Papers by khoiri ahmad fauzi imron

Community Service Journal of Indonesia, 2021
The WasDeBang (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Alert) program which was held in Kalipecabean Village, Ca... more The WasDeBang (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Alert) program which was held in Kalipecabean Village, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency is a form of community service to reduce the incidence of Dengue Fever which often increases when facing the rainy season. The activity will be held on September 5, 2021, at the house of a resident in Kalipecabean village, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency. The target is the residents of the Kalipecabean village, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency, in this case especially the PKK (Family Welfare Empowerment) women. Prior to the implementation of these activities, there is a process of preparing activities for approximately 3 weeks before the activities are carried out, starting from determining the theme of the extension to applying for permits to the relevant parties. As a form of evaluation, the activity was attended by 26 PKK mothers, the participants took part in the activity with great enthusiasm, health promotion activities could run on time and smoothly.

Nurse and Holistic Care, 2021
Background: One form of prevention of dengue haemorrhagic fever is through increasing public know... more Background: One form of prevention of dengue haemorrhagic fever is through increasing public knowledge and understanding of the incidence of dengue haemorrhagic fever. Objective: This study was carried out with the aim of knowing the effect of health education on increasing behaviour for the prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever in community. Methods: This study used a research design in the form of a pre experimental design with one group pre-post test design approach. This research was conducted on September 5, 2021 at RT 01 Kali Pecabean Village, Candi Sub-District, East Java Province, Indonesia. The population of this research is all families who live in RT 01 Kali Pecabean Village. The number of research samples was 26 families that were determined by using a sampling technique in the form of purposive sampling. Families who became respondents in this study were represented by one of the family members who participated in social gathering activities. The inclusion criteria use...

IJoHVE: Indonesian Journal of Health Vocational Education, Apr 29, 2022
Background: Diabetes mellitus didefinisikan sebagai istilah kolektif untuk gangguan metabolisme h... more Background: Diabetes mellitus didefinisikan sebagai istilah kolektif untuk gangguan metabolisme heterogen yang bertanda utama hiperglikemia kronis. Penyebab diabetes mellitus adalah gangguan sekresi insulin atau gangguan efek insulin atau bisa karena keduanya. Objectives: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan asuhan keperawatan gerontik pada lansia yang menderita Diabetes Mellitus dengan pendekatan anggota keluarga di Desa Sekardangan, Sidoarjo. Methods: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan mixed-method (penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif). Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17-27 Juli 2022 di Desa Sekardangan, Kecamatan Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan cara penerapan keluarga binaan sesuai dengan kasus. Teknik sampling yang dipergunakan adalah Convenience Sampling dengan menetapkan kriteria inklusi. Untuk hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis data asuhan keperawatan gerontik yang telah dilaksanakan dan membandingkan hasil dari dua sampel yang ditemukan di lapangan dengan teori dari studi kepustakaan.
Papers by khoiri ahmad fauzi imron