Govorno dejanje je v stripih označeno s stripovskim oblačkom, v katerem je prostor zelo omejen, z... more Govorno dejanje je v stripih označeno s stripovskim oblačkom, v katerem je prostor zelo omejen, zato so v njih pogosto uporabljeni medmeti, ki omogočajo zgoščeno izražanje. Poleg tega se v stripih kot del risbe pogosto pojavljajo tudi medmeti, ki posnemajo različne zvoke in s katerimi je ponazorjen slušni vtis, kar je še posebej značilno za določene stripovske žanre, kot je recimo superherojski strip. Prispevek predstavlja rezultate analize rabe medmetov v stripu Ratman Tomaža Lavriča, pri katerem gre za parodijo superherojskega žanra. medmeti, strip, onomatopeje, zvoki akcije, Tomaž Lavrič In comics, a speech act is marked with a speech bubble where space is often very limited, so interjections are usually used to allow for condensed expression. In addition, comics often include interjections as part of the artwork too: they mimic different sounds and serve to illustrate the auditory impression, which is particularly characteristic of certain genres such as superhero comics. The article presents the results of an analysis of the use of interjections in Tomaž Lavrič's Ratman, a parody of the superhero genre. interjections, comics, onomatopoeia, action sounds, Tomaž Lavrič
To investigate the response of rainfed maize to sowing methods and NPK levels, an experiment was ... more To investigate the response of rainfed maize to sowing methods and NPK levels, an experiment was undertaken during kharif of 2011 and 2012 at Dryland (Kerawa) Agriculture Research Station, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Budgam. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with combination of 2 sowing methods (flat sowing, 75 cm apart rows, and ridge sowing, 75 cm apart ridges) and 3 fertility levels (60 : 40 : 20, 75 : 50 : 30, and 90 : 60 : 40 N : P2O5 : K2O kg ha−1) with three replications. Various growth characters, namely, plant height, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation, number of days to different phenological stages, and yield, and yield contributing characters namely, cob length, number of grains cob−1, cob diameter (cm), and 100-seed weight (g), were significantly higher with S2over S1during both the years of experimentation. Fertilizer levels F3(90 : 60 : 40) and F2(75 : 50 : 30) at par with one another produ...
Maize occupies an important position in the world economy, and serves as an important source of f... more Maize occupies an important position in the world economy, and serves as an important source of food and feed. Together with rice and wheat, it provides at least 30 percent of the food calories to more than 4.5 billion people in 94 developing countries. Maize production is constrained by a wide range of biotic and abiotic stresses that keep afflicting maize production and productivity causing serious yield losses which bring yield levels below the potential levels. New innovations and trends in the areas of genomics, bioinformatics, and phenomics are enabling breeders with innovative tools, resources and technologies to breed superior resilient cultivars having the ability to resist the vagaries of climate and insect pest attacks. Maize has high nutritional value but is deficient in two amino acids viz. Lysine and Tryptophan. The various micronutrients present in maize are not sufficient to meet the nutritive demands of consumers, however the development of maize hybrids and composi...
African Journal of Agricultural Research, Feb 28, 2013
A two year study was conducted during rabi seasons of 2009-10 and 2010-11 at Research Farm of She... more A two year study was conducted during rabi seasons of 2009-10 and 2010-11 at Research Farm of Shere-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir to find out the influence of sowing dates, fertility levels and cutting management on growth, yield and quality of oats. The results revealed that September 30 sowing recorded significant improvement in green fodder yield over October 10 sowing. Crude protein content was highest in October 10 sown crop, whereas crude fibre was highest in September 20 sown crop. The fertility level of 150:70:40 (N:P 2 O 5 :K 2 O kg ha-1) significantly increased both green and dry fodder yield as well as crude protein content over 125:60:30 and 100:50:20 (N:P 2 O 5 :K 2 O kg ha-1), however crude fibre content significantly decreased with increase in fertility level. Double cut crop recorded 14.75 and 16.24% increase in green fodder yield and 3.70 and 1.36% in dry fodder yield over single cut crop during 2009-10 and 2010-11, respectively. Moreover, double cut crop recorded higher crude protein content but lower crude fibre content.
