Papers by margaretha Purwanti

Journal of Psychological Science and Profession
Pandemi Covid-19 tahun 2020—2022 memberikan banyak dampak pada sektor pendidikan, salah satunya a... more Pandemi Covid-19 tahun 2020—2022 memberikan banyak dampak pada sektor pendidikan, salah satunya adalah mengubah metode pembelajaran menjadi metode pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). Setelah kurang lebih setahun berjalan sejak awal masa pandemi yaitu pada tahun 2021), implementasi PJJ ternyata banyak menimbulkan dampak negatif sehingga pemerintah mengubahnya menjadi pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas (PTM-T). Salah satu faktor terpenting dalam implementasi perubahan adalah mempersiapkan guru sebagai penggerak dalam pembelajaran, terlebih pada guru sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran readiness for change guru sekolah dasar di Jabodetabek terkait perubahan dari PJJ ke PTM-T pada tahun 2022. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mixed methods. Data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui kuesioner readiness for change (RFC) yang dianalisis menggunakan teknik statistik Kruskal-Wallis untuk uji beda dimensi RFC, dan Mann-Whitney untuk menganalisis data demog...

Provitae: Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan, 2018
Ease of accessing information through internet causes primary school-age children to be vulnerabl... more Ease of accessing information through internet causes primary school-age children to be vulnerable to exposure to matters related to sexuality and pornography. The limitations of parents and teachers in providing sexuality education leads to premature sexual behavior in primary school students. This study aims to explain the description of knowledge about sexuality in the students of grade IV-VI in SD N, which has a Buddhist background. Buddhism itself does not view sexuality as a wrong thing, but it takes awareness and self-control in dealing with it. Quantitative methods were carried out with a questionnaire involving 188 students. Furthermore, the qualitative method was conducted with group interviews of 12 students representatives. The results obtained are the majority of students in grade IV-VI in elementary school still have knowledge of sexuality in the low category. Differences in the level of knowledge appear to be influenced by the source of information obtained. Therefore...

Manasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, Jul 4, 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had quite a significant impact on many aspects of human soc... more The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had quite a significant impact on many aspects of human society, including a students' learning experiences. As of March 2020, in lieu of recent policies to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, all institutions in Indonesia have been required to do distance learning, including universities. This sudden change could possibly have an impact on the learning process on a student's learning. Seeing as most universities use E-Learning as the preferred method of distance learning, this study aims to study the readiness of students to participate in E-Learning. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method to analyse the E-Learning Readiness (ELR) of Faculty of Psychology students from Unika Atma Jaya from batches 2018-2021. This study involves 180 participants aged 17-24. Analysis shows that generally students are ready to

Manasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, Jan 25, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic requires social distancing, with one of the actions by shifting from faceto... more The COVID-19 pandemic requires social distancing, with one of the actions by shifting from faceto-face to online learning. Changes in learning affect students' learning motivation, in this study is middle adolescence students. Every parent has expectations for their child. Students' perceptions of their parents' expectations are thought to be related to students' learning motivation. This study aimed to see the relationship between perception of parental expectations and learning motivation in middle adolescence in Jabodetabek during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher adapted the Perception of Parental Expectations Inventory (PPE) measurement tool by Sasikala and Karunanidhi (2011) and developed a learning motivation measurement tool based on motivational characteristics according to Sardiman (2016). The population in this study was middle adolescent aged 15 to 18 years who were active students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Jabodetabek. The sampling technique is convenience sampling. The research method used is quantitative with the Pearson correlation test. Participants in this study were 153 people. The results of the correlation test showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between perception of parental expectations and learning motivation in middle adolescence in Jabodetabek during the COVID-19 pandemic (r = 0.427, n = 153, p < 0.05, one-tailed). That is, the higher the middle adolescents' perception of their parents' expectations, the higher their learning motivation. The lower the middle adolescents' perceptions of their parents' expectations, the lower their learning motivation. Further research can add learning achievement variable, as well as differentiate information related to the participants' parents.

