Papers by Kerwanto Kerwanto

Jurnal An-Nufus, 2022
This article explores the basic tenets of Mullā Ṣadrā's philosophical epistemology. The important... more This article explores the basic tenets of Mullā Ṣadrā's philosophical epistemology. The important value of this study is the critique of Western epistemology which ignores metaphysics as an approach and study in epistemology. Through this article, the author wants to show the unique characteristics of Mullā Ṣadrā's epistemological structure, which makes ontology the basis of epistemology. Mullā Ṣadrā makes the knowledge of presence (ilm huḍūrī) the basis for the validity of the truth of intuitive experience. Thus, intuitive experiences that are rejected by some can be justified. In addition, in this article, the author also describes several other unique discussions that distinguish Mulla Ṣadrā's thoughts from other philosophers, such as: the unique definition of knowledge, the relationship between the subject and object of knowledge and the link between the motion of substance (al-ḥarakah al-jauhariah) with knowledge.

Jurnal THEOLOGIA, 2019
This article aims to carry out an exploration related to the epistemological setting of Mullā Ṣad... more This article aims to carry out an exploration related to the epistemological setting of Mullā Ṣadrā's interpretation. Apart from being known as the main Muslim philosopher as Ibn Sinā, Ṣadrā also describes his mystical-philosophical views in his collection of commentary treatises, Tafsīr al-Qurān al-Karīm. Through this article, the author describes a set of interpretive epistemologies used by Ṣadrā, which can be used as an epistemological offer to bridge several issues of Sufi interpretation (tafsīr al-ishārī), especially in the validity of its disclosure method. In addition to the method of interpretation, there are other unique things contained in this article, such as: mukāshafah as the main foundation of interpretation as it applies generally in the Sufi interpretation (tafsīr al-ishārī), sources of interpretation (maṣādir al-tafsīr) and the style of explanation of the commentary (uslūb al-tafsīr) that Ṣadrā uses. Furthermore, to complete this paper, the author also describe...

Beberapa kriteria penting yang harus diperhatikan oleh mufassir
dalam menentukan makna batin (es... more Beberapa kriteria penting yang harus diperhatikan oleh mufassir
dalam menentukan makna batin (esoterik) Al-Qur’an adalah tidak boleh
bertentangan dengan zhahir teks, hadis-hadis yang mutawatir dan prinsipprinsip
penting agama (dharuriyāt ad-dīn). Begitu ketatnya persyaratan yang
harus dipenuhi dalam tafsir maka tidak sedikit beberapa produk tafsir isyari
(tafsir sufi) dianggap menyimpang dan terjebak dalam tafsir bi al-ra’yī almadzmum
(tafsir tercela). Oleh karenanya, penting dilakukan beberapa kajian
ulang secara mendalam terhadap beragam pendekatan maupun kaidahkaidah
tafsir yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai media penyingkapan maupun
penjelasan makna batin Al-Qur’an.
Pada artikel ini, penulis berusaha memperjelas posisi penting kaidah
al-jaryī wa al-Inṭibāq dalam tafsir Al-Quran, yang sangat mungkin dalam
beberapa hal kurang diperhatikan oleh beberapa pakar tafsir. Bagi penulis,
kaidah ini dapat menjadi penjembatan dalam penentuan validitas makna
batin Al-Quran sebab elemen utama kaidah ini adalah hadis-hadis yang
berelasi dengan konteks nuzūl ayat. Prinsip kerja utama kaidah ini adalah
berusaha menerapkan acuan tertentu yang dimaksudkan oleh ayat Al-Qur’an
kepada beberapa individu berbeda pada zaman dan tempat yang berbeda
dengan konteks nuzul awal ayat. Kaidah ini berupaya untuk menemukan
makna baru dari konsep umum ayat yang diabstraksi dari data hadis yang
berelasi dengan konteks nuzul-nya.