Application of FYM up to 30 t ha−1 increased growth characters and its application up to 20 t ha−... more Application of FYM up to 30 t ha−1 increased growth characters and its application up to 20 t ha−1 improved the yield attributes The grain yield of maize showed significant improvement with FYM application up to 20 t ha−1 while stover yield increased significantly up to 30 t ha−1. Application of FYM in kharif and rabi seasons recorded significantly higher growth characters, yield attributes and grain and stover yield of maize over its application during rabi season only.
The history of mutations with early results in soybean has been well documented in the literature... more The history of mutations with early results in soybean has been well documented in the literature available. Mutation breeding has been used in recent years as a valuable supplement to other methods of plant breeding in generating new variability and development of crop varieties with new architecture, superior biochemical constitution and suitable growth and developmental rhythms. The utility of this method is evident from the fact that in several crops induced mutants have been released as new varieties. In this paper, efforts have been made to review the literature on induced mutations in soybean. The different mutagenic agents used for inducing mutations, effects of different mutagenic agents on yield, quality contributing characters and resistance to different diseases have been described.
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 2018
The genetic parameters were studied to elucidate the genetic variability, correlation and path co... more The genetic parameters were studied to elucidate the genetic variability, correlation and path coefficient analysis in thirty-nine genotypes of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl] in randomized complete block design with three replications. Observations were recorded for eleven quantitative characters viz., days to first male flower open, days to first female flower open, node number of first female flower, braches plant-1 , days to harvest, number of fruits plant-1 , fruit weight, fruit length, fruit girth, 100 seed weight and yield ton ha-1. The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences for all the characters studied indicating considerable variability among the genotypes. The highest GCV (35.57%) and PCV (35.62%) were observed for fruit length. The differences between GCV and PCV were high for fruit number plant-1 and days to first male flower open indicating environmental influences. High heritability associates with high estimates of genetic advance in percent of mean were noted for length of fruit, yield, girth of fruit and number of fruits plant-1. It indicated presence of additive gene effect and selection for these traits would be effective. Yield were positively and significantly correlated with fruit weight, 100 seed weight, branch plant-1 and number of fruits plant-1 .Negative associations of yield were noted with days to first male and female flower open, days to harvest and length of fruit. Path analysis revealed that fruits plant-1 (0.93) and weight of fruit (0.467) had very high positive effect on fruit yield ton ha-1 .
Twenty five genotypes of lentil were evaluated for twelve characters. Phenotypic coefficients of ... more Twenty five genotypes of lentil were evaluated for twelve characters. Phenotypic coefficients of variation (PCV) were greater than genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all the traits. High heritability accompanied by moderate to high GCV and genetic gain were observed for number of pods plant/, number of branches plant/, 100 seed weight and seed yield plant/which could be improved by simple selection in early generations, Biological yield plant/, days to 50% flowering and days to maturity manifested high heritability coupled with low GCV and genetic gain which required selection for several successive generations for their edification.
Common bean is the most important grain legume for direct human consumption and serves as main so... more Common bean is the most important grain legume for direct human consumption and serves as main source of dietary protein for millions of people in developing world. Among major food crops, it has one of the highest levels of variation in growth habit, seed characteristics (size, shape, colour), maturity and adaptation. Phaseolus vulgaris is produced in a range of crop systems and environments in regions as diverse as Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, China, Europe, the United States etc. To adapt common beans to current and changing production practices, the author describes the range of breeding methods used to improve the performance of the crop. Improvements of specific traits viz., biotic and abiotic stresses, crop history, origin, classification, domestication and the use of marker assisted selection and genetic engineering as a means for future enhancement of the crop are given in detail. This book will serve as a text book to the students, teachers and researchers...
