Cardiology and Angiology: An International Journal, 2022
Aims: To describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care personnel regarding venou... more Aims: To describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care personnel regarding venous thromboembolic disease prophylaxis (VTE) in the hospital setting to Parakou in 2017. Study Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study with prospective data collection. Place and Duration of Study: Departments of medicine and medical specialties, Departments of surgery and surgical specialties, Departments of gyneco-obstetrics and intensive care at the Hospital University of Parakou (CHUD-B), in northern Benin, between February 2017 and May 2017. Methodology: We included all health professionals working in these services who consented to participate. The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines for the management of VTE were used as the reference for the assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices. The evaluation form consisted of two parts, one addressed to physicians and the other to paramedics. The data were analyzed with SPSS 21 software with a significance level...
Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are often accompanied by cardiovascular s... more Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are often accompanied by cardiovascular sequelae. The objective of this study was to describe the prognosis in the postpartum period of patients with HDP in Departmen
Background: Central blood pressure measurement is an important issue today. Some clinical trials ... more Background: Central blood pressure measurement is an important issue today. Some clinical trials have shown a different impact on cardiovascular events according to the antihypertensive strategies used, despite an equal humeral blood pressure (BP). This could be explained by a different efficiency of the anti hypertensive drugs on the level of the central systolic blood pressure (SBPc) as it is illustrated by the CAFE study. SBPc depends on the arterial stiffness, the reflexion sites, cardiac output and peripheric resistance. During this time, its non-invasive measurement uses tonometry aplanation techniques (radial or common carotid arteries). We developed a new non-invasive and automatic method of SBPc measurement based on QKD interval, a validated marker of arterial stiffness. Methods: We enrolled patients who where addressed at our department for cardiac catheterisation. During these exams we simultaneously measured direct SBPc with a pig tail in the ascending aorta, the humeral sytolic blood pressure with an automatic device using the auscultatory method and giving the QKD interval during the same measure (Diasys Integra II®, Novacor, France). Results included 65 patients (47 men, 18 women, mean age 64,7 years) in which were realised 136 recordings. In multivariate analysis, 4 variables are correlated to the SBPc: mean humeral blood pressure (MBPh), QKD interval, age and heart rate with this regression equation: SBPc = 33,223 + 1,348xMBPh - 0,405xHR + 0,335xage - 0,105xQKD. This equation estimates 80% of the SBPc variance with a 13.5mmHg standard deviation. Conclusion: This study shows that we can estimate SBPc from only one automatic non-invasive humeral blood pressure and QKD interval measure. If further studies find the same results and in others populations we would be able to have ambulatory central systolic blood pressure measurement with this technique for our daily medical practice.
Introduction: In countries with high mortality, as in sub-Saharan Africa, approximately half of t... more Introduction: In countries with high mortality, as in sub-Saharan Africa, approximately half of the neonatal deaths are attributable to infections. This study aimed to investigate the trends in frequency and lethality of neonatal infections in the University Teaching Hospital of Parakou (CHU-P), from 2010 to 2016. Patients and methods: This research work is a cross-sectional and descriptive study with retrospective collection of data carried out in the CHU-P Pediatric Unit during the period running from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2016. It involved newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit during the study period. Main variables were related to neonatal infections. Results: During the study period, 6204 newborns were registered, including 3530 boys and 2674 girls i.e. a sex ratio of 1.32. Mean age for newborns was 6.01 ± 5.39 days. Average frequency of neonatal infection (NNI) was 54.11%, oscillating between 48.87% in 2010 and 56.91% in 2015. Average lethality or mortality rate was estimated at 26.30%, with extremes of 21.12% in 2013 and 31.58% in 2012. Conclusion: More than 5 out of 10 children hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit between 2010 and 2016 were diagnosed with a neonatal infection and one out of five newborns died of it. This sometimes justifies the excessive use of antibiotics. Prospective study with appropriate diagnostic tools is necessary to take stock of the actual status of neonatal infection in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit.
La thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) du membre thoracique est rare mais grave du fait de sa compl... more La thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) du membre thoracique est rare mais grave du fait de sa complication mortelle qui est l'embolie pulmonaire. Dans ce papier, nous rapportons cinq cas afin de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de cette affection chez le sujet noir africain. Cinq (5) patients ayant une thrombose veineuse du membre thoracique documentée par un écho-doppler veineux ont été observés entre le 01/01/2007 et le 31/12/2012. La prévalence a été de 4,09% sur l'ensemble des thromboses veineuses de membre. L'âge moyen était de 48,8 ± 13,8 ans. La sexratio (H/F) a été de 0,67 pour les femmes. Les causes ont été le cathéter veineux périphérique (40%), les cancers (40%), et la phlébite d'effort (20%). Les signes cliniques ont été dominés, au niveau du membre atteint, par l'oedème (100%), la douleur (80%), l'augmentation de la chaleur (80%). L'atteinte de la veine humérale a été la plus fréquente dans 80% des cas. Les complications ont été des séquelles post phlébitiques dans deux (40%), deux cas de décès (40%) en rapport avec les comorbidités et un cas d'embolie pulmonaire. L'héparinothérapie relayée par l'antivitamine K (AVK) a été le protocole de traitement le plus souvent utilisé. Le délai moyen de suivi du traitement AVK a été de 44,7 mois. La thrombose profonde du membre thoracique est une affection rare à Cotonou dont la cause est dominée par le cathéter veineux et le cancer. La prévention de ces causes secondaires est le meilleur traitement.
Aims May Measurement Month is a global screening campaign to raise awareness regarding elevated b... more Aims May Measurement Month is a global screening campaign to raise awareness regarding elevated blood pressure (BP). With the growing burden of hypertension, it is imperative to regularly assess the disease’s prevalence, risk factors, and awareness levels in a country. The current prevalence of hypertension in India as per the National Family Health Survey Data stands at 25.3%. May Measurement Month mobilizes healthcare professionals and sensitizes them to regularly measure BP, and impart lifestyle modification advice to the community. It also complements the deficiency in screening programmes at a national and international level. Methods and results May Measurement Month was carried out in May 2019 as an opportunistic screening campaign for adults (≥18 years). It was carried out by over 5000 trained volunteers across approximately 1000 screening sites (hospitals, public places, pharmacies, villages, and malls) in India. A total of 362 708 (57% males and 42.7% females) people were ...
We validated against invasive measurements a measure of central SBP based on the QKD interval. Th... more We validated against invasive measurements a measure of central SBP based on the QKD interval. The present objective is a comparison to the SphygmoCor device. A first cohort was used to redefine an algorithm for estimating ascending aorta SBP (cSBP) with respect to SphygmoCor. This algorithm was then tested in a second cohort under static conditions and in a third cohort during a head-up tilt to study blood pressure variations. The first cohort (36 patients, mean age: 46 ± 20 years, SBP: 114 ± 19 mm Hg) defined the estimation algorithm as cSBP =62.687+1.35 × meanBP-0.207 × heart rate-0.251 × height-0.1 × QKD (mean difference with SphygmoCor=0 ± 7 mmHg).In the second cohort (105 patients, mean age: 51 ± 19 years, SBP: 132 ± 22 mmHg), the average difference between the two techniques was 2 ± 6 mm Hg (R=0.93). The dynamic cohort included 31 patients (mean age: 49 ± 23 years, SBP: 110 ± 19 mmHg) with 224 pairs of measurement. We studied the changes in central blood pressures compared with the basal state of each of the two techniques during head-up tilt. With QKD, the average cSBP was 104 ± 19 mmHg, the average variation was -13.00 mmHg ± 15 (range 7-74 mmHg). With SphygmoCor, average cSBP was 10 mmHg ± 18, the average variation was -14 mmHg ± 16 (range 2-81 mmHg). The variations in blood pressure with the two techniques were well correlated (R=0.93). cSBP estimation based on the QKD interval is comparable in precision to the SphygmoCor. Its ability to measure cSBP variations suggests that it could be employed for ambulatory measurements over 24 h.