This article will try to explain Ṣadrā’s views and thoughts contained in one of his monumental wo... more This article will try to explain Ṣadrā’s views and thoughts contained in one of his monumental work, Tafsīr al Qur’ān al karīm. The main problem which is the object of this research is Sadra's philosophical views and thoughts in Ṣadrā’s interpretation (tafsīr Q.S. al ’aʿlā). This study is an attempt to explore the benefits of these important aspects of religious sources unearthed from the instructions of Qur'an combined with rational principles of philosophical and mystical experiences (intuitive) of Ṣadrā. This study is important because it is till now emerging groups that debating the importance of philosophy. Some groups consider that the philosophical teachings is foreign things and contrary to the teachings of religion, especially to the Qur'an and sunah of the
prophet; the notion that between philosophy and the Qur'an have a distance that cannot be put together. Of course, such view is contrary to the views of the Muslim philosophers. The Muslim philosophers believe that between philosophy and revelations (divine laws) are not contradictory. In fact, both have a synergistic relation.
Mullā Ṣadrā is one of the philosophers who had considerable attention to the study of
human. His... more Mullā Ṣadrā is one of the philosophers who had considerable attention to the study of
human. His view concerning the human soul and its perfection can be applied as the
basis of Islamic principles of psychology. Under the investigation on his philosophical
writtings as well as his Quranic interpretation, such as Tafsīr al-Qur’ān, we are invited to
understand human nature and its perfection. This article shows Ṣadra’s view about the
value of knowledge as the basis of the achievement of happiness in human being. This
paper also intended to show that knowledge about the reality of the human soul has a
major influence on moral action of an individual.
Mullā Ṣadrā is one of the philosophers who had considerable attention to the study of
human. His... more Mullā Ṣadrā is one of the philosophers who had considerable attention to the study of
human. His view concerning the human soul and its perfection can be applied as the
basis of Islamic principles of psychology. Under the investigation on his philosophical
writtings as well as his Quranic interpretation, such as Tafsīr al-Qur’ān, we are invited to
understand human nature and its perfection. This article shows Ṣadra’s view about the
value of knowledge as the basis of the achievement of happiness in human being. This
paper also intended to show that knowledge about the reality of the human soul has a
major influence on moral action of an individual.

Mulla Ṣadrā is one of the philosophers who provide philosophical views and answers to the princip... more Mulla Ṣadrā is one of the philosophers who provide philosophical views and answers to the principles of eschatology (ma'ād) that have not been answered by the philosophers of his predecessors. He is also known for successfully pouring his philosophical thoughts in his various commentaries on the main religious sources, both those relating to the Qur'an and ḥadīth. In this paper, there are several principles of eschatology of Ṣadrā which the writer will examine as the position of Ṣadrā in regard to post-mortal physical resurrection, the intellectual (intellectual) (intellectual), the role of the Actor (fā'il) and Action ('amal) and the relationship between resurrection (ma'ād) and ethics (Akhlāk). In the eschatology of Ṣadrā, the knowledge of eschatological matters (life akherat) has a major influence on an individual's ethical actions. This paper is also intended to show that Mulla Ṣadrā's ethics as an implication of his eschatological philosophy is synergistic with the main sources of religion; Both the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet.
Tafsir al-Quran Surat al A’lā—yang menjadi pembahasan
dalam buku ini—merupakan sebuah karya tafs... more Tafsir al-Quran Surat al A’lā—yang menjadi pembahasan
dalam buku ini—merupakan sebuah karya tafsir yang sangat
unik. Tafsir ini memuat pendahuluan, tujuh bab, dan satu
paragraf penutup singkat. Setiap bab dalam tafsir ini diberikan
judul dengan tasbīĥ. Setiap tasbīĥ mengkaji kandungan
beberapa ayat.

One of the issues that often arise in the national politics and up to now is still warm is the re... more One of the issues that often arise in the national politics and up to now is still warm is the rejection of non-Muslim leadership in the Muslim community.Responding to this issue, some scholars based on Qur’anic verses concluded that harm for Muslims makes non-Muslim leaders for the Muslim community.Acceptance of non-Muslim leadership is seen as a denial of God’s divine injunction and at the same time a submission to the reign of taghūt. This paper is intended to provide a different picture of thinking about non-Muslim leadership law. In this article, the author focuses on the discussion of the concept of wilāyah in the Qur’an because of the literal understanding of verses related to this concept that is often used as a basis for the prohibition of non-Muslim leadership. This article is an endorsement of the division of the concept of leadership in Islam into two parts as proposed by Muhsin Labib, namely:‘vertical (transcendental) and horizontal’ leadership. ‘A just non-Muslim and not hostile to Muslims’, for the author, may become a leader for Muslim society in the horizontal realm that does not require absolute divine legitimacy, but rather with relative humanitarian legitimacy. This kind of view, for the author, is more relevant to answer the indignation of some Muslim Indonesians living in heterogeneous communities.