In this study, thirty one (31) morphologically distinct selections of saffron crop were used for ... more In this study, thirty one (31) morphologically distinct selections of saffron crop were used for molecular characterization. Molecular characterization was done through SSR, ISSR and RAPD markers. RAPD and ISSR markers showed significant variation; however, SSR markers did not reveal any variation between the selected clones. The Jaccard’s similarity coefficient ranged from 0.94 to 1.00 with an average of 0.98 among all 31 selections used. Minimum similarity value (0.94) was observed between CITH-S-107 and PAM-S-116 selections. The study provides sufficient knowledge to identify clones with better stigma characteristics for further crop improvement programs.
INROADS- An International Journal of Jaipur National University, 2012
Biotechnology offers various potential benefits and risks. The available impact studies of insect... more Biotechnology offers various potential benefits and risks. The available impact studies of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant crops show that these technologies are beneficial to farmers and consumers, producing large aggregate welfare gains and positive effects for the environment and human health. Genetic engineering provides a means to introduce genes into plants via mechanisms that are different in some respects from classical breeding. A number of commercialised, genetically engineered varieties in cotton, maize and soybean were created using this technology, and at present the traits introduced are herbicide and/or pest tolerance. Gene technology enables the increase of production in plants and the rise of resistance to pests, viruses, frost, etc. Gene transfer is used to modify the physical and chemical composition and nutritional value of food. The advantages of future applications could even be much bigger. Genetically modified (GM) crops can contribute significantly t...
An attempt was made to analyze the association between seed yield and related components in sunfl... more An attempt was made to analyze the association between seed yield and related components in sunflower by the method of correlation and path coefficients using 22 diverse genotypes. A slight increase of genotypic correlation coefficients over phenotypic correlation coefficient was noticed for all the character combinations. Most of the characters examined except days to 50 % flowering, percent filled seeds, 100-seed weight and oil content, were significantly and positively associated with seed yield. Since plant height, head diameter, head weight and number of seeds per head were inter-correlated among themselves, selection for these traits can result in increased seed yield. Path coefficient analysis revealed that among all the traits studied, stem diameter at mid night and head weight contributed the most directly to seed yield. All other yield contributing traits had sizeable influence on seed yield indirectly only through stem diameter at mid height and total head weight.
Plants have always been looked upon as a key source of energy for survival and evolution of the a... more Plants have always been looked upon as a key source of energy for survival and evolution of the animal kingdom, thus forming a base for every ecological pyramid. During the early period of research, classical strategies including comparative anatomy, physiology and embryology were employed in genetic analysis to determine inter- and intra-species variability. Over the last few decades plant genomics has been studied extensively bringing about a revolution in this area. Molecular markers, useful for plant genome analysis, have now become an important tool in this revolution. In the past decade, however, molecular markers have very rapidly complemented the classical strategies. Plant breeders needs to have thorough understanding and easy access of these tools and techniques for production of crop varieties faster with enhanced efficiency. The metabolites which are being used as markers should be ideally neutral to environmental effects or management practices. This textbook will act a...
