Papers by mahdieh pazhouhanfar

The role of scenic landscapes in restoring human mental fatigue has begun to receive attention fr... more The role of scenic landscapes in restoring human mental fatigue has begun to receive attention from landscape researchers. However, little is known about the positive role of visually-preferred landscapes on restorative environments and in improving the mental fatigue of people. This study attempted to determine the relationship between the predictors of preference and restorative components of urban natural landscapes. In an experimental study, 120 participants from three departments in University Putra Malaysia rated the predictors of preference and the restorative components of 12 color slides of urban natural landscapes. The results of this study showed that the predictors of preference, except for "Legibility", positively explained restorative variables. "Mystery" and "Complexity" were found as the most effective variable to increase "Fascination", while "Coherence" increased "Being away". The results of this study may be of significant benefit to city planners, designers and developers, with regards to the influence of landscape characteristics in increasing the perceived restorativenss of urban landscapes and to consider them for designing new landscapes or improving existing landscapes in cities. How to cite this article
The role of scenic landscapes in restoring human mental fatigue has begun to receive attention fr... more The role of scenic landscapes in restoring human mental fatigue has begun to receive attention from landscape researchers. However, little is known regarding the role of urban preferred landscapes in increasing their restorative potential to reduce mental fatigue. This study aimed to understand the role of visual preferred landscape on restorative environments. In this experimental study, 120 students from Universiti Putra Malaysia rated 12 color slides of Urban Built Landscape (UBL) and 12 color slides of Urban Natural Landscape (UNL) scenes for 4 restorative components (Being away, Fascination, Coherence, Compatibility), 4 predictors of preferences (Coherence, Complexity, Legibility, Mystery) and 2 criterion variables (PRP and Preference).
Environment, Development and Sustainability, Feb 12, 2023

Architectural Engineering and Design Management, Nov 20, 2018
Building façades not only play an important role in users' perception of buildings and urban spac... more Building façades not only play an important role in users' perception of buildings and urban spaces, but they also have a significant impact on visual qualities in this domain. Thus, the purpose of this study was to shed light on the relationships between urban building façade visual elements and people's preferences in the city of Gorgan, Iran. A photo-questionnaire survey was administered on a total number of 124 students enrolled in three faculties of Golestan University. Each participant measured 24 pictures of building façades based on eight independent variables of urban building façade visual elements (shape, color, decorations, materials, texture, roof, openings and windows, and proportions) and their preferences as the criterion variable. The results revealed that 3 variables of shape, color, and proportions were positive and significant variables and color was reported as the most influential positive predictor accounting for people's preferences. Furthermore; complexity, color selection, and composition-association were identified as influential positive predictors explaining shape, color, and proportions. In general, the findings could be of assistance to designers in evaluating building façades in order to optimize quality and to bring closer together users' views and tastes.

Australian journal of basic and applied sciences, 2010
Urban green spaces have been found as environments that contribute to stress reduction and mood c... more Urban green spaces have been found as environments that contribute to stress reduction and mood change in several countries such as the W est and Taiwan, however there are few studies on people's perception of the role of urban green space (UGS) in arid regions in Iran. In this study a survey was conducted among visitors of an urban park in the city of Yazd in Iran. They answered questionnaire about use rating and obstacles on the use of UGS, people's motives for visiting UGS, people's perception on the effect of UGS on mood change. The results showed that a) lack of green space is one of the greatest obstacle for visiting green space, b) closeness to UGS had a prominent role c) water and green space are two physical features that affect mood change. This research demonstrated the role of visiting UGS on mood change in urban environments; this outcome is usually a basis of positive mood changing disposition and valuable outcomes that are although, nonconsumptive, important in the lives of individuals.