Humanitas, Aug 1, 2022
Preschool teachers are one of the high-risk professions to experience burnout because of job dema... more Preschool teachers are one of the high-risk professions to experience burnout because of job demands. The teachers' job demands increased during COVID-19, resulting in an increased risk of preschool teachers' burnout. This study aimed to examine social support from colleague as predictor for preschool teachers' burnout during pandemic COVID-19. The method used is quantitative and 121 preschools' teacher from 7 provinces in Indonesia were recruited based on snowball sampling. There are two instruments in this research, the social support from colleague questionnaire and burnout questionnaire. All of the instruments are valid with the score 0.555-0.862 for social support from colleague questionnaire and 0.429-0.804 for burnout questionnaire. Reliability test with Alpha Cronbach indicate that all the instruments are reliable and the score are 0.964 and 0.973. The study result indicates that the contribution of social support in influencing burnout is 32,4%. This result is in line with previous study, however the influence of social support decreases from 58% to 32,4% because of pandemic COVID-19. During pandemic, the teachers work from of home most of the time and face-to-face interaction reduce to prevent spread of the virus. So, there is difficult to get social support from colleague. In the future, follow-up studies can gather more participants from all provinces in Indonesia and involve other factors which can affect the preschool teachers' burnout.

Journal of Psychological Science and Profession
Career decision making self-efficacy penting bagi mahasiswa agar mereka dapat melalui proses tran... more Career decision making self-efficacy penting bagi mahasiswa agar mereka dapat melalui proses transisi dan pembentukan identitas karier dengan efektif. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi career decision making selfefficacy yaitu persuasi dari orang lain yang dapat diterima dalam bentuk dukungan sosial. Dukungan sosial ini dapat diterima dari berbagai sumber yang berbeda seperti orang tua, teman sebaya ataupun significant others. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana peranan dukungan sosial dari orang tua, teman sebaya dan significant others terhadap career decision making self-efficacy mahasiswa pada masa pandemi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan prediction research design dan melibatkan 222 mahasiswa S1 dengan teknik non-probability convenience sampling. Partisipan mengisi skala CDMSE-SF dan skala dukungan sosial yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Data penelitian kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa du...

Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 2021
These days, regular students' behaviours still reflect a low acceptance of students with special ... more These days, regular students' behaviours still reflect a low acceptance of students with special educational needs (SEN). Previous studies have revealed that the crucial factors to examine are regular students' knowledge about disabilities and attitudes. This study aims to determine the extent to which these two factors contribute to their acceptance of SEN. This quantitative research was conducted on 1248 participants from 14 public junior high schools in DKI Jakarta. Multiple linear regression analysis was run to determine peer acceptance from knowledge about disabilities and attitude. These variables statistically significantly contributed to peer acceptance, F(2, 1245) = 612.951, p < .05, R 2 = .496. Both variables added statistically significantly to peer acceptance, p < .05. While both knowledge and attitude matter in peer acceptance towards SEN, implications for practice should also involve developing an intervention program that not only focuses on knowledge only, but also targeting positive changes in attitudes.

MANASA, 2021
This study aimed to see the relationships between quality of life and learning motivation of high... more This study aimed to see the relationships between quality of life and learning motivation of high school students in Jakarta during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic had a significant impact on society in Indonesia, including middle adolescence who are generally high school students. During the pandemic, several rules were put in place to break the chain of transmission of the coronavirus. Conditions that tend to be difficult to predict and dynamic during a pandemic were suspected to affect the quality of life and individual learning motivation. This study uses a quantitative approach with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The questionnaires used were the World Health Organization Quality of Life – BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Analysis of relationships between quality of life (QoL) and learning motivation by testing the correlation between aspects and components in the two variables. Participants in this study were hig...

Jurnal Muara Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora, dan Seni, 2021
Referring to the form of learning at the HSKS Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) which pro... more Referring to the form of learning at the HSKS Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) which provides opportunities for ABK to study together with regular students in regular classes (communities), it can be said that the system applied is based on the principle of inclusive education. The problem that occurs is that the tutors who teach community classes in HSKS do not have adequate understanding and handling skills so that learning activities for students become less optimal. Therefore, a training program was prepared by researchers with the aim of improving the understanding and skills of tutors in handling ABK in PKBM HSKS which is equipped with booklets to make it easier for tutors to access information. The research design used is interventional research. Data retrieval method with interviews and questionnaires to community tutors at elementary, junior high and high school level. Analyze the data using the problem tree method. Interventions are in the form of training to comm...