The present investigation was carried out to study stability performance over eight environments ... more The present investigation was carried out to study stability performance over eight environments for seed yield and its components in 40 genetically diverse genotypes (37 indigenous + 3 exotic) of soybean (Glycine max L.) using a completely randomized block design. The partitioning of (environment + genotype × environment) mean squares showed that environments (linear) differed significantly and were quite diverse with regards to their effects on the performance of genotypes for fodder yield and the majority of yield components. The investigation revealed that the genotype ‘MACS-47’ was desirable and stable across the environments. Other genotypes ‘PK-308’, ‘Bisra Soya’, ‘Indra Soya-9’, ‘Alankar’ and ‘IS-22’ were suitable for favorable environments while genotypes ‘Pusa-16’, ‘Pusa-40’, ‘MACS-2’, ‘MACS-450’ and ‘JS-325’ resulted in low seed yield in poor environments. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Waterlogging, caused by flooding, excessive rains and poor drainage is a serious abiotic stress d... more Waterlogging, caused by flooding, excessive rains and poor drainage is a serious abiotic stress determining crop productivity worldwide. Maize (Zea mays L) is a basic food grain in many areas and several cultures and is culti- vated under much diverse agro-climatic zones extending from subtropical to cooler temperate regions. Therefore, the crop remains open to varied types of biotic as well as abiotic stresses. Among various abiotic stresses, water- logging is one of the most important constraints for maize production and productivity. Breeding for improved wa- terlogging tolerance includes modification of plant morphology, use of tolerant secondary traits and development of resistant varieties through conventional breeding and biotechnological approaches. A successful programme in conventional breeding should involve the integration of several criteria into one selection index and also successful breeding programmes for improved tolerance to submergence stress frequently combine t...
Ninety soybean hybrids derived from a line × tester analysis along with their parents were evalua... more Ninety soybean hybrids derived from a line × tester analysis along with their parents were evaluated at the Research Farm of Kisan (PG) College, Simbhaoli, to estimate heterosis over mid- and better-parent. Heterosis was positively significant for yield in 15 hybrids over better-parent and in 24 hybrids over mid-parent. Heterosis for yield was generally accompanied by heterosis for number of seeds/pod, number of pods/plant and pod length. For protein 16 and for oil 31 hybrids exhibited significant positive heterosis over better parent. In view of the availability of genetic male sterility, the study revealed good scope for commercial exploitation of heterosis for yield and oil contents in soybean.
An experiment was carried out during winter (rabi) season of 2007 and 2008 to assess the correlat... more An experiment was carried out during winter (rabi) season of 2007 and 2008 to assess the correlation, path coefficient and genetic diversity in 30 morphological diverse accessions of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) under rainfed conditions. Days to 50% flowering, biological yield/plant, seed yield/plant and 100-seed weight showed significant differences and wide variations during both years. Low differences between phenotypic coefficient of variability and genotypic coefficient of variability were observed for all the descriptors during both years. Pods/plant, days to 50% flowering, biological yield/plant, seed yield/plant and 100-seed weight in both the years showed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance (per cent of mean) signifying the influence of additive gene effects. The characters viz., biological yield/plant and number of primary branches/plant showed positive and significant correlations with seed yield/plant and exerted positive and high direct effects on seed ...
Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency of gamma rays, EMS and combined treatments was studied in ... more Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency of gamma rays, EMS and combined treatments was studied in terms of M2 (progenies) lethality and chlorophyll mutations in two cultivars of soybean (Pusa-16 and PK-1042). In general the frequencies of chlorophyll mutations were high in gamma rays and combined treatments. Four types of mutants viz., albina, xantha, chlorine and viridis were observed in the study. Gamma rays were found to be more effective to induce chlorophyll mutations in both cultivars. PK-1042 cultivar exhibited higher mutagenic efficiency as compared to Pusa-16 in EMS and gamma rays treatment. Key words: Effectiveness, efficiency, gamma rays, EMS, soybean.
