Papers by jacques theureau
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, 2009
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, 2005
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, 2008
Available at INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : RP 14353 / INIST-CNRS - In... more Available at INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : RP 14353 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc
Entre connaissance et organisation : l'activité collective, 2005

Recherches qualitatives, 2011
Dans cet article, nous présentons un développement technologique constituant une aide à l'analyse... more Dans cet article, nous présentons un développement technologique constituant une aide à l'analyse de l'activité humaine. La conception de cette aide est tenue par les présupposés du programme de recherche du « cours d'action » et à ce titre contribue à l'observatoire du « cours d'action ». Il s'agit d'un ensemble de macros en Visual Basic pour le logiciel Microsoft Excel, présenté sous forme d'un Addin nommé SIDE-CAR et proposé en accès libre. Cet outil permet notamment : a) de visionner/écouter une séquence d'un enregistrement en fonction d'indications temporelles figurant dans un tableau, b) d'éviter un découpage physique des enregistrements audiovisuels, c) d'analyser l'activité en procédant par rétrodiction et d) de documenter les inférences nécessaires à cette analyse ainsi que l'identification progressive de régularités dans les données. Ce développement technologique est une alternative à divers logiciels (par exemple Transana) dans la mesure où il permet de visualiser en un seul tableau tous les aspects pris en compte dans une analyse de l'activité par rétrodiction.
This paper both presents a framework for analyzing situated emotions and describes the evolution ... more This paper both presents a framework for analyzing situated emotions and describes the evolution of two teachers' emotions during their first classroom experiences. Based on Peirce's three categories of experience (1931-1935), we categorized teachers' emotions into affective states, sentiments and emotions-types. The principal results show (a) the emotional flow during ordinary teaching situations, (b) the emergence of contradictory emotions related to phenomena of emotional hysteresis between the affective states and sentiments, (c) the typical character of their emotions related to dependence on the lesson plan and the need to maintain student activity, and (d) the importance of typicalization of emotions in learning to teach.
Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, 2003
Theureau Jacques. L'entretien d'autoconfrontation comme composante d'un programme de ... more Theureau Jacques. L'entretien d'autoconfrontation comme composante d'un programme de recherche empirique et technologique. In: Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, n°34, 2003. Expertise et sport de haut niveau. pp. 81-86

Von Cranach introduced the self confrontation method in relation with a theory of a theoretical o... more Von Cranach introduced the self confrontation method in relation with a theory of a theoretical object for the study of human activity, the goal directed action theory (Von Cranach et coll.,1982). Other authors developed self confrontation methods as empirical data collecting methods, but less about human activity than about self image (Nielsen, 1964), which led some of them to use the term "autoscopy" (Linard et Prax, 1984). It is this relation of Von Cranach self confrontation method with a theory of human activity which paved the way to its gradual transformation from 1983 to nowadays in relation with the research programme known under the label "course of action" (Theureau, 1992). In a research study at a given moment, the components of the actualization of this research programme belong to the following structure, that of hexadic sign, which is its main theoretical notion (Theureau, 2000) :

Cette etude participe au projet PROSPER « Integration des conditions limites d'utilisation de... more Cette etude participe au projet PROSPER « Integration des conditions limites d'utilisation des equipements de travail, pour la prevention des risques associes, dans la conception des systemes de production » associant plusieurs equipes de recherche en ingenierie, ergonomie et psychologie ergonomique. Notre etude porte sur la prevention des risques de la conception a l'exploitation par modelisation cognitive des activites de travail. Notre methodologie consiste a realiser une analyse ergonomique des activites de travail, en termes d'analyse des cours d'action et de leur articulation collective, puis a s'interesser au fonctionnement du systeme technique et aux tâches prescrites. Il s'agit de « voir » la situation a travers l'experience que construit l'acteur a chaque instant, avant de prendre de la distance relativement a elle, afin d'expliquer l'activite, puis d'evaluer son adequation en termes de securite. La nature meme de l'activite ...
Jacques Theureau Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universite de Technologie de Comp... more Jacques Theureau Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, Compiegne, France : [email protected]) Genevieve Filippi, Genevieve Saliou Electricite De France / Recherche & Developpement / Etudes de Surete & de Fiabilite / Groupe Facteurs Humains, Clamart, France : [email protected], [email protected] Pierre Vermersch Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France : [email protected]

O programa de pesquisa "cognicao distribuida", iniciado por Edwin Hutchins, contribuiu ... more O programa de pesquisa "cognicao distribuida", iniciado por Edwin Hutchins, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento do programa de pesquisa "curso de acao" de 1987 ate aos dias atuais. Edwin Hutchins reconheceu recentemente a proximidade das suas ultimas investigacoes, realizadas em termos de cognicao corporificada e distribuida, com aquela regida pelo paradigma da enacao, cuja investigacao e desenvolvida no âmbito deste programa de investigacao " curso de acao”. Coloca-se agora a questao da definicao de um “programa de pesquisa de “curso de acao” ampliado”, que, em relacao a este paradigma de atuacao, por um lado, aprofunda e sistematiza as contribuicoes anteriores deste programa de pesquisa de “cognicao distribuida” para o programa de pesquisa de “curso de acao”, e, por outro lado, integra novas contribuicoes deste ultimo. Tal sistematizacao, superacao e renovacao das contribuicoes para o programa de pesquisa do "curso de acao" podem basear-se na mutua...
The development of the course-of-action research program has included both the creation of method... more The development of the course-of-action research program has included both the creation of methods of data construction and the transformation of methods belonging to other research programs. Several aspects of the resulting methodology are still original today. The methods of self-confrontation and re-enactment through material traces of the activity are central. Each of these two methods is developed along two ways, one aiming at the controlled expression of actors’pre-reflective consciousness, the other aiming at both actors’participation in the analysis of their own activity and the pursuit with less control of the expression of actors’pre-reflective consciousness. The article presents the resulting four methods along with the ontological hypotheses and the epistemological hypotheses and principles which command their creation and their development.
This paper both presents a framework for analyzing situated emotions and describes the evolution ... more This paper both presents a framework for analyzing situated emotions and describes the evolution of two teachers' emotions during their first classroom experiences. Based on Peirce's three categories of experience (1931-1935), we categorized teachers' emotions into affective states, sentiments and emotions-types. The principal results show (a) the emotional flow during ordinary teaching situations, (b) the emergence of contradictory emotions related to phenomena of emotional hysteresis between the affective states and sentiments, (c) the typical character of their emotions related to dependence on the lesson plan and the need to maintain student activity, and (d) the importance of typicalization of emotions in learning to teach.

Through interviews that simulate the composer's work habits and supported by his various vest... more Through interviews that simulate the composer's work habits and supported by his various vestiges (drafts, plans, computer patches, etc.), the authors reconstruct, in detail, the steps and techniques employed in the composition Voi(rex) (2002) by Philippe Leroux. This article presents a complete analysis of the fourth movement based on the initial formal idea: the progressive mortising of "blocs gigogne" separated by brief transitions. This idea, noted in the form of a diagram, have numerous musical implications for the composer that are not explicit in his working papers. Some of these implications emerge during each stage of the composition, others transform, others abandoned. Analyzing how the composer understands each step of his composition process, we are able to explain each of the implications and their interactions with other elements that are at play in the fourth movement of Voi(rex). This analysis defines the idea, plan, and structure of the movement within...
Papers by jacques theureau