Papers by mala murianingrum

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA
Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne spp.) pada tanaman kenaf dikenal sebagai salah satu organisme pen... more Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne spp.) pada tanaman kenaf dikenal sebagai salah satu organisme pengganggu tanaman yang merugikan. Infeksi NPA pada akar menyebabkan tanaman tumbuh kerdil dan potensi produksi menurun. Pewarisan sifat ketahanan kenaf terhadap NPA M. incognita dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan enam populasi (P1, P2, F1, F2 BC1P1 dan BC1P2). Genotip (Kenafindo Agribun 2 = Kin2) yang memiliki ketahanan sangat rentan terhadap NPA M. incognita digunakan sebagai tetua betina dan genotip (Karangploso 15= KR15) yang toleran sebagai tetua jantan. Sifat ketahanan kenaf terhadap NPA M. incognita didasarkan pada variabel jumlah puru, faktor reproduksi, jumlah juvenil instar 2, jumlah massa telur dan jumlah telur per massa telur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ketahanan kenaf terhadap NPA M. incognita menunjukkan tidak dipengaruhi oleh tetua betina. Jumlah gen ketahanan dikendalikan oleh satu gen. arakter ketahanan kenaf terhadap NPA M. incognita dikendalikan oleh gen...
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018

Studies on the characters of ramie fiber and its potency to substitute synthetic fibers and<br... more Studies on the characters of ramie fiber and its potency to substitute synthetic fibers and<br> other natural fibers, such as cotton, in both textile and non-textile industries have been intensively<br> carried out, both in the form of reviews and research articles. In these studies, the results showed that<br> ramie fiber with all its characteristics is very potential both as a substitute and as composite material<br> in textile and non-textile industries. However, until now the development of ramie fiber in Indonesia<br> has not in good trend. Moreover, the trend continues to decline, based on the number of the area of<br> ramie plantation. The limited use of superior rami variety is one of other factors that caused the low<br> and various fiber quality produced by farmers. Balittas has released one superior ramie variety, i.e.,<br> Ramindo 1 in 2007. This variety has potential productivity of 2-2.7 tons of fiber/ha/year, fiber lengt...

Abstrak Biomassa lignosellulosa memiliki potensi sebagai material penghasil bahan kimia dan bioma... more Abstrak Biomassa lignosellulosa memiliki potensi sebagai material penghasil bahan kimia dan biomaterial. Lignin adalah polimer alami yang ketersediaannya paling melimpah kedua setelah selulosa. Lignin merupakan biopolimer berbasis fenol dan memiliki kandungan karbon lebih tinggi daripada oksigen yaitu dengan ratio 2:1 sehingga kandungan energinya lebih besar daripada selulosa. Hal ini menjadikan lignin sebagai bahan baku untuk memproduksi bahan bakar dan senyawa aromatik seperti fenol, benzene, toluene, xilen, karbon fiber, karbon aktif dan material komposit lainnya. Bahan-bahan tersebut digunakan secara berkelanjutan dalam suatu produksi, sebagai sumber energi, katalis dan untuk mengatasi polusi lingkungan atau kontaminasi. Tersedia berbagai sumber lignin, termasuk tanaman serat seperti agave, kenaf dan rami. Sifat fisik dan sifat kimia lignin akan berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya tergantung dari asal sumbernya dan metode ekstraksi yang digunakan. Keberhasilan dalam mencapai tu...

Jurnal Agrotek Tropika, 2020
Magetan tobacco is one type of tobacco that has an important role in the kretek cigarette industr... more Magetan tobacco is one type of tobacco that has an important role in the kretek cigarette industry in Indonesia. Some tobacco varieties have been widely cultivated in the Magetan Regency, but the level of plant heterogeneity is quite high. The purpose of this study was to assess the yield, stability and adaptability of varieties that developed in Magetan Regency. The research material consists of 7 tobacco varieties, namely Rejeb 1, Rejeb 2, Rejeb 3, Rejeb 4, Rejeb 5, Rejeb 6, and Rejeb 7. Each variety was planted in a 12 m x 4.50 m plot with a spacing of 60 cm x 90 cm (100 plants / plot). This study used a randomized block design with three replications. The stability of the results was analyzed by the Eberhart and Russell methods. The results showed that Rejeb 4 cultivar gave the highest and stable yield of 598.89 kg / ha, higher than all cultivars tested. This is in line with the quality index and plant index values, where the Rejeb 4 variety gave the highest value in five test l...

Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science), Feb 13, 2019
Progeny identification is the important step that should be done after hybridization. However, po... more Progeny identification is the important step that should be done after hybridization. However, polyploidy, aneuploidy and the high chromosome segregation in sugarcane which results various phenotypic characteristics variation and environmental effects become limiting factors to identify the progenies based on morphological characteristic. Microsatellite as one of molecular marker which has codominance inheritance, multiallelic, abundant in the genome and does not influenced by environmental factor is the best tool to asses the crossing fidelity accurately. This research aimed to identify the possibility of genetic marker of Saccharum spp. and Erianthus sp. on their hybrid using microsatellite molecular marker. This study was carried out in Molecular Genetic laboratory, Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute (ISFCRI) Malang, from August 2016 to July 2017. Eighty-six (86) F1 intraspecific and interspecific progeny, three commercial sugarcane varieties (PSJT941, PS881 and VMC7616) and two wild types (S. spontaneum dan Erianthus sp.) were assessed genetically by three microsatellite markers. Identification of microsatellite genetic markers was conducted by comparing the visualization band results from electrophoresis of each male and female parent through their progenies. All primers could identify Saccharum spp. and Erianthus sp. genetic markers. There were one to eleven Saccharum spp. and Erianthus sp. genetic markers could be identified such as 2-11 PS881-specific alleles; 2-3 VMC7616-specific alleles; 1-5 PSJT941-specific alleles; two S. spontaneum-specific alleles and 1-2 Erianthus-specific alleles. These findings could be used as the advance genetic marker of microsatellite in sugarcane breeding to asses the cross fidelity.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Stability and adaptability analysis is a very important tool for breeders to find out the potenti... more Stability and adaptability analysis is a very important tool for breeders to find out the potentiality of a genotype in various environments. Twenty kenaf genotypes were evaluated in 6 locations, namely Asembagus (Situbondo Regency), Muktiharjo (Pati Regency), Sumberrejo (Bojonegoro Regency), Laren (Lamongan Regency), Wanareja (Cilacap Regency), and Sukolilo (Pati Regency). For Asembagus, Muktiharjo, and Sumberrejo testing was carried out in 2013 for 2 seasons, namely longday and shortday period, while testing in Laren, Wanareja, and Sukolilo carried out in 2014 for one season on a longday period. The study is to determine the effect of the environment on the fiber yield of kenaf genotypes and their adaptation in various environments. The results of variance analysis showed that genotypes, environment, and genotype by environment interactions had a very significant effect on the fiber yield of kenaf. The average fiber yield of kenaf ranges from 0.846 to 3.758 tons per ha. Regression coefficients and mean square of deviation from regressions differ from each other indicating that there are variations in stability and adaptability between genotypes tested.
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri, 2016

More than 40% of the potential gap of varieties of sugarcane with actual results in the field is ... more More than 40% of the potential gap of varieties of sugarcane with actual results in the field is one of the causes of sugar self-sufficiency in Indonesia which has not been reached. The limited knowledge about the responsiveness of early maturity sugarcane varieties to ferlization is one of the factors causing the large gap. The study aims to determine the responsiveness of new superior early maturity sugarcane varieties conducted in Janti Village, Kediri during July 2018 – August 2019. The study was arranged in a split plot design and repeated 3 times. The main plot consists of 5 fertilizing doses (0.9; 1.0; 1.1; 1.2, and 1.3 times the recommended dose). The subplots consists of 6 new varieties of early maturity sugarcane (MLG 5, MLG 9, MLG 14, PSMLG 2, PSMLG 1, and PS 881). Regression analysis is used to determine the form of response. The optimum dose was determined using the first derivative for closed quadratic equations and was determined > 1.3 times for positive linear eq...
Papers by mala murianingrum