Papers by Aleksandr kozlov
International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021, 2022

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference - Digital Transformation on Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Service, 2020
The digitalization process in the global economy is rising the interest to researching the factor... more The digitalization process in the global economy is rising the interest to researching the factors and results of this process, in comparing digitalization processes in different regions of the world. The purpose of this article is to study the dynamics of the level of business digitalization in Russia and Poland at the regional and country level. The choice of countries and their subjects is due to their close geographic location and a similar history of economic development. The work substantiates the choice of indicators for assessing digital infrastructure in three areas: indicators reflecting the involvement of the population in the use of ICT, indicators that reflect the involvement of business in the use of ICT, indicators that reflect the possibility of using ICT in interaction with public administration. The authors propose to use an integrated indicator for assessing the level of development of the digital infrastructure of the country and the region. The results obtained made it possible to identify the lower initial position of Russia and Kaliningrad region in comparison with Poland and region of Greater Poland and a reduction this gap due to active governmental support of the digitalization process in Russia and Russian regions.

Proceedings of the International Conference Communicative Strategies of Information Society (CSIS 2018), 2019
The article presents the results of the study carried out at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polyt... more The article presents the results of the study carried out at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University with the purpose of exploring the digital culture of students enrolled in Economics and Management courses. The following problems have been solved to achieve this goal. We have proposed a definition for the term "digital culture" with respect to an individual as the subject and carrier of this culture. We have developed a questionnaire allowing to identify the level of digital culture in the target group and surveyed a representative sample of 176 people. We have analyzed the results in terms of learning levels, formulating conclusions and making recommendations based on the analysis performed. Our findings indicate that a significant proportion of students have a low level of digital culture and are conservative towards modern information and communication technologies. We have drawn conclusions on the dynamics of using information and digital technologies for training bachelor's and master's students, generating recommendations on the possible methods for solving the problem we have discovered and on increasing the level of digital culture of students.
2016 XIX IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM), 2016
The article discusses the possibility of valuing of the aggregated industrial development level i... more The article discusses the possibility of valuing of the aggregated industrial development level index for the region by fuzzy-set method. Input variables were determined based on System of regional indicators (SRI) in the component of the ≪Industry and Entrepreneurship≫. In the study identified the factors influencing the industrial development level of the region, formed the linguistic scale for evaluation of an aggregated index, and calculated the index for the Murmansk and the Yamalo-Nenets District of Russia. Assessment and comparison of the industrial development level of regions was made. The indicator can be used to monitor the industrial development of the regions and decision making in development of regional economic policy.
Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2017
The paper studies the regulations of the socio-economic development in the Russian Far North. Thi... more The paper studies the regulations of the socio-economic development in the Russian Far North. This work presents the research of the main historical stages of the law formation and the analysis of the existing regulations of the socio-economic development in the Far North. It was found out that the Far North economic and social status has deteriorated in recent years due to the introduction of novel legislations. The analysis of laws has also shown the reorientation of the state towards the strong support of only a part of the Far North territories, namely its Arctic region. Thus, some proposals have been formulated to improve the regulations of the socio-economic development of the Far North in order to solve urgent social and economic problems of the region.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The purpose of the study is to develop a method for assessing the level of digital infrastructure... more The purpose of the study is to develop a method for assessing the level of digital infrastructure development for doing business in a region and a comparative analysis on the example of the two largest urban agglomerations of the Russian Federation-Moscow and St. Petersburg. The relevance of the research topic is confirmed, on the one hand, by the special role of the Moscow and St. Petersburg in the Russian economy, on the other hand, by the current processes of digitalization going on in the Russian economy. The authors propose a refined concept of “digital infrastructure of the region”, and justify the choice of indicators characterizing its level. The article presents the integral indicator for assessing the level of development of the region’s digital infrastructure, based on separate indicators of two types, characterizing, on the one hand, the material basis and on the another hand, the access to digital infrastructure. The study used a formula for calculation of the integral ...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
The article presents an approach to sustainable environmental development of the Murmansk region ... more The article presents an approach to sustainable environmental development of the Murmansk region of the Russian Federation based on the complex regional indicators as a transformation of a balance scorecard method. The peculiarities of Murmansk region connected with sustainable environmental development are described. The complex regional indicators approach allows to elaborate the general concept of complex regional development taking into consideration economic and non-economic factors with the focus on environmental aspects, accumulated environmental damage in particular. General strategic chart of sustainable environmental development of the Murmansk region worked out on the basis of complex regional indicators concept is composed. The key target indicators of sustainable ecological development of the Murmansk region are presented for the following strategic chart components: regional finance; society and market; industry and entrepreneurship; training, development and innovations. These charts are to be integrated with international environmental monitoring systems.
СЕВЕР И РЫНОК:формирование экономического порядка, 2020
Научно-информационный журнал Основан в 1998 году чл.-корр. РАН Геннадием Павловичем Лузиным Выход... more Научно-информационный журнал Основан в 1998 году чл.-корр. РАН Геннадием Павловичем Лузиным Выходит 4 раза в год. Учредитель-Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Федеральный исследовательский центр «Кольский научный центр Российской академии наук»

