Papers by marheny lukitasari
Ketika teknologi bergerak dengan cepat, penggunaan e-portofolio menjadi satu solusi yang dapat di... more Ketika teknologi bergerak dengan cepat, penggunaan e-portofolio menjadi satu solusi yang dapat diterapkan beriringan dengan proses pembelajaran untuk membantu dosen dan mahasiswa. Dalam penerapannya sebagai asesmen alternatif e-portofolio memberikan banyak dampak positif dan manfaat. Artikel ini menggambarkan potensi e-portofolio yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai asesmen autentik dengan memperhatikan seluruh proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan. Meskipun demikian, dalam penerapannya masih terdapat hambatan yang perlu diperhatikan terkait sarana prasarana pendukung, personil yang menjalankan serta motivasi pengguna.

In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities , 2018
The purpose of this research is to describe the development of learning task based on students' r... more The purpose of this research is to describe the development of learning task based on students' response in lesson study activity. The arrangement of lesson plan as the steps of lesson study needs creativity and brainstorming through learning community. This research is implemented in Cell Biology course with four times lesson study activities. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Observations, interviews and student responses to the learning task are treated as feedbacks that describe the quality of it that have been compiled in the lesson plan. There are four finding in this study i.e. 1)variation of learning task more diverse, 2)students learning community was formed through discussion activities,3) the average time spent by students in completing the learning task are varied 4) students achieve better understanding in regard of material. We conclude that student response can be used as consideration in developing and improving the quality of learning task.
Papers by marheny lukitasari