Frontiers of Architectural Research, Mar 1, 2018
The architecture of Qeshm Island includes the specific architectural style of a warm and wet area... more The architecture of Qeshm Island includes the specific architectural style of a warm and wet area, which previously had a functional use aimed to reach a sustainable architecture and development. However, few studies on the identification of the characteristics of vernacular architecture and their roles in island stability have been performed. Thus, to understand the vernacular architecture of the island as a sustainable pattern, we discussed it separately in three aspects, namely, urban fabric, one-based architecture, and architectural details. To address our study, a part of the old fabric of the city with its existing buildings (42 buildings of 70 years of age) was selected and evaluated in a qualitative study. Results showed that in the scale of the urban fabric, factors, such as the structures of the buildings, the frame of the neighborhood spaces, and in terms of the architectural details, factors, such as bars, thickness of the walls, and the openings, are among the vernacular features of the area, playing an important role in the stability of Qeshm Island. In general, studies showed that vernacular architecture of the island has focused on developing an orientation between the climate of the region and a good understanding of the construction.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Jun 7, 2020
Qeshm, an island in southern Iran, has two significant elements of sustainable architecture-wind ... more Qeshm, an island in southern Iran, has two significant elements of sustainable architecture-wind catcher and Latticework (Moshabak). So, it can be defined based on its performance-oriented vernacular architecture which results in the wind renewable energy. However, there are few studies on these sustainable elements. The present study attempted to analyze the performance and structure of these natural ventilation systems in the island. In our research methodology, we tried to use the qualitative approach. Initially, we used citation and library sources for gathering information. Later, we visited the site and the native architecture of the island was studied by analyzing and extracting architectural elements from 48 old buildings which are over 70 years old. Moreover, different types of wind energy and Moshabaks used in the island were thoroughly studied. Meanwhile, the temperature during different periods was compared and the height of the wind catchers and their influence on the rate of wind deflector, functional art, and ecology-oriented architecture of the island were evaluated. The results showed that in terms of function, these so-called sustainable native architectural elements have met the natural ventilation requirement appropriately.

International journal of Asian social science, 2015
Studying on people usage of urban parks indicates that although people pay a lot of attention to ... more Studying on people usage of urban parks indicates that although people pay a lot of attention to the urban parks and talk about different advantages of it, some of the barriers with a different view among people cause negative attitudes which lead people not to use parks. The purpose of this study first is to recognize and classify the residents' points of view and their images about inhibiting factors of visiting to the parks and then surveying the difference of these factors in various groups of users. In this study a survey was conducted among 300 visitors randomly selected from visitors of two urban parks in the city of Gorgan in Iran, regardless of their social extraction or professional background. Visitors respond to a questionnaire about use rating and inhibiting factors on the use of urban parks. Factor analyses revealed four clearly distinguishable factors (quality, safety, accessibility and personal problems). Three first factors (quality, safety and access) had more than 55 percent of all of the answers which show the highest and most important inhibiting factors. Quality, safety and accessibility were known as the most important factors. The results showed that there is no significant difference between the four factors in the user groups. Understanding and finding these inhibiting factors will help the urban managers, policy makers through recognizing and classifying these factors step by step start to solve them.

Security Journal, Jan 7, 2022
Current literature on urban parks shows the importance of perceived safety in increasing park use... more Current literature on urban parks shows the importance of perceived safety in increasing park use. Furthermore, visitors’ esthetic judgment must also be considered. This study confirms the relationship between the users’ esthetic judgment and perceived safety in urban parks. A questionnaire was distributed among 196 visitors of two popular urban parks in Kerman, Iran. Visitors measured six dimensions of esthetic judgment (scope, upkeep, accord, shape, local characteristics, and perceived age) and three constructs of perceived safety (Prospect, Concealment, and Entrapment). Partial least square (PLS) modeling was used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between visitors’ esthetic judgment and perception of safety. Additionally, the study revealed that among the six dimensions of esthetic judgment, the scope had the most significant effect on perceived safety. Research findings would allow policymakers, urban planners, landscape designers, architects, police, and academics to understand which factors affect users’ perceived safety in the existing or planned urban parks.

Psychological Studies, Jan 8, 2018
Current literature shows an adequate evidence of the importance of urban parks on people health, ... more Current literature shows an adequate evidence of the importance of urban parks on people health, especially to reduce stress. Nevertheless, space quality must be considered. This research presents people's perception of the relationship between space quality of urban park and mood state after visiting urban parks. A questionnaire survey gleaned opinion from visitors in three popular urban parks in Gorgan city. Study showed that three variables of space qualities including ''fresh air'', ''tree and greening'' and ''flower'' positively predicted mood state. The finding of this study also showed that attitudes towards ''tree and greening'' and ''flower'' were different. ''Flower'' was found as the most influential space quality to explain the mood state for women, while ''tree and greening'' was profound among men. The use of flowers is suggested as a means of making urban parks more relaxing and pleasant for women. The importance of green areas inclusive of trees and flowers should be considered for future urban planning. This insight also provides a strong reason for collaboration between health professionals and city planners.