Mulla Ṣadrā is one of the philosophers who provide philosophical views and answers to the princip... more Mulla Ṣadrā is one of the philosophers who provide philosophical views and answers to the principles of eschatology (ma'ād) that have not been answered by the philosophers of his predecessors. He is also known for successfully pouring his philosophical thoughts in his various commentaries on the main religious sources, both those relating to the Qur'an and ḥadīth. In this paper, there are several principles of eschatology of Ṣadrā which the writer will examine as the position of Ṣadrā in regard to post-mortal physical resurrection, the intellectual (intellectual) (intellectual), the role of the Actor (fā'il) and Action ('amal) and the relationship between resurrection (ma'ād) and ethics (Akhlāk). In the eschatology of Ṣadrā, the knowledge of eschatological matters (life akherat) has a major influence on an individual's ethical actions. This paper is also intended to show that Mulla Ṣadrā's ethics as an implication of his

This article is a response to the growing radical understanding of religion and the rejection of ... more This article is a response to the growing radical understanding of religion and the rejection of Pancasila as the nation's ideology in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This article is also an offer of thought for the 'Deradicalization of Al-Quran Verses'. Namely, as an effort to reinterpret several verses of the Qur'an which have the potential to be understood by some as the basis for acts of violence or coercion of certain ideologies. In this article, the author uses an esoteric interpretation approach as an analytical knife to explore the content of several verses of the Koran. This paper can also be referred to as thematic interpretation because the author tries to discuss (analyze) the content of the verses of the Qur'an based on a theme, and tries to follow the steps of the thematic method in interpretation. Through this article, the author shows that the caliphate in the Qur'an does not talk about a particular system of government. However, it explains God's law (sunnah ilāhi) regarding the continuity (perpetuity) and destruction of a nation (ummah). In fact, implicitly, these verses explain several moral messages and social responsibilities that must be carried out by mankind (the nation), and show the potential of every human being to become the khalīfah of God, the locus of manifestation of the names (asmā) of God, the balance between Asmā Jamāl and Asmā Jalal.

ook chapter ber ISBN yang sedang dihadapan pembaca ini B merupakan luaran dari Esoterik Annual In... more ook chapter ber ISBN yang sedang dihadapan pembaca ini B merupakan luaran dari Esoterik Annual International Conference (EAIC) 5th dan Call for Paper dari program tahunan yang ke-5 oleh Program Studi Tasawuf dan Psikoterapi Fakultas Ushuluddin Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kudus. Kegiatan tahunan ke 5 yang terselenggara di bulan Agustus 2021 melibatkan para akademisi, peneliti dan mahasiswa yang bergelut pada bidang keilmuwan th Tasawuf dan Psikoterapi. EAIC 5 ini semakin menarik karena menghadirkan pakar dari Marmara University Turki, Prof. Dr. Sulayman Derin dengan tema besar yang diusung "Sufism Today: Heritage, Art and Tradition in The Global Community". Tema yang diusung tahun ini sebenarnya tidak asing dan sudah bertahun-tahun menjadi perbincangan dalam dunia Tasawuf. Tema ini perlu dan masih layak diangkat kembali karena masih relevan terkait persolan manusia saat ini. Selain itu, Tasawuf masih perlu dibumikan lagi untuk menjawab persoalan manusia sehingga Tasawuf dapat berfungsi dan berkontribusi secara lebih nyata dalam kehidupan umat.

This article tries to explain Al-Quran Hermeneutics (takwil) in the perspective of Mullā Ṣadrā. T... more This article tries to explain Al-Quran Hermeneutics (takwil) in the perspective of Mullā Ṣadrā. The core issue discussed in this article is the presentation of three theories that form the basic foundation of Al-Qur'an hermeneutics (takwil) in the Mullā Ṣadrā’s perspective: first, the level of meaning of the Qur'an; second, his view of clear (muḥkām) and vague (mutashābihāt) verses; third, his belief in the harmony between reason and revelation. Another interesting discussion that readers will find when reading this article is an explanation of the unique characteristics of Mullā Ṣadrā's interpretation, as well as Mullā Ṣadra's criticism and moderate attitude towards the various classifications of exegetical methodologies used by the commentators. Meanwhile, in the process of applying the interpretation, he invites us to explore the esoteric meaning (bāṭin) as deeply as possible, without leaving the exoteric meaning (ẓāhir).

