Papers by mahadi abu hassan
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP), Jun 1, 2019

The widespread usage of Internet worldwide has resulted in a tremendous change in people’s lifest... more The widespread usage of Internet worldwide has resulted in a tremendous change in people’s lifestyle, particularly the young generation, which is recognized as the digital natives. However, there is an increased concern in the use of Internet among university students as they can become addicted to Internet due to its excessive usage. In this respect, it is vital to investigate the pattern of Internet usage of the users as the ways in which they use Internet may result in the Internet addiction. Considering that Internet addiction can disrupt the productivity of a nation, extensive studies of Internet addiction have been conducted, and most of these studies were conducted in countries that have advanced technology of Internet. This paper presents a review of the existing studies of the factors contributing to Internet addiction among university students. Based on the review, these factors can be categorized into four factors, namely, the psychological factors, demographic factors, s...

1 Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia. 2 ... more 1 Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia. 2 Innovative Software System and Service Group, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia. Email: 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected], 4 [email protected] ABSTRACT: The development of a harmonious and prosperous country depends on the good ethics and moral values amongst its nation. Further, considering the importance of humanistic values among engineers worldwide, engineers are expected to be competent not only in developing technologies but also become educated, informed and ethical engineers. In this case, ethics and moral values has become essential for engineers. In Malaysia specifically, the higher education transformation has outlined ethics and moral values as one of the essential softskills that needs to be developed by the learners of higher education including engineering students. This resear...

1 Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia. 2 ... more 1 Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia. 2 Innovative Software System and Service Group, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia. Email: 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected], 4 [email protected] ABSTRACT: The development of a harmonious and prosperous country depends on the good ethics and moral values amongst its nation. Further, considering the importance of humanistic values among engineers worldwide, engineers are expected to be competent not only in developing technologies but also become educated, informed and ethical engineers. In this case, ethics and moral values has become essential for engineers. In Malaysia specifically, the higher education transformation has outlined ethics and moral values as one of the essential softskills that needs to be developed by the learners of higher education including engineering students. This resear...

The use of Internet of things (IoT) as everyday practices has resulted in the transformation of c... more The use of Internet of things (IoT) as everyday practices has resulted in the transformation of conventional cities to smart cities worldwide. Smart cities are cities that are equipped with modern ICT infrastructures to fuel sustainable economic growth and high quality of life. While much of the attention given in the development of smart cities are on the aspects of technology, innovation, environment and economy, less attention has been given to the development of human aspect, which is considered as the catalyst for a resilient smart living society. Considering that technology is just the enabler and it has the potential to be misused, the lack of attention on spiritual and moral values may jeopardize the development of a quality society in an advanced city. This may lead to an imbalance well-being that may restrict the achievement of a resilient smart living society. Further, due to the complexity of networked society of Smart City, several indexes of a well-being society have b...

Journal of Human Capital Development, 2011
Effective management of human resource development in an organization can facilitate the achievem... more Effective management of human resource development in an organization can facilitate the achievement of its goals. In response to the challenges and expectations of the 21st century, institutions of higher education (IHEs) particularly, need to embrace transformational change in order to survive and maintain its excellence. This paper reports part of a research project that explored the perceived common practices of learning organization practices (LOPs) that have driven transformational change in a particular IHE, namely the University Technical Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). A survey questionnaire adapted from Learning Organisation Practices Profile (O’Brien, 1994), consisting of twelve LOPs was utilized to explore how far the LOPs have become common practices at the university. A probability stratified sampling was adopted and guided by Krejcie and Morgan’s sample size estimation, a total of 306 samples comprising of executives, management staff, academics and support staff have been ...

Pengislaman sains telah menjadi perbahasan utama dalam kalangan tokoh ilmuwan dan pemikir Muslim ... more Pengislaman sains telah menjadi perbahasan utama dalam kalangan tokoh ilmuwan dan pemikir Muslim sejak tahun 70-an. Perbahasan ini muncul akibat pengaruh sekularisme dan kemelut sains Barat yang memisahkan antara sains dengan agama. Sehingga kini terdapat ramai tokoh ilmuwan dan pemikir Muslim di Barat dan di Timur membicarakannya berlandaskan landasan konsep dan gerak kerja mengikut pemahaman dan kepakaran mereka. Kajian ini bertujuan menganalisis dan membahaskan sebahagian respons dan signifikasi pengislaman sains di Malaysia dan di peringkat antarabangsa dari sudut pemikiran tokoh ilmuwan terpilih iaitu Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Osman Bakar, Shaharir Mohamad Zain dan Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud. Pemilihan ilmuwan dan pemikir ini selaras dengan kesarjanaan dan sumbangan mereka dalam pengislaman sains melalui kaedah penyepaduan ilmu pengetahuan kontemporari. Kajian mendapati bahawa teras falsafah dan respons pemikiran tokoh ilmuwan tersebut ke atas pengislaman sains sangat relevan d...

Recognising the important contribution of knowledge capital in the knowledge-based society, a new... more Recognising the important contribution of knowledge capital in the knowledge-based society, a new position, namely, distinguished professor has been created in the academic profession. Being the highest position in Malaysian academic career, a distinguished professor is expected to demonstrate academic leadership, which is one of the five criteria for the promotion of a distinguished professor. So far, there are only three professors who have been promoted to distinguished professor. Hence, this paper aims to present the academic leadership of one of the distinguished professors, namely, the Distinguished Professor Datuk Dr. Mohammad Kamal bin Hassan. Drawn from interviews and document analysis of his resumes and other supporting documents, this study found that Prof. Kamal has demonstrated his academic leadership in the field of Islamic Studies. t. He has successfully developed and institutionalised his innovative thinking on the concepts of Islamic Worldview, Integrated education ...