Objective: We aimed to assess the management of hypertensive patients by general practitioners in... more Objective: We aimed to assess the management of hypertensive patients by general practitioners in Cotonou city. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on a multicentre survey conducted from 1 May to 31 July 2011. We recruited all consenting general practitioners who worked in public and private centres in Cotonou city. We used the 7th report of the Joint National Committee to assess the management of hypertension by general practitioners. A tested and validated self-questionnaire was used to collect the data on hypertension management by general practitioners. Results: In eight centres that approved the study, 41 general practitioners were included. The definition of hypertension was known by 20 (48.8%) practitioners. Only 25 (61.0%) could describe the conditions for blood pressure measurement. Ten of them were unable to list half of the minimum recommended tests for hypertension, and the majority (92.7%) did not have any idea of global cardiovascular risk. The blood pressure goal was known by only 18 (43.9%) practitioners. Lifestyle (82.9%) and monotherapy (70.7%) were the therapeutic modalities most prescribed. Antihypertensive agents commonly used by practitioners were calcium channel blockers (82.9%), angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (53.7%) and diuretics (36.6%). The general practitioners referred their patients to cardiologists mainly for uncontrolled hypertension (63.4%) and the onset of acute complications (56.1%). Conclusion: The general practitioners' knowledge of hypertension was insufficient and their management did not reflect international guidelines.
The purpose of this work was to determine the absolute cardiovascular risk (ACVR) of women using ... more The purpose of this work was to determine the absolute cardiovascular risk (ACVR) of women using hormonal contraception in Porto-Novo. We carried out a descriptive, cross-sectional study, including women at the time of renewal of a hormonal contraceptive method. Blood pressure, fasting venous blood glucose level, body mass index and electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy were studied. The determination of ACVR was dual based on the World Health Organisation (WHO/ISH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC/ESH) models. The mean age of the women was 35.3 ± 8.2 years. Blood pressure and blood glucose levels were high in 24 and 1.5% of cases, respectively. Left ventricular hypertrophy was present in 7.1% of cases. A high ACVR was found in 5.2% of these women, using the ESC/ESH model. The occurrence of women with high ACVR in this group raises the problem of cardiovascular eligibility to the contraceptive method used.
Introduction: La dyspnée est un symptôme qui peut être l'expression de pathologies potentiellemen... more Introduction: La dyspnée est un symptôme qui peut être l'expression de pathologies potentiellement grave et urgentes. Notre objectif était d'évaluer la qualité de la prise en charge de la dyspnée en milieu hospitalier à Parakou. Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'étude rétrospective portant sur tous les patients admis dans les centres hospitaliers de Parakou pour dyspnée non traumatique entre le 1er Février 2012 et le 31 Mai 2013. Les recommandations tunisiennes sur la prise en charge de la dyspnée aux urgences ont été utilisées comme référentiel d'évaluation. Chaque étape de la démarche médicale a été notée et la prise en charge était bonne lorsque la note obtenue au score était entre 51 et 100. Les autres variables utilisées étaient la qualification du soignant principal, les antécédents du patient et les données cliniques et paracliniques.Résultats: Sur les 11101 patients reçus aux urgences on a dénombré 328 cas de dyspnée (2,9%). La PEC était assuré principalement par les cardiologues (55,9%) et les médecins généralistes (29,2%). La qualité de la prise en charge par les généralistes était bonne chez 73,2%. Les facteurs associés à la bonne qualité de PEC étaient: la recherche des antécédents médicaux (84,4% vs 15,6%; p<10-4), la description des caractéristiques cliniques de la dyspnée (94,1% vs 5,9%; p<10-4) et la réalisation de l'examen physique complet (86,8% vs 13,2%; p<10-4). Conclusion: A Parakou en 2013 près d'un généraliste sur trois gère mal la dyspnée. Cette mauvaise gestion est liée à une mauvaise démarche médicale.
