Paris VIII). She has written seve4ral books Being trained both as a psychologist & as an educator she has been working as a teacher (teaching psychology classes at the university) as well as a therapist. Working with people from all over the world for the last 21 years, has enriched her life. Different settings, heterogeneous languages, diverse countries, various therapeutic approaches, many teachers have contributed to the creation of her own approach. An integration of her inner guidance, professional training in psychology and intercultural unions, personal experience and research in alternative approaches to well-being and various spiritual traditions as well as a combination of psychoanalysis, Process Work, “Psychosynthesis”… Honoring diversity in all its forms she enjoys working with people from different linguistic & cultural origins. She feels privileged to accompany the unfolding, of a person’s soul & assist to its evolving. Dr Karastergiou's specialisation is counselling for Cross-cultural issues, like : Intercultural Parental Upbringing, Effective bi/multi- cultural &/or bi/multi- lingual upbringing, Issues stemming from bi/multi-lingual and/or bi/multi-cultural upbringing, Divorce or separation issues of an intercultural or ‘mixed’ couple etc. Many people seek counseling with Dr Karastergiou for her ability to speak Greek, English & French combined with her life experiences in different countries. She travels around the world offering sessions as well as organising workshops, retreats & seminars. Experiencing different cultures has been an important part of her life path, since she has been given many opportunities throughout her life to travel and dialogue with people in many places across the globe. Many individuals living in multi-cultural situations have commented that they feel understood by Dr Karastergiou because of her direct intercultural experiences.
Papers by maria karastergiou
La partie methodologique consiste a etudier la dynamique du biculturalisme des enfants de couples "mixtes" a travers les familles franco-helleniques (F/H). Le niveau du bilinguisme de leurs enfants, les strategies communicatives au sein de la famille, les enjeux d'une education preelementaire bilingue, biculturelle, sont analyses. Cette analyse a ete faite a partir d'un ensemble d'etudes de terrain menees aupres d'enfants F/H qui habitent a Paris et a Athenes ; les premiers "prescolarises" en milieu francais ou F/H les deuxiemes, notamment en milieu francais (ils frequentent une "mini-school" grecque un apres-midi par semaine). Cette etude est fondee sur un recueil de donnes effectues a l'aide de questionnaires destines aux parents des enfants F/H qui frequentent les centres d'accueil preelementaires F/H et d'un enregistrement video des activites de ces etablissements.
L'analyse des resultats a montre que quand les deux milieux (familial et preelementaire) sont bilingues, biculturelles les enfants sont equilibres et le niveau du bilinguisme des enfants est satisfaisant. A l'inverse, quand le milieu preelementaire est monolingue (soit francais, soit hellenique) le niveau du bilinguisme des enfants n'est pas satisfaisant. Le facteur ecole bilingue joue ainsi un role significatif dans l'obtention d'un haut niveau de bilinguisme. Ces conclusions ont fourni la base pour aborder une pratique psychopedagogique interculturelle. Il est necessaire de promouvoir cette psychopedagogie "sur mesure" pour les enfants bi/multilingues, bi/multiculturels qui s'appuie sur la Pedagogie Imterculturelle.
Dr Maria Karastergiou (Author)
In Stock.
Ships from and sold by Amazon.com..
Book Description
Publication Date: July 24, 2012
In the traditional, monocultural societies the motif of death and rebirth appears: death of an era, a monocultural norm, a homogeneous society, and rebirth of a new conception of the human condition, a heterogeneous, intercultural one... A world where travel, the globalised market, the influence of digital culture, … in synergy with the improvised daily lives of heteroclite people around the globe, who deviating from ordinary forms of relating create a new reality ! Everything moves with lighting speed, ever changing & contributing to bring closer people from different backgrounds, from heterogeneous origins, from diverse parts of the globe… Love succeeds to overcome the obstacles of ethnic limitations. A new energy which is not concerned by visas, doesn’t care about passe ports, flows across borders, is circulating in this new era & brings transformations. Connects people from different origins, cultures, languages & promotes the intercultural or mixed unions!!! Those people, especially their children, are the architects of a different world. They are the ambassadors of universal peace & the diplomats of universal love. The creators of a less racist, more creative, less conservative, more compassionate way of life. They follow their own paths by improvising their lives. Their creations unite different concepts, norms, values, patterns, behaviors, ideas, philosophies... Influenced both by the West as well as from the East they love change, transformation, mutations. 'Synthesis' is their motto. They approach life in a more universal, heterogeneous, non prejudiced, eclectic, subtle, refined way. They are the creators of a new approach of Being. Thus, in our era, we witness the beginning of a regeneration of the human race through mixture of the East with the West, the North with the South, through union of different worlds, cultures, languages, accents … Everything is changing, moving, flowing and nothing is what it appears to be...
Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Dr Maria Karastergiou ever since she was young, she has been fascinated by cross-cultural issues. She has conducted numerous researches across Europe on intercultural communication, intercultural relationships, bi/multi-lingual & bi/multi-cultural parental upbringing etc. She studied Psychology, Sociology & Education in Canada (Concordia University, Bachelor) as well as in Paris (Masters & PhD, Université Paris VIII). She has written seve4ral books Being trained both as a psychologist & as an educator she has been working as a teacher (teaching psychology classes at the university) as well as a therapist. Working with people from all over the world for the last 21 years, has enriched her life. Different settings, heterogeneous languages, diverse countries, various therapeutic approaches, many teachers have contributed to the creation of her own approach. An integration of her inner guidance, professional training in psychology and intercultural unions, personal experience and research in alternative approaches to well-being and various spiritual traditions as well as a combination of psychoanalysis, Process Work, “Psychosynthesis”… Honoring diversity in all its forms she enjoys working with people from different linguistic & cultural origins. She feels privileged to accompany the unfolding, of a person’s soul & assist to its evolving. Dr Karastergiou's specialisation is counselling for Cross-cultural issues, like : Intercultural Parental Upbringing, Effective bi/multi- cultural &/or bi/multi- lingual upbringing, Issues stemming from bi/multi-lingual and/or bi/multi-cultural upbringing, Divorce or separation issues of an intercultural or ‘mixed’ couple etc. Many people seek counseling with Dr Karastergiou for her ability to speak Greek, English & French combined with her life experiences in different countries. She travels around the world offering sessions as well as organising workshops, retreats & seminars. Experiencing different cultures has been an important part of her life path, since she has been given many opportunities throughout her life to travel and dialogue with people in many places across the globe. Many individuals living in multi-cultural situations have commented that they feel understood by Dr Karastergiou because of her direct intercultural experiences.