Iran University of Science & Technology, Jun 10, 2016
Current literatures on urban parks and green spaces showed that people's preference for visiting ... more Current literatures on urban parks and green spaces showed that people's preference for visiting urban parks in various group users is different. People visit parks for various motives and activities, leading to several patterns of park usabilit y. However, the patterns in urban park use in majority of Iran cities are not yet known. This study presented the preference for activity in urban parks among people in Gorgan city. A survey research was conducted to gain understanding of respondents' preferences for activity in urban parks. The Data was collected among 300 visitors of two well-known urban parks in Gorgan. Visitors rated preference for four activities: relaxation, socializing, nature involvement, and playing activities. The results revealed that the people of Gorgan chose relaxation and na ture involvement as the most preferred activities whilst socializing and playing were the least preferred activities. Furthermore, a significant difference in two variables: relaxation and nature involvement activity was found among marital status and visi tor age groups. The results also indicated the role of urban parks on psychological needs of the citizens, which creates urban nature as a valuable urban resource and key component for city sustainability. This result contributes notions towards significan tly impacting design of urban parks and their facilities that designers and decision makers should manage those facilities to satisfy the visitors' needs.

Architectural Engineering and Design Management
With the need to increase total revenues, airports have begun to use commercial retail. A well-de... more With the need to increase total revenues, airports have begun to use commercial retail. A well-designed airport may provide great service to clients and consumers and increase their satisfaction and in turn their spending behaviours. Since there is suggestive evidence that there might be cultural associations of white, purple or black with different emotional loadings to these colours across cultures, the present study investigated passengers' preferences for architectural design characteristics of an airport in a new cultural setting. Discrete choice modelling was used to measure the passengers' preferences for 10 interior design characteristics of the passenger terminal using 3D renderings. Data on 435 passengers were collected at Mehrabad International Airport, which also included passengers' emotions. Passengers in the terminal hall preferred a curved and transparent ceiling, material in warm colours, cool lighting, with low width and low height, greenery and without any decorations. When compared to other studies, it may well be that passenger preferences for lighting and certain colour schemes reflect geographical or cultural differences. For other interior design characteristics, preferences relating to the shape of the ceiling and the amount of daylight, as well as the presence of greenery, may well be reflections of passengers' restorative needs.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Journal of Cleaner Production
Environment, Development and Sustainability
Unfortunately, in the original publication of the article (Hashemi Kashani et al., 2023) "Dr. Cla... more Unfortunately, in the original publication of the article (Hashemi Kashani et al., 2023) "Dr. Clarine J. van Oel" name has been included. The name of the author has now been removed. The original article has been corrected.
Environment, Development and Sustainability, Feb 12, 2023

A significant majority of the literature on natural environments and urban green spaces justifies... more A significant majority of the literature on natural environments and urban green spaces justifies the preferences that people have for natural environments using four predictors defined by Kaplan’s preference matrix theory, namely coherence, legibility, complexity, and mystery. However, there are no studies implicitly focusing on the visual attributes assigned to each of these four predictors. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore the influence of nine visual attributes derived from the four predictors of Kaplan’s matrix on people’s preferences in the context of urban parks. A discrete choice experiment was used to obtain responses from a sample of 396 students of Golestan University. Students randomly evaluated their preferences towards a set of potential scenarios with urban park images. The results of a random parameter logit analysis showed that all of the attributes of complexity (variety of elements, number of colors, and organization of elements) and one attribute each o...

Security Journal, 2022
Current literature on urban parks shows the importance of perceived safety in increasing park use... more Current literature on urban parks shows the importance of perceived safety in increasing park use. Furthermore, visitors’ esthetic judgment must also be considered. This study confirms the relationship between the users’ esthetic judgment and perceived safety in urban parks. A questionnaire was distributed among 196 visitors of two popular urban parks in Kerman, Iran. Visitors measured six dimensions of esthetic judgment (scope, upkeep, accord, shape, local characteristics, and perceived age) and three constructs of perceived safety (Prospect, Concealment, and Entrapment). Partial least square (PLS) modeling was used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between visitors’ esthetic judgment and perception of safety. Additionally, the study revealed that among the six dimensions of esthetic judgment, the scope had the most significant effect on perceived safety. Research findings would allow policymakers, urban planners, landscape designers, architects, police, and academics to understand which factors affect users’ perceived safety in the existing or planned urban parks.

One of the main concerns of today's world is the reduction of non-renewable energies and envi... more One of the main concerns of today's world is the reduction of non-renewable energies and environmental pollution caused by them in buildings, which can be controlled by saving and optimizing energy consumption. On the other hand, global climate change and its local and regional effects are important in buildings energy management policies. To this end, identifying and exploiting passive systems and climate-friendly design strategies are one of the cheap and sustainable solutions in this regard. The present study examined the use of soil thermal potentials and earth-sheltered design as one of the practical solutions for providing thermal comfort and reducing energy consumption in hot and dry climates and case studied “Shahdad Desert”. Various active and passive techniques are currently used throughout the world to reduce energy consumption, some of which have been common from the past to the present such as the construction of buildings in the shelter of earth, like the Iranian n...
Papers by mahdieh pazhouhanfar