St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Economics, 2016
Статья посвящена актуальной теме совершенствования управления процессами инновационнопромышленног... more Статья посвящена актуальной теме совершенствования управления процессами инновационнопромышленного развития районов Крайнего Севера Российской Федерации. Сформировавшиеся в последние десятилетия негативные тенденции экономического развития северных территорий, а также особая экономическая и геополитическая роль этого региона в обеспечении стабильного развития страны создали предпосылки для принятия мер по восстановлению экономического пространства и реиндустриализации районов Крайнего Севера. В рамках реализации мер по совершенствованию управления процессом промышленного и инновационного развития представлен комплекс региональных индикаторов как один из возможных инструментов по реализации мер, направленных на совершенствование регионального управления. Предложено выделить в структуре комплекса региональных индикаторов следующие составляющие: «Промышленность и предпринимательство», «Общество и рынок», «Финансы региона», «Обучение развитие и инновации». По каждой из составляющих предложены индикаторы, отражающие уровень инновационно-промышленного развития. Предлагаемый комплекс региональных индикаторов позволяет в наглядной форме представлять процесс управления инновационным и промышленным региональным развитием, идентифицировать «слабые и узкие» места того или иного района и на этой основе адресно принимать обоснованные управленческие решения. Комплекс региональных индикаторов дает также возможность руководителям предприятий, исполнителям проектов и региональным властям контролировать достижение предлагаемых целевых показателей. С учетом неравномерности развития различных районов Крайнего Севера в сфере промышленности и инноваций предложено дифференцировать подходы к процессам управления региональным развитием на основе кластерного метода с использованием показателей, включенных в комплекс региональных индикаторов инновационно-промышленного развития. Как результат кластеризации, построена дендрограмма по пяти региональным кластерам: высокий уровень развития, выше среднего, средний, ниже среднего и низкий.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
The article substantiates the need to integrate environmental aspects in a balanced scorecard (BS... more The article substantiates the need to integrate environmental aspects in a balanced scorecard (BSC) to improve the efficiency of environmental management system at chemical plants. For environmental management, the balanced scorecard serves as a convenient management tool that is able to provide relevant and timely information on the environmental aspects of the refinery.

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
A review of studies found that investments in construction have a multiple macroeconomic effect; ... more A review of studies found that investments in construction have a multiple macroeconomic effect; therefore, these flows must be stimulated. However the study revealed that investments in construction in the Far North regions of Russian Federation including Murmansk region have suffered a decrease over a 20-year period, which has a negative impact on the infrastructure and the logistic system. Thus the goal of the research was to develop a strategic map for the sector’s development in order to increase its investment attractiveness. The paper suggests improving the investment attractiveness on the basis of the concept of a set of regional indicators, which is easily visualized by strategic maps. The proposed strategic map for construction sector of Murmansk region consists of four components: training, development and innovation; industry and entrepreneurship; society and market; regional finances and contains the key indicators characterizing each of the components. These components...

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017
The goal of the paper is to propose the method of valuing of economic efficiency and present the ... more The goal of the paper is to propose the method of valuing of economic efficiency and present the results of this method application to the spin-off of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The study of profitability and efficiency of performance of the one university spin-off based on proposed method shows the economically stable position of the entity during the decade under study and, thus, thoroughly confirms the undoubted scientific and technical potential of the company on the one hand, and high economic efficiency of innovations on the other hand. Thus the results of analysis and valuing of efficiency of the university spin-off performance prove the ability of proposed method to work. The method may be used as the source of information for decision making by managers of university spin-offs and potential investors.

Целью исследования явилось установление взаимосвязи и взаимовлияния между категориями «цифровые к... more Целью исследования явилось установление взаимосвязи и взаимовлияния между категориями «цифровые компетенции» и «человеческий капитал» и разработка метода измерения составляющей части человеческого капитала промышленного предприятия, определяемой цифровыми компетенциями персонала. Актуальность темы исследования обусловлена процессами цифровой трансформации, происходящими в обществе в целом и в промышленности, в частности, а также возрастающей ролью цифровых компетенций сотрудников и цифрового потенциала предприятий в успехе данной трансформации. Человеческий капитал при этом служит обобщенным параметром, характеризующим способности персонала предприятия эффективно реализовывать задачи, поставленные руководством. На основе анализа исследований, результаты которых представлены как в отечественных, так и зарубежных публикациях, сделано два важных вывода. Первый вывод заключается в том, что человеческий капитал является сложной категорией, которая формируется, с одной стороны, уровнем ра...