Introduction: La dyspnée est un symptôme qui peut être l'expression de pathologies potentiellemen... more Introduction: La dyspnée est un symptôme qui peut être l'expression de pathologies potentiellement grave et urgentes. Notre objectif était d'évaluer la qualité de la prise en charge de la dyspnée en milieu hospitalier à Parakou. Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'étude rétrospective portant sur tous les patients admis dans les centres hospitaliers de Parakou pour dyspnée non traumatique entre le 1er Février 2012 et le 31 Mai 2013. Les recommandations tunisiennes sur la prise en charge de la dyspnée aux urgences ont été utilisées comme référentiel d'évaluation. Chaque étape de la démarche médicale a été notée et la prise en charge était bonne lorsque la note obtenue au score était entre 51 et 100. Les autres variables utilisées étaient la qualification du soignant principal, les antécédents du patient et les données cliniques et paracliniques.Résultats: Sur les 11101 patients reçus aux urgences on a dénombré 328 cas de dyspnée (2,9%). La PEC était assuré principalement par les cardiologues (55,9%) et les médecins généralistes (29,2%). La qualité de la prise en charge par les généralistes était bonne chez 73,2%. Les facteurs associés à la bonne qualité de PEC étaient: la recherche des antécédents médicaux (84,4% vs 15,6%; p<10-4), la description des caractéristiques cliniques de la dyspnée (94,1% vs 5,9%; p<10-4) et la réalisation de l'examen physique complet (86,8% vs 13,2%; p<10-4). Conclusion: A Parakou en 2013 près d'un généraliste sur trois gère mal la dyspnée. Cette mauvaise gestion est liée à une mauvaise démarche médicale.
Objective: We aimed to assess the management of hypertensive patients by general practitioners in... more Objective: We aimed to assess the management of hypertensive patients by general practitioners in Cotonou city. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on a multicentre survey conducted from 1 May to 31 July 2011. We recruited all consenting general practitioners who worked in public and private centres in Cotonou city. We used the 7th report of the Joint National Committee to assess the management of hypertension by general practitioners. A tested and validated self-questionnaire was used to collect the data on hypertension management by general practitioners. Results: In eight centres that approved the study, 41 general practitioners were included. The definition of hypertension was known by 20 (48.8%) practitioners. Only 25 (61.0%) could describe the conditions for blood pressure measurement. Ten of them were unable to list half of the minimum recommended tests for hypertension, and the majority (92.7%) did not have any idea of global cardiovascular risk. The blood pressure goal was known by only 18 (43.9%) practitioners. Lifestyle (82.9%) and monotherapy (70.7%) were the therapeutic modalities most prescribed. Antihypertensive agents commonly used by practitioners were calcium channel blockers (82.9%), angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (53.7%) and diuretics (36.6%). The general practitioners referred their patients to cardiologists mainly for uncontrolled hypertension (63.4%) and the onset of acute complications (56.1%). Conclusion: The general practitioners' knowledge of hypertension was insufficient and their management did not reflect international guidelines.
The purpose was to determine the prevalence of the rheumatic heart disease in Okédama’s secondary... more The purpose was to determine the prevalence of the rheumatic heart disease in Okédama’s secondary school of Parakou. It was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted for two months (07 May to 05 July 2012). We included all students present during the survey and whose parents have signed the consent paper. The diagnosis of rheumatic disease was done on the basis of the criteria of Jones. The rheumatic carditis was retained according to the echographic criteria. A total of 483 students were examined among which 220 male. The mean age was 14,2 ±3,2 years. After investigations, no student presented major criteria of Jones but the accumulation of two minor criteria was found in 1,9 % of them. No student has biological confirmation of rheumatic disease. Finally, no case of rheumatic disease was retained. A large-scale study is necessary to verify these data.