This article explores the basics of moderation excavated from the verses of the Qur'an, which can... more This article explores the basics of moderation excavated from the verses of the Qur'an, which can be used as the epistemology of education in Islam. The critical value of this study is the critique of the epistemology of modern Western education, which ignores metaphysics as an approach and study in epistemology. Through this article, the author wants to make a description of the human ontology and its axiology from the perspective of the Qur'an as an epistemological foundation in education. It is urgent to do this because the basics of educational epistemology cannot be separated from the human perspective on ontology and axiology. Through the analysis of the verses of the Qur'an, it is illustrated that humans are created in moderation. The dimensions inherent in the reality of human ontology- such as exoteric-esoteric, physical-spiritual, physical-metaphysical, individual (private)-social aspects- are given serious attention by the Qur'an and placed in their respective positions. Another interesting discussion in this article is a description of the ethical-axiological values of a moderate Al-Qur'an perspective, such as the influence of morality, family, worship and prayer on the development of human physical and spiritual aspects. Regarding the research approach, this article can be called a thematic interpretation study because the author tries to collect the verses of the Qur'an in a specific theme and then examines the interrelationships between these verses to produce a general concept.

Mulla Sadra's cosmological philosophy combined with the Qur'an which is rich in spiritual values ... more Mulla Sadra's cosmological philosophy combined with the Qur'an which is rich in spiritual values can be used as a basis for building a new environmental ethic. Some of the basic principles of Mulla Sadrā's cosmological philosophy include: first, everything that exists, including Allah and His creation, has various hierarchies and strata of existence, which have basic and important similarities. God and His creation have an indivisible unity. Being (creation) is absolutely dependent on its Creator. Second, just as the universe with all its levels is a sign (āyah) for Allah Ta'ala, so is the Qur'an. The universe is a Big Book (Kitab Takwini), while the Qur'an is a Small Book (Kitab Tadwini). Third, as God's most perfect creation, humans have a central position and role in the hierarchy of levels of nature's existence, namely giving meaning to the reality of that existence. As the caliph of Allah, humans must do their best to maintain the balance of nature and interact fairly/correctly with other creatures (majud-majud).

