Papers by jose celedonio nuñez paz
Euphrosyne, 1998
... Observaciones sobre la edición del "Liber divinorum operum" de Hildegarde d... more ... Observaciones sobre la edición del "Liber divinorum operum" de Hildegarde de Bingen. Autores:José Carlos Santos Paz; Localización: Evphrosyne: Revista de filología clássica, ISSN 0870-0133, Nº 26, 1998 , págs. 487-493. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...

Nomadas, 2004
La complejidad creciente de la sociedad y la tecnología nos muestran un escenario multimediático ... more La complejidad creciente de la sociedad y la tecnología nos muestran un escenario multimediático donde objetos, lógicas y narrativas han comenzado a converger y generar grandes interrogantes para la investigación social. ¿Qué converge hoy?, ¿medios?, ¿formatos?, ¿audiencias?, ¿de qué manera todo a la vez? En este artículo nos aproximaremos a algunas de las reflexiones centrales que surgen en el estudio sobre la convergencia entre Internet y televisión realizado con un equipo del IESCO-UC (antiguo DIUC) y que adelantamos con apoyo de la Comisión Nacional de Televisión de Colombia, dentro de su convocatoria nacional sobre estudios en televisión. La investigación, exploratoria y cualitativa, se realizó con los principales canales y productores de televisión que operan en el país. Palabras clave: televisión, Internet, convergencia, nuevas tecnologías. The increasing complexity of society and technology show us a multimedia stage where objects, logics and narratives have begun to converge and generate important questions for social research. What is converging today: Media? Formats? Audiencies? How does everything converge at the same time? this paper is an approach to some central reflections arising in a research about convergence between Internet and Television, performed by a IESCO-UC (before DIUC) team, with the support of The Colombian National Television Committee, within its national convocation to research about television.
Jornadas Juridicas Sobre Libertad Religiosa En Espana 2008 Isbn 978 84 7787 102 6 Pags 265 312, 2008
Administraciones Publicas Y Constitucion Reflexiones Sobre El Xx Aniversario De La Constitucion Espanola De 1978 1998 Isbn 84 7088 684 3 Pags 267 278, 1998
Laicidad Y Libertades Escritos Juridicos, 2000
Educacion Y Libertad 2012 Isbn 978 84 15 45464 9 Pags 69 80, 2012
Comentarios a La Constitucion Europea Vol 2 2004 Isbn 8484562352 Pags 335 358, 2004

Razon Y Palabra, 2007
Este estudio se ha planteado con un enfoque cualitativo, de carácter interpretativo. Hemos buscad... more Este estudio se ha planteado con un enfoque cualitativo, de carácter interpretativo. Hemos buscado comprender los procesos de creación de televisión y su relación con el uso de tecnologías (tecnoculturas) como Internet, atendiendo para ello a la forma como los actores, los escenarios y los objetos que entran en juego se constituyen como un espacio de significado, o lo que en el estudio hemos denominado una representación. La pregunta de investigación significa justo una indagación sobre el signficado de una compleja práctica social de construcción de significados colectivos. Un representar que define un quehacer televisivo. La población del estudio fueron personas con diferentes roles en el proceso de producción de tv1. Los canales de televisión participantes fueron los más grandes y consolidados del país. Los resultados que se presentan en este artículo están concentrados en uno de los aspectos centrales de la investigación: las representaciones de internet en el hacer televisión y las representaciones de televisión con el uso de internet. Se desatacan la forma como internet representa un universo de disponibilidades, de datos listos para usar, al tiempo que la televisión se representa como un objeto construido en una dinámica de la brevedad, del placer de representar lo que quieren las audiencias. En el particular escenario de los periodistas es evidente como el peso de la abundancia de información de la red, de la necesidad de "totalizar" el mundo en un discurso breve, da pie a una estética del fragmento, a la búsqueda de la instantaneidad del dato y al efecto visual que "seduce" a las audiencias. La investigación fue financiada por una beca de la Comisión Nacional de Televisión de Colombia, CNTV, y realizada por el IESCO-Universidad Central2. El estudio completo ha sido publicado por la CNTV bajo el título: "Hábitats Digitales en la Convergencia Mediática".
Nacionalismo En Europa Nacionalismo En Galicia La Religion Como Elemento Impulsor De La Ideologia Nacionalista Simposio Internacional Celebrado En Pazo De Marinan a Coruna 4 6 Septiembre 1997 1998 Isbn 84 89694 60 5 Pags 23 56, 1998

