Papers by katarina borisavljevic

Teme, Oct 21, 2019
Процес управљања жалбама купаца у туристичким предузећима значајан је предуслов за унапређење одн... more Процес управљања жалбама купаца у туристичким предузећима значајан је предуслов за унапређење односа са купцима и повећање степена задовољства и лојалности купаца. Предузећа у туризму теже да смање број незадовољних и непрофитабилних купаца. Предмет истраживања у раду је анализа утицаја одређених фактора на склоност купаца ка жалбама у туристичким агенцијама и, самим тим, на њихову лојалност. Циљ истраживања је испитивање да ли и у којој мери социо-демографске карактеристике утичу на одлуку купаца да поднесу жалбе агенцији у случају незадовољства услугом. Посебан акценат у раду је на анализи утицаја одређених релационих фактора (попут нивоа поверења купаца, имиџа агенције и ефикасности процеса управљања жалбама) на склоност купаца ка жалбама и на повећање њиховог задовољства и лојалности према одређеној агенцији. Значај истраживања у раду је и у давању смерница-како туристичким агенцијама тако и другим предузећима у области туризма-за унапређење односа са купцима и унапређење квалитета процеса услуживања путем ефикасног управљања жалбама купаца.

Ekonomski horizonti, 2016
The implementation of information technology in tourism brings numerous advantages for all partic... more The implementation of information technology in tourism brings numerous advantages for all participants in the chain of the tourism off er. Traditional tourist agencies also orient themselves towards online business doing via the Internet. On the other hand, the Internet has an infl uence on the reduction in the mediation role of tourist agencies. The subject ma% er of the research done in this paper is the implementation of the Internet in the business doing of tourist agencies with the aim to improve their marketing performances. The aim of the research is the infl uence of the quality of the Internet off er of tourist agencies on the development of the relationships with buyers and the improvement of the image of tourist agencies operating in The Republic of Serbia. The research results presented in the paper have shown that a higher level of the quality of agencies' Internet off er has a positive infl uence on buyer loyalty, as well as on the image of an agency. The business success of tourist agencies is based on a combined approach of traditional and online business doing.
Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business, Jan 16, 2011
The aim of this paper is to analyze retail development in Serbia under the conditions of globaliz... more The aim of this paper is to analyze retail development in Serbia under the conditions of globalization and internationalization in business. The starting point is in current trends in trade in both EU and transitional countries. Macro environmental factors affecting trade development have been investigated as well as indicators related to the number of trade companies, real turnover, employment rate, etc. On the basis of the indicators outlined, the present state of trade in Serbia has been observed and prospect trends have been pointed out. Some assumptions about future successful development along with the increasing competitiveness of Serbian trade have also been made.

Ekonomika Poljoprivrede (1979), 2020
Commodity exchange has a very long tradition and in a modern business conditions. Serbia ranks am... more Commodity exchange has a very long tradition and in a modern business conditions. Serbia ranks among the world's largest producers of raspberries, exporting more than 90% of total production of this fruit. Considering that Serbia is among global leaders in the export of frozen raspberries and that the process of standardization of the quality and quantity of this type of fruit is relatively simple, the starting hypothesis is that Serbian raspberry can be traded at commodity exchange. The main objective of our research is to analyze the necessary conditions for formation and sustainable functioning of the raspberry commodity exchange, with the emphasis on testing the proposed model of the commodity exchange method of communication between primary raspberry producers (vendors), intermediaries (purchasers, raspberry dealers or exporters of raspberries) and end customers who buy raspberries. We surveyed 100 persons representing the key actors of the Serbian raspberry producers and proposed the model of raspberry trading through commodity exchange.
Ekonomski horizonti, 2013
the development and successful implementation of relationship marketing strategies is impossible ... more the development and successful implementation of relationship marketing strategies is impossible to apply in every enterprise.