Analysis of variance revealed highly significant genotypic differences for all the characters und... more Analysis of variance revealed highly significant genotypic differences for all the characters under study. Wide range of variation was observed among the plants of six different ecotypes for various morphological yield and yield attributing traits. Phenotypic coefficient of variation for all the traits was higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation, indicating that all these characters had interacted with the environment. Moderate coefficient of variation (genotypic and phenotypic) was observed for number of seeds umbel -1 and seed yield plant -1 indicating fair amount of variability present for the traits under mention. Heritability (broad sense) was high for number of umbels plant -1 ; number of umblets plant -1 in primary, secondary and tertiary umbels; number of seeds umbel -1 in primary, secondary and tertiary umbels; seed yield m -2 and 1000-seed weight which indicated that these characters could be
Govorno dejanje je v stripih označeno s stripovskim oblačkom, v katerem je prostor zelo omejen, z... more Govorno dejanje je v stripih označeno s stripovskim oblačkom, v katerem je prostor zelo omejen, zato so v njih pogosto uporabljeni medmeti, ki omogočajo zgoščeno izražanje. Poleg tega se v stripih kot del risbe pogosto pojavljajo tudi medmeti, ki posnemajo različne zvoke in s katerimi je ponazorjen slušni vtis, kar je še posebej značilno za določene stripovske žanre, kot je recimo superherojski strip. Prispevek predstavlja rezultate analize rabe medmetov v stripu Ratman Tomaža Lavriča, pri katerem gre za parodijo superherojskega žanra. medmeti, strip, onomatopeje, zvoki akcije, Tomaž Lavrič In comics, a speech act is marked with a speech bubble where space is often very limited, so interjections are usually used to allow for condensed expression. In addition, comics often include interjections as part of the artwork too: they mimic different sounds and serve to illustrate the auditory impression, which is particularly characteristic of certain genres such as superhero comics. The article presents the results of an analysis of the use of interjections in Tomaž Lavrič's Ratman, a parody of the superhero genre. interjections, comics, onomatopoeia, action sounds, Tomaž Lavrič
To investigate the response of rainfed maize to sowing methods and NPK levels, an experiment was ... more To investigate the response of rainfed maize to sowing methods and NPK levels, an experiment was undertaken during kharif of 2011 and 2012 at Dryland (Kerawa) Agriculture Research Station, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Budgam. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with combination of 2 sowing methods (flat sowing, 75 cm apart rows, and ridge sowing, 75 cm apart ridges) and 3 fertility levels (60 : 40 : 20, 75 : 50 : 30, and 90 : 60 : 40 N : P2O5 : K2O kg ha−1) with three replications. Various growth characters, namely, plant height, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation, number of days to different phenological stages, and yield, and yield contributing characters namely, cob length, number of grains cob−1, cob diameter (cm), and 100-seed weight (g), were significantly higher with S2over S1during both the years of experimentation. Fertilizer levels F3(90 : 60 : 40) and F2(75 : 50 : 30) at par with one another produ...
Maize occupies an important position in the world economy, and serves as an important source of f... more Maize occupies an important position in the world economy, and serves as an important source of food and feed. Together with rice and wheat, it provides at least 30 percent of the food calories to more than 4.5 billion people in 94 developing countries. Maize production is constrained by a wide range of biotic and abiotic stresses that keep afflicting maize production and productivity causing serious yield losses which bring yield levels below the potential levels. New innovations and trends in the areas of genomics, bioinformatics, and phenomics are enabling breeders with innovative tools, resources and technologies to breed superior resilient cultivars having the ability to resist the vagaries of climate and insect pest attacks. Maize has high nutritional value but is deficient in two amino acids viz. Lysine and Tryptophan. The various micronutrients present in maize are not sufficient to meet the nutritive demands of consumers, however the development of maize hybrids and composi...
African Journal of Agricultural Research, Feb 28, 2013
A two year study was conducted during rabi seasons of 2009-10 and 2010-11 at Research Farm of She... more A two year study was conducted during rabi seasons of 2009-10 and 2010-11 at Research Farm of Shere-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir to find out the influence of sowing dates, fertility levels and cutting management on growth, yield and quality of oats. The results revealed that September 30 sowing recorded significant improvement in green fodder yield over October 10 sowing. Crude protein content was highest in October 10 sown crop, whereas crude fibre was highest in September 20 sown crop. The fertility level of 150:70:40 (N:P 2 O 5 :K 2 O kg ha-1) significantly increased both green and dry fodder yield as well as crude protein content over 125:60:30 and 100:50:20 (N:P 2 O 5 :K 2 O kg ha-1), however crude fibre content significantly decreased with increase in fertility level. Double cut crop recorded 14.75 and 16.24% increase in green fodder yield and 3.70 and 1.36% in dry fodder yield over single cut crop during 2009-10 and 2010-11, respectively. Moreover, double cut crop recorded higher crude protein content but lower crude fibre content.
