Papers by kristi poerwandari

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Abtract. Old women are constrained by unequal power relations to have a prosperous and comfortabl... more Abtract. Old women are constrained by unequal power relations to have a prosperous and comfortable life. The unequal power relations affect access, power, and control of old women. In this case, the autonomy of old women to determine the decision on their life choices is hampered. In addition, old women are more vulnerable to gender-based injustice because they have two identities as a woman and an old person. This study examines autonomy of old women in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia by applying existentialism theory of Simone de Beauvoir and relational autonomy of Natalie Stoljar. Data are obtained by using a qualitative approach with feminist perspective. Findings of this study show that old women must face various factors that impeded their autonomy, including power relations, doctrines of patriarchal values, and oppressive relationships in their old life. These inhibiting factors affect old women during their old life. However, old women can have autonomy because old women can do self-reflection on the oppressive conditions they experienced and to produce knowledge to strategically deal with oppression in themselves.

Jurnal Perempuan, May 20, 2016
This article focuses on the rationalization of perpetrators of sexual offense against women, in a... more This article focuses on the rationalization of perpetrators of sexual offense against women, in a form of re-analysis of data gathered from one police resort in Greater Jakarta. The article presents the data of 9 (nine) suspects who were reported to the police by their girlfriends or the family of their girlfriends. Sexual offense toward women could not be separated from the lower bargaining position of women, as well as the views of sexuality which cornering women. Marrying the victim to the perpetrator is one practice that is still popular to solve the problem, which makes the situation worse for the victim. This also spread the socialization and practices of mean and irresponsible behavior by perpetrator or potential perpetrator. Double standard views on sexuality lead to the vulnerable situation of women, and make it more difficult to fight for justice on the issue of sexual offense. The double standard is also dominating the mind of the general public and even the public official. Therefore, the Law needs to view sexuality and sexual violence in a comprehensive understanding, with gender justice perspectives which also protect children.

This study presents an intervention module development based on the self-reflection of the first ... more This study presents an intervention module development based on the self-reflection of the first author, who has been experiencing social anxiety and Internet addiction. Said author has also been experiencing fear of negative evaluation and has negative beliefs about her ability to perform appropriately in social situations. Internet addiction has become her safe haven from social anxiety, allowing her to avoid anxiety from interactions with others and escape from her problems by engaging in more pleasurable activities derived from Internet use. Internet addiction provides gratification, including comfortable feeling and fulfillment of social relationship needs online. Based on the autoethnography as needs assessment, combined with the literature review, the authorwho is specializing in clinical psychology-proposes an intervention module. Her selfawareness about her problems and its negative consequences motivated her to monitor her behavior. She also realized the importance of helping others undergoing similar or even worse problems. The cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) intervention module includes the following: (1) psychoeducation about social anxiety and Internet addiction, (2) behavior modification to control excessive Internet consumption, (3) cognitive restructuring, and (4) exposure/assignment to develop social skills. After undergoing the intervention module, the first author showed a decline in Internet addiction and social anxiety. After that, three participants who also underwent intervention also showed a decrease in Internet addiction and social anxiety after six sessions. This article contributes to the literature by explaining Internet addiction and intervention from the perspective of someone who overcame the problems of social anxiety and Internet addiction after undergoing the proposed intervention.

Psychological research on urban society, Apr 18, 2018
Premarital sexual compliance is a common phenomenon found among women, and this tendency is influ... more Premarital sexual compliance is a common phenomenon found among women, and this tendency is influenced by the socialization of gender roles. This descriptive study examines the prevalence of and reasons for premarital sexual compliance by women in Jakarta. What surroundings are they in? What aspects of their relationships precede it? And, what are the emotional consequences of sexually compliant behavior? From 1,444 research participants obtained through accidental sampling, 391 participants have performed sexual compliance. The data for these 391 individuals was analyzed to explore and identify the intricacies of this behavior by urban women in Jakarta. Results show that gender roles and the sexual script seem to influence the occurrence of premarital sexual compliance behavior. One suggested intervention or prevention measure to eradicate this issue, among others, would be the development of a program designed to increase sexual assertiveness and to execute comprehensive sex education programs in schools.