Cardiology and Angiology: An International Journal, 2022
Aims: To describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care personnel regarding venou... more Aims: To describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care personnel regarding venous thromboembolic disease prophylaxis (VTE) in the hospital setting to Parakou in 2017. Study Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study with prospective data collection. Place and Duration of Study: Departments of medicine and medical specialties, Departments of surgery and surgical specialties, Departments of gyneco-obstetrics and intensive care at the Hospital University of Parakou (CHUD-B), in northern Benin, between February 2017 and May 2017. Methodology: We included all health professionals working in these services who consented to participate. The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines for the management of VTE were used as the reference for the assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices. The evaluation form consisted of two parts, one addressed to physicians and the other to paramedics. The data were analyzed with SPSS 21 software with a significance level...
Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are often accompanied by cardiovascular s... more Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are often accompanied by cardiovascular sequelae. The objective of this study was to describe the prognosis in the postpartum period of patients with HDP in Departmen
Background: Central blood pressure measurement is an important issue today. Some clinical trials ... more Background: Central blood pressure measurement is an important issue today. Some clinical trials have shown a different impact on cardiovascular events according to the antihypertensive strategies used, despite an equal humeral blood pressure (BP). This could be explained by a different efficiency of the anti hypertensive drugs on the level of the central systolic blood pressure (SBPc) as it is illustrated by the CAFE study. SBPc depends on the arterial stiffness, the reflexion sites, cardiac output and peripheric resistance. During this time, its non-invasive measurement uses tonometry aplanation techniques (radial or common carotid arteries). We developed a new non-invasive and automatic method of SBPc measurement based on QKD interval, a validated marker of arterial stiffness. Methods: We enrolled patients who where addressed at our department for cardiac catheterisation. During these exams we simultaneously measured direct SBPc with a pig tail in the ascending aorta, the humeral sytolic blood pressure with an automatic device using the auscultatory method and giving the QKD interval during the same measure (Diasys Integra II®, Novacor, France). Results included 65 patients (47 men, 18 women, mean age 64,7 years) in which were realised 136 recordings. In multivariate analysis, 4 variables are correlated to the SBPc: mean humeral blood pressure (MBPh), QKD interval, age and heart rate with this regression equation: SBPc = 33,223 + 1,348xMBPh - 0,405xHR + 0,335xage - 0,105xQKD. This equation estimates 80% of the SBPc variance with a 13.5mmHg standard deviation. Conclusion: This study shows that we can estimate SBPc from only one automatic non-invasive humeral blood pressure and QKD interval measure. If further studies find the same results and in others populations we would be able to have ambulatory central systolic blood pressure measurement with this technique for our daily medical practice.
Introduction: In countries with high mortality, as in sub-Saharan Africa, approximately half of t... more Introduction: In countries with high mortality, as in sub-Saharan Africa, approximately half of the neonatal deaths are attributable to infections. This study aimed to investigate the trends in frequency and lethality of neonatal infections in the University Teaching Hospital of Parakou (CHU-P), from 2010 to 2016. Patients and methods: This research work is a cross-sectional and descriptive study with retrospective collection of data carried out in the CHU-P Pediatric Unit during the period running from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2016. It involved newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit during the study period. Main variables were related to neonatal infections. Results: During the study period, 6204 newborns were registered, including 3530 boys and 2674 girls i.e. a sex ratio of 1.32. Mean age for newborns was 6.01 ± 5.39 days. Average frequency of neonatal infection (NNI) was 54.11%, oscillating between 48.87% in 2010 and 56.91% in 2015. Average lethality or mortality rate was estimated at 26.30%, with extremes of 21.12% in 2013 and 31.58% in 2012. Conclusion: More than 5 out of 10 children hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit between 2010 and 2016 were diagnosed with a neonatal infection and one out of five newborns died of it. This sometimes justifies the excessive use of antibiotics. Prospective study with appropriate diagnostic tools is necessary to take stock of the actual status of neonatal infection in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit.
La thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) du membre thoracique est rare mais grave du fait de sa compl... more La thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) du membre thoracique est rare mais grave du fait de sa complication mortelle qui est l'embolie pulmonaire. Dans ce papier, nous rapportons cinq cas afin de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de cette affection chez le sujet noir africain. Cinq (5) patients ayant une thrombose veineuse du membre thoracique documentée par un écho-doppler veineux ont été observés entre le 01/01/2007 et le 31/12/2012. La prévalence a été de 4,09% sur l'ensemble des thromboses veineuses de membre. L'âge moyen était de 48,8 ± 13,8 ans. La sexratio (H/F) a été de 0,67 pour les femmes. Les causes ont été le cathéter veineux périphérique (40%), les cancers (40%), et la phlébite d'effort (20%). Les signes cliniques ont été dominés, au niveau du membre atteint, par l'oedème (100%), la douleur (80%), l'augmentation de la chaleur (80%). L'atteinte de la veine humérale a été la plus fréquente dans 80% des cas. Les complications ont été des séquelles post phlébitiques dans deux (40%), deux cas de décès (40%) en rapport avec les comorbidités et un cas d'embolie pulmonaire. L'héparinothérapie relayée par l'antivitamine K (AVK) a été le protocole de traitement le plus souvent utilisé. Le délai moyen de suivi du traitement AVK a été de 44,7 mois. La thrombose profonde du membre thoracique est une affection rare à Cotonou dont la cause est dominée par le cathéter veineux et le cancer. La prévention de ces causes secondaires est le meilleur traitement.
Aims May Measurement Month is a global screening campaign to raise awareness regarding elevated b... more Aims May Measurement Month is a global screening campaign to raise awareness regarding elevated blood pressure (BP). With the growing burden of hypertension, it is imperative to regularly assess the disease’s prevalence, risk factors, and awareness levels in a country. The current prevalence of hypertension in India as per the National Family Health Survey Data stands at 25.3%. May Measurement Month mobilizes healthcare professionals and sensitizes them to regularly measure BP, and impart lifestyle modification advice to the community. It also complements the deficiency in screening programmes at a national and international level. Methods and results May Measurement Month was carried out in May 2019 as an opportunistic screening campaign for adults (≥18 years). It was carried out by over 5000 trained volunteers across approximately 1000 screening sites (hospitals, public places, pharmacies, villages, and malls) in India. A total of 362 708 (57% males and 42.7% females) people were ...
We validated against invasive measurements a measure of central SBP based on the QKD interval. Th... more We validated against invasive measurements a measure of central SBP based on the QKD interval. The present objective is a comparison to the SphygmoCor device. A first cohort was used to redefine an algorithm for estimating ascending aorta SBP (cSBP) with respect to SphygmoCor. This algorithm was then tested in a second cohort under static conditions and in a third cohort during a head-up tilt to study blood pressure variations. The first cohort (36 patients, mean age: 46 ± 20 years, SBP: 114 ± 19 mm Hg) defined the estimation algorithm as cSBP =62.687+1.35 × meanBP-0.207 × heart rate-0.251 × height-0.1 × QKD (mean difference with SphygmoCor=0 ± 7 mmHg).In the second cohort (105 patients, mean age: 51 ± 19 years, SBP: 132 ± 22 mmHg), the average difference between the two techniques was 2 ± 6 mm Hg (R=0.93). The dynamic cohort included 31 patients (mean age: 49 ± 23 years, SBP: 110 ± 19 mmHg) with 224 pairs of measurement. We studied the changes in central blood pressures compared with the basal state of each of the two techniques during head-up tilt. With QKD, the average cSBP was 104 ± 19 mmHg, the average variation was -13.00 mmHg ± 15 (range 7-74 mmHg). With SphygmoCor, average cSBP was 10 mmHg ± 18, the average variation was -14 mmHg ± 16 (range 2-81 mmHg). The variations in blood pressure with the two techniques were well correlated (R=0.93). cSBP estimation based on the QKD interval is comparable in precision to the SphygmoCor. Its ability to measure cSBP variations suggests that it could be employed for ambulatory measurements over 24 h.