Application of FYM up to 30 t ha−1 increased growth characters and its application up to 20 t ha−... more Application of FYM up to 30 t ha−1 increased growth characters and its application up to 20 t ha−1 improved the yield attributes The grain yield of maize showed significant improvement with FYM application up to 20 t ha−1 while stover yield increased significantly up to 30 t ha−1. Application of FYM in kharif and rabi seasons recorded significantly higher growth characters, yield attributes and grain and stover yield of maize over its application during rabi season only.
The history of mutations with early results in soybean has been well documented in the literature... more The history of mutations with early results in soybean has been well documented in the literature available. Mutation breeding has been used in recent years as a valuable supplement to other methods of plant breeding in generating new variability and development of crop varieties with new architecture, superior biochemical constitution and suitable growth and developmental rhythms. The utility of this method is evident from the fact that in several crops induced mutants have been released as new varieties. In this paper, efforts have been made to review the literature on induced mutations in soybean. The different mutagenic agents used for inducing mutations, effects of different mutagenic agents on yield, quality contributing characters and resistance to different diseases have been described.
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 2018
The genetic parameters were studied to elucidate the genetic variability, correlation and path co... more The genetic parameters were studied to elucidate the genetic variability, correlation and path coefficient analysis in thirty-nine genotypes of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl] in randomized complete block design with three replications. Observations were recorded for eleven quantitative characters viz., days to first male flower open, days to first female flower open, node number of first female flower, braches plant-1 , days to harvest, number of fruits plant-1 , fruit weight, fruit length, fruit girth, 100 seed weight and yield ton ha-1. The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences for all the characters studied indicating considerable variability among the genotypes. The highest GCV (35.57%) and PCV (35.62%) were observed for fruit length. The differences between GCV and PCV were high for fruit number plant-1 and days to first male flower open indicating environmental influences. High heritability associates with high estimates of genetic advance in percent of mean were noted for length of fruit, yield, girth of fruit and number of fruits plant-1. It indicated presence of additive gene effect and selection for these traits would be effective. Yield were positively and significantly correlated with fruit weight, 100 seed weight, branch plant-1 and number of fruits plant-1 .Negative associations of yield were noted with days to first male and female flower open, days to harvest and length of fruit. Path analysis revealed that fruits plant-1 (0.93) and weight of fruit (0.467) had very high positive effect on fruit yield ton ha-1 .
Twenty five genotypes of lentil were evaluated for twelve characters. Phenotypic coefficients of ... more Twenty five genotypes of lentil were evaluated for twelve characters. Phenotypic coefficients of variation (PCV) were greater than genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all the traits. High heritability accompanied by moderate to high GCV and genetic gain were observed for number of pods plant/, number of branches plant/, 100 seed weight and seed yield plant/which could be improved by simple selection in early generations, Biological yield plant/, days to 50% flowering and days to maturity manifested high heritability coupled with low GCV and genetic gain which required selection for several successive generations for their edification.
Common bean is the most important grain legume for direct human consumption and serves as main so... more Common bean is the most important grain legume for direct human consumption and serves as main source of dietary protein for millions of people in developing world. Among major food crops, it has one of the highest levels of variation in growth habit, seed characteristics (size, shape, colour), maturity and adaptation. Phaseolus vulgaris is produced in a range of crop systems and environments in regions as diverse as Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, China, Europe, the United States etc. To adapt common beans to current and changing production practices, the author describes the range of breeding methods used to improve the performance of the crop. Improvements of specific traits viz., biotic and abiotic stresses, crop history, origin, classification, domestication and the use of marker assisted selection and genetic engineering as a means for future enhancement of the crop are given in detail. This book will serve as a text book to the students, teachers and researchers...