This paper examines problems related to forming a complex of indicators to assess innovation pote... more This paper examines problems related to forming a complex of indicators to assess innovation potential of an industrial enterprise, on the example of coal industry enterprises, and an integral indicator of innovation potential, used for comparative analysis of the state of affairs in the industry. Analysis of different approaches to defining the term «innovation potential» for industrial enterprises has been carried out; resource-based, resultative, integrative and capacitive approaches have been highlighted, the latter one based on assessment of enterprise capacities. A conclusion has been made regarding advantages of integrative approach. Research has been made on the role of industry in the fuel and power sector of China and dynamics of industry and enterprise development in Shanxi province. Basing on suggested approach a system of assessment principles has been formulated, taking into account specific features of coal industry enterprises. Complex of indicators to assess innovation potential has been developed using expert evaluation method. An expertise procedure is proposed to assess competence of experts; results obtained from the expertise are presented. Proposed complex of indicators includes 23 parameters combined into three groups. Testing of proposed complex of indicators has been carried out on the example of coal industry in Shanxi province (China). Application of all stated principles has been proved in the process of indicator selection, assessment and formulation of recommendations for subsequent innovation potential management of coal industry enterprises. Proposed approach to forming a complex of indicators of innovation potential for industry enterprises permits to link together the logic of innovation potential definition, formation of the system of its principles, selection of the indicators complex for assessment and subsequent innovation potential management of the enterprise.

SRPN: Information Technology (Topic), 2016
New information and communication technologies impose on the contemporary world such a dynamics t... more New information and communication technologies impose on the contemporary world such a dynamics that the resulting synergy and convergence effects of transformational change simultaneously within economical, social and cultural realm are difficult to predict. As a result, within growing complexity and unpredictability of the ambient conditions, there is no defined, closed repertoire, strategy or solution, whether business oriented or institutional that provides both effective and innovative approach to the increasing structural problems of the global environment. The only existing solution to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage within the today world of permanent and endogenous change seems to be the human capital (potential) involvement: its creativity and innovation approach, which solely can become a source of Schumpeter’s creative destruction. This implies in case of emerging economies, which are still lag behind the mature, developed countries both in economic, social ...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The article is dedicated to analysis of problems and barriers hindering the development of human ... more The article is dedicated to analysis of problems and barriers hindering the development of human capital in the Arctic region, starting from the stage when skills and abilities, in particular those connected to digital competences and information and communication technologies, are acquired by future professionals throughout modern higher education. We have presented the results for a target group comprising students of the Murmansk Arctic State University (Apatity Branch). We have carried out a survey of the target group, including via the online GoogleForms service, analyzing the answers given by the respondents. Analysis of the results allowed to identify the socio-economic barriers hindering the development of digital competences. We have provided the results of comparative analysis with the previously obtained characteristics of students of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, finding both similarities and differences in certain aspects of formation of digital...

Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2015 – Part III, 2016
Nowadays, the enterprises are searching for competitive advantage concerning quality of products,... more Nowadays, the enterprises are searching for competitive advantage concerning quality of products, application of modern information and telecommunication technologies (ICT), implementation of modern concepts and tools of management as well as proper support of decision making process. To achieve this, enterprises need to possess the ability of the knowledge potential proper usage because widely understood enterprise’s development is connected both with the permanent wining, transformation and usage of knowledge and information. This approach allow for the enterprises transformation into the knowledge-based enterprise. The goal of this paper is to determine a fuzzy sets theory to the decision making process for the knowledge-based enterprise management which allows to involve human experience into the process of strategic choice.

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
The article presents an approach to the strategic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian F... more The article presents an approach to the strategic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation based on a system of regional indicators as transformation of the Balanced Scorecard method. The regional indicators system approach allows elaborating the general concept of comprehensive regional development taking into consideration economic and non-economic factors. The main peculiarities of the Arctic zone of Russian Federation are described. The general strategic chart of development of the Arctic zone was worked out based on the regional indicators system concept. The key target indicators of the strategic development of the Arctic zone are presented for the following strategic chart components: regional finance; society and market; industry and entrepreneurship; education, development, and innovations. These charts are to be integrated with the national strategic chart and regional charts of lower levels. The authors use cascading as a process of working out and transformation of comprehensive regional indicators based on the goal-oriented approach for every level of regional governance.
Papers by Aleksandr kozlov