One of the mandatory courses for students majoring in guidance and counseling is a behavior couns... more One of the mandatory courses for students majoring in guidance and counseling is a behavior counseling practicum. The purpose of this research is to develop the behavior counseling e-module based on case studies that can be applied to students of guidance and counseling. The research and development design used in this study is the ADDIE model. The instrument used is a module assessment scale. The assessors are experts in guidance and counseling, media, language, and prospective users. Index agreement result of the product by the guidance and counseling expert validator is 1 (very high), the media expert is 0.93 (very high), the language expert is 0.90 (very high), and the user assessment showed the mean score is 3.55 (very high in 4 scales). The developed product, e-module, has met the product acceptability criteria from various specified aspects.
Abdimas Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
The purpose of the activity is to improve the competence of counselors in Batu City Vocational Hi... more The purpose of the activity is to improve the competence of counselors in Batu City Vocational High Schools and High Schools in implementing concise solution-focused counseling for solving problems faced by students. The training is carried out using a structured learning approach. To achieve this goal, a brief solution-focused counseling training was conducted for high school and vocational high school counselors in Batu City with a structured learning approach through the stages of fostering good relations, modeling, roleplaying, giving feedback, and assigning assignments. In general, the results of the training show that there is an increase in the competence of the trainees in the application of solution-focused concise counseling to help counselees achieve the expected goals in finding solutions to the problems they face.Tujuan kegaiatan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi konselor SMK dan SMA Kota Batu dalam menerapkan konseling ringkas berfokus solusi bagi penyelesaian masalah yang...
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jun 29, 2022
Partners, especially counseling teachers, still need to improve their skills in applying the KIPA... more Partners, especially counseling teachers, still need to improve their skills in applying the KIPAS Counseling Model technique. Counseling teachers and counselors are often faced with problems of social conflicts and between colleagues, with students, and students and students in addition to personal conflicts. Therefore, there are three parts to the target of this activity, namely: (1). Descriptions of the interests ("animo") of participants in education and training are obtained in the Sharing Joy technique and Conflict Resolution techniques; (2). Descriptive information is obtained about the satisfaction of education and training participants; (3). Inputs were obtained from academic nomads and counseling teachers for the improvement of the training process and guidelines. This activity is carried out on educational institutions' websites, in the context of hierogeneous classes, expository education methods and discussions, gathering training strategies, workshops equipped with Focused Group Discussion (FGD), modeling and simulation. The data was collected using a list of questions in the form of "User Satisfaction Scale" along with a list of entries. The percentage descriptive analysis was carried out. Conclusion: (1). In general, the interest ("interest") of training participants is very high in all types of activities. (2). The description of the participants' satisfaction was classified as satisfactory both for academic migrants and for counseling teachers/counselors throughout Malang Raya. (3). All of the inputs, in the form of criticism, suggestions, and hopes for the future, can be absorbed and considered for revising the training manual and improving training procedures in the future.
Cangkrukan is an activity that feels right to be held in order to develop a Javanese label so tha... more Cangkrukan is an activity that feels right to be held in order to develop a Javanese label so that it can be realized according to the steps of the KIPAS model counseling. This study aims to provide a design for the implementation of cangkrukan activities as an affirmation of Javanese identity through KIPAS counseling model. This study reveals the labels of Javanese people with the method of symbolic interactionism. The subjects studied were customers of the Upa Jiwo coffee shop in the Merjosari area, Malang City. Data analysis uses three stages of data analysis from symbolic interactionism, namely description, categorization, and connection. The results show that there are several labels that characterize Javanese humans, namely trimo ing pandhum, unggah-ungguh, andhap asor, tepa selira, aja adigang adigung adiguna, and guyub rukun. These labels will be used as the theme of discussion in cangkrukan activities organized by the school counselor with the counselee.
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, Apr 30, 2022
Counselling practicum is essential to hone the skills and competencies needed. One competency to ... more Counselling practicum is essential to hone the skills and competencies needed. One competency to be had by the prospective counsellors is mind skills, which are metacognition skills to manage their thoughts to give adaptive responses and performance. This study aims to identify the effect of mind skills training on prospective counsellors' performance. This study used a correlation research design to measure 50 prospective counsellors' performance. The data result showed the variance of the mind skills and counselling performance scores. The Pearson analysis results showed significant correlations. Linear regression analysis showed that the mind skills had an effect and contributed to 12.5% of the prospective counsellors' performance. The results showed that the mind skills (rules, perceptions, self-talk, visual images, explanation and expectations) had their role and function in leading counsellors on their best performance. The implication of these results for prospective counsellors' education could include the mind skills training on the practicum course.