This article is a response to the growing radical understanding of religion and the rejection of ... more This article is a response to the growing radical understanding of religion and the rejection of Pancasila as the nation's ideology in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This article is also an offer of thought for the Deradicalization of Al-Quran Verses. Namely, as an effort to reinterpret several verses of the Qur'an which have the potential to be understood by some as the basis for acts of violence or coercion of certain ideologies. In this article, the author uses the theosophical esoteric interpretation approach such as Haidar Amuli (d. 1385), as an analytical tool to explore the content of several verses of the Qur’an related to jihad. This paper can also be referred to as thematic interpretation because the author tries to discuss (analyze) the content of the verses of the Qur'an based on a theme and tries to follow the steps of the thematic method in interpretation. Through an esoteric approach, in this article, jihad will not only be interpreted as a physical war taking up arms. Jihad has several levels of meaning, such as jihad of ahl shariah, ahl tariqah, and ahl haqiqa. Furthermore, by analyzing the historical context, the jihad verses can be interpreted as a movement for mental revolution and social moral improvement.
Papers by Kerwanto Kerwanto
dalam menentukan makna batin (esoterik) Al-Qur’an adalah tidak boleh
bertentangan dengan zhahir teks, hadis-hadis yang mutawatir dan prinsipprinsip
penting agama (dharuriyāt ad-dīn). Begitu ketatnya persyaratan yang
harus dipenuhi dalam tafsir maka tidak sedikit beberapa produk tafsir isyari
(tafsir sufi) dianggap menyimpang dan terjebak dalam tafsir bi al-ra’yī almadzmum
(tafsir tercela). Oleh karenanya, penting dilakukan beberapa kajian
ulang secara mendalam terhadap beragam pendekatan maupun kaidahkaidah
tafsir yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai media penyingkapan maupun
penjelasan makna batin Al-Qur’an.
Pada artikel ini, penulis berusaha memperjelas posisi penting kaidah
al-jaryī wa al-Inṭibāq dalam tafsir Al-Quran, yang sangat mungkin dalam
beberapa hal kurang diperhatikan oleh beberapa pakar tafsir. Bagi penulis,
kaidah ini dapat menjadi penjembatan dalam penentuan validitas makna
batin Al-Quran sebab elemen utama kaidah ini adalah hadis-hadis yang
berelasi dengan konteks nuzūl ayat. Prinsip kerja utama kaidah ini adalah
berusaha menerapkan acuan tertentu yang dimaksudkan oleh ayat Al-Qur’an
kepada beberapa individu berbeda pada zaman dan tempat yang berbeda
dengan konteks nuzul awal ayat. Kaidah ini berupaya untuk menemukan
makna baru dari konsep umum ayat yang diabstraksi dari data hadis yang
berelasi dengan konteks nuzul-nya.
prophet; the notion that between philosophy and the Qur'an have a distance that cannot be put together. Of course, such view is contrary to the views of the Muslim philosophers. The Muslim philosophers believe that between philosophy and revelations (divine laws) are not contradictory. In fact, both have a synergistic relation.
human. His view concerning the human soul and its perfection can be applied as the
basis of Islamic principles of psychology. Under the investigation on his philosophical
writtings as well as his Quranic interpretation, such as Tafsīr al-Qur’ān, we are invited to
understand human nature and its perfection. This article shows Ṣadra’s view about the
value of knowledge as the basis of the achievement of happiness in human being. This
paper also intended to show that knowledge about the reality of the human soul has a
major influence on moral action of an individual.
human. His view concerning the human soul and its perfection can be applied as the
basis of Islamic principles of psychology. Under the investigation on his philosophical
writtings as well as his Quranic interpretation, such as Tafsīr al-Qur’ān, we are invited to
understand human nature and its perfection. This article shows Ṣadra’s view about the
value of knowledge as the basis of the achievement of happiness in human being. This
paper also intended to show that knowledge about the reality of the human soul has a
major influence on moral action of an individual.
dalam buku ini—merupakan sebuah karya tafsir yang sangat
unik. Tafsir ini memuat pendahuluan, tujuh bab, dan satu
paragraf penutup singkat. Setiap bab dalam tafsir ini diberikan
judul dengan tasbīĥ. Setiap tasbīĥ mengkaji kandungan
beberapa ayat.
dalam menentukan makna batin (esoterik) Al-Qur’an adalah tidak boleh
bertentangan dengan zhahir teks, hadis-hadis yang mutawatir dan prinsipprinsip
penting agama (dharuriyāt ad-dīn). Begitu ketatnya persyaratan yang
harus dipenuhi dalam tafsir maka tidak sedikit beberapa produk tafsir isyari
(tafsir sufi) dianggap menyimpang dan terjebak dalam tafsir bi al-ra’yī almadzmum
(tafsir tercela). Oleh karenanya, penting dilakukan beberapa kajian
ulang secara mendalam terhadap beragam pendekatan maupun kaidahkaidah
tafsir yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai media penyingkapan maupun
penjelasan makna batin Al-Qur’an.
Pada artikel ini, penulis berusaha memperjelas posisi penting kaidah
al-jaryī wa al-Inṭibāq dalam tafsir Al-Quran, yang sangat mungkin dalam
beberapa hal kurang diperhatikan oleh beberapa pakar tafsir. Bagi penulis,
kaidah ini dapat menjadi penjembatan dalam penentuan validitas makna
batin Al-Quran sebab elemen utama kaidah ini adalah hadis-hadis yang
berelasi dengan konteks nuzūl ayat. Prinsip kerja utama kaidah ini adalah
berusaha menerapkan acuan tertentu yang dimaksudkan oleh ayat Al-Qur’an
kepada beberapa individu berbeda pada zaman dan tempat yang berbeda
dengan konteks nuzul awal ayat. Kaidah ini berupaya untuk menemukan
makna baru dari konsep umum ayat yang diabstraksi dari data hadis yang
berelasi dengan konteks nuzul-nya.
prophet; the notion that between philosophy and the Qur'an have a distance that cannot be put together. Of course, such view is contrary to the views of the Muslim philosophers. The Muslim philosophers believe that between philosophy and revelations (divine laws) are not contradictory. In fact, both have a synergistic relation.
human. His view concerning the human soul and its perfection can be applied as the
basis of Islamic principles of psychology. Under the investigation on his philosophical
writtings as well as his Quranic interpretation, such as Tafsīr al-Qur’ān, we are invited to
understand human nature and its perfection. This article shows Ṣadra’s view about the
value of knowledge as the basis of the achievement of happiness in human being. This
paper also intended to show that knowledge about the reality of the human soul has a
major influence on moral action of an individual.
human. His view concerning the human soul and its perfection can be applied as the
basis of Islamic principles of psychology. Under the investigation on his philosophical
writtings as well as his Quranic interpretation, such as Tafsīr al-Qur’ān, we are invited to
understand human nature and its perfection. This article shows Ṣadra’s view about the
value of knowledge as the basis of the achievement of happiness in human being. This
paper also intended to show that knowledge about the reality of the human soul has a
major influence on moral action of an individual.
dalam buku ini—merupakan sebuah karya tafsir yang sangat
unik. Tafsir ini memuat pendahuluan, tujuh bab, dan satu
paragraf penutup singkat. Setiap bab dalam tafsir ini diberikan
judul dengan tasbīĥ. Setiap tasbīĥ mengkaji kandungan
beberapa ayat.