Ii Jornadas De Inicio a La Investigacion De Estudiantes De La Facultad De Biologia, Nov 18, 2013
Water is an essential natural resource for the development of human activity, especially limiting... more Water is an essential natural resource for the development of human activity, especially limiting for irrigated agriculture in regions where water scarcity is a critical issue, as is the case of the Mediterranean basins. Scarcity confers the condition of economic good to water, which can be allocated to multiple uses. The Water Framework Directive calls for the implementation of economic instruments and tools to achieve an efficient allocation of water that allows satisfying both human needs and ecological requirements of water bodies. The aim of this paper is to estimate the economic value of water supply outages in the agricultural sector of the Segura river basin. Water supply outages are defined here as the difference between water and real availability demanded. The methodology is based on (i) the estimation of water demand curves obtained from the system modeling of irrigated crops in the basin, through linear mathematical programming, and on (ii) the modeling of the flow network of the basin by a Decision Support System that optimizes the satisfaction of the water demands under different scenarios of resource availability. The results show that the water supply failures in the agricultural sector will widen over time, with a greater economic impact on intensive agricultural areas of the coast. Finally, this work highlights the importance of the Tajo-Segura transfer, whose annual economic contribution is about 253 million euros in terms of direct gross margin.

Ii Jornadas De Inicio a La Investigacion De Estudiantes De La Facultad De Biologia, Nov 18, 2013
Ecological rehabilitation actions are aimed at improving the status of ecosystems, and increase t... more Ecological rehabilitation actions are aimed at improving the status of ecosystems, and increase the welfare of the population. The feasibility of these actions can be evaluated by comparing such increase in welfare with the costs of actions within a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA). This work assesses the economic viability of the ecological rehabilitation of the Segura River passing through the city of Murcia. This action consists in the restoration of the riverbed, riverbanks and the increase of the river flow (pumping from downstream). The total costs of this rehabilitation are 46 M€. On the other hand, the environmental benefits of such action are obtained by a contingent valuation exercise that determines a global environmental income of 3.4 M€ per year. It is decomposed at 0.6 M€ per year as use and 2.8 M€ per year as non-use value. These costs and benefits are compared over time using three CBA approaches: economic CBA, extended CBA and dual CBA. The first one, which does not take into account the environmental benefits, points out that the project is not profitable. However, once included the environmental value in the extended and dual CBA, the project is highly profitable in socioeconomic terms (IRR = 11.3%, TAC = 12.1%). Therefore, this work reveals the importance of the environmental benefits in order to justify the investments in this sort of actions due to the improvements in landscape and ecological quality.

Fuel, 2015
ABSTRACT In this work, it is proposed the one-voltammogram simultaneous determination of methanol... more ABSTRACT In this work, it is proposed the one-voltammogram simultaneous determination of methanol and ethanol in hydrated ethyl alcohol fuel (HEAF) samples by cyclic voltammetry and multivariate calibration. To perform the determination, different multivariate calibration approaches were tested namely partial least-squares regression (PLS) and multivariate linear regression (MLR). To minimize collinearity problems in MLR, three variable selection algorithms were evaluated: the successive projections algorithm (SPA), the stepwise (SW) formulation, and the genetic algorithm (GA). Variable selection could also provide an improvement in prediction results when compared to full-voltammogram PLS. In this sense, genetic algorithm PLS (GA-PLS), interval PLS (iPLS), and synergy interval PLS (siPLS) were evaluated. An excellent analytical performance was obtained for both alcohols (RMSEP < 0.8% w.w−1) with GA-MLR performed on data transformed by standard normal variate (SNV). The developed method presented a wide linear working range for both alcohols and a LOD = 0.9% w.w−1 for methanol sufficient to assess the adulteration of HEAF samples in accordance to Brazilian regulatory agency. The proposed method is simple (with no sample pre-treatment), accurate, rapid, presents low-cost, and can be conducted at distribution sites using a portable potentiostat.

