Papers by mohd shahril ahmad razimi
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) has been one of the controversial businesses in this modern business.... more Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) has been one of the controversial businesses in this modern business. It is because there are some of MLM’s activities that give the bad impact to the practitioners due to the hidden strategy from the top management in this business.The real purpose from this business activities is to generate income especially for an individual which it can help them to add an extra income so that they can improve their standards of living
JRAK (Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Bisnis), Feb 8, 2021
Although qualitative research becomes more widely accepted, however, its role in management studi... more Although qualitative research becomes more widely accepted, however, its role in management studies is still underrepresented. This is because qualitative research requires an understanding of philosophy, terminology and theories which often presents conflicting perspectives. However, it should be noted that various qualitative research approaches started with generic qualitative research, which was considered easier to implement. Therefore, this article is aimed to provide insight into generic qualitative research and explain how to do it.

International Journal of Islamic Business
Perkhidmatan pembiayaan perdagangan antarabangsa mula diperkenalkan dalam sistem perbankan Islam ... more Perkhidmatan pembiayaan perdagangan antarabangsa mula diperkenalkan dalam sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia pada awal 1990an apabila terdapat keperluan terhadap instrumen-instrumen Islam dalam bentuk perdagangan terutamanya di peringkat antarabangsa. Kebanyakan instrumen-instrumen pembiayaan perdagangan adalah berasaskan instrumen konvensional seperti surat jaminan bank (BG), surat kredit(LC), bil penerimaan(AB), jaminan perkapalan(SG), pembiayaan semula kredit eksport (ECR dan lain-lain. Untuk membolehkannya diterima oleh perbankan Islam, maka beberapa pengubahsuaian dilakukan supaya selaras dengan kehendak syariah seperti mengaplikasikan kontrak-kontrak muamalat Islam dalam produk-produk tersebut . Kontrak-kontrak muamalat yang banyak digunakan dalam produk-produk pembiayaan perdagangan antarabangsa Islam ialah murabahah, bai’ al-dayn, kafalah dan wakalah. Kertas kerja ini menganalisis pengurusan pembiayaan perdagangan antarabangsa secara Islam yang dilaksanakan oleh bank-bank ...
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021
This paper attempts to discuss the concept of dimension in Islamic's Contemporary management prin... more This paper attempts to discuss the concept of dimension in Islamic's Contemporary management principles. Based on library research, a few Islamic's Contemporary Management principles are proposed, such as taktit (planning), tanfiz (execution and delegating), taskhir (articulation and creativity), Qiyadah (leading) and tazkiyyah (Purification). In short, this paper is perhaps the first that discusses in detail about contemporary management from the Islamic perspective. Hence, the findings of this study could assist managers, administrators, or leaders on how to discover and understand new dimensions of contemporary management from Islamic.

Purpose : Over the years, Islamic investment witnessed an exponential growth in the major interna... more Purpose : Over the years, Islamic investment witnessed an exponential growth in the major international market places attracting an increasing number of investors from different background. Hence, to sustain the development of Islamic investment, Islamic financial service providers require more insights towards the factors motivating Islamic financial consumers. However, little work has been done to understand what influence Islamic individual investment decision. The aim of this investigation is to give an extensive overview of the influence of two potential motives (psychological factors and financial factors) toward investing in product offered by Islamic financial institutions and Islamic financial markets. Design/methodology/approach: In accordance with the investigation objective, the author will critically survey the existing literatures that have been published in relation to Islamic investment behavior as of December 2016. The scope review will include articles from various...

A mail survey has been widely known by many scholars and is very important in data collection; ho... more A mail survey has been widely known by many scholars and is very important in data collection; however, it has a real disadvantage of its lower response rate. This is possibly due to incomplete comprehension on how this mail survey can be made to work effectively. Therefore, this study aims to provide comprehensive strategies that should be conducted to improve response rates. Meeting this aim, this study reviewed studies focusing on strategies to prepare a mail survey to increase its response rate. Based on an extensive research in the Google Scholar, the authors found articles considered appropriate to be included in this synthesis. Two strategies were found to improve response rate using a mail survey: designing questionnaire and practical strategies. Designing questionnaire strategy has prominent factors in the beginning steps before sending a questionnaire. The latter is a critical step to get respondents feel that they like to fill a questionnaire. This study contributes to ac...