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan
The rapid development of the era and technology makes individuals become individuals who are incr... more The rapid development of the era and technology makes individuals become individuals who are increasingly indifferent to other people and the environment around them, this is also called low empathy. The purpose of this development research is to produce a product in the form of a Role Playing module Efforts to Increase Empathy for Middle School Students. The model in this study is Research and Development. development research obtained student data with an empathy scale for students, an assessment instrument for material & media experts, as well as an assessment of prospective users. The final validation of the assessment of the material expert test by 2 BK (Guidance and Counseling) lecturers, the media by 2 TEP (Educational Technology) lecturers, and prospective module users, namely 1 counselor and 2 students indicate that the module that has been developed is feasible and accepted by Laboratory Junior High School students Malang State University.
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2022
Assessment activities in guidance and counselling are fundamental activities essential for studen... more Assessment activities in guidance and counselling are fundamental activities essential for students' self-understanding and became the need assessment for guidance and counselling programs. In this new normal era, students' academic life experiences turmoil that can trigger various problems. This study aims to develop online psychological assessment skills training for guidance and counselling teachers. The research method used is conceptual development research with the 4D development steps (Define Focus, Design and Development Focus, and Dissemination Focus). The study results explain (1) the model of online psychological assessment skills training procedure based on the reflective-discussion and experiential learning, and (2) the construct of online psychological assessment media based on the Google platform. Reflective-discussion activities and experiential learning provide direct experience in training to improve online psychological assessment skills. The multi-use of ...
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to produce media products in the form of educational videos and guidebooks which ... more This study aims to produce media products in the form of educational videos and guidebooks which are expected to improve the skills of planning further studies for junior high school students. This research method adopts the ADDIE research model in which there are 5 stages, namely: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. The process in product validation is carried out by means of expert tests, including material expert tests, media expert tests and prospective users (counselors). The results of the expert test assessment of the product will get a feasibility interpretation from decent to very feasible to be used as a medium in providing services to improve the planning skills of junior high school students.
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 2021
Abstract: In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, smartphones have become the main tool in online ... more Abstract: In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, smartphones have become the main tool in online learning at all levels of education. This has an impact on the intensity of smartphone use in everyday life. This situation has led to a growing phone snubbing behavior and is not realized by individuals. Phone Snubbing as a phenomenon of excessive individual smartphone use shows a behavior that is ignorant and indifferent to the presence of people around. This behavior is characterized by being fixated on a smartphone that is held so that it can have positive and negative impacts in the social environment, especially in the personal and social fields of students. This descriptive qualitative research aims to describe information about the background and factors causing the phenomenon of phone snubbing behavior in students as well as recommendations for BK service strategies. Data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model. The validity of the research data was carried out by extending ...
Abstract: This study aims to describe the junior high school students with Samin cultural backgro... more Abstract: This study aims to describe the junior high school students with Samin cultural background’s meaning of life of that comes from: creative values, experiential values and attitudinal values. This study follows the steps of survey types in a descriptive quantitative approach. The instruments used are developed in inventory. Data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis technique and SPSS 20.0 for Windows in order to determine the frequency, percentage, standard deviation, skewness. Results show that junior high school students with Samin cultural background was able to find the meaning of life through three sources of value, which experiential values reach the highest percentage (45%) followed by attitudinal value (29%), and the creative value (26%). In particular, these results illustrate that the fulfillment of meaning of life of junior high school students with a cultural background of Samin is in accordance with the Samin culture which prioritizes appreciation of the ...