Social media has become a necessity among organization in order to enhance the productivity or jo... more Social media has become a necessity among organization in order to enhance the productivity or job performance among employees. It has been claimed as the effective communication channel among employee to corporate toward collaboration, knowledge sharing, etc. Nevertheless, as the social media become the most priority among individual and organization, it has also become one of the factors that contribute to the disruption of work productivity. Thus, this review paper aimed to conduct comparison analysis in the methodology used and the instrument adopted or developed by researchers in measuring the social media usage and employee productivity. There are 32 studies being selected and the majority of the study has been conducting quantitative approaches through an online survey in identifying the frequency of social media usage. From 32 studies only 5 studies have been applicable in measuring work productivity based on the impact of social media usage. The findings presented in this r...

Mathematical skills have become an important skill to be maste- red by almost all students nowada... more Mathematical skills have become an important skill to be maste- red by almost all students nowadays and many approaches have been adop- ted to ensure the success of teaching and learning of the subject. However, the success rate of mathematical skills among students are found to be relati- vely low. Considering that there have been extensive studies related to the teaching and learning approach of mathematics with diverse recommenda- tions of effective teaching and learning approach, there is a need to investiga- te the strengths and weakness of these approaches so that a new mathemati- cal teaching and learning approach can be proposed. This paper aims to review the existing mathematical teaching and learning approaches based on 33 papers. This review found that the majority of the teaching and learning approaches emphasise on the worldly benefits, ignoring the spiritual develo- pment. Specifically, appreciate and live the teachings of religion, in this context it is Islam that is ...
Substantial research attention has been paid to the Internet of Things (hereafter abbreviated to ... more Substantial research attention has been paid to the Internet of Things (hereafter abbreviated to IoT) since the dawn of the new millennium. IoT is very much perceived as being a major component of the Internet of the future. The composition of the Internet of the future will be billions of intelligent things that communicate through a variety of connected devices and it will become a means of enabling the realization of new capabilities of the ‘things’ that are connected. This paper presents a review of the related research relating to IoT. Further, issues associated with IoT particularly standardisation, security and privacy are also discussed. The discussion provides valuable information for future research in IoT.

Journal of Environmental Biology, 2019
This research aimed to evaluate three Cr(VI)-resistant rhizosphere bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Bac... more This research aimed to evaluate three Cr(VI)-resistant rhizosphere bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Bacillus aerius and Exiguobacterium profundum) for their ability to produce plant growth-promoting (PGP) substances and to remove Cr(VI). Three rhizosphere bacteria were characterized for their ability to produce several PGP substances, including ammonia and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and solubilized phosphate. The Cr(VI)-1 reduction ability of the rhizosphere bacteria was determined by diphenylcarbazide method with 60 mg l Cr(VI). Bioreduction of Cr(VI) in the reduction media by B. cereus was 13.7%, which was higher compared with those of B. aerius (4.4%) and E. profundum (3.6%). B. aerius adsorbed high Cr(VI)-1 concentration of 56.1 mg g. The best condition for these rhizobacteria to remove or adsorb Cr(VI) was at-1 acidic pH (5.36-5.97). All rhizobacteria could not stand the toxic effect of Cr(VI) at 60 mg l , which decreased almost 100% of rhizobacteria growth. B. cereus and B. aerius produced PGP substances, including ammonia and IAA and solubilized phosphate. B. cereus and B. aerius with high PGP activities can be considered promising agents in microbe-assisted phytoremediation. All rhizosphere bacteria tolerated Cr(VI) and protected plants against the inhibitory effect of Cr(VI) by reducing Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and assisting the plant uptake of Cr(III). Bioreduction, Hexavalent chromium, Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, Rhizobacteria, Scirpus grossus Potential of hexavalent chromium-resistant rhizosphere bacteria in promoting plant growth and hexavalent chromium reduction

The promotion to a full professor is the ultimate achievement in the career development of an aca... more The promotion to a full professor is the ultimate achievement in the career development of an academic. However, little has been written about the promotion process to a full professor.It has become a common understanding that the criteria for promotion in academic career centres primarily on teaching, research and service. However, due to the changing landscape of higher education shaped by the ease of mobility, internationalisation and emphasis on knowledge society, the promotion criteria has become more diversedand complex.This paper aims to explore the academic career, particularly the profile of a professor within the context of Malaysian higher education.Further, recognising that the higher education policy has an impact on the academic career, the discussion takes into consideration the strategic plan of the national higher education transformation and the guidelines for the tenure and promotion of two categories of professor: the professor and distinguished professor. This discussion is timely, as it will provide guidance for young academics to strategise their career planning in achieving the highest position in their career.
Asian Social Science, 2015

The evolution of Internet and advanced in ICT had led to the increasingly usage of Internet of Th... more The evolution of Internet and advanced in ICT had led to the increasingly usage of Internet of Things (IoT) in various sectors and facilitated borderless connection in various fields. Contextualised within the development of Smart City, much have been reported on the challenges and contribution of using of IoT for smart living. This paper presents a review of the challenges and contribution of using IoT for smart living. Using a systematic method to analyse the literature, 31 articles have been selected for the review. It was found that the contributions of IoT surpass the challenges of using IoT. Two significant contributions have been identified, which are facilitating communication and improving safety as well as improving quality of life. Meanwhile, the main challenges of IoT implementation are issues related to security and privacy. It was also found that there is a lack of information related to the ways to overcome the challenges, although the challenges were discussed in len...
Papers by mahadi abu hassan