Naše Gospodarstvo, Dec 1, 2022
Destination image influences the tourist decision-making process, and their intention to visit, r... more Destination image influences the tourist decision-making process, and their intention to visit, revisit and recommend. Therefore, a positive destination image is considered one of the key destination success factors. Tourists will form the image according to their own or others' experiences and information related to the destination, one option to provide destination information is one of the most effective promotional tools called celebrity endorsement. With the assumption that a positive celebrity image will be transferred to the destination, this study will explore the effect of celebrity endorsement on destination image. The study aims to test the celebrity endorsement effect on destination image through the source attractiveness model, source credibility model, and the Match-up model. Data were collected using the online survey technique, the sample size was 204 respondents. Research hypotheses were tested by regression analysis. Results indicated that celebrity attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise, and match-up impact the destination image. The theoretical contribution is reflected in new information regarding the role of celebrity endorsement in tourism, which is limited in foreign and domestic scientific literature. As a practical contribution, the study provides information that may be useful to tourism service providers in creating a promotional campaign.

Development of corporate social responsibility is not exclusively an interest of development at m... more Development of corporate social responsibility is not exclusively an interest of development at macro level of economy. Developing this concept at the level of companies can greatly increase their competitiveness. The advantages that the companies expect from the development of corporative social responsibility are multiple and related to: increased market value of the company, increased sale, attraction of new consumers, enhanced quality of products, increased satisfaction of customers, motivation of the labor, increased productivity and so on. Long-term improvement of competitiveness cannot be achieved without planned and overall strategy of social responsibility for each company as well as the economy as a whole. This paper will be focused on the concept of social responsibility of companies, that is, on the basic dimensions of this concept as well as on its application in the process of building a socially responsible company. The company must be a socially responsible in an integral way, which implies existence of economic, legal, ethical and ecological responsibility at the same time. The paper will present the positive example from business practice, which do not only point out the necessity of corporate social responsibility existence but also the fact that it is one of the important means in creating competitive advantage. The object of the paper is to analyze the influence of the concept of social responsibility upon competitiveness of companies in Serbia. For this purpose, an opinion poll was conducted concerning evaluation of importance of socially responsible behavior of companies for consumers in Serbia, based on a representative sample as the results presented in the paper will show. Development of the awareness of the necessity for development of corporate responsibility, as an important segment of overall social responsibility, as well as numerous material but immaterial benefits too, can be motivation factors for future behavior of companies in Serbia.
the development and successful implementation of relationship marketing strategies is impossible ... more the development and successful implementation of relationship marketing strategies is impossible to apply in every enterprise.

Concentration in the radio television program distribution market in the Republic of Serbia Rezim... more Concentration in the radio television program distribution market in the Republic of Serbia Rezime: Koncentracija ima vaţnu ulogu u analizi tţišnih struktura i odnosa izmeĊu firmi na trţištima proizvoda i usluga. Ekonomska teorija je razvila brojne metode za merenje stepena koncentracije na trţištu. Osnovni cilj rada je da se utvrdi stepen koncentracije na trţištu distribucije radio televizijskog programa (RTV) u Republici Srbiji koristeći metode koje je ponudila ekonomska teorija. U radu se polazi od hipoteze o visokom stepenu koncentracije ponude na trţištu distribucije RTV programa, koja se dokazuje korišćenjem nauĉnih metoda (racio koncentracije, Hefindal-Hiršmanov indeks, indeks entropije, Lorencova kriva, Horvat indeks). Izvršena analiza daje objektivne indikatore trţišne koncentracije Komisiji za zaštitu konkurencije i sugeriše primenu mera politike konkurencije u brzo rastućim granama kao što je sektor telekomunikacionih usluga. Kljuĉne reĉi: trţište distribucije radio televizijskog programa, koncentracija, oligopoli Abstract: Concentration has a significant role in market structure analysis and relationships among companies in markets of goods and services. Economic theory has developed various methods to measure concentration in the market. The aim of this paper is to determine concentration in the radio and TV broadcasting market in the Republic of Serbia using methods of economic theory. In this paper we begin from the hypothesis of high concentration in supply in the radio and TV broadcasting market and try to prove it by employing scientific methods (Concentration Ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman index, entropy coeficient, Lorenz curve, Horwath index). The analysis offers the objective indicators of market concentration to the Competition Commission and suggests the measures to support the competition policy in fast-growing industries such as telecommunications.

Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy
Destination image influences the tourist decision-making process, and their intention to visit, r... more Destination image influences the tourist decision-making process, and their intention to visit, revisit and recommend. Therefore, a positive destination image is considered one of the key destination success factors. Tourists will form the image according to their own or others’ experiences and information related to the destination, one option to provide destination information is one of the most effective promotional tools called celebrity endorsement. With the assumption that a positive celebrity image will be transferred to the destination, this study will explore the effect of celebrity endorsement on destination image. The study aims to test the celebrity endorsement effect on destination image through the source attractiveness model, source credibility model, and the Match-up model. Data were collected using the online survey technique, the sample size was 204 respondents. Research hypotheses were tested by regression analysis. Results indicated that celebrity attractiveness,...
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2021
For years, sustainable tourism has commanded the attention of academics and practitioners given i... more For years, sustainable tourism has commanded the attention of academics and practitioners given its achievement through participatory planning. However, much research in the area has neglected to c...

Menadzment u hotelijerstvu i turizmu, 2019
Using data from 19 countries of the European Monetary Union (EMU), this paper examines the nature... more Using data from 19 countries of the European Monetary Union (EMU), this paper examines the nature of tourism performance and the ranking of countries according to given parameters in tourism in the period 2012-2017. As tourism cannot be analyzed as an isolated scientific discipline, it is necessary to use a multidimensional and multicriteria approach when studying and researching this field. For this reason, this paper implements a simple methodology for measuring tourism performance in EMU countries using the multicriteria PROMETHEE-GAIA decision model. The paper will, through the analysis of 8 parameters important for the development and evaluation of the tourism industries (number of foreign tourists, number of domestic tourists, quantity of hotel accommodation, cost of living, air pollution, population density, length of railway and number of airports), rank the mentioned countries and provide a deeper analysis of individual parameters. For the entire period of observing and reviewing the performance of the tourism industry, the results of the paper will outline the performance evaluation as well as policy recommendations and conclusions for further consideration and analysis.
Универзитет у Београду, Sep 29, 2016

Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu/Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics and Business, 2021
A concept of relationship marketing in tourism implies creating quality relations among all parti... more A concept of relationship marketing in tourism implies creating quality relations among all participants in the tourist supply chain. Analyzing the assumptions of the development of relations and their impact on the overall performance of companies in tourism is especially important. In this regard, the subject matter of this research is the application of relationship marketing in travel agencies in Serbia and the identification of key factors of loyalty of users of tourist services. This paper aims to investigate the influence of relationship marketing assumptions (such as trust, customer complaint management, investment in internal marketing, implementation of information technology in agencies, business image and tradition of agencies, as well as socio-demographic characteristics of clients) on the choice of travel agency through which clients will travel. The contribution of the paper is in the application of the logistics model in the research of relationship marketing in agen...
Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business, 2011
The aim of this paper is to analyze retail development in Serbia under the conditions of globaliz... more The aim of this paper is to analyze retail development in Serbia under the conditions of globalization and internationalization in business. The starting point is in current trends in trade in both EU and transitional countries. Macro environmental factors affecting trade development have been investigated as well as indicators related to the number of trade companies, real turnover, employment rate, etc. On the basis of the indicators outlined, the present state of trade in Serbia has been observed and prospect trends have been pointed out. Some assumptions about future successful development along with the increasing competitiveness of Serbian trade have also been made.
The object of the paper is to analyze the influence of the concept of social responsibility upon ... more The object of the paper is to analyze the influence of the concept of social responsibility upon competitiveness of companies in Serbia. For this purpose, an opinion poll was conducted concerning evaluation of the importance of socially responsible behavior of companies for consumers in Serbia, based on a representative sample as the results presented in the paper will show.
Papers by katarina borisavljevic