Papers by kohar sulistyadi

Sustainable Environmental and Optimizing Industry Journal, Sep 30, 2023
In 2020 PT. X produces approximately 220 thousand packaging, this causes the paper raw materials ... more In 2020 PT. X produces approximately 220 thousand packaging, this causes the paper raw materials used to exceed the maximum limit or exceed the insheet determined by the company. So that there is a loss to the company, both in terms of material and time. There are 3 types of waste or damaged products that are most dominantly found using lean manufacturing methods. The three most dominant wastes are excess insheet, non-standard color and excess glue. The application of lean manufacturing is expected to reduce waste in 2020 and maximize the profits obtained. In implementing lean manufacturing, it is supported by using value stream mapping methods and process activity mapping which is expected to get factors that cause waste. Waste that occurred in 2020 averaged 7.82%, greater than the standard set by the company with an average of 5%.

The development of Internet penetration rate in Indonesia brings many internet-based applications... more The development of Internet penetration rate in Indonesia brings many internet-based applications in various platforms of digital telecommunication equipments, such as: personal computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. This phenomena creates various internet-based applications both for personal and corporate usage that have been developed in-order to attract or expand the business to broader markets and meets efficiency and effective means. Online transactions is one of the example amongst future applications that people are increasingly familiar with to do day-today transactions in Indonesia considering the promising economic growth in the next decades. Therefore, the technology experts continually pay attention to work and develop more practical and trustable functions by expanding or improving its key features in various platforms. This paper reports review on two preliminaries studies with the aim of obtaining deeper understanding towards the communication behaviors of Indonesian youth on the uses of online banking services. The studies explored two different angles of young adults attitudes towards online banking transaction usage, included on how they perceive its benefits and how they experience the online transactions itself. As the paper are aimed to provide academic and practical contributions on the understanding of Indonesian youth communication behaviors, it observes communication behaviors to new digital technology adoption that reflects and represents through their attitudes towards the usage of online banking transactions.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 10, 2019
Introduction: Injection practices was common medical procedure done by nurses according doctor's ... more Introduction: Injection practices was common medical procedure done by nurses according doctor's prescription. In nursing process, injection practice is part of nursing intervention, but injection practices was risky for the health care workers. Mandal J., (2013) reported needle stick injury was happened to the nurses, 18% due disposal of the needle, and 15% while draw the blood for laboratory study. According Strank, J., (2013) adherence to the work procedure influence by behavior factors, component the behavior ass follow: 1. attitude; 2. motivation; 3. perception; 4. memory of procedure; 5. individual characteristics; and 6. social background. Based on the theory of Lawrence Green cited behavior influence by 3 factors: 1. Predisposition factors; 2. Enabling factor; 3. Reinforcing factor. Aim of research: of the research were to finding out of the factors influence of adherence to safe injection practice among the nurses at healthcare center X Qatar. Method: Type of the research was observational analytic quantities of the analytic description, using cross sectional approach. 9 variable latent with 56 variable indicator. Size of sample were 114 nurses. Data analytic with using PLS-SEM. Result: T-statistic value on variable culture 2.94; environment 1.99; work procedure 3.81 and supervisory 3.10. T-statistic of Individual characteristic, work facility, attitude, and knowledge bellow 1.96. R 2 variable adherence were showed 96.05% with Q 2 87.07%. Conclusion: culture, environment, work procedure and supervisory influenced of the adherence safe injection practice among the nurses. (96.05%) variable independent influence of the adherence safe injection practice among the nurses, within 87.07% showed good predicted. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Introduction:-Injection practices was common medical procedure done by nurses according doctor's prescription. Doenges M.E., Moorhouse M.F., Murr A.C., (2014) stated in nursing process, injection practice is part of nursing intervention, but injection practices was risky for the health care workers. Mandal J., (2013) reported needle stick injury was happened to the nurses, 18% due disposal of the needle, and 15% while draw the blood for laboratory study.

Salah satu masalah pendidikan yang dihadapi adalah metode pembelajaran yang kurang tepat dan kura... more Salah satu masalah pendidikan yang dihadapi adalah metode pembelajaran yang kurang tepat dan kurangnya interaksi sosial diduga merupakan variabel yang memiliki hubungan dengan prestasi belajar siswa. Untuk itu diperlukannya metode pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah metode Student Teams Achievement-Divisions (STAD). Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan: 1) perbedaan yang signifikan antara metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dan metode pembelajaran ceramah terhadap prestasi belajar IPS Ekonomi. 2) perbedaan yang signifikan interaksi sosial tinggi dan interaksi sosial rendah terhadap prestasi belajar IPS Ekonomi 3) interaksi metode pembelajaran dengan interaksi sosial terhadap prestasi belajar IPS Ekonomi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Tawangmangu Tahun Pelajaran 2012/ 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu (quasi-eksperimen). Populasinya semua siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Tawangmangu. Sampe...
Students' Journal of Accounting and Banking, 2014