European Journal of Biochemistry, 2001
The effects of histamine on polyamine uptake and metabolism was studied in a mouse mast cell line... more The effects of histamine on polyamine uptake and metabolism was studied in a mouse mast cell line (C57.1), as a cell model in which both biogenic amines are important for maintaining cell function and viability. Results obtained after incubations with exogenous histamine indicated that histamine prevents polyamine accumulation by affecting polyamine uptake. A plasma membrane transport system for polyamines has been also studied in mast cells. It seems to be a Na 1-dependent uptake with high affinity for both spermine and spermidine and lower affinity for putrescine and agmatine. Polyamine uptake was reduced in both cells treated with exogenous histamine and histamine-preloaded cells. However, ornithine decarboxylase activity and cell proliferation were not affected by histamine. Incubation with histamine enhanced the spermidine/spermine acetyl transferase induction caused by N 1-ethyl-N 11-[(cyclopropyl)methyl]-4,8-diazaundecane, suggesting that polyamine acetylation could be another mechanism by which histamine prevents polyamine accumulation in C57.1 mast cells.
... Información General. Autores: José Carlos Santos Paz; Editores: Universidade da Coruña; Año d... more ... Información General. Autores: José Carlos Santos Paz; Editores: Universidade da Coruña; Año de publicación: 2000; País: España; Idioma: Español; ISBN : 84-95322-70-6. Otros catálogos. Bibliotecas Universitarias en las que se encuentra ( REBIUN ). Fundación Dialnet. ...
De cultura, lenguas y tradiciones: II Simposio …, 2007
Fito-zooterapia antigua y altomedieval: textos y …, 2009

Oncology Reports, 2006
Histamine is involved in different physiological and pathological responses, such as immune respo... more Histamine is involved in different physiological and pathological responses, such as immune response, gastric acid secretion or neurotransmission, as either angiogenesis or cancer. Histidine decarboxylase (HDC) catalyzes the formation of histamine from histidine. HDC has been suggested as a new marker for neuroendocrine differentiation, inflammatory pathologies and several leukemia and highly malignant forms of cancer, such as melanoma and small cell lung carcinoma. In the present work, we describe the use of Syber Green-based quantitative real-time RT-PCR to determine the expression of histidine decarboxylase in human cells and tissue. As an internal control, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase was also amplified. The linear dynamic range of the assay covered 4 orders of magnitude for HDC amplification. The detection limit was 0.1 ng of total RNA extracted from HMC-1 cells. This method is simple, rapid, sensitive, and quantitative, and allows for the specific identification of cells and tissue expressing HDC, stressing its potential diagnostic usefulness in malignancies in which HDC is described as a new marker.

Journal of Plant Physiology, 2013
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis can alleviate salt stress in plants. However the intimate m... more Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis can alleviate salt stress in plants. However the intimate mechanisms involved, as well as the effect of salinity on the production of signalling molecules associated to the host plant-AM fungus interaction remains largely unknown. In the present work, we have investigated the effects of salinity on lettuce plant performance and production of strigolactones, and assessed its influence on mycorrhizal root colonization. Three different salt concentrations were applied to mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, and their effects, over time, analyzed. Plant biomass, stomatal conductance, efficiency of photosystem II, as well as ABA content and strigolactone production were assessed. The expression of ABA biosynthesis genes was also analyzed. AM plants showed improved growth rates and a better performance of physiological parameters such as stomatal conductance and efficiency of photosystem II than non-mycorrhizal plants under salt stress since very early stages - 3 weeks - of plant colonization. Moreover, ABA levels were lower in those plants, suggesting that they were less stressed than non-colonized plants. On the other hand, we show that both AM symbiosis and salinity influence strigolactone production, although in a different way in AM and non-AM plants. The results suggest that AM symbiosis alleviates salt stress by altering the hormonal profiles and affecting plant physiology in the host plant. Moreover, a correlation between strigolactone production, ABA content, AM root colonization and salinity level is shown. We propose here that under these unfavourable conditions, plants increase strigolactone production in order to promote symbiosis establishment to cope with salt stress.
Papers by jose celedonio nuñez paz