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 2021
Abstract: This research is a research and development which aims to produce a group counseling ma... more Abstract: This research is a research and development which aims to produce a group counseling manual with the behavior contract technique to increase the academic responsibility of students in vocational schools that are theoretically and practically acceptable. This research procedure adapted Borg and Gall's development model, namely knowing the potentials and problems found, collecting data and information, designing product guides, testing products by experts, and revising the final product. The results of the product trials indicated that the assessment of media experts and potential users stated that the product was "very feasible", while the assessment of the material experts stated that the content of the material in the product was "quite feasible". Thus, it can be concluded that the group counseling guide product with the behavior contract technique to increase the academic responsibility of students in vocational schools has gone through a product ...
Perilaku agresif adalah luapan emosi sebagai reaksi kegagalan remaja yang dimanifestasikan dalam ... more Perilaku agresif adalah luapan emosi sebagai reaksi kegagalan remaja yang dimanifestasikan dalam kata dan sikap-perilaku. Penelitian ini ingin menguji hubungan antara perlakuan orangtua dan perilaku agresif remaja. Penelitian dilakukan atas siswa SMAN di Malang. Sampel multistage terdiri atas siswa SMA pusat kota dan pinggiran kota. Data dikumpulkan dengan inventori perilaku agresif dan inventori pola sikap orangtua. Analisis dilakukan dengan korelasi momen tangkar dan regresi umum. Ditemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara pola sikap orangtua dan perilaku agresif anak (remaja). Namun pola sikap demokratis memberi sumbangan yang kecil terhadap pembentukan perilaku agresif.
Theoretically, it is believed that social actions that take place consciously will influence the ... more Theoretically, it is believed that social actions that take place consciously will influence the development of counseling. Likewise, the value system or local wisdom of an ethnicity can be absorbed into the counseling process. Research has described the expectations of local communities regarding the ideal value system which is seen as noble, as a means of control, and maintenance of social balance, which need to be revitalized and passed on to the youths. The research also describes the elements of informal and non-formal leaders that play an important role in the revitalization and cultural heritage. Suggestions are made that KIPAS counselors should be more careful in considering local wisdom in counseling; and researchers need to further explore strategies for involving informal/non-formal leaders in counseling.
Community service is the application of research results on the ability to think creatively in st... more Community service is the application of research results on the ability to think creatively in student career decision making with a mind mapping strategy. The training is carried out through psychoeducation activities. This creative thinking skills training is intended for Malang State University Laboratory High School students, class XII MIPA, IPS, IBB, and ICP. The expected goal is to increase the creative thinking skills of Malang State University Laboratory High School students in career decision making. Based on the results of the training on creative thinking skills before and after there was an increase in the creative thinking skills of high school students of Malang State University Laboratory shown by the large difference between the post-test and pre-test scores. So strong is the difference between pre-test and post-test with a significance of 0,000. Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini merupakan penerapan hasil penelitian tentang kemampuan berpikir kreatif dalam pengambilan k...
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 2021
Abstract: This study aims to develop guidance and counseling information service media in the for... more Abstract: This study aims to develop guidance and counseling information service media in the form of animated videos as secondary school information services for junior high school students. The research use model of Borg and Gall in 5 steps, namely (1) data collection, (2) planning, (3) designing the initial media format, (4) test validation, and (5) revision. The results of the acquisition of test validation of material experts show the validation by 1, test validation of media experts show the validation of 0,875, and validation and prospective users show the validation of 1. It shows that the media developed by the researchers has been qualified acceptability and fit to be used as supporting media in giving guidance services in school. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media layanan informasi bimbingan dan konseling berupa video animasi sebagai layanan informasi sekolah lanjutan bagi siswa SMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah model Borg and Gall dala...
: This study aims to develop a training guide in emotion management skills to prevent bullying be... more : This study aims to develop a training guide in emotion management skills to prevent bullying behavior for junior high school students. The method used is the research and development model. The trial subjects in this study included guidance and counseling experts, psychology experts, educational technology expert, and school counselors. Instruments used are the scale of emotion management skills for students, expert assessment instruments and counselors assessment instruments. Data from the assessment of guidance and counseling experts, psychology experts, educational technology expert, and three school counselors from three different schools in Malang showed that the developed product is acceptable and feasible to be used for the improvement of emotion management skills as a preventative effort of bullying behavior for junior high school students. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan panduan pelatihan keterampilan mengelola emosi sebagai upaya preventif perilaku...