Journal for Quality in Public Health
Nurses' level of knowledge about hazards is essential in maintaining the safety of patients a... more Nurses' level of knowledge about hazards is essential in maintaining the safety of patients and nurses themselves. However, nurses' perceptions of threat are not all the same. Following the theory of planned behavior, a perception applied to a person's behavior is influenced by beliefs preceded by knowledge of something about hazards experienced while working in healthcare facilities such as hospitals. The vulnerability of health workers' jobs threatens the quality of health care delivery in developing countries, especially nurses. Meanwhile, this study analyzes the knowledge and perceptions of nurses about occupational hazards among health workers whose job descriptions require direct contact with patients almost every day in most health care facilities. Furthermore, this research aims to know the relationship between nurses' knowledge and perceptions about occupational hazards in RSUD Kanjuruhan Malang. This quantitative research method uses a cross-sectional n...

The purpose of this research is to analyze about the awareness of paying taxes, understanding of ... more The purpose of this research is to analyze about the awareness of paying taxes, understanding of the taxpayer, the taxpayer's attitude, on the priorities development of the Government, the ability of taxpayers to the tax collection system, the success of the tax revenue. This research was carried out at the Tax Services Office in Semarang. The population in this study is mandatory taxes earth building in Semarang Regional Tax Office amid taxpayer numbering 6,890, while the sample in the study is the taxpayer who pays taxes earth building, the sampling method used is random sampling and obtaining samples of 100 samples are required tax, then tested with multiple regression. The results obtained in this research is in the consciousness of the taxpayer, the taxpayer's understanding, the attitude of the taxpayer on priorities construction of the Government, the ability of the taxpayer, the tax collection system is very positive effect on the success of the tax revenue. Keywords:...

The purpose of this study is to obtain: 1) the influence of several characteristics that influenc... more The purpose of this study is to obtain: 1) the influence of several characteristics that influence entrepreneurial success entrepreneurship, 2) factors characteristic of the entrepreneurial spirit among some of the most dominant influence entrepreneurial success, and 3) the influence of the characteristics of the entrepreneurial spirit of the most dominant influence on the success of entrepreneurship in vocational graduates Purworejo.This research is quantitative research methods that ex-post facto research is correlational (correlation studies). The study population was all vocational school graduates in the district that are categorized Purworedjo has become a successful entrepreneur. The sample was 60 alumni population taken by purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires (questionnaire). Techniques of data analysis performed by factor analysis and multiple linear regression.The results of this study are as follows: 1) the characteristics of t...

Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat (JAM), 2022
Perekonomian warga Dusun Cisoka sebagai pemetik daun teh. Permasalahan yang dialami warga Dusun a... more Perekonomian warga Dusun Cisoka sebagai pemetik daun teh. Permasalahan yang dialami warga Dusun adalah, panen kebun teh hanya dapat dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan sekali. Dari hasil panen itupun warga masyarakat Dusun, belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup selama menunggu panen selanjutnya. Disamping itu juga, masyarakat tidak memiliki penghasilan maupun kegiatan lain yang dijalankan karena hingga saat ini, warga Dusun belum mendapatkan pasokan listrik dari negara.Namun ditengah keterbatasan, Dusun Cisoka memiliki potensi sumber mata air yang berasal dari perbukitan dan kualitasnya baik.Melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh tim PKM Usahid, menghasilkan : 1) Sebuah instalasi Pengolahan air baku menjadi air minum isi ulang yang siap dikonsumsi yang berupa Depot Air Minum (DAM); 2) Peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat Dusun mengenai pemanfaatan mata air pengunungan yang dimiliki untuk diproduksi menjadi air isi ulang ke masyarakat luas; 3) Pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat ...

Jurnal Gaung Informatika, Oct 14, 2015
In Indonesia the safety program in construction projects has not been a concern of all parties be... more In Indonesia the safety program in construction projects has not been a concern of all parties because Indonesia is still listed as the country with the highest level of accidents. The number of accidents in Indonesia is also the highest in the ASEAN region. There are almost 32% of accident cases that occur in the construction sector involving all types of construction projects such as the construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, dams and other constructions. One of the hazards of a construction activity is ergonomic hazards, so that from the phenomenon of ergonomic hazards that dominate and even escalate into workplace accidents in the construction sector, it is important to explore the role of ergonomics in preventing work accidents in the construction sector. At the Micro level, an important aspect that is the focus of this paper is the Implementation of Construction Works in the context of Macroergonomics in developing and implementing an Ergonomic Construction Management System. This Management System focuses on the focus of macroergonomics, namely aspects of Human, Technology, Organization and the Environment of the Company. Macroergonomic which covers organizational ergonomics and social ergonomics is the development of microergonomies that need attention in construction activities in Indonesia. Because of the still high number of construction work accidents, the government's efforts are to issue Construction SMK3 and other regulatory packages related to construction work safety. The Owner of the Construction Project must actively monitor and evaluate the implementation of the construction work not only on the dimensions of physical work and fulfillment of the technical requirements of the building but need to proactively monitor and evaluate safety performance, especially in the ergonomics field.