The present study compares five major sub-ethnicities in Indonesia: Java, Betawi, Sunda, Batak, a... more The present study compares five major sub-ethnicities in Indonesia: Java, Betawi, Sunda, Batak, and Minang on educational aspiration, attributions, and motivational goals. A total of 726 high school students participated in this study. Educational aspiration has three dimensions: ambition (α = .655), enjoyment of school life (α = .559), and importance of school to the future (α = .845). Attributions had three dimensions: locus of control-personal control (α = .772), stability (α = .771), and external control (α = .707). The motivational goals had three dimensions: learning goals (α = .907), performance approach goal (α = .631), and performance avoidance goals (α = .541). There were found statistically significant differences (p < .01) based on ethnicity on ambition, F(4, 723) = 11.31, and importance of school, F(4, 723) = 9.88, dimensions from the educational aspiration; on all the attribution dimensions: locus of control-personal control, F(4, 723) = 9.43; stability, F(4, 723) =...

Prosiding SENAPENMAS, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically reduced direct interactions between teachers and students duri... more The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically reduced direct interactions between teachers and students during learning hours. As a consequence, teachers struggle to gauge the student’s ability and cannot fully understand the learning situation at home for each student, especially adolescents. This was experienced by PKBM X who since the pandemic has had profound trouble to reach out to their students. PKBM X is a non-formal high school that upholds the values of equality and democracy, and teachers bear a role to understand the condition of each student and try to help whenever necessary. However, according to interviews, some teachers are unsure about how to establish a relationship with students, especially in this time of pandemic. There are also teachers who are too involved emotionally with the student’s problems, to a point where they feel emotionally burdened. Utilizing the problem tree analysis, it is concluded that the relationship between teachers and students isn’t optimal. To that...

The study explored students’ aspiration, attribution, and motivational goals based on one ethnic ... more The study explored students’ aspiration, attribution, and motivational goals based on one ethnic group, Minangkabau. A total of 136 high school students from Minang ethnicity participated for the study. Students’ aspiration had three dimensions subscales: ambition, enjoyment of school life, and importance of school to the future. Attribution had three dimensions in the study: locus of control-personal control, stability, and external control. Students’ motivational goals had three dimensions: learning goals, performance approach goals and performance avoidance goals. The analyses show that importance of school aspiration and external control attribution predicted students’ learning goal. The present study gives an important view on how ethnicity should be considered in the study of students’ aspiration, attribution, and motivational goals, especially when one studies such variables in a multiethnic society.

Prosiding SENAPENMAS, 2021
As educators, teachers don’t only play a role in teaching, but also are required to be able to en... more As educators, teachers don’t only play a role in teaching, but also are required to be able to encourage students. One of the teacher's roles according to the “Among” system proposed by Ki Hajar Dewantara is that the teacher needs to be in the midst of the students. One of the schools that implements the Among system is a non-formal high school X. This school formulates the role as teachers need to understand the students. However, in practice, many teachers feel confused in carrying out this role, especially when they have to listen to student’s stories. In addition, the Covid-19 situation increases the need for students to share stories with teachers. Therefore, a needs assessment to identify the teacher's listening skills was carried out so that the intervention could be implemented. Needs assessment is carried out using interview, observation, and document study techniques which are then analyzed using a problem tree. Interventions in the form of active listening online ...

MANASA, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan memberi deskripsi mengenai pengetahuan guru tentang reciprocalteaching (... more Penelitian ini bertujuan memberi deskripsi mengenai pengetahuan guru tentang reciprocalteaching (RT) untuk meningkatkan pemahaman bacaan siswa sekolah dasar (SD). Pengetahuantentang RT mencakup strategi pemahaman bacaan serta scaffolding. Metode yang digunakanadalah kualitatif (wawancara) dan kuantitatif (kuesioner). Partisipan penelitian adalah 26 guruwali kelas dan bidang studi serta dua orang karyawan perpustakaan yang sebagian besarberjenis kelamin perempuan (71.43%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru belummemiliki pengetahuan tentang RT secara keseluruhan, namun sudah mengetahui beberapastrategi yang digunakan dalam RT. Pada penerapan di kelas, guru sudah mendorong siswauntuk menggunakan beberapa strategi walaupun bukan dalam konteks RT. Uji korelasiPearson menunjukkan pengetahuan tentang scaffolding tidak berhubungan signifikan denganpelaksanaan di kelas. Pengetahuan guru tentang scaffolding belum memadai tetapi penerapandi kelas sudah cukup memadai. Hasil penelitian ini...