The development level of professional identity of guidance and counselling officers in public mid... more The development level of professional identity of guidance and counselling officers in public middle schools is the main research problem in this study. The quantitative descriptive research design using a survey method. Two data collection instruments were developed which were analyszed descriptively and the results were compared. The results show that there are level differences between self-perceptions obtained through instrument one and an assessment based on performance scale inventory obtained through instrument two. Based on these results, it is discussed the possible causes are discussed and level differences and their impact on service quality and the relationship between psychological assisting professions and other school personnel. Those issues mentioned above are discussed with the contribution of the idea on how the solution strengthens the professional identity of school counsellors from preservice education, practice to organiszational.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a structured learning approach in improving com... more This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a structured learning approach in improving competence for solution-focused counseling of laboratory junior and senior high School counselors of Universitas Negeri Malang (UM). To achieve this goal, research was carried out through the experimental one group pretest-posttest design. The research subjects consisted of laboratory junior and senior high school counselors of UM. Solution-focused counseling knowledge data were collected by tests, while solution-focused counseling skills data were collected by a rating scale. Data were analyzed by nonparametric analysis techniques of Wilcoxon. The results of the study show that a structured learning approach is effective to improve counselors’ competence in a solution-focused counseling service to help students achieve meaningful goals in their lives.
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan
This research goal is to develop a group counseling guide for psychodrama techniques to overcome ... more This research goal is to develop a group counseling guide for psychodrama techniques to overcome problems psychological well-being in junior high school students. Guidelines are used by counselors in providing guidance and counseling services that have accuracy, usefulness, convenience, and attractiveness, and can be both beneficial and acceptable. theory and practicality. The research method used is the Borg and Gall research model in 7 stages, namely (1) data collection, (2) planning, (3) designing the initial media format, (4) validation testing, (5) product revision, 6) product user testing. , 7) final revision. The results of the validation test from material experts showed a validity index of 0.73 and was included in the high category, media experts showed a percentage of 3.89 which was included in the very high category and potential product users with a percentage of 3.77 were still in the very high category. These results indicate that the guide developed by the researcher has met the acceptance criteria and is suitable for use by counselors as a guide in providing guidance and counseling services in schools.
One of the mandatory courses for students majoring in guidance and counseling is a behavior couns... more One of the mandatory courses for students majoring in guidance and counseling is a behavior counseling practicum. The purpose of this research is to develop the behavior counseling e-module based on case studies that can be applied to students of guidance and counseling. The research and development design used in this study is the ADDIE model. The instrument used is a module assessment scale. The assessors are experts in guidance and counseling, media, language, and prospective users. Index agreement result of the product by the guidance and counseling expert validator is 1 (very high), the media expert is 0.93 (very high), the language expert is 0.90 (very high), and the user assessment showed the mean score is 3.55 (very high in 4 scales). The developed product, e-module, has met the product acceptability criteria from various specified aspects.
Abdimas Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
The purpose of the activity is to improve the competence of counselors in Batu City Vocational Hi... more The purpose of the activity is to improve the competence of counselors in Batu City Vocational High Schools and High Schools in implementing concise solution-focused counseling for solving problems faced by students. The training is carried out using a structured learning approach. To achieve this goal, a brief solution-focused counseling training was conducted for high school and vocational high school counselors in Batu City with a structured learning approach through the stages of fostering good relations, modeling, roleplaying, giving feedback, and assigning assignments. In general, the results of the training show that there is an increase in the competence of the trainees in the application of solution-focused concise counseling to help counselees achieve the expected goals in finding solutions to the problems they face.Tujuan kegaiatan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi konselor SMK dan SMA Kota Batu dalam menerapkan konseling ringkas berfokus solusi bagi penyelesaian masalah yang...
