Papers by Maira C Paba Medina
The DidacTIC project emerges as a proposal in the face of high levels of desertion in virtual edu... more The DidacTIC project emerges as a proposal in the face of high levels of desertion in virtual education, and the latent need to develop citizen competencies in the Colombian context. It consists in the joint development of a platform developed as KMS that will extract information from the LMS and a motivational didactics tool based on gamification principles, designed to reinforce the teaching and learning process in the subject of citizen competencies. This document evidences the methodology applied to the design of the gamified tool.

Panorama, 2020
Las competencias ciudadanas son fundamentales para construir convivencia, promover el desarrollo ... more Las competencias ciudadanas son fundamentales para construir convivencia, promover el desarrollo sostenible y, en general, para formar buenos ciudadanos. Sin embargo, en Colombia, de acuerdo con los resultados de las Pruebas Saber, el desarrollo de estas competencias es aún deficiente, y el problema es especialmente agudo en la educación virtual, pues los estudiantes pierden más fácilmente su motivación para aprender. Una herramienta gamificada que permita incrementar tales niveles motivacionales, al tiempo que enseñe sobre competencias ciudadanas, es una solución propuesta por un equipo de investigadores colombianos. En este documento se presenta un ejercicio de priorización que permitió al equipo de proyecto seleccionar, usando un método formal de priorización, aquellas competencias prioritarias para ser gamificadas. El método usado implicó el diseño de instrumentos de recolección de información, la consulta a expertos mediante el método Delphi, la realización de grupos focales, e...

Gamification in the educational field: A bibliometric analysis, 2020
Gamification is understood as the incorporation of playful elements in contexts that are not recr... more Gamification is understood as the incorporation of playful elements in contexts that are not recreational, to increase concentration and commitment, in order to increase the motivation to perform tasks that a priori may seem unattractive. Given its relevance, this article presents a bibliometric analysis of the progress made by the use of gamified tools in the educational field. For the development of this research, a search of literature was conducted in Scopus and Web of Science. The results of this exercise were analyzed using Software Vantage Point, in terms of the type of documents, productivity, lexical analysis, and research areas. The findings of this study indicate that gamification is an increasingly relevant subject supported by different scientific research. It is a field that can be applied in various educational contexts and that can generate multiple benefits such as increased motivation and engagement.
Papers by Maira C Paba Medina