Kertas ini adalah untuk menjelaskan tentang kaedah pemulihan mangsa penyalahgunaan dadah, masalah... more Kertas ini adalah untuk menjelaskan tentang kaedah pemulihan mangsa penyalahgunaan dadah, masalah sosial remaja, serta mereka yang mengalami tidak ketenteraman jiwa untuk kembali ke jalan yang benar menurut perintah Allah oleh PRI(1)M.Kajian kes ini dilakukan dengan mengadakan beberapa kali lawatan sambil memerhati keadaan setempat dan mengadakan temuduga dengan pihak pengurusan PRI(1)M. Didapati pihak PRI(1)M mengaggap peserta yang memasuki pusat ini sebagai anak bina yang sakit.Mereka diubati dengan penuh perhatian dan kasih sayang.Setiap mereka akan menjalani tiga kaedah rawatan utama iaitu mandi, solat dan zikir. Kaedah ini menekankan konsep pembinaan serta bimbingan rohani dan jasmani.Sehingga kini PRI(1)M telah melatih lebih daripada 7000 remaja yang bermasaalah dan sekitar 70% dengan izin Allah telah berjaya dipulihkan.Kapasiti PRI(1)M adalah sebanyak 80 peserta pada satu-satu masa. Walaupun PRI(1)M berhadapan dengan masalah kewangan, pihak PRI(1)M berkemampuan untuk membentu...
Problems and perspectives in management, 2017
This study aims to investigate the effect of non-financial (NF) performance measures on individua... more This study aims to investigate the effect of non-financial (NF) performance measures on individual performance through innovation in an organization listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Analyzing with SmartPLS the usable data from a survey, the authors show that NF performance measures have a positive effect, fully mediated by innovation, on individual performance. It follows that to use NF indicators could enhance innovativeness and lead to the improvement of managerial performance. In other words, managers should take note of NF performance measures to enhance innovation that can lead to improved individual performance.

Faraid is based on the Al-Quran, Al-Sunnah, the consensus of the Prophet’s (Peace and Blessings B... more Faraid is based on the Al-Quran, Al-Sunnah, the consensus of the Prophet’s (Peace and Blessings Be upon Him) companions and their ijtihad the process of making a legal decision by independent interpretation of the legal sources, the Al-Quran and the Sunnah. The interest of pursue knowledge in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence since to learn and understand the Islamic inheritance jurisprudence, to identify whether a person is an heir or heirs. Identify parts or shares each beneficiary is entitled to the estate and the calculation (computation) which may serve to reward any part or beneficiaries through the method of calculation ( mathematics). Although, faraid role in managing distribution of the estate but the distribution of wealth in this way can lead to certain problems if not administered properly and not properly understood. It is estimated that a total of RM42 bln. of Muslim inheritance has failed to be distributed to the rightful heir due to a certain problems. Among the fact...

European Journal of Business and Management, 2018
Counterproductive work behaviour is a negative concept that often harms the organization. Employe... more Counterproductive work behaviour is a negative concept that often harms the organization. Employers are worried about the growing issue of counterproductive work behaviour among employees. In minimizing this behaviour, this study examined personality and group norm as possible factors that could help to reduce counterproductive work behaviour among university employees. Multistage and systematic random sampling techniques were adopted to select 375 participants for the study. Personality Inventory Questionnaire (PIQ), Group Norms Questionnaire (GNQ) and Counterproductive Work Behaviour Questionnaire (CWBQ) were used to collect relevant data for the study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to screen the data and perform the descriptive analysis while Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) was used to do the inferential analysis. Findings revealed that employees with high personality factors (agreeableness, consciousness, extraversion and openness) will not engage in cou...
Perkhidmatan pembiayaan perdagangan antarabangsa mula diperkenalkan dalam sistem perbankan Islam ... more Perkhidmatan pembiayaan perdagangan antarabangsa mula diperkenalkan dalam sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia pada awal 1990an apabila terdapat keperluan terhadap instrumen-instrumen Islam dalam bentuk perdagangan terutamanya di peringkat antarabangsa.Surat Kredit-i merupakan salah satu metod pembayaran yang diamalkan dalam perdagangan antarabangsa. Surat kredit-i murabahah merupakan antara metod utama yang diamalkan oleh sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia.Antara isu syariah yang seringkali dibangkitkan ketika perlaksanaan surat kredit ini adalah berkaitan pemilikan barangan (al-qabd). Kertas kerja ini mengupas dan menganalisis tentang konsep al-qabd, pandangan fuqaha silam dan kontemporari serta isu-isu syariah yang berbangkit khususnya ketika perlaksanaan surat kredit-i murabahah dalam transaksi perdagangan antarabangsa Islam.
Banking play important role in world economic. Malaysia banking product and services grow tremend... more Banking play important role in world economic. Malaysia banking product and services grow tremendous for the past few years. There is many product and services type offered by bank. Beside conventional banking, Islamic banking offered an alternative way to customers. According to Department of Statistic Malaysia, Muslim percentage in Malaysia were about 60.4% from 29.8 million populations in Malaysia. However, the demand on Islamic banking product and services is still far behind the conventional banking. This study will investigate the acceptance toward Islamic banking product and services in Malaysia. The research methodology will be base on secondary data from previous research and new data will be collected based on quantitative study.In the conclusions, This paper will give some recommendations on how to improved acceptance toward Islamic Banking in Malaysia.