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jun 29, 2022
Partners, especially counseling teachers, still need to improve their skills in applying the KIPA... more Partners, especially counseling teachers, still need to improve their skills in applying the KIPAS Counseling Model technique. Counseling teachers and counselors are often faced with problems of social conflicts and between colleagues, with students, and students and students in addition to personal conflicts. Therefore, there are three parts to the target of this activity, namely: (1). Descriptions of the interests ("animo") of participants in education and training are obtained in the Sharing Joy technique and Conflict Resolution techniques; (2). Descriptive information is obtained about the satisfaction of education and training participants; (3). Inputs were obtained from academic nomads and counseling teachers for the improvement of the training process and guidelines. This activity is carried out on educational institutions' websites, in the context of hierogeneous classes, expository education methods and discussions, gathering training strategies, workshops equipped with Focused Group Discussion (FGD), modeling and simulation. The data was collected using a list of questions in the form of "User Satisfaction Scale" along with a list of entries. The percentage descriptive analysis was carried out. Conclusion: (1). In general, the interest ("interest") of training participants is very high in all types of activities. (2). The description of the participants' satisfaction was classified as satisfactory both for academic migrants and for counseling teachers/counselors throughout Malang Raya. (3). All of the inputs, in the form of criticism, suggestions, and hopes for the future, can be absorbed and considered for revising the training manual and improving training procedures in the future.
Cangkrukan is an activity that feels right to be held in order to develop a Javanese label so tha... more Cangkrukan is an activity that feels right to be held in order to develop a Javanese label so that it can be realized according to the steps of the KIPAS model counseling. This study aims to provide a design for the implementation of cangkrukan activities as an affirmation of Javanese identity through KIPAS counseling model. This study reveals the labels of Javanese people with the method of symbolic interactionism. The subjects studied were customers of the Upa Jiwo coffee shop in the Merjosari area, Malang City. Data analysis uses three stages of data analysis from symbolic interactionism, namely description, categorization, and connection. The results show that there are several labels that characterize Javanese humans, namely trimo ing pandhum, unggah-ungguh, andhap asor, tepa selira, aja adigang adigung adiguna, and guyub rukun. These labels will be used as the theme of discussion in cangkrukan activities organized by the school counselor with the counselee.
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, Apr 30, 2022
Counselling practicum is essential to hone the skills and competencies needed. One competency to ... more Counselling practicum is essential to hone the skills and competencies needed. One competency to be had by the prospective counsellors is mind skills, which are metacognition skills to manage their thoughts to give adaptive responses and performance. This study aims to identify the effect of mind skills training on prospective counsellors' performance. This study used a correlation research design to measure 50 prospective counsellors' performance. The data result showed the variance of the mind skills and counselling performance scores. The Pearson analysis results showed significant correlations. Linear regression analysis showed that the mind skills had an effect and contributed to 12.5% of the prospective counsellors' performance. The results showed that the mind skills (rules, perceptions, self-talk, visual images, explanation and expectations) had their role and function in leading counsellors on their best performance. The implication of these results for prospective counsellors' education could include the mind skills training on the practicum course.
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan
The rapid development of the era and technology makes individuals become individuals who are incr... more The rapid development of the era and technology makes individuals become individuals who are increasingly indifferent to other people and the environment around them, this is also called low empathy. The purpose of this development research is to produce a product in the form of a Role Playing module Efforts to Increase Empathy for Middle School Students. The model in this study is Research and Development. development research obtained student data with an empathy scale for students, an assessment instrument for material & media experts, as well as an assessment of prospective users. The final validation of the assessment of the material expert test by 2 BK (Guidance and Counseling) lecturers, the media by 2 TEP (Educational Technology) lecturers, and prospective module users, namely 1 counselor and 2 students indicate that the module that has been developed is feasible and accepted by Laboratory Junior High School students Malang State University.
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 2022
Assessment activities in guidance and counselling are fundamental activities essential for studen... more Assessment activities in guidance and counselling are fundamental activities essential for students' self-understanding and became the need assessment for guidance and counselling programs. In this new normal era, students' academic life experiences turmoil that can trigger various problems. This study aims to develop online psychological assessment skills training for guidance and counselling teachers. The research method used is conceptual development research with the 4D development steps (Define Focus, Design and Development Focus, and Dissemination Focus). The study results explain (1) the model of online psychological assessment skills training procedure based on the reflective-discussion and experiential learning, and (2) the construct of online psychological assessment media based on the Google platform. Reflective-discussion activities and experiential learning provide direct experience in training to improve online psychological assessment skills. The multi-use of ...