MANASA, 2020
A descriptive study aimed in describing the career maturity of the 10th-grade students at one pri... more A descriptive study aimed in describing the career maturity of the 10th-grade students at one private high school in Jakarta. The study participants were 49 people consisting of 29 male students and 20 female students. The age range of participants is 15-16 years old. Participants in this study still have difficulty planning their studies and future careers. These conditions indicate students have not reached career maturity by the stage of career development. Having a career maturity is one of the essential for students with regards to planning their further study and future career. This study used the Modified Indonesian version of the Career Maturity Inventory (hereinafter referred to as CMI) and group interviews. The CMI measured the dimensions of consistency, realistic career choice, competence in making careers decision, and attitudes on making a career decision. Based on the quantitative data processing shows that 28.9% of 10thgrade students have a high level of maturity. How...

Provitae: Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan, 2019
This study aims to investigate the regular students’ empathy to special needs students in inclusi... more This study aims to investigate the regular students’ empathy to special needs students in inclusion senior high school. Special needs children are children who are significantly different in important dimensions of their human function or have disabilities. While disability itself is interpreted as the inability to do something like other people do. The method in this study was explanatory sequential method design, used Interpersonal Reactivity Index measuring instrument (IRI). IRI is a test tool to measure one’s empathy which consists of 28 personal reflection points, where each item covers specific aspects of empathy. Data retrieval was depended by two interviewee group. Research participants comprised 496 regular students grade X, XI, and XII SMA X in East Jakarta area. The research finding showed that 75 participants (15.1%) had empathy in low category, 339 participants (68.35%) were in the moderate category, and 82 participants (16.5%) had a high level of empathy. Most of the p...

Provitae: Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan, 2020
Continuous and uncontrolled internet usage in adolescents can lead to dependency on the internet ... more Continuous and uncontrolled internet usage in adolescents can lead to dependency on the internet or problematic internet use (PIU). To minimize this, parental mediation is needed to encourage teenagers to use internet wisely. This study aimed to determine the five types of parental mediation (restrictive mediation, active mediation of internet safety, active mediation of internet use, technical mediation, monitoring) contribution together towards the tendency of PIU in adolescents. This is a correlational-quantitative research using parental mediation and PIU scale. The participants were 214 adolescents of class VII-IX at SFX Junior High School who were selected by purposive sampling method. Around 71.97% of adolescents have a tendency to PIU classified as average-problem group. They use the internet to finding entertainment, opening social media, and chatting for 4-6 hours per day. The use of mediation strategies by parents in adolescents still varies, most adolescents perceive par...

Provitae: Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan, 2018
The exposure to matters related to sexuality and pornography makes sexuality education for elemen... more The exposure to matters related to sexuality and pornography makes sexuality education for elementary students an important thing to do. The goals are to equip and empower young people with the information, skills and positive values, and to make young people understand and responsible for their sexuality health and wellbeing. Cases relating to the issue of sexuality have begun to appear in students of grade 4-6 at SD N, but teachers appear not to have fully applied sexuality education to their students. This study aims to get an idea about teacher’s intention, included teacher’s attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control in teaching sexuality to grade 4-6 students. The research design used in this study is mixed-method design. The number of participants of this study are 20 people (50% male and 50% female) with age range from 24 years old to 42 years old. The results showed that the majority of teachers (55%) have moderate intention, high attitude tow...

Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 2020
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku yang berperan terhadap obesitas pada perem... more Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku yang berperan terhadap obesitas pada perempuan dewasa muda, menurut Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1975) dan teori Self-Efficacy (Bandura, 1986). Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif terhadap tiga perempuan dewasa muda (27-31 tahun) yang berdomisili di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun tiap partisipan memiliki latar belakang berbeda yang membentuk kondisi obesitas, terdapat kesamaan dalam aspek-aspek yang mendasari perilaku. Pada aspek attitude, partisipan menganggap makan sebagai cara menghadapi kondisi stres. Pada aspek subjective norms, partisipan merasakan dukungan dari orang terdekat, namun tidak ditunjukkan melalui tindakan nyata. Faktor mood yang negatif dan pengetahuan minimal akan perilaku sehat pada setiap partisipan juga memengaruhi keyakinan diri (self-efficacy) dalam berperilaku. Faktor biologis dan lingkungan cukup berperan terhadap pembentukan kondisi obesitas. Hasil studi ini merekomendasikan rancangan intervensi yang berfokus pada attitude, subjective norms, dan self-efficacy dari perilaku yang berperan terhadap kondisi obesitas.
Papers by margaretha Purwanti