In the 20th, fundamental Islamic business witnessed resurgence practices around the world from th... more In the 20th, fundamental Islamic business witnessed resurgence practices around the world from the observation. However, the fact that business capitalism under unbridled and cannot be denied that Muslim world remains far from the Islamic ideal.Widening rapidly the gap between the reality and the ideal and the well being of the masses has become a threat also to the stability and very peace of Muslim societies.This case study is to describe business entity based on Sharia compliance.Business characteristics and the concept of business will present as a basic understanding. Sharia compliance will be explores in form of business management model.Five aspects of business entity will be proposed a model of business in Sharia compliance on this study; the function of management, the process of business, corporate culture, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility that will be implemented by As-Sofa Islamic college.

Gold investment is one of the great investment because of the value of gold in the society goes m... more Gold investment is one of the great investment because of the value of gold in the society goes more than just economic, as it is also treasured as a storage and display of greed and culture. Gold actually is a precious metal which serves as together financial and real assets. In Malaysia, a country as practices of a dual financial system, gold investment has to face the issues of Shariah compliance.The gold investment in Malaysia, there are two different ways offers for the investors to invest which is physical gold and gold account “paper gold”.For physical gold, investor can hold their gold investment in the physical form.For instance, gold coins, gold bar and jewelry.For gold account, it is made through bank account. Comparatively, the Shariah compliance issues have been discussed to clarify the status of gold investment form the Islamic perspective. Hence, it serves as a good practices of investor’s standard. The Shariah rulings on gold transaction and the parameter for gold in...
Polish Journal of Management Studies, 2019

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2018
The aim of this study is to examine the level of spirituality among Malaysian youth. The sample f... more The aim of this study is to examine the level of spirituality among Malaysian youth. The sample for the study consisted of 4, 703 youths through the stratified random sampling method. In this study the spirituality level for the sample were measured. This quantitative research was conducted using a survey method through questionnaires distributed to a total of 4, 703 youths age between 15 to 40 years from all races, religions and education backgrounds throughout Malaysia. This study applies a systematic stratified random sampling and the data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result showed that the level of spiritual among Malaysian youth is relatively high with mean at 8.02 out of 10. The spirituality level of Malaysian youth was also found to differ according to category of gender, religion, ethnic, category of primary school, category of secondary school, highest academic qualification at school level and highest academic qualification. This result implies that the level of spirituality is still have room for improvement and the government, non-government organisation as well as parents should take into consideration all the background of the youth when planning any spirituality development program. These to ensure that the program will be effective to increase their level of spirituality once its suitable with their needs according to their different background.
International Journal of Finance and Banking Research, 2016
The aim of this paper is to examine a few sample data on the effect of Islamic corporate governan... more The aim of this paper is to examine a few sample data on the effect of Islamic corporate governance on the relationship between pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability and banking fraud in selected banks in Nigeria. Thus, instruments such as content and face validity, reliability and the data normality were also examined based on the on revised version by an expert, a few data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS version 17. The result reveals that the instruments are reliable and the data for pilot study show evidence of rational normality.
Penggunaan instrumen hibah dalam pengurusan harta semakin mendapat tempat dalam kalangan masyarak... more Penggunaan instrumen hibah dalam pengurusan harta semakin mendapat tempat dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia.Hibah merupakan satu kontrak unilateral yang bermatlamatkan kebajikan.Institusi kewangan Islam di Malaysia, khususnya bank-bank Islam turut mengaplikasikan instrumen hibah dalam produk-produk yang ditawarkan.Hibah merupakan konsep shariah bersifat sokongan kepada kontrak-kontrak shariah yang utama dalam sistem perbankan Islam di Malaysia Tujuannya antara lain ialah sebagai insentif kepada pelanggan kerana mendeposit wang mereka dalam institusi berkenaan dan juga sebagai ganjaran untuk pelanggan membayar pembiayaan mereka mengikut jadual yang ditentukan. Penggunaan hibah atas dasar-dasar dan objektif yang dinyatakan mendapat kelulusan Majlis Penasihat Shariah Bank Negara Malaysia.
Papers by mohd shahril ahmad razimi