Papers by Dr. Lukman Thaib
Raisons politiques, 2004
Distribution électronique pour Presses de Sciences Po. © Presses de Sciences Po. Tous ... more Distribution électronique pour Presses de Sciences Po. © Presses de Sciences Po. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.

Malaysia is a country that since its independence has endeavored to practice democratic governanc... more Malaysia is a country that since its independence has endeavored to practice democratic governance. In line with this, it seeks to ensure that the Malaysian government is representative of the will of the people. To achieved this, there must be in place numerous mechanisms to ensure accountability and transparency while also ensuring that it has an 'ear to the ground' so to speak. Dato' Sri Mohd Najib believed that transformational leadership posits the leader in the role of mentor whereby he able to designates responsibilities to his followers as a means to achieved self-actualization which is a positive means in promoting team-building efforts. To achieve the goals shared between him as a country's leader and Malaysian peoples as his followers, he believed that inspirational motivation is needed, as it provides meaning to achieving this shared vision on ' how to make Malaysia as a high Income Nation by 2020'? PM Mohd Najib has been successfully in articulat...

The Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 2020
Zonguldak coalmine is one of the significant and historical industrial regions of Turkey, which i... more Zonguldak coalmine is one of the significant and historical industrial regions of Turkey, which is home to an abundance of untouched coal reserve. Unfortunately today, coal reserve in Zonguldak is not enough to support all contributing parts of city's complex lifecycle. When designing a master plan for such a city, the most important consideration is how this constructed industrial area will potentially affect the central cycles of the land and waterfront. Outside of maintaining the civic integrity of the land, its circulation and density, the idea is for the centre of Zonguldak to function as a design model, demonstrating that a new future for constructed civic and independence environment without industrial trace is possible. The aim for independent city centre is to successfully replace its old industrial area with the design of waterfront and insider area in order to create a property that is more valuable than the sum of industrial parts and aged and nonfunctional central parts. Especially if waterfront design has attached to central parts by considering relationship with each other, usage of waterfront might be classified as an independent design rather than previous design. By doing this it will set a new precedent for future architects and urban planners, one which places an independent value in identity that is to be sustainable and conscientiously developed.
The Islamic law (shari'ah) refrains from providing detailed regulations for all changing requirem... more The Islamic law (shari'ah) refrains from providing detailed regulations for all changing requirements of our social existence. It is for the community to evolve the relevant comprehensive regulation and legislation through an exercise of independent reasoning (ijtihad) in consonance with the spirit of Islamic law and the best interests of the nation. This article tries to look at how the idea of state was emerged, what are the objectives of the state and the differences between an Islamic and secular state. This will followed with the elaboration on the status, the rights and obligations of non-Muslim as citizens in an Islamic state and on what basis that the non-Muslim citizens are also enjoy the same rights as Muslim enjoy and shoulder the same responsibility except for the post of the head of the state (uli al-amri) in an Islamic state.
This paper explores the importance of the social dimensions of business modelling for sustained g... more This paper explores the importance of the social dimensions of business modelling for sustained growth and profitability by highlighting the potential of the Islamic economic framework. It examines common business models and identifies those areas of strength and weakness conducive to sustainability. In this, the potential of the Islamic system is highlighted. The paper argues that the Islamic system is largely socially oriented but that this should not be misunderstood as a compromise in profitability. Rather, that sustainable growth is not a single person (or firm) journey, but a gradual, yet lasting, cooperation with society for achieving sustainable growth to the mutual benefit of all parties. By this, it is hoped that the value of social entrepreneurship is highlighted.

The problems of political integration which make up the subject of this paper have a general rele... more The problems of political integration which make up the subject of this paper have a general relevance to the recently decolonized states of the world. Indonesia is a geographic expression, a product of Dutch colonization bringing together more than 13,000 islands with disparate histories, civilizations, cultures and languages. Its con-temporary territorial from has been a product imposed by colonial governments, as Dr. Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State, had correctly written: "Indonesia was nothing but a geographic expression until the Dutch found out it was more efficient to unite the islands of Indies under a single administration." This was the genesis of the "Indonesian nation". Legitimacy, drawn from western ideas about self-determination, served to influence the mainstream of nationalism in Asia but at the same time also inspired sub-national sentiments among ethnic minorities.
Article history: Received 25 January 2014 Received in revised form 8 March 2014 Accepted 10 March... more Article history: Received 25 January 2014 Received in revised form 8 March 2014 Accepted 10 March 2014 Available online 20 March 2014
Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 2015
This study seeks to measure how Islamic values relate with organisational leadership in Malaysian... more This study seeks to measure how Islamic values relate with organisational leadership in Malaysian Banks. The determinants of Islamic values included under this study are modesty, motivation, and beliefs. The researcher sampled 194 staff as respondents employed in banks in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The sample consisted of 70 male and 124 female respondents with ages ranging from 20 to 60 years. The findings show that there is a significantly strong positive correlation between organisational leadership and Islamic values, organisational leadership and modesty, organisational leadership and motivation, as well as organisational leadership and beliefs. Furthermore, there is a strong and significant correlation between Islamic values and modesty, motivation, and beliefs.
Journal of Advanced Social Research, 2012
The Islamic law (shari’ah) refrains from providing detailed regulations for all changing requirem... more The Islamic law (shari’ah) refrains from providing detailed regulations for all changing requirements of our social existence. It is for the community to evolve the relevant comprehensive regulation and legislation through an exercise of independent reasoning(ijtihad) in consonance with the spirit of Islamic law and the best interests of the nation. This article try to look at how the idea of state was emerged ,what are the objectives of the state and the differences between an Islamic and secular state. This will followed with the elaboration on the status, the rights and obligations of non-Muslim as citizens in an Islamic state and on what basis that the non-Muslim citizens are also enjoy the same rights as Muslim enjoy and shoulder the same responsibility except for the post of the head of the state (uli al-amri) in an Islamic state.
... I am very happy that my colleague, Dr:Lukman Thaib of the Department of Southeast Asian Studi... more ... I am very happy that my colleague, Dr:Lukman Thaib of the Department of Southeast Asian Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has written this important book entitled Islamic Po litical Representation in Malaysia to explain how ... Abu Faris, Muhammad Abd ai-Qadir. ...

Malaysia is a country that since its independence has endeavored to practice democratic governanc... more Malaysia is a country that since its independence has endeavored to practice democratic governance. In line with this, it seeks to ensure that the Malaysian government is representative of the will of the people. To achieved this, there must be in place numerous mechanisms to ensure accountability and transparency while also ensuring that it has an 'ear to the ground' so to speak. Dato' Sri Mohd Najib believed that transformational leadership posits the leader in the role of mentor whereby he able to designates responsibilities to his followers as a means to achieved self-actualization which is a positive means in promoting team-building efforts. To achieve the goals shared between him as a country's leader and Malaysian peoples as his followers, he believed that inspirational motivation is needed, as it provides meaning to achieving this shared vision on ' how to make Malaysia as a high Income Nation by 2020'? PM Mohd Najib has been successfully in articulat...
Papers by Dr. Lukman Thaib