Conference Presentations by kalmamat kulamshaev

Çığlık sessel (akustik) olarak işitilen bir bağırtı anlamına gelse de, "tağdır çırkırayt/ tamir Z... more Çığlık sessel (akustik) olarak işitilen bir bağırtı anlamına gelse de, "tağdır çırkırayt/ tamir Zirkırayt (kader çığlık atar,/ damarlar ؟atlar)" (Рыскулов, 2010) mısralannda görüldüğü gibi, meydana gelmesi, yapısı ve anlamı bakımından ؟ ok boyutlu bir kavramdır. Binada, çığlıkların sadece sessel olarak değil, malzemesi dile dayalı sanat dallan (edebi eserler, şiirler, nesir eserleri, şarkılar, türküler vb) aracılığıyla da atılması söz konusudın. Mesela, Aytmatov'un eserlerinde İnsanlığa telkinde bulunan birçok önemli konu, doğrudan veya dolaylı yoldan, bazen de ؟؛ monologlar halinde dile getirilir. Ayni zamanda insanoğlunun dramı, i؟ dünyâsındaki çığlıklar yer yer enginlere sığmaz, taşarken; bazı dummlarda da insan olma ve insanoğlunun özgürlüğü İ؟ in yapılan mücadeleler sessiz bir haykırış şeklinde karşımıza ؟ ikar. Bu tür haykinşlara, çığlıklara aslında resim ve heykel sanatlarında da rastlamak mümkündür, ancak bunlar ayrı ayn araştırma konulanm oluşturur. Dolayısıyla, bu bildiride, Aymatov'un eserlerindeki çığlık konusuna değinilecektir. Böylece, Aytmatov'un eserlerinin genel bir yapısından hareketle (yer yer eserlerinden verilen somut örneklerin ışığında), çığlık konusu ele alınacak, konuyla ilişkili olarak yapılan, yapılmakta olan ve daha sonra yapılabilecek sosyo-psikolojik vb farklı farklı branşlar arası zeminlerdeki ؟ alışmalar. İçin katkı sağlanacak, öneriler ileri sürülecektir.

It is a fact that the territory from Adriatic through The Great Walls of China are inhabited by
T... more It is a fact that the territory from Adriatic through The Great Walls of China are inhabited by
Turkic speaking people. These communities with their everything belong to Turkish World.
Although the studies on the Turkish World initially were conducted by the western scholars, it
is known that currently different studies about its various aspects have been carried out by the
members of the Turkish World. Certainly, it is a pride to see that from 1990s the researches
in the fields of language, culture, history and etc. continue to be carried out at full steam as in
Turkey, as well as in the Turkish World. Precisely, as Oğuzhan Aydın mentioned in his
writing “The Contribution of TURKSOY to Turkic Communities in its 25th Anniversary”,
these works will make a great contribution to the planning of all the bodies regarding the
subject by showing the big picture of all the works done in every field in Turkish World.
Thus, we can see that the weakness of the studies carried out from 1990s up to nowadays is
that the level of the studies in the field of Natural Language Processing of Turkic languages
and Turkish is at a beginner level. Although different scientific researches are being carried
out on Turkish language by the Computer Engineering Departments of the leading
universities in Turkey, the studies on Turkic Dialects remain narrow. One of the reasons for
this is the lack of the competent researchers on these languages and insufficiency of the
cooperation and joint studies between Modern Turkic Dialects Departments and Computer
Engineering Departments.
In this paper, a brief review of the orphographic and morphotactic analysis of Bashkir in
terms of Oflazer’s Two Level Language Processing, which is a part of the the program I am
currently working on and planning to present as a bigger Bashkir –Turkish Machine
Translation, will be introduced.
A Member of Writers Union of Kyrgyz Republic
Turkolog, translator, poet.
[email protected]
Papers by kalmamat kulamshaev
In this paper we present a two level description of Tatar Language. Tatar is a Turkic language an... more In this paper we present a two level description of Tatar Language. Tatar is a Turkic language and the official language of Tataristan. It is spoken by millions of people mostly in the world. We describe the Tatar orthography using two level rules of Koskenniemi. These orthographic rules governing the phonology of the language during word formation is essential to morphological parsing and generation. We then represent the Tatar morphotactics using finite state machines. The FSMs for nominal and verbal morphotactics describe in detail how the words of the language can be formed. The orthographic rules and morphotactics are implemented in the Dilmac Machine Translation Framework by encoding them in XML files in an language independent way.
Conference Presentations by kalmamat kulamshaev
Turkic speaking people. These communities with their everything belong to Turkish World.
Although the studies on the Turkish World initially were conducted by the western scholars, it
is known that currently different studies about its various aspects have been carried out by the
members of the Turkish World. Certainly, it is a pride to see that from 1990s the researches
in the fields of language, culture, history and etc. continue to be carried out at full steam as in
Turkey, as well as in the Turkish World. Precisely, as Oğuzhan Aydın mentioned in his
writing “The Contribution of TURKSOY to Turkic Communities in its 25th Anniversary”,
these works will make a great contribution to the planning of all the bodies regarding the
subject by showing the big picture of all the works done in every field in Turkish World.
Thus, we can see that the weakness of the studies carried out from 1990s up to nowadays is
that the level of the studies in the field of Natural Language Processing of Turkic languages
and Turkish is at a beginner level. Although different scientific researches are being carried
out on Turkish language by the Computer Engineering Departments of the leading
universities in Turkey, the studies on Turkic Dialects remain narrow. One of the reasons for
this is the lack of the competent researchers on these languages and insufficiency of the
cooperation and joint studies between Modern Turkic Dialects Departments and Computer
Engineering Departments.
In this paper, a brief review of the orphographic and morphotactic analysis of Bashkir in
terms of Oflazer’s Two Level Language Processing, which is a part of the the program I am
currently working on and planning to present as a bigger Bashkir –Turkish Machine
Translation, will be introduced.
A Member of Writers Union of Kyrgyz Republic
Turkolog, translator, poet.
[email protected]
Papers by kalmamat kulamshaev
Turkic speaking people. These communities with their everything belong to Turkish World.
Although the studies on the Turkish World initially were conducted by the western scholars, it
is known that currently different studies about its various aspects have been carried out by the
members of the Turkish World. Certainly, it is a pride to see that from 1990s the researches
in the fields of language, culture, history and etc. continue to be carried out at full steam as in
Turkey, as well as in the Turkish World. Precisely, as Oğuzhan Aydın mentioned in his
writing “The Contribution of TURKSOY to Turkic Communities in its 25th Anniversary”,
these works will make a great contribution to the planning of all the bodies regarding the
subject by showing the big picture of all the works done in every field in Turkish World.
Thus, we can see that the weakness of the studies carried out from 1990s up to nowadays is
that the level of the studies in the field of Natural Language Processing of Turkic languages
and Turkish is at a beginner level. Although different scientific researches are being carried
out on Turkish language by the Computer Engineering Departments of the leading
universities in Turkey, the studies on Turkic Dialects remain narrow. One of the reasons for
this is the lack of the competent researchers on these languages and insufficiency of the
cooperation and joint studies between Modern Turkic Dialects Departments and Computer
Engineering Departments.
In this paper, a brief review of the orphographic and morphotactic analysis of Bashkir in
terms of Oflazer’s Two Level Language Processing, which is a part of the the program I am
currently working on and planning to present as a bigger Bashkir –Turkish Machine
Translation, will be introduced.
A Member of Writers Union of Kyrgyz Republic
Turkolog, translator, poet.
[email protected]