In this study, thirty one (31) morphologically distinct selections of saffron crop were used for ... more In this study, thirty one (31) morphologically distinct selections of saffron crop were used for molecular characterization. Molecular characterization was done through SSR, ISSR and RAPD markers. RAPD and ISSR markers showed significant variation; however, SSR markers did not reveal any variation between the selected clones. The Jaccard’s similarity coefficient ranged from 0.94 to 1.00 with an average of 0.98 among all 31 selections used. Minimum similarity value (0.94) was observed between CITH-S-107 and PAM-S-116 selections. The study provides sufficient knowledge to identify clones with better stigma characteristics for further crop improvement programs.
INROADS- An International Journal of Jaipur National University, 2012
Biotechnology offers various potential benefits and risks. The available impact studies of insect... more Biotechnology offers various potential benefits and risks. The available impact studies of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant crops show that these technologies are beneficial to farmers and consumers, producing large aggregate welfare gains and positive effects for the environment and human health. Genetic engineering provides a means to introduce genes into plants via mechanisms that are different in some respects from classical breeding. A number of commercialised, genetically engineered varieties in cotton, maize and soybean were created using this technology, and at present the traits introduced are herbicide and/or pest tolerance. Gene technology enables the increase of production in plants and the rise of resistance to pests, viruses, frost, etc. Gene transfer is used to modify the physical and chemical composition and nutritional value of food. The advantages of future applications could even be much bigger. Genetically modified (GM) crops can contribute significantly t...
An attempt was made to analyze the association between seed yield and related components in sunfl... more An attempt was made to analyze the association between seed yield and related components in sunflower by the method of correlation and path coefficients using 22 diverse genotypes. A slight increase of genotypic correlation coefficients over phenotypic correlation coefficient was noticed for all the character combinations. Most of the characters examined except days to 50 % flowering, percent filled seeds, 100-seed weight and oil content, were significantly and positively associated with seed yield. Since plant height, head diameter, head weight and number of seeds per head were inter-correlated among themselves, selection for these traits can result in increased seed yield. Path coefficient analysis revealed that among all the traits studied, stem diameter at mid night and head weight contributed the most directly to seed yield. All other yield contributing traits had sizeable influence on seed yield indirectly only through stem diameter at mid height and total head weight.
Plants have always been looked upon as a key source of energy for survival and evolution of the a... more Plants have always been looked upon as a key source of energy for survival and evolution of the animal kingdom, thus forming a base for every ecological pyramid. During the early period of research, classical strategies including comparative anatomy, physiology and embryology were employed in genetic analysis to determine inter- and intra-species variability. Over the last few decades plant genomics has been studied extensively bringing about a revolution in this area. Molecular markers, useful for plant genome analysis, have now become an important tool in this revolution. In the past decade, however, molecular markers have very rapidly complemented the classical strategies. Plant breeders needs to have thorough understanding and easy access of these tools and techniques for production of crop varieties faster with enhanced efficiency. The metabolites which are being used as markers should be ideally neutral to environmental effects or management practices. This textbook will act a...