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 2008
Patient perspectives represent an increasingly important focus in clinical trials of medical trea... more Patient perspectives represent an increasingly important focus in clinical trials of medical treatments for pediatric mental health conditions. This paper describes the development and initial testing of a short, easy to complete, condition specific, measure of patients' and their parents' attitudes regarding drugs used for the treatment of their attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)--the Southampton ADHD Medication Behaviour and Attitudes scale. On the basis of an initial qualitative study and pilot data, subscales were constructed for both the child and parent versions covering perceived costs and benefits of treatment, patient stigma, and resistance to treatment. The parent version had additional subscales for parental stigma, treatment inconsistency, and flexibility. Factor and reliability analysis of data from 356 parents and 123 of their children supported the distinction between these subscale domains. Children were aged between 5 and 18 years (mean age 10.95 years). Parent and child scores were correlated, although as in previous research parents rated ADHD medications as having more benefits and children rated them as having more costs. The Southampton ADHD Medication Behaviour and Attitudes scale represents a useful addition to the growing portfolio of patient-reported outcomes for ADHD treatments. Future research should focus on the scales value in predicting treatment adherence as it impacts on medication effectiveness.

Archives of General Psychiatry, 2010
The association between maternal smoking during pregnancy (SDP) and offspring disruptive behavior... more The association between maternal smoking during pregnancy (SDP) and offspring disruptive behaviors has been well documented, but it is unclear whether exposure to SDP or the effects of factors correlated with SDP account for the increased risk. Objective: To test whether the association between SDP and offspring criminal convictions was consistent with a causal connection or due to familial background factors by controlling for measured covariates and using a quasi-experimental approach. Design: We used a population-based study of children born in Sweden from 1983 to 1989 (N = 609 372) to examine the association between SDP and offspring criminal convictions while controlling for measured traits of both parents. We also compared siblings differentially exposed to SDP (n=50 339) to account for unmeasured familial factors that could account for the association. Setting: Population-based study of all children born in Sweden from 1983 to 1989 with information on maternal SDP and offspring criminal convictions based on national registries collected by the Swedish government. Patients or Other Participants: Children born in Sweden from 1983 to 1989 (N = 609 372) and siblings differentially exposed to SDP (n = 50 339). Main Outcome Measures: Violent and nonviolent convictions, based on the Swedish National Crime Register, a register with detailed information on all convictions in the country. Results: Moderate (hazard rate [HR], 2.47; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.34-2.60) and high (HR, 3.43; 95% CI, 3.25-3.63) levels of maternal SDP were associated with an increased risk for offspring violent convictions, even when controlling for maternal and paternal traits. There was no association between SDP and violent convictions, however, when comparing differentially exposed siblings (HR moderate , 1.02; 95% CI, 0.79-1.30; HR high , 1.03; 95% CI, 0.78-1.37). Smoking during pregnancy also was associated with nonviolent convictions in the entire population (HR moderate , 1.62; 95% CI, 1.58-1.66; HR high , 1.87; 95% CI, 1.82-1.92) and when controlling for covariates. But, there was no association when comparing siblings who were differentially exposed (HR moderate , 0.89; 95% CI, 0.78-1.01; HR high , 0.89; 95% CI, 0.78-1.02). Conclusion: The results suggest that familial background factors account for the association between maternal SDP and criminal convictions, not the specific exposure to SDP.

The bigest problem of Women's business is the difficulty of separating business financial f... more The bigest problem of Women's business is the difficulty of separating business financial from family activities. Women’s business activities different of man, to develop the business scale special support is required in accordance with women’s capability. This study aim to design the most appropiate strategy to develop the business scale of gender responsive micro enterprise. Some aspects to be considered and how business institutions can ensure their sustainability will be assessed using SAST (Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing) and ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling). SAST analysis is chosen to identify important and certain aspects which determines the success of gender responsive business ; while ISM anlysis to design the institutional that ensure sustainability of business. The gender responsive of Micro enterprise studied is a food and beverage business based on a superior natural resources.

Ecotourism Gedong Songo administratively located in Semarang district and are planted strategical... more Ecotourism Gedong Songo administratively located in Semarang district and are planted strategically in the middle of Yogyakarta, Solo and Semarang known as (Joglosemar) which is easily accessible by road highway Semarang - Solo or Semarang - Yogyakarta. Gedong Songo Temple which is the Hindu religious shrine with dazzling panorama. Gedong Songo Temple was built during the enshrinement almost Dieng is considered the oldest Hindu temple in Central Java. Estimated Gedong Songo Temple made within century VII - IX AD. Gedong Songo enshrinement which is composed of nine groups of temples. (Songo means nine), but currently there are only five (5) groups of temples are still intact while the four (4) other temple has collapsed and only a foundation or the base, the temple was restored by the Dinas Purbakala. Sustainable management of ecotourism as environmentally sound tourism activities have a strong dependence on tourist visitation. To create the ideal conditions of each subsystem relatio...
Papers by kohar sulistyadi