Objective: We aimed to assess the management of hypertensive patients by general practitioners in... more Objective: We aimed to assess the management of hypertensive patients by general practitioners in Cotonou city. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on a multicentre survey conducted from 1 May to 31 July 2011. We recruited all consenting general practitioners who worked in public and private centres in Cotonou city. We used the 7th report of the Joint National Committee to assess the management of hypertension by general practitioners. A tested and validated self-questionnaire was used to collect the data on hypertension management by general practitioners. Results: In eight centres that approved the study, 41 general practitioners were included. The definition of hypertension was known by 20 (48.8%) practitioners. Only 25 (61.0%) could describe the conditions for blood pressure measurement. Ten of them were unable to list half of the minimum recommended tests for hypertension, and the majority (92.7%) did not have any idea of global cardiovascular risk. The blood pressure goal was known by only 18 (43.9%) practitioners. Lifestyle (82.9%) and monotherapy (70.7%) were the therapeutic modalities most prescribed. Antihypertensive agents commonly used by practitioners were calcium channel blockers (82.9%), angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (53.7%) and diuretics (36.6%). The general practitioners referred their patients to cardiologists mainly for uncontrolled hypertension (63.4%) and the onset of acute complications (56.1%). Conclusion: The general practitioners' knowledge of hypertension was insufficient and their management did not reflect international guidelines.
The purpose of this work was to determine the absolute cardiovascular risk (ACVR) of women using ... more The purpose of this work was to determine the absolute cardiovascular risk (ACVR) of women using hormonal contraception in Porto-Novo. We carried out a descriptive, cross-sectional study, including women at the time of renewal of a hormonal contraceptive method. Blood pressure, fasting venous blood glucose level, body mass index and electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy were studied. The determination of ACVR was dual based on the World Health Organisation (WHO/ISH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC/ESH) models. The mean age of the women was 35.3 ± 8.2 years. Blood pressure and blood glucose levels were high in 24 and 1.5% of cases, respectively. Left ventricular hypertrophy was present in 7.1% of cases. A high ACVR was found in 5.2% of these women, using the ESC/ESH model. The occurrence of women with high ACVR in this group raises the problem of cardiovascular eligibility to the contraceptive method used.
Introduction: La dyspnée est un symptôme qui peut être l'expression de pathologies potentiellemen... more Introduction: La dyspnée est un symptôme qui peut être l'expression de pathologies potentiellement grave et urgentes. Notre objectif était d'évaluer la qualité de la prise en charge de la dyspnée en milieu hospitalier à Parakou. Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'étude rétrospective portant sur tous les patients admis dans les centres hospitaliers de Parakou pour dyspnée non traumatique entre le 1er Février 2012 et le 31 Mai 2013. Les recommandations tunisiennes sur la prise en charge de la dyspnée aux urgences ont été utilisées comme référentiel d'évaluation. Chaque étape de la démarche médicale a été notée et la prise en charge était bonne lorsque la note obtenue au score était entre 51 et 100. Les autres variables utilisées étaient la qualification du soignant principal, les antécédents du patient et les données cliniques et paracliniques.Résultats: Sur les 11101 patients reçus aux urgences on a dénombré 328 cas de dyspnée (2,9%). La PEC était assuré principalement par les cardiologues (55,9%) et les médecins généralistes (29,2%). La qualité de la prise en charge par les généralistes était bonne chez 73,2%. Les facteurs associés à la bonne qualité de PEC étaient: la recherche des antécédents médicaux (84,4% vs 15,6%; p<10-4), la description des caractéristiques cliniques de la dyspnée (94,1% vs 5,9%; p<10-4) et la réalisation de l'examen physique complet (86,8% vs 13,2%; p<10-4). Conclusion: A Parakou en 2013 près d'un généraliste sur trois gère mal la dyspnée. Cette mauvaise gestion est liée à une mauvaise démarche médicale.