The present investigation was carried out to study stability performance over eight environments ... more The present investigation was carried out to study stability performance over eight environments for seed yield and its components in 40 genetically diverse genotypes (37 indigenous + 3 exotic) of soybean (Glycine max L.) using a completely randomized block design. The partitioning of (environment + genotype × environment) mean squares showed that environments (linear) differed significantly and were quite diverse with regards to their effects on the performance of genotypes for fodder yield and the majority of yield components. The investigation revealed that the genotype ‘MACS-47’ was desirable and stable across the environments. Other genotypes ‘PK-308’, ‘Bisra Soya’, ‘Indra Soya-9’, ‘Alankar’ and ‘IS-22’ were suitable for favorable environments while genotypes ‘Pusa-16’, ‘Pusa-40’, ‘MACS-2’, ‘MACS-450’ and ‘JS-325’ resulted in low seed yield in poor environments. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Waterlogging, caused by flooding, excessive rains and poor drainage is a serious abiotic stress d... more Waterlogging, caused by flooding, excessive rains and poor drainage is a serious abiotic stress determining crop productivity worldwide. Maize (Zea mays L) is a basic food grain in many areas and several cultures and is culti- vated under much diverse agro-climatic zones extending from subtropical to cooler temperate regions. Therefore, the crop remains open to varied types of biotic as well as abiotic stresses. Among various abiotic stresses, water- logging is one of the most important constraints for maize production and productivity. Breeding for improved wa- terlogging tolerance includes modification of plant morphology, use of tolerant secondary traits and development of resistant varieties through conventional breeding and biotechnological approaches. A successful programme in conventional breeding should involve the integration of several criteria into one selection index and also successful breeding programmes for improved tolerance to submergence stress frequently combine t...
Ninety soybean hybrids derived from a line × tester analysis along with their parents were evalua... more Ninety soybean hybrids derived from a line × tester analysis along with their parents were evaluated at the Research Farm of Kisan (PG) College, Simbhaoli, to estimate heterosis over mid- and better-parent. Heterosis was positively significant for yield in 15 hybrids over better-parent and in 24 hybrids over mid-parent. Heterosis for yield was generally accompanied by heterosis for number of seeds/pod, number of pods/plant and pod length. For protein 16 and for oil 31 hybrids exhibited significant positive heterosis over better parent. In view of the availability of genetic male sterility, the study revealed good scope for commercial exploitation of heterosis for yield and oil contents in soybean.
An experiment was carried out during winter (rabi) season of 2007 and 2008 to assess the correlat... more An experiment was carried out during winter (rabi) season of 2007 and 2008 to assess the correlation, path coefficient and genetic diversity in 30 morphological diverse accessions of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) under rainfed conditions. Days to 50% flowering, biological yield/plant, seed yield/plant and 100-seed weight showed significant differences and wide variations during both years. Low differences between phenotypic coefficient of variability and genotypic coefficient of variability were observed for all the descriptors during both years. Pods/plant, days to 50% flowering, biological yield/plant, seed yield/plant and 100-seed weight in both the years showed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance (per cent of mean) signifying the influence of additive gene effects. The characters viz., biological yield/plant and number of primary branches/plant showed positive and significant correlations with seed yield/plant and exerted positive and high direct effects on seed ...
Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency of gamma rays, EMS and combined treatments was studied in ... more Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency of gamma rays, EMS and combined treatments was studied in terms of M2 (progenies) lethality and chlorophyll mutations in two cultivars of soybean (Pusa-16 and PK-1042). In general the frequencies of chlorophyll mutations were high in gamma rays and combined treatments. Four types of mutants viz., albina, xantha, chlorine and viridis were observed in the study. Gamma rays were found to be more effective to induce chlorophyll mutations in both cultivars. PK-1042 cultivar exhibited higher mutagenic efficiency as compared to Pusa-16 in EMS and gamma rays treatment. Key words: Effectiveness, efficiency, gamma rays, EMS, soybean.
Analysis of variance revealed highly significant genotypic differences for all the characters und... more Analysis of variance revealed highly significant genotypic differences for all the characters under study. Wide range of variation was observed among the plants of six different ecotypes for various morphological yield and yield attributing traits. Phenotypic coefficient of variation for all the traits was higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation, indicating that all these characters had interacted with the environment. Moderate coefficient of variation (genotypic and phenotypic) was observed for number of seeds umbel -1 and seed yield plant -1 indicating fair amount of variability present for the traits under mention. Heritability (broad sense) was high for number of umbels plant -1 ; number of umblets plant -1 in primary, secondary and tertiary umbels; number of seeds umbel -1 in primary, secondary and tertiary umbels; seed yield m -2 and 1000-seed weight which indicated that these characters could be
Papers by Mudasir khan