Jurnal masyarakat dan budaya, 2014
Penelitian kualitatif ini mengeksplorasi rasionalisasi sebagai cara membenarkan perilaku dari 24 ... more Penelitian kualitatif ini mengeksplorasi rasionalisasi sebagai cara membenarkan perilaku dari 24 laki-laki yang dilaporkan ke polisi untuk pelanggaran atas kekerasan seksual. Pengingkaran bervariasi mulai dari pengingkaran absolut, minimalisasi, seperti mengklaim suka sama suka, dan mengingkari implikasi merugikan dari tindakan mereka terhadap korban. Ada pula fenomena yang jarang, tetapi muncul pada dua subjek, yakni pengingkaran dalam bentuk depersonalisasi. Pengingkaran yang lebih khusus terkait rasionalisasi berbasis gender tampil lazim, seperti mengaku hubungannya tidak harmonis dengan istri sehingga butuh perempuan lain untuk menyalurkan kebutuhan seksual, atau bahwa perempuan yang melaporkannya bukan perempuan baik-baik. Ada rasionalisasi sangat kuat terkait wacana 'kesucian perempuan', terbukti bahwa perempuan itu 'tidak lagi perawan', ada di luar rumah di malam hari, atau bergaul bebas dengan laki-laki. Pelaku yang punya relasi khusus dengan korban ingin membuktikan bahwa pasangannya setia dan 'suci', atau marah dan curiga mengenai masa lalu pasangannya, kemudian memaksakan hubungan seksual atau melakukan serangan seksual. Pelaku dapat mengadopsi peran 'profesional', 'pahlawan', 'pembalas dendam', maupun 'korban'. Semua hal di atas tidak dapat dipisahkan dari konteks budaya Indonesia, dan menjelaskan keyakinan dari laki-laki pelaku kekerasan seksual bahwa mereka superior dan berkuasa atas perempuan.

Posttraumatic growth (PTG) refers to the occurrence of positive psychological changes following a... more Posttraumatic growth (PTG) refers to the occurrence of positive psychological changes following a traumatic event. The Holocaust was one of the most traumatic events in modern civilization, yet many Holocaust survivors have found meaning even in this painful experience, and their search for and discovery of meaning in life has been an important part of their journey toward positive change. Few studies have closely examined survivors' perspective on how the process of searching for and finding meaning in life helped them to experience PTG. In this study, we applied the method of psychobiography to analyze the autobiographies of Viktor Frankl and Elie Wiesel, using a film documentary and Internet articles for data triangulation. Theoretical conceptions of PTG and of meaning in life were used as a framework to interpret the autobiographies. The analysis determined that Frankl and Wiesel demonstrated positive development in every domain of posttraumatic growth. The process of discovering newfound meaning was central in their PTG experiences. Differences between their personal journeys may be attributable to background factors such as their age, previous exposure to Nazism, personal characteristics, and camp experiences. Clinicians could use the results of this study to foster PTG in their therapeutic work or, in broader settings, to help people in societies with histories of mass violence or genocide to cope with their trauma.

Women & Health, Aug 1, 2001
This paper describes the development of a set of measures of women's psychological well•being in ... more This paper describes the development of a set of measures of women's psychological well•being in Indonesia. identit'es meaningful clusters of women based on the well-being measures. and explores the sociodemographic factors associated with these well-being clusters. This is the t.rst published study to measure psychological well-being among a large sample of Indonesians and the t.rst to focus on women in that country. Rather than use standard measures of psychological wellbeing developed in Western nations and untested among Asian women. focus groups were conducted to develop an understanding of Indonesian women's perceptions of their own well-being. The focus group t'ndings were used to develop 41 questionnaire items to measure psychological well-being. and the questionnaire was administered to 796 women in Elizabeth EggleslOn is affiliated with lht! Population Leadership Progr.lm. Bakeley. CA. formerly Family Health International. Research Triangle Park. NC. Emelita L Wong is aniliared with Family Heahh International. Research Triangle Park. ::\"e. Karen Hardee is aftiliated with The Futures Group International. Washington. DC. formerly Family Health Intemational. Research Triangle Park. NC. lrwanto is affiliated wilh the Centre for Societal Development Studies. Alma Jaya Catholic University. Jakarta. E. Kristi Poerwandari is affilialed with the Women's Studies Program. Unh'crsity of Indonesia. Jakarta.