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to produce media products in the form of educational videos and guidebooks which ... more This study aims to produce media products in the form of educational videos and guidebooks which are expected to improve the skills of planning further studies for junior high school students. This research method adopts the ADDIE research model in which there are 5 stages, namely: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. The process in product validation is carried out by means of expert tests, including material expert tests, media expert tests and prospective users (counselors). The results of the expert test assessment of the product will get a feasibility interpretation from decent to very feasible to be used as a medium in providing services to improve the planning skills of junior high school students.
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 2021
Abstract: In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, smartphones have become the main tool in online ... more Abstract: In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, smartphones have become the main tool in online learning at all levels of education. This has an impact on the intensity of smartphone use in everyday life. This situation has led to a growing phone snubbing behavior and is not realized by individuals. Phone Snubbing as a phenomenon of excessive individual smartphone use shows a behavior that is ignorant and indifferent to the presence of people around. This behavior is characterized by being fixated on a smartphone that is held so that it can have positive and negative impacts in the social environment, especially in the personal and social fields of students. This descriptive qualitative research aims to describe information about the background and factors causing the phenomenon of phone snubbing behavior in students as well as recommendations for BK service strategies. Data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model. The validity of the research data was carried out by extending ...
Abstract: This study aims to describe the junior high school students with Samin cultural backgro... more Abstract: This study aims to describe the junior high school students with Samin cultural background’s meaning of life of that comes from: creative values, experiential values and attitudinal values. This study follows the steps of survey types in a descriptive quantitative approach. The instruments used are developed in inventory. Data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis technique and SPSS 20.0 for Windows in order to determine the frequency, percentage, standard deviation, skewness. Results show that junior high school students with Samin cultural background was able to find the meaning of life through three sources of value, which experiential values reach the highest percentage (45%) followed by attitudinal value (29%), and the creative value (26%). In particular, these results illustrate that the fulfillment of meaning of life of junior high school students with a cultural background of Samin is in accordance with the Samin culture which prioritizes appreciation of the ...
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 2021
Abstract: This research is a research and development which aims to produce a group counseling ma... more Abstract: This research is a research and development which aims to produce a group counseling manual with the behavior contract technique to increase the academic responsibility of students in vocational schools that are theoretically and practically acceptable. This research procedure adapted Borg and Gall's development model, namely knowing the potentials and problems found, collecting data and information, designing product guides, testing products by experts, and revising the final product. The results of the product trials indicated that the assessment of media experts and potential users stated that the product was "very feasible", while the assessment of the material experts stated that the content of the material in the product was "quite feasible". Thus, it can be concluded that the group counseling guide product with the behavior contract technique to increase the academic responsibility of students in vocational schools has gone through a product ...
Perilaku agresif adalah luapan emosi sebagai reaksi kegagalan remaja yang dimanifestasikan dalam ... more Perilaku agresif adalah luapan emosi sebagai reaksi kegagalan remaja yang dimanifestasikan dalam kata dan sikap-perilaku. Penelitian ini ingin menguji hubungan antara perlakuan orangtua dan perilaku agresif remaja. Penelitian dilakukan atas siswa SMAN di Malang. Sampel multistage terdiri atas siswa SMA pusat kota dan pinggiran kota. Data dikumpulkan dengan inventori perilaku agresif dan inventori pola sikap orangtua. Analisis dilakukan dengan korelasi momen tangkar dan regresi umum. Ditemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara pola sikap orangtua dan perilaku agresif anak (remaja). Namun pola sikap demokratis memberi sumbangan yang kecil terhadap pembentukan perilaku agresif.
Theoretically, it is believed that social actions that take place consciously will influence the ... more Theoretically, it is believed that social actions that take place consciously will influence the development of counseling. Likewise, the value system or local wisdom of an ethnicity can be absorbed into the counseling process. Research has described the expectations of local communities regarding the ideal value system which is seen as noble, as a means of control, and maintenance of social balance, which need to be revitalized and passed on to the youths. The research also describes the elements of informal and non-formal leaders that play an important role in the revitalization and cultural heritage. Suggestions are made that KIPAS counselors should be more careful in considering local wisdom in counseling; and researchers need to further explore strategies for involving informal/non-formal leaders in counseling.