Introduction: La dyspnée est un symptôme qui peut être l'expression de pathologies potentiellemen... more Introduction: La dyspnée est un symptôme qui peut être l'expression de pathologies potentiellement grave et urgentes. Notre objectif était d'évaluer la qualité de la prise en charge de la dyspnée en milieu hospitalier à Parakou. Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'étude rétrospective portant sur tous les patients admis dans les centres hospitaliers de Parakou pour dyspnée non traumatique entre le 1er Février 2012 et le 31 Mai 2013. Les recommandations tunisiennes sur la prise en charge de la dyspnée aux urgences ont été utilisées comme référentiel d'évaluation. Chaque étape de la démarche médicale a été notée et la prise en charge était bonne lorsque la note obtenue au score était entre 51 et 100. Les autres variables utilisées étaient la qualification du soignant principal, les antécédents du patient et les données cliniques et paracliniques.Résultats: Sur les 11101 patients reçus aux urgences on a dénombré 328 cas de dyspnée (2,9%). La PEC était assuré principalement par les cardiologues (55,9%) et les médecins généralistes (29,2%). La qualité de la prise en charge par les généralistes était bonne chez 73,2%. Les facteurs associés à la bonne qualité de PEC étaient: la recherche des antécédents médicaux (84,4% vs 15,6%; p<10-4), la description des caractéristiques cliniques de la dyspnée (94,1% vs 5,9%; p<10-4) et la réalisation de l'examen physique complet (86,8% vs 13,2%; p<10-4). Conclusion: A Parakou en 2013 près d'un généraliste sur trois gère mal la dyspnée. Cette mauvaise gestion est liée à une mauvaise démarche médicale.
Objective: We aimed to assess the management of hypertensive patients by general practitioners in... more Objective: We aimed to assess the management of hypertensive patients by general practitioners in Cotonou city. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on a multicentre survey conducted from 1 May to 31 July 2011. We recruited all consenting general practitioners who worked in public and private centres in Cotonou city. We used the 7th report of the Joint National Committee to assess the management of hypertension by general practitioners. A tested and validated self-questionnaire was used to collect the data on hypertension management by general practitioners. Results: In eight centres that approved the study, 41 general practitioners were included. The definition of hypertension was known by 20 (48.8%) practitioners. Only 25 (61.0%) could describe the conditions for blood pressure measurement. Ten of them were unable to list half of the minimum recommended tests for hypertension, and the majority (92.7%) did not have any idea of global cardiovascular risk. The blood pressure goal was known by only 18 (43.9%) practitioners. Lifestyle (82.9%) and monotherapy (70.7%) were the therapeutic modalities most prescribed. Antihypertensive agents commonly used by practitioners were calcium channel blockers (82.9%), angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (53.7%) and diuretics (36.6%). The general practitioners referred their patients to cardiologists mainly for uncontrolled hypertension (63.4%) and the onset of acute complications (56.1%). Conclusion: The general practitioners' knowledge of hypertension was insufficient and their management did not reflect international guidelines.
The purpose was to determine the prevalence of the rheumatic heart disease in Okédama’s secondary... more The purpose was to determine the prevalence of the rheumatic heart disease in Okédama’s secondary school of Parakou. It was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted for two months (07 May to 05 July 2012). We included all students present during the survey and whose parents have signed the consent paper. The diagnosis of rheumatic disease was done on the basis of the criteria of Jones. The rheumatic carditis was retained according to the echographic criteria. A total of 483 students were examined among which 220 male. The mean age was 14,2 ±3,2 years. After investigations, no student presented major criteria of Jones but the accumulation of two minor criteria was found in 1,9 % of them. No student has biological confirmation of rheumatic disease. Finally, no case of rheumatic disease was retained. A large-scale study is necessary to verify these data.
Papers by leopold codjo