Journal of health science and prevention, Apr 29, 2023
kekerasan berbasis gender siber; pemulihan korban kekerasan; penghidupan; ekonomi politik feminis... more kekerasan berbasis gender siber; pemulihan korban kekerasan; penghidupan; ekonomi politik feminis Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali proses pemulihan dua perempuan penyintas kekerasan berbasis gender siber (KBGS) dan upaya-upayanya dalam mempertahankan penghidupannya. Artikel ini mengungkap kelindan kekerasan yang dialami penyintas dengan ruang-ruang kehidupannya serta strategi penghidupan yang dilakukan. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif perspektif feminis dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam melalui daring. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan kerangka Space, Time, and Violence (STV) oleh Elias dan Rai, yang melihat ketidaksetaraan dalam kehidupan perempuan berdasarkan 3 aspek, yakni ruang, waktu, dan kekerasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dua temuan utama: pertama, kekerasan berbasis gender siber (KBGS) yang dialami berkelindan dengan peran dan ruang hidup perempuan. Perempuan mendapatkan dampak ekonomi, psikis, penyalahan (victim blaming) dan stigma negatif dari lingkungan. Kedua, perempuan penyintas mengupayakan berbagai strategi koping yang berbeda-beda untuk bertahan maupun pulih, seperti membatasi akses komunikasi, melakukan upaya teknis, hingga melapor pada pihak berwenang. Sayangnya, negara tidak menjamin pemulihan penyintas KBGS, sehingga ada kerugian dan biaya yang harus ditanggung oleh penyintas itu sendiri.

Pertanika journal of social science and humanities, 2019
and the California Collaborative Treatment Group (CCTG) Objective: We conducted a randomized, mul... more and the California Collaborative Treatment Group (CCTG) Objective: We conducted a randomized, multi-site, controlled trial of a cognitivebehavioral adherence intervention for patients initiating or changing an antiretroviral (ART) regimen. Design: A 3 Â 2 factorial design was used with the primary randomization assigning patients (1 : 1 : 1) to one of two adherence interventions or usual care. Methods: The five-session adherence interventions consisted of cognitive-behavioral and motivational components, with or without a 2-week pre-treatment placebo practice trial. Intent-to-treat analysis used probability weights and regression tree analysis to account for missing data. Results: A total of 230 patients were randomized; 199 started ART, of whom 74% completed the 48-week study. Electronic monitored adherence outcomes between the two intervention groups did not differ significantly and were thus pooled in analyses. At week 4, 82% of intervention patients had taken at least 90% of their prescribed ART doses, compared with 65% of controls (P < 0.01); this group difference dropped to 12% at week 12 (72 versus 60%; P ¼ 0.15) and 11% at week 24 (66 versus 55%; P ¼ 0.28). Mean adherence in the intervention group was significantly higher than the control group at week 24 (89 versus 81%; P < 0.05) only. There were no group differences with respect to HIV-1 RNA throughout the study. Conclusions: The effects of the cognitive-behavioral intervention on adherence were modest and transient, and no effects were observed on viral load or CD4 cell count. More robust effects may require a more intense intervention that combines ongoing adherence monitoring and individualized intervention 'dosage' that matches the need and performance of each patient.
College student journal, 2021

Humaniora, 2021
Deriving from basis of the social identity theory and its development, the research aimed to expl... more Deriving from basis of the social identity theory and its development, the research aimed to explore the points of exclusion and how individuals and groups perceived themselves as experiencing victimhood of social injustice. The rise of intolerance in Indonesia was alarming and threatened the diversity and inclusivity of the nation. Throughout several political milestones such as gubernatorial and presidential elections, identity had been used as one of the most efficient ways to segregate and discriminate against people belonging to different groups. Applying a qualitative approach, data were mined from two focus group discussions of university student respondents with various religious and ethnic backgrounds representing the majority and minority groups in Indonesia. Groups sessions were strictly differentiated between majority and minority representatives to minimize the risk of potential conflict. The findings suggest that both groups’ initial perceptions towards members of outg...

Global Medical and Health Communication (GMHC), 2021
Belief in the availability of social support (perceived social support) was known to influence de... more Belief in the availability of social support (perceived social support) was known to influence depression and health-related quality of life in SLE patients. This support becomes a psychological resource when they experience negative emotional states such as depression caused by a chronic illness such as SLE. In people whose lives are influenced by religion, such as in Indonesian culture, belief in God's help (perceived spiritual support) is an important variable that needs to be studied because it is predicted to affect patients’ health-related quality of life. This study aims to explain the relationship between perceived social support, spiritual support, and depression to health-related quality of life in a patient with SLE. This cross-sectional study was conducted from March to June 2021 towards 328 SLE patients selected using the convenient sampling technique. Data was collected through forms that are distributed online and offline. The research sample was SLE patients who ...
Papers by kristi poerwandari