Community service is the application of research results on the ability to think creatively in st... more Community service is the application of research results on the ability to think creatively in student career decision making with a mind mapping strategy. The training is carried out through psychoeducation activities. This creative thinking skills training is intended for Malang State University Laboratory High School students, class XII MIPA, IPS, IBB, and ICP. The expected goal is to increase the creative thinking skills of Malang State University Laboratory High School students in career decision making. Based on the results of the training on creative thinking skills before and after there was an increase in the creative thinking skills of high school students of Malang State University Laboratory shown by the large difference between the post-test and pre-test scores. So strong is the difference between pre-test and post-test with a significance of 0,000. Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini merupakan penerapan hasil penelitian tentang kemampuan berpikir kreatif dalam pengambilan k...
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 2021
Abstract: This study aims to develop guidance and counseling information service media in the for... more Abstract: This study aims to develop guidance and counseling information service media in the form of animated videos as secondary school information services for junior high school students. The research use model of Borg and Gall in 5 steps, namely (1) data collection, (2) planning, (3) designing the initial media format, (4) test validation, and (5) revision. The results of the acquisition of test validation of material experts show the validation by 1, test validation of media experts show the validation of 0,875, and validation and prospective users show the validation of 1. It shows that the media developed by the researchers has been qualified acceptability and fit to be used as supporting media in giving guidance services in school. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media layanan informasi bimbingan dan konseling berupa video animasi sebagai layanan informasi sekolah lanjutan bagi siswa SMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah model Borg and Gall dala...
: This study aims to develop a training guide in emotion management skills to prevent bullying be... more : This study aims to develop a training guide in emotion management skills to prevent bullying behavior for junior high school students. The method used is the research and development model. The trial subjects in this study included guidance and counseling experts, psychology experts, educational technology expert, and school counselors. Instruments used are the scale of emotion management skills for students, expert assessment instruments and counselors assessment instruments. Data from the assessment of guidance and counseling experts, psychology experts, educational technology expert, and three school counselors from three different schools in Malang showed that the developed product is acceptable and feasible to be used for the improvement of emotion management skills as a preventative effort of bullying behavior for junior high school students. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan panduan pelatihan keterampilan mengelola emosi sebagai upaya preventif perilaku...
The development level of professional identity of guidance and counselling officers in public mid... more The development level of professional identity of guidance and counselling officers in public middle schools is the main research problem in this study. The quantitative descriptive research design using a survey method. Two data collection instruments were developed which were analyszed descriptively and the results were compared. The results show that there are level differences between self-perceptions obtained through instrument one and an assessment based on performance scale inventory obtained through instrument two. Based on these results, it is discussed the possible causes are discussed and level differences and their impact on service quality and the relationship between psychological assisting professions and other school personnel. Those issues mentioned above are discussed with the contribution of the idea on how the solution strengthens the professional identity of school counsellors from preservice education, practice to organiszational.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a structured learning approach in improving com... more This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a structured learning approach in improving competence for solution-focused counseling of laboratory junior and senior high School counselors of Universitas Negeri Malang (UM). To achieve this goal, research was carried out through the experimental one group pretest-posttest design. The research subjects consisted of laboratory junior and senior high school counselors of UM. Solution-focused counseling knowledge data were collected by tests, while solution-focused counseling skills data were collected by a rating scale. Data were analyzed by nonparametric analysis techniques of Wilcoxon. The results of the study show that a structured learning approach is effective to improve counselors’ competence in a solution-focused counseling service to help students achieve meaningful goals in their lives.
Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan
This research goal is to develop a group counseling guide for psychodrama techniques to overcome ... more This research goal is to develop a group counseling guide for psychodrama techniques to overcome problems psychological well-being in junior high school students. Guidelines are used by counselors in providing guidance and counseling services that have accuracy, usefulness, convenience, and attractiveness, and can be both beneficial and acceptable. theory and practicality. The research method used is the Borg and Gall research model in 7 stages, namely (1) data collection, (2) planning, (3) designing the initial media format, (4) validation testing, (5) product revision, 6) product user testing. , 7) final revision. The results of the validation test from material experts showed a validity index of 0.73 and was included in the high category, media experts showed a percentage of 3.89 which was included in the very high category and potential product users with a percentage of 3.77 were still in the very high category. These results indicate that the guide developed by the researcher has met the acceptance criteria and is suitable for use by counselors as a guide in providing guidance and counseling services in schools.
Papers by lutfi fauzan